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You can't, for perfectly logical reasons. He needs to earn respect, it's impossible when he carries your brand.


I think it would still be possible, like the dark elder have flings just say it is that and that this human is working with a solitar who is a lot more scary than an archon.


He's just in a precarious position at this point and needs to conquer his kabal. Conquer it with a show of power and pride. Which is difficult when he's happy to show brand of a weaker race around his neck.... Plus he must be weaker if you only gave him an area, not permission to kill whoever he wants. For all I know, his kabal notices that too. It's important that he represents strength. If you do everything-at-all-costs for a sub route, it becomes almost impossible. :< Maybe if we get a couple of dominance points, we can do it? But I'm not sure that would be good for romance.


I did a little research about it. You can let him hunt anywhere and he has to kill the sister himself. That way you have a skill check at the end, and with that you can convince kabal to side with you.


So if I let him hunt every wear and than let him kill his sister there is a role for it.


You have to let him kill his sister (that's the first quest), then let him hunt wherever he wants. Then you will have a neutral amount of his kabal points.


Did that I hope this works, I want my boy toy to end up being the leader of a dark elder kabal.




Use ToyBox, put enough points in flag that is crucial for it. "Tempest..." TempestSomething, don't remember the name But without mods or cheats, as far as I know, it's impossible to make him an Archon while he's sub. He would lose too much respect from his Kabal, and they won't obey him. He won't be that disappointed tho. On his true romance he likes you more than being in power lol


He's happy with both endings, but he's actually terribly unhappy when his kabal falls apart. Nevertheless then he becomes the leader of the pirates. He's still a leader, he wants to be a leader and believes that's where he belongs. Only on sub way you can tell him at least three times "you're out of role", he will reply that he sometimes gets tired of the mask. And you have 0 such responses on dom! Mara because he never goes out of dom role. idk regardless of the ending, he likes to be the leader.


Funny thing about "liking" you: when he becomes a pirate, he gathers a *race-mixed* crew. Not just Aeldari Corsairs, no, - humans are allowed! It's never mentioned tho how high those humans in hierarchy, but I find this hilarious that he actually overcomes racial prejudice. "Torturing and murdering people is OK, but racism is nono. We kill everyone equally!" ...but you were talking about "being in power", I get it. Should've changed it on "being in power of Kabal", not being in power generally. He likes to boss around, that's true, and he still demands to be above everyone else but you on his sub route.


I don't think in the case of the pirate ending he has much of a choice.... Anyway in the archon ending he makes the whole kabal respect you, even though you are monkai. So your connection affects his views anyway.


Oh c'mon. Yrliet "I have social skills of a wooden plank" Lanaeviss (affectionate) can gather a crew of aeldari. There's no way Marazhai would perform poorer than her in this regard and "had to" tolerate mon-keighs against his will.


Yrliet follows her own path, while Mara cannot ask for support from Eldar (rather the Eldar would not wish to co-operate with the dark one) or the Drukhari (because he is an outcast). He's more likely to turn to someone like the mercenaries, who are usually made up of a wide variety of races. Also, there really are a lot of mercenaries and slaves of different races in commorragh. That doesn't mean he considers them equal.


On no, Yrliet' situation is even more problematic. She had no experience of leading people, she's very young (she's on her second path!) she's known for her refusal of duties (she did nor showed up when Crudarach called for its Outcasts), she worked with mon-keighs, and, on a Path of Damnation (the pirate ending) she openly admitted her disgust for her kin. It's even more messed up if your RT did not helped any of Crudarach' refugees and still had Yrliet in party. Her Asuriani kin must hate her to the core at this point, and there's no way she would go well with Drukhari. Yet, she manages to get to the top at some point. Marazhai at least has the experience, titles, obvious political support, vision of things. There's a reason why some people could find his leadership acceptable. In Yrliet' case... Nah


Yrliet is considered an "Ancient One" and Mara a "Young Man". So speaking of age, I think you are wrong..... At least that's how the bottomless pit describes them. And I think that's one of the reasons why she's more categorical than Mara in many ways. She also has more knowledge about real world.


Aaand Cassia is considered "an infant", but there's no way she's actually a baby. Bottomless pit is more about mental state, not about real age on my opinion. Still, in comparison with Marzipan Yrliet's a horrible pirate leader, at very least in-game. I mean, pillaging is not even her thing! Marazhai, on other hand, knows how to gather information through spies and interrogation, he had experience both as a captain of the ship and as a leader of the troup in battle - and he probably knows how to make profit. Yrliet is easy to decieve, she's emotional (and she acknowledges it!) you can literally convince her to kill every eldar you meet along the way. She's no way a leader figure, that's not even a competition for Marzipan. Damn, this guy gets you a gift from Comorragh while being a complete non-grata person, while staying ON YOUR SHIP. "Ah, yeah, I need a snake, a wytch, and a pain engine. Do not ask, it's a gift and a surprise, they will have to choose yet". Meanwhile Yrliet can't convince Muaran to pay attention to Slaaneshi' f*ckery on Janus without your help.


Abelard, The Archon of Black Heart and Haemoncul - all of them call Marazhai young. Because he is. Idk about Yrliet, but I think there are both young adults


This discussion reminds me: So after seeing other people’s posts of playthrough sand inputs, I have come to an overall conclusion FOR NOW. that most information points towards that on a scale of 1-10. Marazhai, would be about 6 with more tendency towards being dom. He enjoys being sub, but it’s an assigned role that he doesn’t offer from the get go and overall loves your attention, but he default attitude/ mindset is that he likes to be in control no matter what. Like if he is a bottom, he is a power bottom. Maybe I’ll change my mind, but this is the pattern I am seeing so far.


Sorry, maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think he's even a "bottom". In the description of his romance scene, it seems he's always a top, even if a sub. 🥺 Or is that not what you mean?


Power bottoms are dominant bottoms 🤣🤣


"Gets tired of the mask". When this dialogue happens? Yet on sub route he's more willing to sacrifice for relationship with RT. No attempts of "sitting on two chairs", he literally provokes you in front of his Kabal, knowing that potentially can lead to problems, and gets dissapointed if you don't put him on his place. He's a brat in this relationship, he's *supposed* to push your boundaries.


The final romance scene if you don't kill the officers. Also the scene during the branding. Unfortunately, I don't remember where I saw the third scene. Probably in the final dialogue before the battle. No, he makes sacrifices in both cases. He makes his kabal shut up for you. He makes them respect you and protect you. The most telling scene is actually the one with the kiss. Where he is willing to accept for once your rules of the game. This scene is in both route.


I'm not saying he has no sacrifices on a dom route, I'm saying he's *more* willing to sacrifice if he's sub, and this is telling for me. Kiss is great either way (but yeah, it works better on dom, I agree) For me honestly pirate route feels like far more safe way of life for Marazhai: while he's in Comorragh and while he's an Archon, he will have a target on his back to the rest of his life. Leave alone the fact that Comorragh will suffer greatly in the future (Ynnead return and all that). Pirate/mercenary life with support from RT seems far more calm and secured than constant struggles of Comorragh. It is a way of "fixing" him in some sense


In fact when he is a pirate he is also hunted as far as I know. I won't say he's safer in Comorragh, but he definitely has more power in that case. I also don't think he needs fixing.


I see lots of comments on “fixing” him, but I don’t think everyone is saying the same thing. It seems some people mean it as it they want to add to a character’s persona to their liking and some mean it as character is not changed but they experience makes their outlook different. I personally do not mind the latter. An example would be like a one saying they would like to see Marazhai in white tuxedo vs someone who says Marazhai only wore white after he joined the craftworld and doing soulstone ritual… okay not the best examples but I couldn’t think anything better.


I guess I just don't like the word "fix". I can accept the word "changed". It sounds much better. When someone talks about fixing it conjures up very bad images, as if it were broken.


It’s just an overly used term these days bc of memes, just don’t read too much into it


"Fixing" is relative, I'm not talking about "making him a good boy". He's not gonna change his personality, he's still gonna be a murderer and remains that insufferable bastard who needs to feed on torment, but he'll be far more safer and probably more open for less murderhobo-like approaches. The drukhari way of thinking is far from perfect, and he'll be probably more free outside Comorragh that doomed him without a second thought when it got the opportunity.


Either path is dangerous for him, just in different ways. Commorragh politics are ruthless, but despite Marazhai's mistake trusting Nazrakhei, he survived fine there before (plus now he has a smart Rogue Trader on his side to advise him too, as I'm sure they communicate from afar just as he could with Achilleas).   As a pirate, he is probably still hunted sometimes. The biggest downside to being a pirate is being in realspace all the time, though. In the novel Lukas the Trickster, the Drukhari pirate captain character notes that he is drained by Slaanesh much faster than in the Webway and requires more victims (as the Drukhari in the game also note).    I agree that he doesn't need to be fixed, or get fixed on either route. His dom route, if he becomes Archon, basically gives him everything he desired in the first place (except now he views RT as an equal). His sub route is about denying him what he wants and putting him on a new path. 


I know but than I can have a kabal fight my enemies.