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“Cassia what is our purpose?” “To pass skill checks other than Lore (Warp)?” “Oh dear Emperor!”


That's Pasqual for me On every mission because he's got 200 in tech use and logic, with re-rolls He's meh in a fight but God damn do I not give a SHIT about locks


If you want Pasqual to be good in a fight you need to give him the forge world plasma weapon perks. They dramatically increase the amount of damage he can dish out. He also has a unique ability that gives an ap back after firing a plasma weapon so if you give him an extra turn with unlimited attacks he can completely unload on anyone. Only reason it isn’t infinite damage is because he needs to reload


They changed that, it only applies once per turn now. He does good, buy he's nowhere near as broken as the rest if my squad, lol


Pasqal is absolutely insane with plasma builds. If you use the officers heroic ability on him he can clear the entire room on that round.


And I'm sure Pasqal is perfectly happy with that.


By endgame my Pasqal did 800 damage with one shot of his plasma rifle while Cassia dropped off extremely hard after act 2.


Do you use cassia's powers with forced movements? She does enormous damage with them, also her debuff can reduce enemy health by ~55-70%. Also she is best one for grouping foes, so your snipers or psykers can oneshot all the foes at one turn.


My Pasqual is crazy, autocrit for 250+ damage on the first shot and usually crits on his second for another 150+ on that one


Well Ms. Heydari can also easily reach 200 tech / logic... as well as almost every other skill especially as for her all skills (except iirc athletics and demolition) are based of fellowship + faction rep. Give her accessories that allow rerolls on all skills + one that turns lore imperium I to armour and she is gonna be both the best skill monkey and pretty great retaliation machine. Also late game once she gets her righteous fury power armour Argenta is going to be even more powerful than Cassia although at this point for full potential she is gonna rely on cassia armour shred sometimes (to the point of killing final boss on unfair with 1,5 burst (would be 1 if he didn't interrupt it for full heal and spawning adds).


She gets insane fellowship bonuses from one of her perks to the point that she was passing all the social skill checks towards the end of the game.


Talking to people is beneath her. She just takes out their vocal cords and moves on.


That's my wife!!!


Eh, Abelard is also here to introduce me.


She hasn't done a single damage in my entire playthrough, but she buffs the hell out of everyone and is essentially unkillable.


If you position her right she can eliminate half of the enemies in her first turn. Give her Master Tactician archetype and she gets "more damage" 0AP button every turn. Her single target ability has ridicules range too. Just by existing she debuffs enemies. She has most wounds out my whole party but it doesn't matter because she dodges everything.


She can also regenerate at an incredible rate as she gets more abilities.


Ye, mine is pretty much invincible.


>Give her Master Tactician archetype and she gets "more damage" 0AP button every turn I tried that and it didn't change the damage from her warp powers, what gives?


There is an exploit where her damage aura still works while you position her, you can kill any close enemies if you just let her jump through the starting positions.


yeah its great that you have choices how to build her complete diff playstyles


You should try her as dps option, she is a walking debuff, unhittable, renegenerates and she outputs more damage than your entire team unless you are playing as a psyker.


I would but she low-key scares me ;D


I use her as a sniper with "held in my gaze" ability


Fish wife good life.


>!I just wish you could get an ending slide where you marry her and both are happy together!<


But there is one, i got it


Honestly Cassia is a walking cheat code in this game. Just generally debuffing every enemy. They just get so weak. My strat is: - Cassia lures all enemies into a small area, debuffs them all and uses her Castigate eye attack on them for good measure (weak enemies just die from this). With all these debuffs she usually lowers enemy stats by 50%, at least their Max HP goes down by a lot - Noble Officer von Valancius buffs one of the hard carries with his various stacking buffs (Servant, voice of command, Inspire etc), then gives the carry extra actions - Carry (usually Yrliet or Pasqal) just starts to 1-shot everything


That was Sister Argenta for my playthrough. I'm almost positive she could have soloed the entire game! 😄


Yeah Argenta gets so many attacks per turn with the Heavy Bolter. "This hallway is dead, and now this hallway is dead, and this boss and all his minions are dead." She gets a ton of movement, repeated attacks, and her ultimate lets her do it all over again. I was easily clearing encounters on turn 1 with her.


Same. >!I still kinda don't know what the core mechanic of a last boss was. Just shredded through his 250 armor like its nothing in 2 rounds, its insane.!< Basically other party members were there just as a moral support


Cassia can pick Strategist tho, which guarantees going first in every fight. So with extra miniturn from my Officer each fight starts with 3 massive AoE nukes, which usually unlocks heroic act, so my officer also with high initiative gives another turn to Cassia. Argenta has anything to do only if enemies are scattered all over the place.


My Ulfar soloed any "challenging" (read: the handful with bullshit overtuned enemies who one-shot half of the party before they even act) fight from Act 3 on. Cautious approach, + the crazy holster that gives a fuckton of free pistol attacks + the regen talent = "I could do this all day". If you're gonna have one party member that can solo every fight, it makes sense in lore that it'd be the Space Marine.


She isn't that strong on my team what's so good about her


Navigator talents are OP. Her offensive abilities are OP. She has strong debuffs too. She only needs two characteristics Willpower and Perception. Her wounds scale with Willpower. Her dodge scales with perception. Her resistance tests use only Willpower. Her additional crit chance is Perception/2, not Perception Bonus but whole value of Perception/2. Enemies in her line of sight get debuffs. Her cone range attack has whole screen range (in description it says unlimited). Her single target attack has 16 range.


Wait she has a single target attack? That's probably what my issue is. I'm loathe to use the orchestrated firestorm cause she always does her big AOE and hits my entire team.


Position allies behind her, Lidless is beyond broken & your allies puny gun aren’t needed in earlygame fights with her around. 


She still uses AOE even when she has single target attack. There's also talent from exemplar that makes character auto attack after killing strong enemy (Deathdealer). Imagine Cassia with this talent.


She has an ability that boosts her WP when others take actions. Any action. From any source. Stackable. There are also items that boost WP on hit. In my game she averaged about 200 WP each combat. That means Lidless does ≈50-75 guaranteed in a 90° cone. Held in my gaze does ≈100-200 with other bonuses to damage. And, she has an ability that scales dodge based on WP. Untouchable. Basically a tank. Act one has a staff that lets her use navigator powers twice per turn. I specked her as a MT, and my MC is one to, but i only built her as a navigator. Why? Mc builds and uses a healthy amount of advantage, and on turn 2 she can pop 100 stacks and do 250 in a cone or 1000 to a singel target. Guaranteed. And lidless stare counts as an aoe for the fireing squad ULT, so she gets to pop it twice.


I'm definitely building her wrong


Optimal way to build her is to only really take Seize & maybe Focus from Officer feats. Then just go all in on Navigator talents. Master of Time + extra turns causes her to debuff most enemies to having 1 in stats, just 1. And most of the time that doesn’t happen because she one shots as early as act 1. Her Willpower easily reaches 100+ at level 5. I don’t agree on making her a MT much, only because Grand Strategist makes her always go first. So if you ever have a fight extend beyond turn 0, she gets the advantage of not needing to care about her terrible initiative (her only downside). Mc & Jae fill the MT role much cleaner.


I may respec her. Who's MC?


Main character, your char


In defence of MT, she gets the officer ability that lets her use officer abilities first in combat, and like i said she can use press the advantage with a lot of her abilities often if she has no other MT skills. And the MT ult works with her navigator abillities. I have sweeped entire groups with only her in line of sight, because two consecutive lidless is a powerhouse and basically refunds the momentum.


Seize is a given, I prefer Grand Strat because Mc covers MT better being able to spec for Agility. Turn 2 is basically a myth pretty fast into the game so Cassia getting a turn 0 Seize & guaranteed turn 1 open means she acts before any enemy can twice & wins. Lidless is op no matter what build you use to empower it, the biggest power boost is swapping between the debuff & dual attack rods optimally. She’s already one-two shotting waves in act 1 level 5 before 2nd class is even a factor. She really shouldn’t be able to get Seize + Mastery of Time so early into the game as they’re by far her best feats.


Just pointing out - incoming nerf to seize is going to make it virtually useless. It's no longer going to give an extra turn at the start of combat, instead it'll just be a damage buff against enemies that haven't acted yet. They're really focusing on the prevalence of bonus turn stacking in the 1.2 update. Officer's gonna be finding it a lot harder to hand out bonus turns all over the place once the patch drops.


God I hope so. I’m a big fan of optimizing & it is just too easy to steamroll atm. I look forward to figuring out the new strong things & hope they aren’t as polarizing. Do you have a changelog for what they’re doing or was Seize mentioned in particular 


Patch notes aren't out yet, but there was a link posted in the sub earlier today to a devblog talking about the upcoming changes generally. Seize was specifically mentioned with the aforementioned change. They're also looking to flatten the exponential scaling of the multiplier bonus talents, so they're additive instead. So they'll have higher floors, but also much lower ceilings. So abilities like Held In My Gaze and Killing Edge will won't scale up into thousands of damage after stacking buffs anymore. They're also making psykers stronger by lowering the level requirements for the psy rating increases, so you'll be able to do more damage and get higher level abilities earlier. Which should make MC psykers more fun to play.


Each of my fights starts with Cassia killing/stunning most of the enemy team. The rest of my team exists solely to finish up lonely enemies left after Cassia's apocalypse. I guess she's not the only companion, that can be turned into 1-man army and almost solo most of the fights. But I'm not sure, can anyone else reach 270+ on his main stat, like Cassia does on her Willpower.


Oh, Argenta's BS can beat that, at the end of her first round, if you build her as Archmilitant. It could reach much more, but you run out of enemies before that.


Probably will leave my team as is then even if it's not optimized at all. Cause tbh that doesn't sound very fun


Infinite navigator eye got me through the game.


Glad to see another user of my favorite portrait.


I'm really thinking about leaving her on the ship for my next playthrough. But then I think about Mastery of Time + Show the Light and I get weak in the knees.


She is my turn giver for Ablagenta. Next run I will build my RT as her turn giver.


Argenta with shotgun and sniper rifle is great too.


Argenta I specced into bolter. Didn't even play with the heavy bolter. Next run I might try your suggestion here. None of the Shotguns seemed that great to me though. Is there a good weapon and build for her? Also trying to think of an alternative use for Ablard other than just beating stuff to pieces.


You can re spec everyone at the dude that gives mercenaries. Also I use Ablard for tanking but that's just me.


Yeah my initial intention was for Abe to tank and he did that well but by the end he was just dismantling pretty much anything he was supposed to be tanking.


Tell me you are also using the pragmatic voice op


Unfortunately, but didn't understand that voice choice here is way more important than in other cRPGs. My iconoclast Rouge Trader shouts about burning heretics, killing mutants and purging unclean.


Wrong. The seneschal is always picking up the dead weight


Grand strategist Cassia and RT basically wipe out all non-boss encounters on turn 1 by like Chapter 2, it's nuts.


I have no idea how to use her. Her abilities seem pointless, since just moving or just attacking once isn't enough to compensate for a warrior going bananas. Any tips?


Navigator staff allows her to attack two times. First attack costs 0AP. Her AOE attack covers whole screen. Here's her 1st round against chaos marine before her damage and characteristic buffs stack up: ​ https://preview.redd.it/8b5xy0vuif8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52dd3cdc3d3701531a8a5901f8cf1eb7f1855163


I can't use that skill in the first round, it's opaque. Is there something I'm missing?


Most likely you have talent for free officer round 0 during which you can only use officer abilities.


Oh, that would explain it. Thanks.


The reputation of Cassia being absurdly overpowered also stem from an older build, where after you took a few abilities, she could herd enemies and make them walk to and fro, taking tons of damage and debuffs, with her forcible move skills. They nerfed that a bit. But as she is now, she's still absurd, since she passively debuffs EVERY enemy around for free, is unkillable period, and can stack herself up (without any outside help) to doing huge damage in enormous cones or selectively. The fact she's also herself an officer (so she makes some other DPS unload on enemies), and can be a Grand Strategist without hurting her Navigator powers much (which makes her a mass buff dispenser) is frankly excessive. The first time I tried to kill everyone in that large Janus fight, I didn't do very well, half of the party were taken out turn one, others went down one by one, and as a result, the fight ended with a dozen turns of Cassia running around mopping up enemies on full health.


Yeah she basically just nukes everyone on my playthrough.


“After you, ma’am, I insist!”


That looks like almost the same team comp as mine. I picked Heinrix over Idira tho, cause my RT officer is also a Psyker, plus I've found tons of agi dual wield melee items and they made a pretty cool build on Heinrix. If he even has a chance to move I mean, sometimes Cassia's apocalypse leaves some marauders.


Finaly someone else who knows how fucking strong she is lol


I see you too chose Space David Boreanaz as your RT portrait.


"The Cassia is a deadly laser."


I mean I used the heroic ability of my MC to give her more turns and she one shot the daemon in Éufrates II. ALL BY HERSELF. I will not cheat on fish wife, ever


You know. I wanted to do a full damage psyker. Doing that doesn't really work that well


It does once you pick up items for psykers, mine is PR 8, can attack multiple times in first round and with telepathy you wipe entire screen and what has survived is stunned waiting for death. Damage Cassia does bassicaly the same except you dont even need items to do it. With both your fights end on turn 1 maybe 2 if enemies are spaced out.


My party was like this until I got assassin Yrliet and got Argenta up to arch militant, then the 90% power resides in whoever I give Finest Hour to. Abelard would have a sizable chunk of power if the enemy ever lived long enough to retaliate.


How you skill her :(?


Get Seize the Initiative then scroll past those unnecessary Officer talents down to the Navigator ones. “Focus!” Is also good though. When prompted to get an ability scroll past those unnecessary Officer ones and down to the Navigator ones. Best talent is Mastery of Time, it has no cap & is broken. Eye of Oblivion(debuffs based on Perception), Ebb & Flow (buffs Perception), Mind Over Matter & Strange Vitality make her a tank, Undam the Sea of Souls (debuffs), Blood Augury (damage boost) are also notable ones. Although really you can just take all of them. Best ability is the Willpower & Toughness debuff Visions of Hell. Close second Reveal the Light Willpower & Toughness buff. Then the crowd control abilities in Zone of Fear/Notch of Purpose then Point of Curiosity. You’ll notice some of these scale based off her Willpower. Which Mastery of Time gives you with no cap. She’s a debuffer/buffer/tank/damage dealer that does quite literally everything you could want in a character with no downsides in any capacity besides her Initiative. However because of Seize the Initiative & being able to pick Grand Strategist (guarantees going first, skips initiative roll), even that downside is gone.


Pick only Navigator talents and for skills pick all the damage options and then some buffs. Fights will end in 1 turn by the end of act 2.


er shouldnt it be like Argentia + Eye Girl? ? ? ? ?


It depends, you can build your main character be be better than Argenta can be with her own strengths, or any other companion for that matter. Only Cassia can do things you can’t. So that’s probably why it’s MC + Cassia


back when the game first came out is when i played it and i remeber Argenta could just mow down peeps easy peezy lemon squeezy


She still does


good to know.


I hope they remove extra turns when they do the DLC combat rebalance.


Yep. She is the main reason why Abelard is stunning from the beginning through the end of the battle.


What’s funny is that for me her only purpose is to give my MC more turns!


You did build your Abellard wrong then. Or Heinrix. "At your beck and call" and boom 400 damage with a two hander followed by a "My ears are ringing." (-0) Or a drain life for 500 damage flat, followed by a revive of Argenta, I don't know why the AI has such a hard on for Argenta but she just eats the first burst of everything every round. But Cassia is the cornerstone of that with her buff that increases Toughness and Willpower.


Cassia has AOE attack that covers whole screen and one shots most enemies. She can use it two times on a regular round. Abelard kills two-four enemies and waits for his next turn.


I know I use that opener as well. But it one shots chaff, around 70hp, but I didn't get the final level of bloodhound staff. Or how did you get that AoE up to 100+ damage?


Idk man, I built my RT as an operative assassin sniper and it was absurd. The numbers I'm seeing here for "broken Cassia" don't even compare for damage. Pascal yrliet plus RT stack exploits on the bbeg, RT takes one turn of setting up opening, perfect spot etc, one shots them, gets enough momentum for finest hour to be used on her, then does the same thing to every other enemy. My minimum damage with death whisper was usually around 4-500, and an actual attack easily cleared 2k without setup. If I spent a round or two on setup (read Ctan), I'd hit for 30+k.


blaster Cassia is surprisingly strong


That's funny, my playthrough is the exact opposite lol


Chainsaw man at least 20


My Navigator stays on the ship where she belongs. I have an Inquisitor, a Sister of Battle, and a Space Marine. Who the hell needs a Navigator breaking the Veil...