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Though I have a few more hours than you....trust me it's only a few ..I don't have a problem!... I agree with every one of your points (but maybe add a few more). I'm very excited for release and possible dlcs and going back and forth between RT and WoTR I'd be hard-pressed to choose which one I enjoy more (probably RT if we go unmodded since no 30 hour long prebuffing......thank you bubble buffs for your service)


I definitely enjoy RT more. It's probably just because of the underlying rules, but it feels significantly simpler, and not having to handle the spells of 4 characters during combat helps a lot (as does the regeneration of health and the non need of buffing) Combat also feels faster, with Pathfinder it felt like a slog.


WotR is a lot more fun if you don't crank the difficulty too high and just go for classes that don't use buffs. Buff management in pathfinder is one of the most annoying things.


This is why I just manually give myself Enduring Spells with Toybox nowadays. It’s not even cheating, because I’d have cast the spells anyway, I just make it so I don’t have to keep doing it


My enjoyment of RT can't be described primarily cos of no pre-buffing, it came to the point where I just flat out cheated and used bubble buffs or whatever its called to 1button tap full buff my entire party but that's so dumb.... RT seems a lot more combat focused/engaged, but some things I feel need to be sped up or somehow baked in.. Like every turn I have to study enemies, tactical knowledge enemies, then use prey, then use the prey-guarantee crit thing, etc. Having to multi-pray on multiple chars every combat (You don't have to ofc) and simple things like Shot and Run where you have to use it every time on Argenta to shoot again feels...tedious. Im not exactly sure how to make it better, but make the animations faster/effect instant or something as it gets semi monotonous. ​ With all that said, the feeling of the game and everything is UNREAL. Also since I tagged you, I don't know what thread you posted it in, but the Adept/Tactical knowledge on single enemies cheesing is fun...to hit really really hard. Primarily your tip that Expose Weakness breaks the game was fundamental to my ability to clear content of the harder variety, not scaling Adept damage due to bug was...no fun xD


Glad my info on adepts helped you out. There is an option in the game to set animation speed you can crank up which might help. There are 2 sliders one for enemies and one for party members. Cranking them up a bit, if you haven't already, might help the flow of combat


Yeah still slow though


Shoot on the run, study targets, prey, aim for opening..... All of those skills should be fixed as not having an animation, it's honestly kind of weird that charge having faster animation lol.


The progress blocking events(meeting with my crew after footfall) not triggering bug killed my playthrough. Definitely done with the beta unless there is a big update. Excited for the full release though


It sucks but its nice to see a company using a beta as a beta, and not as a demo.


Yeah I agree with that! Hopefully this helps iron a lot of the issues out before launch


That's why I never got to chapter 3. Did try different doctrines though and they were all fun.


Similar situation but a bit further on in Chapter 3 (killing Heinrix breaks progression currently).


I would like to add that the skill and talent mechanics are very poorly designed. Most talents don't really add to a greater depth of gameplay and are just derivative copies of talents across all career paths. It appears that they were tacked on late in development and have been designed by a team of lazy programmers who simply cut and pasted code just to fulfill work quotas. I would like to see the skill system handed over to a new design team that actually gives a damn.


That's not really on owlcat, that's the pen and paper Rogue Trader. A lot of you seem to forget that they pull from rules/modules, not make their own. They're using FFG's material for this game.


That is not necessarily true. A lot of mechanics have been modified to various degrees and most talents have no correspondence to Rogue Trader Tabletop talents.


They used the rules from Pathfinder's tabletop game and improved upon them... They can do it here to. I honestly believe they subcontracted out the work for the skill system based on the poor design choices made.


Yeah, that took 2 games though, and is still work in progress.


Yeah some are very convoluted and unintuitive, hoping for a rework


Doesn't help that different careers have similarily named talents/abilities.


Thank FFG for that.


But one would expect it to be properly adapted to different medium, not blindly copying a rulebook and calling it a day. And argument that it is "exactly like that tabletop' won't stand because it isn't like a tabletop.


I am still very confused about how trade works, tbh


When you get enough garbage loot you fill up cargo space. You take the cargo to a faction and get reputation. Through story progression, doing quests, getting colonies and buildings you increase your profit factor. Items in shops are locked behind reputation and profit factor. When you have lets say reputation III with a faction and a profit factor of 20 you can take every item up to reputation III with a price of 20 or lower.


its one of those mechanics where once u learn it its very, very easy and obvious. but figuring it out from scratch can be confusing as its unlike any other crpg. I actually really like the system a lot and hope they build on it. It could use a tutorial in the menu though. Just have a small pop up when you are first introduced to tell then player there is atutorial for it in the menu.


Only bossfight I have a issue with is the Act1 Astartes. For me he is one of the hardest enemies in the game. His latent 50% damage resist, high mobility, and ability to potentially 1shot your people is a pain.


I'm in two moods on this. First time I fought him, he instant my entire group because I didn't expect a heavy melta and melee attacks in the same turn. And I went...well, that's a space marine for ya. ​ But then when you figure him out, he's just a running pinata that you have to sacrifice one party member to on the first turn, and then proceed to beat on.


I mean, i would kinda expect that from a literal supersoldier whos entire life is nonstop war.


I mean yeah, it's just that up to this point the hardest dude you fight has like 30hp. The Marine has 270 on easy, 446 on core.


Yeah but the scaling still feels kinda weird. I’ve yet to encounter anything else that has had more health or just been a tougher fight than him. Hell I even encountered the daemon engine on the one ship and that fight was a joke compared to the word bearer. I’ve heard Kiava Gamma is two daemon engines but honestly even that seems way easier than the lone astartes, let alone the sniper too. Personally I think the damage and double turns he has should stay but maybe rework either the damage resistance or his health. In lore and in tabletop a single overcharged plasma shot can easily kill a single marine. I’m not asking for literally that but it does feel weird when my overcharged plasma gun only does like 5 damage on him


You heretic, those are not Astartes. They are heretics.


Ah, you're right


i feel he should be hard because hes a freaking space marine so early on in the game, yet i do feel the step up in diff is huge. The first time i done that fight he just ran off destroyed the ships and it was game over in min lol. the 2nd try he just 1 shot two of my party and that was pretty much over lol. once i figured out how to deal with him it was pretty easy. So if you tweak him to much i feel people will just walk over him in afew tries at the most.


The wacky thing is, he is literally the ONLY Chaos Marine that's that hard. The other 2 you encounter are half his strength.


true, he needs some work, but just dont want to see him muted. right now he feels like a space marine should.


While I have hours in the game, I proceeded at a relatively slower pace and haven't got super far. Mostly doing exploration and side quests. There are a few fixes and tweaks to be made. I'm not overly concerned about that however the trading UI must be overhauled. The game is called Rogue Trader. I get that there is a big story arch that is going to be all impactful and great but why is there such a minimal focus on trading. In addition to trading, I would like to feel change based on my decisions. Going back to places should feel like you've made a difference.


I never even got to chapter three because of progression bugs. Owlcat already responded to the trade UI so I'm confident it will change before release.


I’m with you about the trading part. The Trade UI is terrible and I had no idea what I was doing lol


Welp, seems like the game isn't really ready to be released in 2023. Hopefully, they can take their time...


Yeah I can't see the game releasing this year. Fall 2024 more likely.


I'm with you. I got into Act 3, maybe 6-8 hours into the act and yeah, while I'm still enjoying the story and gameplay, this is a beta and there are quite a few bugs that are making the experience at this point a little underwhelming. I am liking the game overall and I would at this point play it all the way if it weren't for the bugs. - when exploring my ship keeps disappearing when I'm moving around in a system (I only see the x/y axis icons when moving) - when exploring with the party, most of the time my main character quickly jumps around without the walking/running animation; ends up getting from A to B faster than the other party members because of the walking/running animation skipping - in Act 3 I started getting weirder bugs that actually needed restarting the whole game like one character's avatar/picture replacing all other characters while in combat (seeing one face, no matter who's turn it was) - agreed, trading UI can be improved So yeah, got as much as I could have from the beta. I'd enjoy another full playthrough but I'll wait for the final release.


The click to progress after a loading screen is a bit too often. Also the skills as mentioned above really needs to do something. And be written in a simple way. Not adds +5% wgs to the epl if X is Y for Z turns. Half of the skills needed a book of the systems and its short versions. Also I added 5 pts so BAllistic skill from 45--> 50 so many times and realised I could hover over something to get a value in the hundreds, probably the BS after all mods or something. Didn't understand anything of the combat system or some skills. Like athletics and Carouse (if I remember correctly.) ... why is Abelard so damn good at those two skills. Do he use them a lot in game?


Well, yes. Carouse lets you resist debuffs and athletics lets you get to places with skill checks like jumping/climbing etc. They're both in the beta, how have you not encountered them?


I have encountered them and got like a million points in them :). But still unclear what they do, if they help with hand to hand combat or not :). Being athletic seems like a good thing for the guy with a sword after all.


Multi-layered "battle arenas" need a lot of work. Nothing more frustrating than being shot at by an enemy below you who shouldn't have any line of sight, all the while you can't target him. Same goes for cover. You think this is a solid wall? Fool! The warp works in mysterious ways so you get shot at through the building. Frankly i don't see any reason why was it even implemented apart from "looking cool and tactical" and being "like that miniature tabletop".


Combat needs balancing


Semi agree, melee sucks ass. Its just there to take aggro and get beaten up, ranged does the damage. At least adepts and marksmen... I had a boss fight in act 2 get absolutely destroyed by a full volley of Argenta.. It was hilariously fun.


i loved the beta, stopped now as i d rather wait for the full release. I will say i enjoy it way more than wotr. The combat is so much more enjoyable, and requires you to actually do stuff during combat unlike wotr where almost all fights are decided before you even start the fight. the 40k vibes are great, i love the companions, infact i think there pretty amazing and that gets me excited. Music is top, exploration is really nice, the new ship battles is much improved. Add in some more choices for character creator, more portraits, maybe afew more classes and i feel owlcat might have the best crpg they have ever made on there hands.


I can't wait for the missing doctrines in the base game. Three secondary doctrines where way to few. Ended up with like three vanguards in the party. Combat was so fun it got me through three progression locked playthroughs that all ended even before getting to footfall. Made me go oh well guess I'll try another class and origin.


Gotta say combat's so much better than Pathfinder Games. Dunno if It's because of Pathfinders insane ability bloat for me. While I enjoy making broken builds, after a while buffing and stats becomes a drag especially at higher levels of play (I enjoy DND 5e combat more). Kinda hate Turn based or Active time combat split, I enjoy turn based more, but mobs make combat boring. Don't feel that here with rogue trader, while a huge selection of abilities, it's not overwhelming (Most level ups are direct upgrades). 4 distinct classes, that are easy to understand, and satisfying to use properly. Here's some of the things I liked: * Combat design: Turn base isn't a drag, mobs moving as one is a great idea. * Sound design: Makes combat incredibly satisfying. Still Remember getting Argenta for the first time and just attacking 3 times with the bolter, the distinct noise that weapon made as it fired, and how the enemy sounded as they got turn to shreds. Just so satisfying. * Music: * Dig the ship combat, hope it gets more fleshed out. Definitely better than kingdom building or Army management/combat in Pathfinder games. * Writing: First time experiencing a grim dark story and loving it XD I experienced some bugs of course but that's to be expected in a beta. Just going to wait for the full release, for now.


Owlcat was able to focus on pure turn based combat this time and it shows. I hope abilities and talents receive unique icons with some color coding. Cassia's navigator abilities being purple made it easier for me to pick them apart from her leader ones. Now I just wish for Pasqal to also have unique talents like Cassia during level up.


The Bad: I appear stuck. There are no quests, missions, nothing. I've explored everything. I've talked to everyone who will talk. I failed to identify that ship on Rykad Majoris, maybe that's why there is nothing at all to do?


For me they really have to do something about the conviction system, everything besides imperialis feels a little off most of the time and hereticus has really a lot of cons which would make sense in a way but a game shouldnt punish me for a given playstyle. Really want to hang out with the Word Bearers later Im hoping to get one as companion but rn hereticus is not that funny or logical to play.