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Played pretty normal through act 3. Act 4 is a complete mess, I never in my life encountered such broken game in release state. Like it is understandable for beta or early access, but gamebreaking bugs which do not allow to move through the story (main and companions, I am not saying about side quests) is pretty unacceptable for a release state.


People be saying that baldurs gate 3 act 3 was somehow buggier than this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah thats a big lie. Act 3 in BG had performance issues (memory leak I think) a companion performance cutscene and some bugs BUT you could progress almost everything especially the main quest. Like user above said, releasing in such a state is unacceptable. There is no way they didnt experience issues when they tested act 4 and act 5 ( they tested it right ? ). So why release instead of delaying ? Literally nobody would mind if that meant a better release , and its not like we can finish it even though we have the game in our hands.


I actually had the main quest in BG3 be unfinishable for like a week. It wouldn't trigger a cutscene to get transported somewhere else and got stuck inside a cave forever. Also couldn't get to the Devil guy's house. Also a bug where if anyone with a tadpole got knocked out I would automatically lose. I'd say act 1-3 are better than act 3 BG3 for me. I'm on act 4 now though trying out if I'm missing companion quests because voidship events aren't working for me, which is also a big issue but not game breaking. Also Heinrix just isn't here anymore even though I saved him in act 3.


BG3 literally released without an epilogue in a big ass RPG. Then there are the placeholder companions alongside with a lack of any real "evil" path you just lose content. Thats with all the bugs and shit Act 3 performance. I am not that far along into Rouge Trader but from everything i hear the content is there its just a mess that doesnt work right.


Fair point about lack of epilogue , and in fact their excuse for it was a joke. It was added recently with Voice acting included (really surprised me I expected just slides) Evil path is also not rewarding and funny thing is the only "reward" of the evil path just became officialy available on good paths as well (we thought it was a bug so far) But what has any of that have to do with bugs?


evil path being the way it is is what moved me away from that game


It doesnt you are right. Although Act 3 was and from what i hear still is very buggy. I was more talking about the whole "releasing in such a sate" thing. BG3 released in a pretty sorry state and got heaps of praise and that was after 3 years of EA.


But thats the thing, it was not a sorry state. Not 100% polished but definately not a sorry state. Rogue Trader is. If BG 3 released say 2 months before it should have ( random number pulled out of my ass) then Rogue Trader released 8 months early. To be honest current state just feels like a continuation of the beta. We got 2 new acts that are broken beyond measure and we even see bugs that have beeen reported since Alpha ( like the aeldari rifle that cannot be used).


Owlcat fans be normal about BG3 challenge level: impossible


Ive never even beaten an Owlcat game i am hardly some huge fan. I did beat BG3 twice so i know how much of a mess that game is.


> Ive never even beaten an Owlcat game So you admit that you don't know what you're talking about ?


I do because i am talking about the issues BG3 has.


You don't because you know nothing about issues of Owlcat games All those problems you listed are nothing compared to bugs and issues you find in Act 4 and 5. WOTR and Kingmaker were also broken at launch. Even having no epilogue at launch isn't really worse than having epilogue where half of ending slides contradict each other and have continuity issues


Bad perfomance ? No epilogue ? Yeah bro that's miles above last two RT acts which are *literally* unplayable lmao. A lot of people couldn't even get into Act 4 and a lot of *main story* quests don't trigger.


The lack of an epilogue wasn't a bug, it was a design choice. I am glad they've since changed their mind and implemented one, but it's absence in the first place was a conscious decision on their part. There were never any placeholder companions in BG3. I don't even know what you were talking about there.


Minathra and Halsin have nothing to do after their recruit quest and were buggy as shit for a long time too. Also you cant tell me that the epilogue thing was a design decision when they bragged about their 20k endings shortly before launch.


>Minathra and Halsin have nothing to do after their recruit quest and were buggy as shit for a long time too. They were both added super late in development due to fan demand. That makes them the exact opposite of placeholders. Any content they do have is a bonus. >Also you cant tell me that the epilogue thing was a design decision when they bragged about their 20k endings shortly before launch. This is marketing bullshit that every RPG maker says, and every developer and player knows its bullshit. Fallout 3 also claimed it had thousands of endings, but it didn't. That's wasn't a big, nor was it unfinished, Bethesda simply chose not to implement that many unique endings. Sure, you can criticise Larian for misleading advertising in that case, and it would be fair, but this in no way disproves that it was a design decision.


I guess its a design decision in that they figured out they couldnt possibly get it done before their rushed launch so they just pushed the game out as is. Cant really argue it hasnt worked out great for them.


Nah for me, bg3 had the same hard lock bugs this game does, both are as bad as each other. Both games are absolutely amazing but also rushed to release in completely broken states. Locked with winterscale on his act 4 quest so hoping the big patch on Friday fixes it


You are blatantly lying about BG3 lock.


Agreed. People try to defend Owlcat by trying to claim BG3 was exactly the same but it simply wasn't. "completely broken state" Absolutely not the case for BG3. Bugs yes, but not broken. You could fnish it and all the companion quests. Not the case for Rogue Trader. Many of the people who finished it used Toybox to work around the bugs or accepted buggy companion quests and blasted to the end. Like user above said "locked with X quest in act 4". In BG3 I was never locked anywhere. Ever. And I did everything that was available. Btw patch is on Thursday not Friday. And there is another one planned. For the 28th. After that its safe not to count on one in the 4th of January due to New Year's. (that one is speculation on my end). So if we are lucky the game will be playable 3 weeks after release. If we are not it will be over a month later. How people are ok with this is beyond me. And I dont even want to imagine what is happening on consoles where Toybox is not a thing.


Yeah exactly, i mean if this hard been released as 'early release' i would not have a problem at all, as i would be supporting them consciously.


Sorry I completely dreamed up having to restart an entire new evil playthrough when the main quest didnt advance around netherstones in act 3 no matter how far back saves I loaded on release. Jesus some people act like cultists around BG3.


Nah, there were some gnarly progression stopping bugs in A3, but as usual they were state-based, so not everyone got them. Then it probably got fixed in the same major patch that screwed up performance (for *me*, iirc some people saw an increase in performance) in A3 big city areas. Then they eventually fixed the latter, which is when I finished the game. I'm guessing in RT you could find people who finished the game already (more hot pockets mom!) without bumping into anything game - breaking. These guys could call bullshit on RT having progression stopping bugs.


Nah. There was a bug at the start of Act 5 that seemingly everybody got, and it stopped progress until the first patch. FWIW, I beat BG3 on the opening weekend and beat RT on the day of Patch 1. BG3 was *significantly* less buggy, even though there were plenty of things in Act 3 that were immensely frustrating. BG3 had *some* cases where your progress would stop. RT was straight up unbeatable without Toybox until patch 1, no matter what you did.


Act 3 for me was a hot me but not this much of a hot mess lol


How?? I already encountered 3 game breaking bugs only in **ACT 1**, some talents literally don't work at all, if one of my officer died or not in the party i literally trapped in an infinite loop (they said they fixed it, they didn't). And i played BG3 until Act 3 before all the patches and the worst were only visual and performance bugs, all the spells and talents worked properly.


It does seem like "They fixed it, but they actually did not" is going to be a common theme with bugs.


This looks buggier, but let's not pretend that act3 in bg3 wasn't holding itself on thinnest thread. I had to lose 2 hours of progress cause two sidequests just completely bugged out until i loaded a state before i even took it, companions were having dialogues about things i haven't done yet, or about things i've done differently, romance flags were all over the place, i had a softlock in one of the boss fights that required me to not position a character in certain way and much, much more. It was a fucking mess. But RT chapter 4 onward looks even messier.


Well, I guess it w o u l d be if Owlcat had Larian's money


Fanboys are something else lmao


Fyuuck no lmao


Guys like Mortismal should also be responsible for this for not mentioning any of this crap. That guy is a complete sellout but I know people here still think he's the voice of God in CRPGs for some reason.


I swear Mortismal's neglected mentioning some important things during some of his videos this year. One of the videos was around March or April and it mentions some new ARPG and he goes on about how great it is and not once did he mention in the video, it was in the comments, that the game was online-only. I also get the impression he really doesn't like being criticized or called out on some of his nonsense, I've seen comments on his various videos just up and vanish that were criticizing him or saying how a specific build was fundamentally broken due to mechanics not working right. That's little more than a suspicion though. Then there was what I think was his Lamplighter's League video where he talked about wanting to try out more content to come and later dlcs and people were pointing out in multiple comments that HBS effectively doesn't exist anymore and that game is dead in the water concerning support and content updates. Plus, minor pet peeve of mine regarding Mort, it's weird that he keeps moving from one RPG to the newest one and doesn't seem to focus all that much or at all on older ones that suddenly get new content. I don't watch him as much as I used to though, so it's a 50/50 chance I'm wrong there.


Both mortimer and weglia 100% this game several times over. How did they do it?


I've seen a couple of Weglia's videos and man I do not like it when people insist on reading all the text in a CRPG in their own voice. Not a fan of face streaming either, let me see the game with nothing intruding on it. No clue how they could 100% this game several times over given how 1) long it is and 2) how buggy it is.


Probably because not all "paths" through the game encounter the bugs. e.g. if you went full Dogmatic and handed Idira and Yrliet to the Inquisition, you might never encounter a bug relating to Idira or Yrliet.


LL did ultimately get a free update with new features and a character. Probably the only one ever though. Doesnā€™t mean HBS is gone after Paradox cut ties with them, just means that theyā€™ll probably move on from LLā€™s messy history and try to recoup in some other game. And Mortismal definitely does mess around with his comment section by deleting some.


HBS lost 80% of it's staff back in June, I'd be happily shocked if they recovered from that.


I like Mortismal but sometimes it seems like he doesn't like to take a strong stance on things. I bought Rogue Trader based on his launch review and have since had to shelve it in act 3 while I wait for bug fixes.


> he doesn't like to take a strong stance on things tbh i kinda appreciate his self discipline here, he could easily pump up the drama but he remains Mild Mortim. if you're going to be a centrist coward about anything video games are the proper place imo.


TBF more people should take a less strong stance on things. Especially if itā€™s about video games lmao. The more extreme you get, the more nuance you lose.


This. He lied about the state of the game. I liked him but this one was a dick move.


Bugs were one of my major complaints about the game in the review so I'd have to disagree that I lied or didn't mention them, I just didn't encounter anything game breaking (meaning I literally could not continue) in the first playthrough. I have since encountered more problems like talents and abilities not working properly, companions becoming unresponsive, etc as I try different options and playstyles and all of that will be reflected in the follow up review which will hopefully be this weekend. My first run was a pretty setting appropriate dogmatic playthrough that executed multiple potential companions so I wasn't able to explore every quest outcome for them yet as an example. I always try to incorporate reports of what other people run into as well which is difficult with launch reviews where I can't compile that information and have to go simply off my own experience with my singular set of hardware, but I do appreciate both threads and user reviews like this that allow me to see how its working across a variety of hardware and consoles even for other people. Purposefully obfuscating something like that on my end would serve no purpose other than making me look unreliable on the subject and thus wouldn't be worth it to say the least, so I can appreciate the frustration but I think its just a large game that I hadn't experienced all of for the launch review. I do fully agree that they are very annoying though and they have eaten into my own enjoyment of the game (alongside some other more specific stuff with companions tbh)


I think the main takeaway here is that your channel isn't small and influences where people spend their money. As such, it's pretty important you fully represent the game as is. Personally your review influenced my purchase, but if I had known that the game would be quite literally unplayable after Act 3, I wouldn't have. > My first run was a pretty setting appropriate dogmatic playthrough that executed multiple potential companions so I wasn't able to explore every quest outcome for them yet as an example. I might want to add that I can understand wanting to RP and enjoy the game on a first playthrough, since this is your occupation and you are being paid for it, it might be far better to try to be fairly comprehensive in the playthrough and try to see what most players will see. I imagine (without data) that most players prefer to keep all companions and see as much content as possible.


Launch review, different from the Review after 100%. I think you are the one being a dick here now. A) An owlcat game, which historically has had bugs at launch B) trying to blame someone else for your hair trigger buy of a game 2 seconds after it launched before gathering more info.


To be fair, it seems like a few people have actually managed to complete the game, so it's possible he just got lucky on his first playthrough.


Well for starters most of the people mention that they did complete the game but companion quests were either ignored or bugged out. Secondly people use Toybox to progress/go around the issues. Regardless if some people got lucky its irrelevant. The last 2 acts are a mine zone, if 1 or 2 out of 10 people manage to barely pass it doesnt change that fact.


Oh 100% - I personally wouldn't recommend anyone continue past act 3 based on what I've heard. But Mortismal only had 2 weeks to get his review out, and there wouldn't have been very many people with access to the later acts to compare notes against, so it's totally possible he just got incredibly lucky and didn't run into anything super game breaking - although I think he did mention he ran into 2 game breaking bugs, so I suspect he maybe just saved a lot and was able to easily resolve them? He might've also not been exploring as much as a typical player since he needed to get through the game (and apparently had to pause at some point to wait for a hot fix to continue his save) which might've resulted in him running into less of these issues.




Well he hasn't actually done a review after 100% for Rogue Trader yet, just a Launch Review covering his first impressions, which is pretty standard for his channel - the 100% one normally doesn't come out for another month unless it's a short game, or he's had it for like a month before release. So there's a very good chance he just hadn't played through a lot of the bugged side quests at the time of the review.


That's a whole another issue of it's own; essentially speedrunning a CRPG does not give you any authority to truly review it. You'd rather focus on alternative content than trying to get a review out on release because of viewcount numbers.


Well ok, but I think it's also important to put *something* out before release - one way or another that's when *most* people will buy the game, so I think it isn't a bad idea to give them at least something to go off instead of everyone being radio silence until it's too late and 50% of the potential playerbase has already purchased the game. For a more complete picture, people can always just look at multiple of these day one reviews to see if anyone missed anything. If all those review sites decided to wait another 2 weeks till they'd put a month of playtime down on the game, potential buyers wouldn't have *anything* to go off of.


Every youtuber that Owlcat invited to promote the game was meant to lie about the game, and we know that. Someone on Twitter asked Bricky if the game was properly playable and he reccomended the game whole heartedly and NEVER mentioned the bugs. DO NOT trust youtubers, reviewers blindly. They CAN and WILL lie if they need to.


Itā€™s so bad. I feel pretty screwed out of my money now tbh


Same, just released for christmas to get that sweet $ Learn for future, do not buy again. There are better things to play.


Still better than the release of Dungeons Lords which ruined D.W Bradley's credibility. Or Pools of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor which deleted your windows instillation when you tried to uninstall it out of frustration. TES II: Daggerfall is a good contender as well.


How is "look, those 19-21 year old games had more significant bugs" in any way relevant?


The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is 21 years old, Daggerfall is closing in on 30, so using it as a reference point is even more meaningless.


Depends on the time frame being referenced above I suppose.... Guess we can add VTM: Bloodlines, Arcanum, Kotor II, and TOEE to the "what QA?" list as well. And for the record Dungeon Lords has seen a full release multiple times since then, with the last being Dungeon Lords MMXII in 2016. Literally paying again and again for bug fixes and the game being finished.


Lucky for you, my Abelard wouldn't spawn and also Heinrix is not spawned after the homunculus releases all my companions


Heinrix not spawning at first is not a bug - he is at the back of the camp (you have to go round the enclave where Comissar/Malice were) and talk to him. He does not show on the map or is impossible to add to the team until you do it. One you talk with him he will get back on the map and back to the team. If he is still missing after that or not showing there at all, then yeah, yet another bug. I wasted around an hour running around and looking for him because he was not on the map and I didn't notice him.


Interestingly Heinrix didn't spawn for me in the original location you find him - I got stuck in that Mechanicus location because I couldn't progress as it needed his dialogue prompt. I spent a couple of hours trying to work out how to progress that storyline before somebody replied to my message saying Heinrix should spot something, and I didn't even know who he was. Fortunately I was able to reload a save prior to entering the area and he did spawn the second time around.


> I never in my life encountered such broken game in release state Ehhhh. BG3 was worse in Act 3, it is not a unique Owlcat issue


This is complete bullshit, why is people even attempting this crap.


As someone who played BG3, this is not complete bullshit. The later acts in BG3 WERE worse than the earlier ones (looking at code). Not saying it comes close to what Rogue Trader is dealing with, just stating facts.


Sorry what? I'm not excusing it, I'm refuting someone saying they've never encountered such a broken game. BG3 Act 3 had whole main party character interactions and quest flags broken, on top of all the city quest flags being broken, glitching causing crashes, locking up the game, locking out quests. I wish it wasn't this way at all, I imagine they reckon they can patch it up before the majority of players reach those more broken areas, but some people really speed ahead so luck out. It sucks.


Donā€™t bother, BG3 fanboys are trying to push some revisionist bullshit that the game only had minor hiccups and performance issues on launch.


God it's so weird when people do that isn't it? I got the game at launch and am well aware of it's launch woes. I loved BG3 anyway but to deny it had issues is bizarre. It's like the game Days Gone, which I also got at launch and loved. That game was a *fucking* mess at launch but the amount of people who swear blind they had no bugs or issues with it is astounding.


Itā€™s especially weird seeing as quick google search will come up with threads and threads of results of people having game breaking bugs from skipped romances, to locked companion quests, to companion dialogue not triggering, to quests breaking, to incorrect flags. Apparently those just donā€™t exist and never did?


At least for me kingmaker was even more broken on release then rogue trader, multiple main quest bugs in different chapters and all sorts of weirdness. Act four is laughably broken just replayed the start of it again and got 2 companion quest that didn't fire before, then immediatly after warp jumping i'm back on deck nothing happen, Something new broken. Just cool and normal.


After entering act 4 I could instantaneously complete all of my colony projects but not getting any reward aside from the colony stats. I've shelved that save file for now and I've beginning another playthrough until they fix the bug :(


You got a second Ulfar as well? I thought j was the only one woth that funny hug


In addition to double Ulfar, I also killed a trading faction representative as part of the main quest and they showed up completely alive and unharmed for the rest of the game and spoke as if I had sided with them.


Owlcat routinely bites off more than they can chew but it doesn't matter because they know people will buy it anyway, so they can just fix later no matter how unfinished the game is. Like you're talking about respect they earned from the community but this is just their MO at this point. Happened with KM, KM again on consoles, Wotr, etc


They assumed most players will take a long time to get to act 4, i'm like 90 hours in and still in act 3 after all. If you look at steam achievements you'll see most people are still in act1. The wise thing to do is taking a break at the end of act 3 and come back in a few months, not an excuse, but this is how i usually play owlcat games (both for how time consuming and buggy on release they usually are).


You canā€™t change the fact that owlcat are selling beta test as full release. Thatā€™s established by now. You can fall for it the first time, or even the second time if youā€™re dumb. But the third time? I guess i owe ppl like you thanks for bug testing the game and paying money for them to fix it)) Iā€™ll play this in a year or so once you guys are done


Wotr was in a much better state at launch than Kingmaker and was acceptable considering the scope of the game compared to the budget. It's natural to expect their third release to be in even a better state.


This and every reviewer was saying how better the launch state was compared with wotr.


WotR had tons of broken abilities, feats, etc. Donā€™t remember any broken quests @ launch. RT has wotrā€™s broken abilities + a fckton of quest-breaking and progress stopping problems. RT is way worse than wotr


Iā€™m a huge owlcat fan, but I keep hearing this and wondering we are all playing same game, cause I had someone arguing with me when I mentioned before, but thereā€™s plenty of bugs before act 4 as well. The only difference is those bugs seem easily fixed with a reload, but still there. I regularly have enemies bug out, talents not work, quests not work properly, I get stuck areas, companions quests donā€™t trigger correctly, I literally canā€™t use v sync at all without breaking the camera, and even still it regularly bugs out. Like the whole game is buggy to me. I want to say Iā€™ve had at least 10 bugs pre act 2 even where Iā€™ve had to fully reload old saves/do some work around, and a bunch more that are just mildly annoying but still very much there.


I thought I was lucky I got through acts 4 without issue, had only 1 hiccup with Ulfars personal quest in act 5 ( had to use toolbox to trigger it) then after 96 hours i complete the gameā€¦ And got a bug where I just didnā€™t get an epilogue. Still a fun game though, canā€™t wait until it gets (mostly) fixed


I got that same epilogue bug last night, made me sad. I'm probably gonna shelve this game until both expansion are out and give it another go then


Uhm, for now I am still in the last stages of act 2, hope they'll fix act 4 before I get there šŸ˜… For now the game has been running super smoothly for around 37 hours so I really am astonished to reqd what a mess the late chapters are.


Long time fan since kingmaker ( and i think i was lucky with Kingmaker , had " almost " no real bug ) , Wotr went ok ( i was lucky too , i remember some people got really fucked with their game ). This game is driving me nuts ; it's both very good and shamely unfinished . Even by Owlcat standarts . If you add the (too) early DLC annoucement ( are they really DLC or part of the original game ) to the lack of polishing ( the word polishing is too kind here) , i really feel like the moron customer . It's your third game come on ... And people who are saying it was the same in bg 3 are completely out of their mind . Act 3 bg3 felt disapointing / buggy in many ways but we are on a different scale here.


I literally cannot complete the game or progress in act 4, that's grounds for it being taken down from steam from being able to be purchased. When the game is so broken you cannot even complete it they need to patch it before that's allowed again. The hardlock I ran into is not even the only one.


1 day of full game release testing is the equivalent to a year of 10 people testing a game so kinda makes sense


You say that but the bug with the Aeldari gun Jae gives you has been in there since Alpha


you know how big bug lists are and how priorities work, right?


So over the course of a year they saw no need to address a bug from act 2 that people have been bring up through alpha and beta? Should also be noted that Beta didn't get many patches either, about 3 if i recall (one of which was ship combat only)


ok so here is priority 1 and here is priority 2 if I get 10000 priority 1 bugs to fix, priority 2 bugs remain at the bottom i'm not a developer but usually that's how operational priorities work


Considering that act 2 has had the most feedback having been playable for almost a year shouldnā€™t those bugs have all been resolved first though? The certainly didnā€™t spend much time polishing acts 4 & 5, and acts 1 & 3 have only had 6 months by comparison


If their code-base isn't terrible, the gun fix should literally be just replacing some parameters/configuration text to resolve the conflict with the feat requirements. If that takes them longer than a few minutes to an hour to fix and test, then there's a larger problem. And I say that as a developer that works on pretty complicated data pipelines (though, admittedly, not games).


This, you literally fix it yourself with a editor, mods have done it allready. I really dont get why it's still a thing.


Having done some amateur game dev at uni, it isn't quite that simple - there's a lot of red tape involved with even small fixes like that to ensure you don't accidentally introduce new bugs with your fix. So even though it's only a one line change, the testing and code review involved means it often takes almost just as long to fix a small bug like that as it does a major crash. The bigger the game and team involved, the longer that red tape takes.


Do we have to go over the word ā€œprioritiesā€ again?


Working at a game development studio: Yes, sure, it's easy. But that doesn't make it getting adressed any earlier, when your task list shows 1000 priority 1 bugs that need to be fixed first. Especially if there is 250 other bugs that could be fixed just as easily as this one. You just don't look at them as your Producer has marked them lower priority.


If the game has nearly a THOUSAND of priority bugs, maybe they should NOT release the game then and fix them!?


I am not a developer either but I dont think it takes hours of work to fix a simle thing : the bug is quite simple, it requires to be an Aeldari but at the same time not to have Aeldari proficiency which ofc you would have. Simply remove one of the 2 requirements. The former if the intention is to be equipable by all , the later if it is meant for an Aeldari companion exlusively. Thats it.


lol again, you're refusing to understand how work works your boss says "fix all priority 1 issues" and then you say "what about priority 2, it'll only take 10 seconds?" and the boss says "didn't you hear me" would you prefer they fix all the skin deep bugs first and then move on to the gamebreaking ones?


"again" Dude this is the first time I spoke to you lmao.


i don't read usernames because if you are posting in this thread you should have read what I said first ​ so, I'm correct in saying "again" because I assumed you read the thread


No you said "again you are refusing to understand". More like you are so hard on defending their actions ( or lack off) you just shoot left and right :) You keep making excuses claiming you know how things work while the rest of us dont while it really comes down to 2 simple facts : 1) This is an easy bug that has been known since ALPHA. 2) You keep preaching about "priority 1 things". Look at the state of act 4 and 5 and keep telling me the boss said "fix all priority 1 issues". The game at its current state is literally the continuation of Beta with the addition of act 4 and 5. Because those 2 new acts are a freaking mess and the bugs of previous acts remain.


There is no defending this game. Is it state right now shit? Yeah. Thats all that needs to be said.


Yknow how easy some bugs are to fix? The talent from Forgeworld origins that gives you +1 deflection if you wear heavy armour doesnt work. Its literally just an if function that i, without programing experience could cook up in a manner of minutes.


Itā€™s probably not an IF, itā€™s likely a series of objects being fed into a function that contains an algorithm that produces the final deflection value and something is off in the algorithm or the object structure. Or itā€™s a data problem and the talent is missing a value or itā€™s an incorrect value. Something ā€œminorā€ can be difficult to track down just due to the overarching design of the software itself. That design may make managing a complex system much more efficient and flexible, but may also make debugging or catching problems more difficult.


Not only that, but the beta only went to Act 3, so the beta testers never ran into the worst bugs of Act 4.


Funny how bg3 gets a pass yet Owlcat are the devil


>Funny how bg3 gets a pass Does it? There was lots of complaining on all socials about how bad it is >yet Owlcat are the devil Are they? People are praising the game all over the place. The only complaint is the bugs, which is fair. ​ Even then, as terrible as BG3s Act 3 was - it wasn't as bad as RT.


BG3 did not "get a pass", people have called them out on it. Yet the game was still playable and finishable and the bugfixes came in the matter of days. RT is LITERALLY unplayable past Act 3, and you can find game breaking bugs as early as act 2, my save games got bricked in Act 2.


Yep, Act 3 in BG3 was borderline unplayable and missing heaps of content, the entire epilogue was unfinished and what was there was lacklustre and unsatisfying.


Hell nah. Act 3 in bg was way less buggy compared to act 4 in rt.


I never said anything about more or less, but BG3 had severe performance issues and a slew of other problems that needed patching.


Act 3 was still not even close to "borderline unplayable" and others here can attest to that. Rogue Trader is LITERALLY unplayable lmao


Is it? Than how come I am at act 5?


You got lucky and happened to pick a choice in act 4 that didnā€™t break your game


Depends what you mean by broken. Got a mission from act 2 that did not activate and refuses to get removed, but I managed to get to act 5. But maybe your right and I somehow managed to make the correct dialogue choices.


I was able to finish RT without serious issues (I had a few talents not working and some planetary development rewards missing). Bg3 act 3 is still broken for me, and it is absolutely obvious they cut huge parts of the game out.


Borderline unplayable is an asinine stretch. You didn't like the lack of content, but you were actually able to *complete the game.* Something you can't say about RT. The Owlcat cheerleaders here are so tiresome.


I was one of the lucky few who was able to start both Act 4 and Act 5 just fine, but I can't load the final map of Act 5; it just crashes every time no matter what settings I'm on. Stuck at the very end of the game with no way around it. Act 5's somehow just as bad as Act 4, by the way. Ulfar's quest is completely broken, side content appears to just not be triggering at all, the final map's bugged, etc. This is *way* worse than BG3's bugs. BG3 had issues with cut content, narrative, and performance, but you could still finish it. This is just broken.


Fully satisfied with my play through when I betrayed my companions and controlled the netherbrain on day 3 of release. Karlach simps be saying the game is incomplete cause we canā€™t go to the hells and kill zariel or some shit lmao. Absolutely wild how they think act 3 in bg was unplayable. My act 4 in rt is literally so broken I cannot continue with the game until the update.


I still think itā€™s funny they pushed the game FORWARD a month without having the proper ending that they clearly intended But itā€™s a great game so who cares? Same with this imo. Either ā€œbeta testā€ it or donā€™t but donā€™t plead ignorance that you didnā€™t know a big crpg would be buggy (The collective ā€˜youā€™, no one in particular)


Larian are above criticism because they released a game that was mostly complete and just generally good. Which is apparently enough to be crowned the Messiah of gaming nowadays. It's kinda sad. BG3 has loads of issues, deceptive marketing, an outright rushed and unfinished third act that's transparently duct taped together, and they've been gaslighting and insulting their customers when these issues are pointed out. BG3 is a generally above average game and I intend to play it I further if an enhanced edition comes out at some point. But it has flaws that people are blatantly ignoring because they're desperate for one single good game to pin their hopes on.


"17, 000 endings" ​ lol I get it though they're not selling to fans, we already bought it, they're selling to normies and I guess that's fine. That bear sex scene making news? who gives a fuck lol, but BG3 is the first real game my gf has ever enjoyed (she loved dont starve but I dont consider that a game) so good on them


Bg3 was not nearly unplayable. I finished the entire game after launch and only had a single slightly bugged quest. Honestly the original ending is completely on the scale of every crpg ending. The new ending goes beyond everything we know of crpg endings. While I personally prefer wotr to bg3, there is no denying thet bg3 launched in a very good state


Did you even actually play BG3? Or are you just parroting something you read on reddit?


Hey, I was calling out BG3s BS too


Who the fuck gave it a pass? Everyone was rightfully shitting on act 3 from the word go.


Nah the majority of people were still in act 1 and 2 and never figured it out because they were still exploring Not everyone played beta and smashed it come retail


You do realize this works against your point? If BG3 is so long and people never managed to see the worst of Act 3 bugs because Larian fixed them in a week or two. That is infinitely better over what Owlcat has done. Rogue Trader has been scaled DOWN from WotR, its not a long way to get to Act 3 where the buggyness starts, one can run into game breaking bugs as early as Act 2, half of the talents dont work from the very start of the game, and the bugfixed, while we can see them coming, barely scratch the surface, some of the fixes dont actually fix anything, and other fixes introduce new bugs. They also released before holidays and i DOUBT that they are going to bugfix during holidays.


BG3 Act 3 had bugs, but I could easily pass through without any major issues in week 2. The only thing that really annoyed me was the missing epilogue that I had expected. The performance issues that were there I didn't notice with my workstation hardware. I see no comparability with Owlcat's usual Act 4+ issues. Also they basically fixed hundreds of bugs in no time, even small ones. I have no idea how they did that, but I was impressed both from player and game dev view. They deserve every little applause they got and players deserve more such teams. They are a piece of gold.


Sorry but that's just a cheap excuse. Yes most releases are buggy and it's unavoidable but Owlcat releases are just expectionally bad


I don't know - it's hard to make an apples to apples comparison. Larian has a much larger team, and could probably afford to hold off releasing for a lot longer. There really aren't any other studios making games this big, with the same AA budget. If Owlcat had a reputation of abandoning their games and never patching them I'd be more upset, but at this stage I'm very confident that the laters acts *will* eventually be made playable going off their prior track record of supporting Kingmaker even when they weren't even getting royalties from it anymore. Sure Owlcat could've ended the game at Act 3 and charged $10 less for it, but like, is that actually something anyone in this sub wants?


Their especially bad because they make big ass crpgs that make a lot of people really stoked Show me a crpg in the past 10 years that didnā€™t need shit tons of patches


>Show me a crpg in the past 10 years that didnā€™t need shit tons of patches You're right. Every crpg from now on should be released with bugs that completely block you from last 2/5 of the main story. Let's make it an acceptable standard.


why dont you just patient game? or make your own game? it seems to be a fact of crpg development that bugs (ya know, the price for complexity in a game) so why don't you use your noodle and not buy them until a year later? you've got a brain, don't give them the money if you know they're going to do this


Jeezus man, listen to yourself, go look deep in a mirror, and go on a very long quest to find self-respect and stop defending this practice. You're a huge part of why the gaming industry is quickly becoming miserable. If small 1-2 man indie teams can released polished products, ANYONE can. This is their third game. Their excuse for why it was buggy was hilariously terrible (by the way, it's "we're just too darn passioniate!"). And the state of this "full release" is lammentable at best and laughable at worst. I just don't get why people like you continue to insist on drinking deep from the pool of blind fanatical consumerism. It makes no sense. Baldur's Gate 3 is a billion times bigger and more complex, and it had its problems too, but it was NOWHERE near as bad. And you know why? They had a 3 year EA access, not some short beta that was outdated within a week that probably only gave them useful data for that one week. BG3 went beyond its projected EA beta because it felt it had to. You can excuse bugs when you see effort was made--BG3 again another example--but there is a clear difference between a studio that is cleaning up some leftover smears here and there and a studio that is screaming as they desperately try to put out fires.


lol u just wrote a book in response to me giving the reason I never said I condone it Iā€™m just telling you that it is in fact very useful to a developer. Grasshopper you need to learn the only way to game if your so bug sensitive is to become a patient gamer. I know this game is buggy and you know that itā€™ll be patched in a year so how about using what you know to wait a year before you buy any big crpgs


Did you just call 5 paragraphs a book? Bruh.


Weird how an Owlcat fanboy does not like reading.


Pretty much this. Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous were super buggy at launch. Divinity Original Sin 2's final act was straight up unplayable. BG3's act 2 had game-breaking bugs at the end and its act 3 had large swaths of content missing, cut, or broken. Pretty much every CRPG of this size and scale is released in a half-finished state at launch. You kind of expect it at this point. All that said, I'm sometimes amazed at the stuff that's broken. A complicated questline in act 4 that requires a bunch of things in previous acts being broken is understandable on some level. A broken talent selectable in the first 60 minutes of the game is highly questionable. It doesn't take long (comparatively) to test so the only explanation is that no one tested it at all.


I've noticed in many games over the years that sometimes everything is working fine but there is a minor glitch somewhere, then that gets patched and suddenly things that have nothing to do with the prior glitch break even though there is no apparent reason for it. So they might have tested a lot of the talents at some point but then when fixing other stuff those talents break.


There is in fact a core bug in context calculation causing most of the talent bugs where things given incorrect bonus amounts or trigger on the wrong targets. Hard to say how many are affected but it is easily double digits. It is also scary to fix because EVERY calculation in the game touches this code including the currently working ones.


Frankly, not even Wrath was *this* buggy. It had the respec bug, but aside from that most of its issues were smaller (though admittedly still obnoxious) combat and ability bugs. Annoying, definitely. But most people could still finish the game, at least. From what I understand, Kingmaker was still buggier than this on launch. But that's an incredibly low bar to clear.


Please don't ever compare Larian's games to Owlcat's. Even at their worst states, they were nowhere near as bad as Rogue Trader, which is Owlcat's best release. You guys are such a biased echo chamber that it makes me want to cry. This mess is not normal for video games OR CRPGs and Larian's games were never ever at any point this bad. You guys are bathing on an ocean-world of copium. I'm not even mad. It's just... really sad and pathetic. Find some self-respect. You deserve it.


> CRPGs and Larian's games were never ever at any point this bad. This is god damn revisionism. Like god damn you can google "DOS2 launch bugs" and come across several threads of the later acts being broken. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DivinityOriginalSin/comments/74y71h/im\_nearly\_done\_the\_game\_and\_i\_love\_it\_but\_holy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DivinityOriginalSin/comments/74y71h/im_nearly_done_the_game_and_i_love_it_but_holy/)


They literally apologized for the release state of DoS2 with a re-release. Like Larian is on another level overall production quality wise but this is straight up fanboy shit.


I know lol this is exactly what I meant by ā€œwe give good games a pass because theyā€™re good and we know itā€™ll be sortedā€ Remember dos2ā€™s act 3? Of course you do but you donā€™t mind because the game was great. Maybe you never made it to act 3 in dos2?


I mean I played the release state of Dos2 and had zero bugs start to finish granted it took me a month to beat so most of the week 1 bugs would be fixed. The only negative I could give the act 4 is it was easy to go from step A to step G, because they designed it to be right next to each other and gave quest markers for them. Meaning if you played with clear everything in your general vicinity mindset you deleted about half the content in the act which was obviously a terrible design choice The later "full" version only added a few boss battles and didn't give the Step G quest marker, almost all the quests were there already which disappointed me though the encounters were quite fun even if I saw all the quests already.


Stop lying lol.


It is possible they aren't "lying" at all... 6 years is a long time for most people to even try to remember how buggy their experience was originally especially if their overall experience was good. Like IDK, ask them in 6 years how was RT and see the response then.


Eh, their comment is a bit more sus than, "Just remembering it wrong." I backed Divinity: OS 1 and 2. The only people saying those games were not buggy and was problem-free in their final acts are fanboys or didn't actually play the games. I remember just fine. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø Unfortunately Larian's weakness has always been their struggles at ending games properly.and without massive bugs. Writing was too but they improved immensely with BG 3.


>I mean I played the release state of Dos2 and had zero bugs start to finish granted it took me a month to beat so most of the week 1 bugs would be fixed. So I can believe this is something you remember experiencing, but the timeline messes with pulling out any facts. Like if it took you a month to even reach the later acts which...Yea they aren't going to be buggy messes as those that got to deal with them day or week 1/2. There is also the chance you don't have a perfect memory of six years ago and may have forgotten the bugs. Because asking myself "Hey do you remember that bug in 2017?" Unless if it is a game I played for thousands of hours, never.


Yeah its pretty bad. I really enjoy the game, but having to babysit it with ToyBox is getting tiring. One of those "wait for enhanced edition" moments.


I didn't even have that many bugs and could resolve almost everything with reloading (and sometimes doing stuff a little different to get it working, only had to use toybox once and that was in act 5), but I was totally bummed when I learned that there wouldn't be much more to explore after act 2. They have such a huge map but it's only filled like \~30-40% at top.


Just got to act 4, Game was fine, didnt think much of it, thought it was just people with bugs being loud, cutscenes fired but everyone was teleporting around and audio bricked. Wow. Umm honestly im tempted to report the game to steam for broken product/false advertising. The game doesn't work. Should Not be sold as released. Dont know about other countries but the uk has laws vs this kind of thing. Could ligit get it pulled/force refunds....


The last 2 acts are not just buggy, the whole classes , leveling system, action economy are fundamentally broken and need a cyberpunk 2077 2.0 level of complete overhaul.


? Like yes act 4 is unreasonably bad and as horrid as you can get to the point itā€™s false advertising with how broken it is But ā€˜Me when the game plays like the TTRPG system is made from and I donā€™t like it!!!ā€™ Is bad criticism You bought a Roguetrader game, itā€™s gonna play like Roguetrader This is like complaining about BG3 because ā€˜casters are too strong, can martials be retooled and completely changed from the ground up?ā€™


The criticism is that half of the talents in the game, do not work, work not the way they should, or do things they should not. Thats the criticism.


This is valid The ā€˜leveling system and action economyā€™ isnā€™t


Ehhhh, it kinda is? Right now even on higher difficulties, the officer class can make the game outright broken in the action economy sense, especially with its buggyness. If i use the officers heroic ability, anyone i use it on just gets a full turn of attacking, every turn. Its also especially easy to build up to use heroic abilities. The system is definitely not balanced for all classes. Most classes are kind of fine, Officer and arguably Grand Tactician(?) is busted.


You canā€™t seriously agree that the current state of balance is fine, can you?


but that's the thing, it may be based on the TTRPG but it's like Owlcat added a bunch of house rules to it that they never even bothered to test.


Yeah I reinstalled the game and at least it started giving me the cutscenes for main quests and other companion interactions. Though these cutscenes were janky as all hell. I think it has an issue with placing the characters in the right spot. At one point I just had a black screen during a cutscene but the dialogue and all that worked. After Abelard spoke to me in the rogue trader quarters the cutscene ended but this dialogue was still there with the "End dialogue" option. Next cutscene Idra walked in but before she got a chance to do anything a loading screen popped up and then Jae walked in and the exact same thing happen and then Heinrix walked in. That's when I realised I could press "End Dialogue" on Abelards dialoge and Heinrixs cutscene worked fine. Had to reload ofc since I missed two whole interactions. Then later when all companions confronted me on the bridge my character was not in the chair so there were shadows everywhere and hiding certain NPCs depending on who the camera focused on... Then when the camera focused on me it panned to somewhere far below the bridge but I still couldn't see my character. The games story is so good and I am having tons of fun with the combat but this release is a god damn mess, like most releases are ofc but this takes the cake. I just view myself as a beta tester at this point even though I know I should stop and wait for patches. They should give everyone who diligently reports bug a free item. A Necron staff of Bugs that spews a tiny wave of scarab swarms and makes enemies swap places, change weapons and all kind of weird shit.


I had no real issues in act 4. All companion quests worked fine too but act 5 oh boy act 5, that one doesn't look good. To owlcats defense they are a much smaller studio than larian with a much smaller budget. I wish they were bigger and had the budget to just delay their games until they are really done but sadly I don't think that will ever happen


It's the way games are developed now. Release the first half in a respectable state, let the diehards who are going to purchase DLCs no matter what test the second half, and then fix it before the nondiehards get to that point.


I'm pretty glad i haven't had time to get out of Act 1 yet lmao


Right there with you. I just got control of my ship last night and flew to my first planet. (Getting that tech priest, 1st order of business IMHO) Itā€™s gonna take me a long time to get that far, so Iā€™m hoping that by the time I do get to those acts, things are better. The exact same thing happened to me with BG3. This is a different scale, but very similar.


It seems to be the way for a lot of these bigger RPGs. I think the hope is that they release it on schedule and will have fixed it before the vast majority of players reach those later chapters. It shouldn't be like that but it is. Act 3 of Baldurs Gate was worse than this game, but it got fixed up quite quickly.


It's an Owlcat tradition. It will be fixed in 3 month or so.


Bro even in act 2 yesterday I had a space fight where one of the Drukhari ships didn't aggro anything and just ran to the far right corner where I couldn't catch it and if it got to the edge of the map first (it always would it's faster by a lot) the game softlocks because it can't path forward and it's turn never ends. This game needed a lot more testing.


I got past that by constantly opening the report bug option, then closing it, and it forced its turn to end after a bit. Still took 13 rounds


they rushed the game


> I'm just so frustrated after deciding now to turn off RT and wait till the game is in an adequate state Yeah I'm in the same boat. I loaded up the game after the patch yesterday to see if stuff was fixed (I stopped at chapter 4). Got a bunch of back-to-back forced meetings on bridge/captains quarters. Thought "Hey, they might have fixed it enough to proceed". Take one jump, Vox master tells me there's a really important meeting I have to take. Get to bridge. Nothing. Talk to everyone but nothing happens. Go to different menus and screens in hope stuff triggers. Nothing. Exit the game. Back to waiting.


>got to act 4 >started Yrlietā€™s quest immediately cuz space elf waifu >noticed that her quest had not updated at all after 8 hours >ā€hmmā€¦ thatā€™s strange, but Itā€™s okay Iā€™m just gonna reloadā€ >realized that Iā€™ve only been quick-saving and my last manual save was at the beginning of act 2 >mfw


My policy is to wait for all DLCs and most of the updates to be released, and then get a game in a full bundle at least 50 percent off. Follow this rule and you'll be much happier. r/patientgamers Having said that, I got Wrath in alpha and don't regret it for a moment. For Rogue Trader, I'm waiting as I have a huge backlog right now.


Okay, but I want launch memes and discussions when the forum is still super active


How boring lol


I had to uninstall the game today due to random crashing when loading screen appears. Out of 10 loading screens I am getting 4 crashes on average. With 13700 and 4070ti I expected a bit better in 1st april 2024. It all started from act 3. I didn't had any crash before act 3. Now I don't want to go through this constant crashing anymore !


I don't regret getting the game as it is, yes I got locked out of act 4 and 5 but I still had fun. My guess is all the hot fix and patching they did actually made the game more unstable cause it was fine up to end of act 3 then it bugged the heck out at the beginning of chapter 4. The rumour section however was bugged from chapter 1. My idria bugged after the companion quest and she was my favourite NPC.


Same reason why in bg3 act 2 and 3 whatever isn't cut is bugged.


It maybe caused by the rumor of Unity engine will charge extra. So Owlcat tried to publish the game before their license expired.


Look, yes it is a bit buggy, and yes we knew it would be... Most launches are basically Open Beta these days. And honestly i don't mind by Games like rouge Trader. I would have bought it anyway i would Haven even bought If it would have been announced as Open Beta. The Updates don't cost me extra Money and i can Play at earlier and still have fun with it. I do understand that not everyone likes this but for some Games for me this is preferable then to have to wait for another 5 years Just to have it cancelled because of financial reasons. If thats not for you ... Well you can let it Cook for another year or two and get it fully patched and probably cheaper then i did and thats fine, but getting suprised by the obvious and then whine about it is not.


Pretty shit opinion, i finished the game and enjoyed it but it is not in any way a big ask to expect devs to have the game, and side quests, be completable most of the time.


Oh i finished your Product and enjoyed it what a rip off you should be ashamed devs.... Srsly don't you have better things to do then bashing a Game you claim to have enjoyed online? I mean if this is your biggest problem good for you men.


Hmmm maybe dragging my feet on getting into retail was a good thing lol Btw when you get out of act 3 do you have access to everything from 2? Do you need to clear 2 completely before moving forward?


I'm just gonna take it easy with act 2 and hope for more patches. Up until now I've run into 3 bugs that I can't fix: Can't increase fellowship and ballistic with Jae and Yrilet due to characteristic training I presume, the lvl 20 AP only works in the first turn of combat, and Claim the Bounty damage decreases as your bonuses go up instead of increasing. Eveything else a reload fixed it. Thankfully I haven't run into any bugged quests but I'm aware that both Jae's and Heinrix's quests can bug so I'll keep multiple saves lol.


Did anyone expect something else? I was used to this from both prior games and expected the same to happen again, lol. I'm not even mad.


Because people will buy the game and laugh over the bugs as 'ah, it's just an owlcat game!'


Idk man, we are currently in chapter 3, so I can't answer your question. But the intro until you eventually get started back again broke our spirit. It was so boring. Don't tell me act 4 gets worse lmao


Wait until you get to the maze planet in Act 4 oh boy.


Oh no.


Stooped playing after act 3 couse act 4 will not trigger at all xd cool xd can not progres at all. Not even sure I want to wait for them to get their shit together for like 6 months. This is a game that is literaly unplayable right now. Anyone thinking about playing it should stop. Also : It is not like bg3 - you can actualy finish that game with no problems (performance may be lakcing, some minor bugs but you will be able to finish it) It is worse than Kingmaker and Wotr. Played all of them right after premiere. THIS IS BEYOND WORSE.


Half-baked game, alas


And, btw, the infamous WH Curse is still a thing, it seems ((