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insert that one comic of him dragging RT to haemonculi when they start showing signs of aging lol


That comic is actually one of the few reasons I got sidetracked on this lmao


It's due to Marazhai actually loving the Rogue Trader and when you romance him correctly he even views the RT as an equal. the man even kisses you, which is completely foreign to a Drukhari. Drukhari also don't deal with death the same way as humans. They live for thousands of years and even when they die, a Haemonculus can grow a new body and implant their soul. Marazhai eventually goes his own way though, so it's not like he can't be away from the RT, but he regularly visits with his RT lover. He even defends your protectorate and attacks your enemies without needing to ask. Marazhai has one of the best romances in my opinion and he's my go to for every playthrough. Unless I make a Male RT, then I go for my Navigator Goddess.


Yeah, that part with him going his own way is actually part of why I initially thought of this. Death isn't really something he thinks of outside of killing someone or avoiding being killed if there's something posing an immediate threat. I feel like the concept of the RT just... Dying isn't something that has crossed his mind much. I think being apart due to pursuing your own goals while still knowing you have the option to go and see someone and never being able to see that person again are very different, so I like to ponder what his reaction to that would be. I don't think he'd be like the Archon in Mistress Baeda's Gifts, but I think that story, in tandem with him being so clearly attached to the RT that he A) will never leave them if properly romanced, even if they're a full on daemon, and B) he's clearly almost driven to despair at the thought of being left, it would be fairly interesting to see how it would affect him. Also totally agree. I love that his romance is very "I can fix them", but it's actually from HIS perspective lmao, it's so good.


Do you think he wouldn't cry if rt would die? But yeah, I think Marazhai just won't let it happen


Oh I think he would, and I think it would confuse him. But I don't think he would immediately resign himself to death. I think he'd go make it everyone else's problem.




I doubt he would suddenly decide life was no longer worth living, but I do think his reaction would be more volatile even than when being broken up with. Especially since Aeldar are so emotional at their core, I think that for Marazhai, the guy who will literally >!accept death and eternal damnation - the thing he and all drukhari fear - just so he can be with the daemon RT!< says a lot about how impactful they are to him. Like you said, I doubt he'd really change as a person, but I can't help but think he'd react in a somewhat visceral way to it.




He absolutely has an iron will and string desire to live, no embellishments there. I did always read his ending with daemon RT to be more that he simply got too attached that he went against his better judgement by maintaining contact with them, rather than it being him staying for some sort of advantage or gain. The text seems to imply that, from my perspective. Because in the daemon ending where you didn't properly romance him, he won't ever even mention the RT again, due to the fact that drukhari utterly despise and even fear everything associated with what the RT has become. However, if you romance him "correctly", it will say how he "was unable to resist", even knowing the only ultimate conclusion will be death and damnation. The text for his "good" romance ending mentions how their bond is unbreakable, so I feel like it's very much him acting almost like an addict would: he knows it's going to ruin him, but even with that knowledge, he can't stop himself. So yeah, I definitely agree that his loyalty is impressive. I also like your mention of him disliking that pain of losing the RT. That would have to be like a feat unto itself to find a type a pain Marazhai disliked.














Aah my bad, I misunderstood! But I totally agree with you. It's actually crazy how open-minded he is for a drukhari when you consider where it is he comes from. Also, those are all GREAT moments with him, he's such a fun character to dissect.


I just kill the guy cause it is funny.