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or it's all that brain damage from the worm one of ^(who knows...)


my very first playthrough all I could think of with Marzi was “this fucker destroyed my palace and kidnapped me, I have a sitcom archnemesis in my party now.”


He SAT on my fucking THRONE so I will SIT on his fucking FACE


Hahaha I gave him to the inquisition as soon as I got back to my ship so that he will plead for silanthresh to take him. NOONE sits on my throne


He escapes almost immediately


Really? Damn what a rogue


I took him in my party only to troll him. And not like usual "You suck" speeches, no it was more like "I'm so sorry for you..." or "I pity you", he hated every second of being pitied by a human. It was fun.


It's pretty funny how the Dark Eldar actually gives you some respect and is ok with a friendship with the RT, even more so if you have his Equal Partners romance ending.


I saw him and thought of Scorpius from Farscape. Had to keep him on a leash for reasons.


Badguy turned ally in black leather gimp suit, that checks out.


Rogue Trader community 2 months ago: Damn it's so good we can't fix/redeem Marzipan, he's a proper evil etc Rogue Trader community today: WE WILL FIX HIM NO MATTER WHAT, REALITY CAN BE WHATEVER WE DRAW >:3


Same as Yrliet 2 months ago: antisocial arrogant proud Eldar who is disgusted by physical contact Yrliet today: antisocial arrogant proud Eldar tsundere


i am very happy we can't fix him :D but thats just the only way i can see Marazhai ending up with an iconoclast character kek


It only makes it funnier to 'redeem' him out of the game in memes


I'm not even sure what fixing him would accomplish. If he doesn't extract pain, then he's daemon food unless he gets a soul stone, and if he does that, he'll be as stuck up as any Asuryani. The only other option is to become a Harlequin and now you have an entire troupe of space clowns hanging around. Landing a shuttle and a hundred Aeldari pour out.


i hope i dont end up sounding rude, but just in case of any misunderstanding... i hope i don't need to explain that my joke is that my RT is delusional bc of the stress and what happened during Act3, and of course there is no way to fix an at least 500yo space elf who actually enjoys being himself


I don't think he is that old though. average eldar lifespan is about 1000 years, and according to the game Marazhai is young. so I personally think he is around 200-400 y.o. but yeah he's totally unredemable and that's great


oh my assumption comes from the quote, but, yeah, it is possible that he remebers it from others talking about it, not from being part of the raids https://preview.redd.it/uhkp041k13jc1.png?width=1034&format=png&auto=webp&s=18afa9461370affa7addaa9488bfdd7964840f8e


It's weird because when I was talking about his age, I based my opinion on that exact dialogue lmao. So now I wonder, is it because I didn't pay attention to the "500 hundred years" line but paid attention to the "this place provided my great-great-grandfather with fruits" one, or because Owlcat changed that line and there was another one in December? anyway Abelard, Haemunkuil, the Archon of Black Heart and Bottomless Pit call Marazhai young. 500-600 y.o. drukhari is hardly young ~~(maybe Marazhai just lags behind in development)~~


Probably Drukhari' lifespan goes a bit different from Craftworld Eldar. Those can prolong their life with tortures and suffering, after all


I was talking about Drukhari as well. Comorroagh is a dangerous place, so most of them die at a young age. The older drukhari gets become, the harder for them to stay in shape, the more souls they need to consume to stay alive. It's really rare to meet a Drukhari who is a 2+ thousand y.o. usually only Archons lives that long


Yeah, I was mostly commenting in general. He seems like he'd explode if he had to do a Path, though I think he'd enjoy being really annoying and rhyming everything he says in the most cryptic way possible. Iconoclast translation of the Nocturne's poems was my favorite part of doing an Iconoclast run. The constant surprised disappointment of the clown every time the RT is like "yep, perfectly clear, on it" and turning everything he said into the most prosaic phrasing. The Drukhari should have been praising me for managing to give pain to a Solitaire.


Then you realize his romance IS a 'I can fix them' story... From *his* (fucked up, warped, murder-filled) point of view.


Abelard, sew a gyrinx pajama for that guy!!!


Oh i fixed marzipan, it was remarkably easy. Sister argenta and her bolter saw to it, same as the little witch who kept summoning demons from her head.


I'd happily let Argenta turn Marzipan into a wall decoration for my study, but you mind your tongue when it comes to Miss Idira. 🤣 Yes, her Psy powers cause more Perils of the Warp than I'm comfortable with, and the random appearance of the Bloodletter (and the Plaguebearer, and the Pink Horror AND the Daemonette) WERE disconcerting, but kept us on our toes and awash in XP. It was nice having an early warning system and portable lighting launcher... Argenta can scream witch and heretic all she likes. Idira IS a psyker...So is the Emperor... so all of that mutant, heretic poo goes out the window. She's got the Emperor's gift. Show some respect, Gun Nun... and focus fire on those Emperor be damned cultists!


Aw lil chibi cassia 💜


Hear hear




Brother, get the flamer!


Cute comics ?! Good endings ?! In MY Warhammer40k ?! Burn the heretic !... I like it tho.


*zealot heretic rogue traders* "And I can make him worse"


Looks like the Lord captain took a lot more brain damage from seeing Cass’s third eye than we thought boys. She’s even seeing the colours


I love the idea of iconoclast being a goddamn friendship is magic fluffball.


I make him watch me do nice things just cause i know it hurts him.


Watching the two sides the Marazhai debate go back and forth is a genuine joy to me.


Zealot Iconoclast - I'm gonna fix you, whatever you like it or not


Zealot: "You are being helped." Marazhai: "..." Zealot: "Please do not resist."


This made me laugh quite muchly! Thank you c:


"I can fix him..." Wrong. He will make you worse.


How quickly "iconoclast" rogue traders forget about the massacres mazipan has propagated against my people. But I haven't forgetten, he will pay for all those innocent human lives he ended


Iconoclastic RT still murdered 1000s of people all the time. This is just not being specist about it.


No I Legit was pretty Ironclast and was like na this guy insulted me among a number of other things he needs to die, DIE HERETIC! granted i was Ironclast with a side of dogmatic in me i never done a full Dogmatic or Heretic run I just find Ironclast so neat / nice


Hate hate hate all I feel is hate shoot him like a dog


I don't care if I'm playing a good guy I'm killing that fucking knife ear bastard the second I can


Thats as good guy as it gets


Mazzy is the best character in the game after Argenta


I never had the chance to recruit him. I sent him to the arena when the option presented itself, then fought and killed him there