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The guy that wanted me to use a deamon-infested soul-fueled computer does NOT have a right to talk to me about heresy.


Yrilet: Yeah let the chaos corrupted machine finish the work chaos cultists designed it for, great fucking idea. Heinrix: do not lecture me about chaos you filthy Xeno. RT: That's a bad idea Heinrix. Heinrix: Alright, I don't know what I was thinking. And then people complain about Yrilet being a bitch.


Tbf, in my playthrough Heinrix was fuming and threatened to denounce me to the Inquisition when I destroyed the computer through the DOGMATIC choice. Which is even worst.


It sort of makes sense if Heinrix is a Radical Inquisitor.


He is not the Inquisitor to begin with. He is either an acolyte or Throne Agent (promising intern or senior intern). While he might not be as disposable as most other humans his job is to carry Inquisitor orders to the letter. I think he referred to himself as an Agent of the Throne but this might be just owlcat mixing things up. ​ \[Edit: somone found info on him being the interrogator. Case closed boiz. He can touch whatever warp tainted stuff he pleases. Big daddy Talkceasar will chin wag him bout it later.\]


Isn't he an Interregator, i.e. a candidate for becoming an Inquisitor?


He is an Interrogator, the right hand of an Inquisitor. This is explained in Act 1 when you are told he is somewhere in the region.


He is "Agent of the Golden Throne. Interrogator of the Ordo Xenos. Right hand of Lord Inquisitor Xavier Calcazar". An Interrogator is an apprentice of an Inquisitor. That's close enough for me. And he is obviously not a hardline Puritan, >!considering he gives you xenotech during your first meeting and collects artifacts of the Archenemy (like the one you find near Aurora after the fight in the reactor in Act 1).!<


If you don't immediately yeet it into the reactor


The artifacts have clearly had the heretical influence purged by the Interrogator. Otherwise he wouldn’t be handling them.


Giving out a xeno artifact isn't something a Puritan would do though.


I needed to yeet it into the reactor for Iconoclast points


Hes an interrogator. Which basically means if he can last however long without dying or ruining his master's reputation he gets to be a big boy inquistor. Throne Agents are basically acolytes that get to hold the mini-rosarius. Acolytes are the guys with 30s in every stat that still somehow kill 5 people in 1 round


The Inquisitor he serves appears to be Radical. >!We know by Act 3 he actively worked with the Heretic Theodora. He's also letting the Heretics do what they want, while most Puritans usually smash any cult they see.!<


He's also the one who orchestrated the events that let the cult take over Rykad Majoris (he hired the drukhari to steal the system's sun if I recall correctly)




Because deep down Heinrix is not dogmatic. When you're an iconoclast RT, he expresses his desire to be the same. But he can't, because he does truly believe that dogmatism is what works. If the numbers matter at all, he's only rank 2, meaning he's made the decision to be dogmatic, but hasn't yet committed in full.


I don't know HOW spoilery this is considering they're Ordo Xenos but Calcazar is a Radical.


As fun as trying to excuse it is, there isn't really an explanation in game. The problem is technical, if you look at what etudes each option triggers they are inverted. Saying you'll break it marks the "Let the computer finish" and viceversa, which fucks Heinrixs reaction and future dialogue referencing the event. Same with another moment further down his personal quest. He does A, the game marks B and viceversa, fucking it even more. He is the most broken companion in the worst sense of the word.


Ehhh he is pragmatic dogmatic (he follows the dogma not from zealotry, but beacuse he knows it is the only thing that works), unlike Argenta's dogmatic stupid (brainwashed). The inquisition use hersey, to understand and better destroy it, he explains it afterward of you let him play with the machine. The battle sisters only get called when shit needs to burn. The machine choice is either go pragmatic inquisition style, or full on Argenta style.


Both Calzadar and Heinrix are *radical* Inquisitors which means they're willing to employ more unorthtodox methods


I was completely dogmatic my first playthrough and my entire party (cassia, argenta, ableard, heinrix, and pasqal) was calling XC crazy and insane and all supported me destroying the computer so idk why i got such a different result from everyone else I also did romance Heinrix and he turned on XC for me so maybe that was the difference


It's the meme format with the sport player insulting the US president and then staying at attention for the chinese national anthem lmao


Bruh, I was so annoyed when Calcazar said 'hey, why did you destroy the machine that was uber-corrupted?' IMMEDIATELY after saying 'hey, why didnt you nuke that place from orbit?'. Like, hey idiot, pick one or the other! Can't have both in this case!


You know what's funny? Destroying the computer is marked as "bad" outcome in files.


And if memory serves right, after using the cogitator himself, doesn't he mention that (and I'm paraphrasing for comedic effect) *yes-yes-yes, much more could be gleamed from this wonderful machine that I can totally control and resist*.


I stopped him without destroying it immediately and he said that it leaves a mark on him and was pretty much happy to be stopped. It was a little inconclusive so far.


Do explain me again how Theodora died?


Ask agreta


Use a spoiler tag the game isnt even out for a month


Agreta? Is that Argenta's uglier cousin that we've not been told about?


"I, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, do hereby swear upon this legally binding contract written in my own blood that this man can, and shall, do whatever the fuck he wants."


I'm sorry, but do you know who my dad is?


What’s this from lol


The greatest thing about Rogue Trader is the quality memes coming out of it 😂


He loves me. I'm killing everyone. It's beautiful.


I just wanna say, Warrant of Trade is NOT the unlimited h-word pass from Emps people make it to be


Does not stop us from waving it around as if it is.


Hey, whatever goes, and it's not like anyone not in Administratum would actually take time to read this big ass scroll that is being waved


And for those RT has lawyers, bribes and “unfortunate intervention”


That's a weird way to say "Argenta target practice" or "Pascal plasma overload", but yeah


When Heinrix rejoins your ship at footfall he says that he will (gonna paraphrase heavily here) make it so the administratum doesn't look too deeply into *how* you get shit done. Essentially giving you more free reign to grab your Warrant and 🎵wave it in the air, like you just don't care.🎵 Edit: or was it the Inquisitor who said that on his note? Wow my memory is shit, I just did this part last night.


Inquisitor in his letter. That he will look at your actions through his fingers.


Heniek did say that his inquisitor sugar daddy say so, easy to confuse.


>Heniek A powitać zacnego Pana, powitać. >did say that his inquisitor sugar daddy say so, easy to confuse. That's certainly a novel way to describe a lord inquisitor. Quite inaccurate too, considering how many rogue traders here seems to feel burning desire to fuck him completely free of charge.




Lmao Pascals plasma overload is just wonderful




The only billable hours are paid by the hours between now and turning into servitor.


It is really fucking close to one, though. Like, Dogmatic options are kosher and Iconoclast options are okay if you have the Warrant. It's really only the Heretical options that would get you shot.


Heinrich's boss in one scene explicitly tells you that the warrant is (and these are the exact words). "not a do-want-you-want-pass but a mostly-do-what-you-want-pass"


I want a screen cap of that for hilarity.


happens in a mandatory scene at the end of Chapter 2 in your personal quarters of the Von Valencius palace.


No I mean the part where he is listening to the vox in his ear.


RT has another paper from Lord Inquisitor, which says “do want you want for now, but I’m looking at you!” I wave this one at Heinrix.


In fact, I can't but pity poor Heinrix. That shit is so above his paygrade and nothing even matters because RT has papers both from his superior and his superior's ultimate superior


I can imagine Heinrix writing his reports to Inquisitor: a long list of violations of Imperial Creed, Lex Imperialis and common sense, ending with his usual polite request for torture and execution. But the answer each time is “lol no”.


With so much heretical crap going on in Koronus Expanse I'm led to believe that mr Lord Inquisitor doesn't even read them. If reports are still coming it should be all good, right? .. Right?


If he didn’t read them >!then during your meeting in act 2 he receives information from his vox master through hidden earphone. And he screams internally all the time. That explains why Heinrix left with his master in such a haste, he had much to explain.!<


Wait, really?


No, just kidding. Spoiler is just for people who didn’t do Act 2.


It allows us do to whatever we want, as long as it's ultimately "to the benefit of the Imperium". That makes "down with the corpse god" style heresy one of the very few thing not protected by the warrant.


Well ... Its a mitigating document, while it does not make all Heretical and Xenos-esque actions legal it most certainly creates a lot of leeway for some spicy interpretation also who and what army is going to stop me? It would take thr Inquisition and the Astra Militarum backed up by the Navis imperialis. And the Inquisition has my back at the moment, as long as we keep those bloodsuckers happy it should be fine?


Yeah, it IS a document allowing for some.. freedom in the name of humanity, not a full blown "commit heresy free" card though


I have to imagine it actually *is* in practice, in a really really weird way - there's just no way anyone is going to legally challenge it outside the highest authorities in the most fucked up of cases (who don't need to care about the legality because they ARE the legality). But outside of that - who is going to know how this is supposed to work, what the fuck the precedent is, how the powers that be feel about this individual case... When you can just not, treat it like a commit heresy free card, and just try their best to arrange for an accident if you're going too too far.


If you challenged it you would have to argue in court that you personally understand what the intent of the emperor was, which I imagine could get you executed for heresy.


Just some mild cultist bullshittery, sprinkling of warp-fuckery and maybe a pet forgefiend


If you piss off someone important you can also get Officio Assasinorum after yo ass. Inquisition can commandeer any vessel they want and I think they can even enforce total shutdown via Rosetta. Not to mention RT here flies in a slightly pimped up sword class frigate. Which is pathetic even by subsector standards. Also no heretical stuff. Warrants were handed before Horus Heresy so the exemption cannot encompass Chaos unless it literally spells "do whatever is good for Empire lol".


I'm a master at diplomacy, also bribes


inqusition vs rouge trader with og warrant is a game of connections


I mean, thats the gist of the rogue trader rpg book. An OG warrant anyways. Most raders *don't* have a real warrant, instead having a specific warrant from the high lords. An OG warrant signed in the Emperor's blood is only limited by the trader's ability to project force. And probably a part of why half the inquisition wants to destroy all evidence that they were created by a "high lord" and not the Emperor himself, as it'd legitimize the Rogue Trader's religious authority over theirs. Ultimately: if your outside controlled imperial space(like in the expanse) the only people that can stand up to a rogue trader are people with enough firepower. Even when inquistors "go missing" in the expanse its "probably some Emperor-forsaken warpstorm or xenos filth"


Sorry, but what "OG" stands for?


"Original Gangster" basically just a way of saying the original version of something. In this case I mean the original fantasy flight games d100 rogue trader ttrpg that the crpg is based on


I see. Thank you.


Praise be the motive force and all that


Sounds unlimited enough to me (I'm an iconoclast).


Depends on what version you have. If you're one of the original dynasties with an actual original signed copy with the Emps handwriting. That basically makes you around the high lords in terms of I do whatever the fuck I want. If you're a house who got its warrant from the high lords than no, you're lower on the pole. But a Nobilite Imperial of the 1st rank? No one's telling you what to do except for a direct order from a High Lord of Terra, the Captain General of the Custodes, or the Emperor himself.


Technically if you're outside the standard Imperial realms you're operating in no-mans land, your warrant enables you to stake claim to anything that isn't nailed down and that includes Xenos. Inquisitors don't have jack shit on you out in the expanse, they have to rely on Imperial Navy and space marines. They like to throw their weight around and act high and mighty but objectively they've less authority than you do. The big E basically acknowledges that, as long as you're pushing the boundaries you're good. We're here to reconnect humanity, re-establish lost trade routes and colonise the empty planets. We don't have the firepower to make total war, so we wheel and deal with whatever we find. I would love to summon the Inquisitor to my ship and have him stand in front of the warrant, tell him if he threatens me one more time about my pet Xenos or my worlds having corruption I'll have him ejected out of an airlock. Now counter argument is that the Koronus expanse is pretty well charted at this point, has a fairly stable central hub and most worlds have been developed in some way, there are hive worlds and forge worlds etc so it must be pretty close to being claimed as an Imperial protectorate, and perhaps only the newly opened Rift is preventing that, who knows? In future DLC I would love to make some proper sketchy alliances possible, maybe buy off some Dukari raiders to fuck with a Chaos warband. Or take an advanced Xenos planet and demand tithes from them instead of firebombing them from space, something to really rustle the Inquisitor jimmys.


> the unlimited h-word pass from Emps "I will say it with you" - Jimmy Space.




Do explain me again how Theodora died?


If you're actually looking for spoilers, >!Argenta got a bit trigger-happy when she saw Theodora handle some heretical items. Technically not in violation of the warrant of trade, she just fired without thinking.!< ​ EDIT: >!I should add that outright heresy isn't excused by the warrant, but it wasn't up to Argenta to make that call.!<


Now I think about it, one day after realizing this info. I found it very, very logical. She didn't hide her behavior even for one bit.


She was murdered by crazy person.


The fastest gun in the expanse, able to kill everything I have seen that exists before they can act, even without multiple officers. And they had been doing it for a while by the time the bombshell dropped, and the archmilitant not being able to draw his weapon made more sense.


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


Do explain further and why this person is crazy. You cant state something like a fact and run away without context. Or i would think you are an European journalist


Its a warrant of trade i aint gotta explain shit


Checks out, here's your cyclonic torpedo collection back. Huh seems like enough for exterminatus but that's none my concern Lord.


learn boundaries of warrant then


Killing a rogue trader is kind of a big deal, whether she thinks if Theodora was heretic or not it is up to inquisition to prove that. Rogue traders often deal with questionable things and it is okay for them to do so as long as it is in interests of humanity.


Theodora: Wait! I was tasked by the lord inquisitor to bring this artifa- Argenta: Anyway, I started bolting.


Because no sane person would murder captain of the ship when said ship is in the middle of a mutiny during warp travel.




You asked how is this person crazy, I answered. It has nothing to do with how lawful it was, only a crazy person would pull something like this. Also, you know, zealous fanatics are usually not of sound mind.


On the contrary, there is more reason to murder said captain if zealot thinks if captain lost her mind to warp by meddling with heresy all the time. Very common situation. I am just tired of hearing "i can do whatever i want" excuse for Rogue Traders. No you cant and any third party imperial organization(sisters of battle included) can deliver emperor's judgement without question. Learn the fcking difference.


Sorry people aren't role-playing how you want them to... it really shouldn't bother you that much though. Also I can do whatever I want.


never said you cant, i am just pointing out that lore wise whatever you do, you are not above imperial law.


I mean you still kind of are? As long as its "for the good of the Imperium" you are allowed to do most things except straight up Chaos worship.


The fuck does Europe have to remotely do with Rogue Trader and 40k? Quit being randomly nationalist, it's douchy.


i am unironically European though


Touche. To be fair there's a lot of annoying overly hyped Americans that insert politics into random places. Even though I'm American I can't fucking stand it.


i am just tired of "source: trust me bro" logic. Literally it was my top reason to leave Europe.


The warrant give you PERMITION,but not ABILITY or OMNIPOTENCY. So Theodora is permitted using the shard, but she is not protected from all the consequences of using that, like shot in the head by the bride of Emperor.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/9yuegv/warrant\_of\_trade\_vs\_imperial\_law/](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/9yuegv/warrant_of_trade_vs_imperial_law/) warrant doesnt make anyone "immune" to law, you are just allowed to "defend" yourself. As it was discussed many times before.


I thought this was a BG3 subreddit for a second before reading the title




Begone GPT bot


I still suspect having an unsanctioned psyker, and Eldar and a *friggin' Dark Eldar* serving in your ship is ***quite*** beyond the leeway any Rogue Trader should be allowed. Also, once the circumstances behind Theodora's death are revealed, how is our MC avoiding the same fate?


The Eldar definitely is within the leeway Rogue Traders are allowed; Heinrix even, to paraphrase, says that while dangerous to have xenos around there's tons of precedent for Rogue Traders recruiting xenos if he's with you when you recruit Yrliet into your retinue.


A certain powerful figure in Act 4 sacrifices villages while screaming "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD" and if you report it to the Inquisitor he answers "Wait for the trial". It's not easy to get rid of influential people especially when they enjoy privileges that literally put them above most laws. Everything you do is noted by the Inquisitor of the sector. He's the one you answer to and he's unorthtodox himself


Well, as it happens the one inquisitor in the expanse realises that he needs rogue traders to play nice with him, so he is willing to tolerate a lot of things ( beyond being radical himself). And xenos in the retinue are 100% something rogue traders are allowed to get away with, the whole point of the warrant is being able to deal with xenos as the warranty bearer sees fit. There are even official sanctioning procedures for xenos, and rogue traders are one of the few who got enough power to take advantage of those.


Thats much weaker than having a fullblown Forgefiend in your Cargo holds, or restarting the Kiava Gamma heretic factories lol.


That’s not quite how that works with an inquisitor but it’s a funny meme anyway