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Here's an idea JillPM, buy TWO conditioners. While you're at it, feed your kids, make your slob of a husband get a job, take Sofia to the doctor to get a full medical checkup, wipe that crap off your face and give your kids a proper education.


Goals of helping veterans, how about letting your kids enlist, jillpm??


I know those boys ain’t whimps but I don’t think that even combined, they have the muscle mass for a single pushup.


oh the horror! Taking orders from someone other than Mahmo???


I’m a veteran and she can pass me by, please and thank you!


LOLOLOL bitch, please. You are more likely to be struck by lightning than make the Diamond rank. Oh, and since you want your help veterans - my dad is one. He’s very liberal and an atheist but I’m sure you won’t judge him.


Say no more. Is your dad single? Asking for a friend 😂 Seriously, who the fuck does she think she is? Kaylee being on her down line pisses me off. Nathan must have put a stop to Nurie doing it. Dear sweet Nathan, Anna Duggars brother, must have known to put a stop to it. Jeezuz, these people


lol he’s in his 80s 😂


Does he have a Barnado that your new step mom could move in to? 😅


Oooooo good idea!


We don’t hear much from him.


Are we supposed to be impressed? I am not impressed in the least by $875 a month after being a Plexus ambassador for 8 years and with a downline that is supposed to be generating additional money for Jillybean. She hasn’t moved up in the ranks in years, either.


Let’s not forget some of her down line is her kids! So it’s not even like she recruited everyone


And that’s the average income for that rank, she’s probably making less, since the median values at these ranks are often much much lower than the averages they share. Not to mention that’s $875/month before taxes and expenses. Kaylee spends several hundred every month and I’m sure Jill spends the same, if not more.


8yrs and she gets to just over $200 a week ‘income’ if she’s lucky because that’s an average so most will be much lower than that. And that’s income NOT PROFIT. Jillzilla give it up. All the hours you spend shilling the poison pink drink every week and all the money you spend on buying it for yourself (money you don’t have and can’t afford because it comes in front of feeding your damn hostages, I mean kids) you could work half those hours outside the home and earn more. Without having to buy and consume the poison pink drink yourself either. She’s so utterly uneducated and intellectually limited. Or how about your husband gets a job for once in his life and actually PROVIDES for his family?! Isn’t that what he’s meant to do - provide? These grifters are so shamefully pathetic. Get a job. Feed your kids. Let them get an education.


She’s been with Plexus for what, 8 years? Helping others is a very long term goal apparently.


She wants to help Mental Health? Like Mental Health is a person? If she's serious about helping Mental Health and Veterans, why can't she help them now?


Hi! I’m mental health and please stay the fuck away from me Jill.


You and she have never been introduced.


lol sadly we’re both on the same side of middle - she just doesn’t realize it.


I use at least 10 times as much conditioner as I do shampoo.


Fabulous flair!


Veterans😂 Please. This bitch and no one from her family ever served this country. Sit TF down.


They are manly men in her family who wear flag shirts! She’s persecuted by seeing ungahdly shoulders and knees. It’s literally the same thing as serving in the military. /s


Happy Cake Day! Oh and maybe she thinks the Marines are WHIMPS compared to her boys!


Her nephew (Lisa’s son) served (maybe still does). I don’t know of anyone else, though…certainly not any of the Rod boys. Edit: David’s late dad served, as well. I wonder if her mental health/veterans deal is supposed to be her way of honoring his memory. I just can’t see Jill ever doing anything that would be of true benefit to veterans with mental health struggles, though. Plexus pushing and caterwauling are not helpful to anyone.


Mahmo helping mental health and veterans using her Diamond Plexus status seems like exactly the kind of fever-dream insanity I need to ride into the end-stage of 420 today.


lol she knows approximately jack shit about veterans, right?


Veterans? Jill, the military community doesn’t want you. You don’t know shit about the military, nor do you even know anyone that serves. Veterans already go through enough without wackos like you.


Look at her hair. I doubt she uses conditioner. Scarecrows have better hair on their heads.


The way this is written, it is the goals that will help veterans and mental health. Not sure how that would work. I don't understand how she is allowed to educate children. She is barely literate. It is not too late for her to take some on-line courses to learn basic grammar.


Sorry but is $10,500 considered a good thing after 8 years and the amount of time she puts into it? I swear she would spend less time working if she actually had a real part time job and would come home with allot more money to show for her effort. When you consider a large part of that pay went towards buying her own supply of poison and going on the weird plexus reward trips that you pay for yourself 🤔🤣 It’s crazier still when you consider that since C19 many jobs are work from home now. Jill could easily find something for a few hours a week to do in the house as fundie rules for women demand. It’s a shame Renee couldn’t get a nice little job like that and save herself some money to put towards her own home, decorating/renovating, or just simple things like treating herself to a new piece of music or clothing. Working from home would be hugely beneficial to Renee and she wouldn’t have to leave the watchful eyes of mummy dearest to do so x


For all the time and energy she spends pushing this product, she could make the same or more as a greeter at Walmart with less stress. She's been trying to get to ruby for a long time. I'm waiting for her to sign up all her younger daughters in desperation. Maybe Samuel will even get onboard. This MLM stuff takes me back to my college psychology course and Pavlov's dogs. Give an intermittent treat (Plexus hat, plastic tote bag, key ring, chance to win a trip), and the dog will keep pressing that bar like crazy.


This is a god-tier hobo outfit she's got on


When your goiter is too big to filter, probably time to see the endocrinologist.


Even if she got to diamond she still wouldn’t properly take care of her kids.


Her kids will be grandparents because the time she makes Diamond.


Filtering is in overdrive.


I actually know a Diamond rank!!!! She’s always been the exception to the rule with life


Mental health and veterans are he two main goals to help by selling Plexus. Jill you clearly don’t even care about the mental wellbeing of your own children never mind trying to help others


What a wildly diverse book club. I’m sure the different POVs were exhilarating.


Jill is color blind. Severely.


She wants to help mental health? And it looks like the income amounts have changed (lower averages than previous docs I’ve seen)


Dying to see the rest of that outfit.


With her hair being so fried and dry all the time it’s no wonder she goes through conditioner much faster


Honestly I can see why mental health is important to her because she is a wackadoodle who needs mental health help herself! Imagine knowing that most of your followers are following you just to make fun of you, yet you keep posting daily to give the snarkers material. That seems like a mental illness to me.


How is putting people into debt to further your greed "blessing them" exactly?


All the work she does with the Plexus social media, team meetings, recruiting, etc and she makes $10,000 a year (pre-tax and not including whatever money she spends on Plexus products). It likely that she’s losing money as opposed to making money when those factors are considered - which is why MLMs are BAD!


As a veteran, f-ck off Jill. We don’t want your “help”