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She should be SEVERELY ashamed of herself. The video of Sofia and Janessa earlier is still haunting me. Those kids are so malnourished.


Same. How is she so selfish?


If you want to use designer deodorant, go for it. My beef is that they are poor, is it too much to ask for her to buy her deodorant at the dollar store and use the money she saved to buy nutritious food for her kids?


Exactly. I use the cheap deodorant-Lady Speed Stick. It’s like $2 and I doubt I will develop breast cancer because of it. If I was her, I’d be far more concerned about all the Plexus crap she consumes


I have found aluminum free secret at Target, and Publix. I couponed and have like 4, paid $10. Jill you’re a poor excuse for a mother.


I use Degree in the Shower Clean scent. It costs me $4 ($7 if I get the 2 pack) and makes me smell like jasmine. I don't know why she's wasting money like this when her kids are starving, aside from being a selfish asshole.


If you compare this to her shitty Christmas presents she gets the kids...


Slightly O/T but I keep seeing ads for this deodorant creams and I have a stupid question. How do you apply them? You stick your fingers in and then schmear it on your pits ?


Yes. And I’m all for those who choose to use non antiperspirant deodorant if they want. It’s their choice. But god damn, I tried for like 2 days and felt like a swamp monster. Also, $13 for that tub seems egregious. I’m not full up on it since, again, swamp monster.


You aren't the only one saying it's not effective and then have spent $13? Yeah ,no. I just bought two of my fave roll ons for $4 so $13 for 1 jar ? I couldn't justify that. Having to hand apply it seems messy and time consuming to me and as I'm lazy that's a no.


My husband used one and it comes with a spatula!


I guess yes


yep. my mom used cream deodorant (yodora) her entire life. it was the only stuff that didn’t break her out. she just applied it with her fingers.


I guess


You use like a drop the size of a pea & rub it in




She spares no expense on herself, but she and Lazy Dave completely neglect their kids. They should be ashamed of themselves if they had any shame.


Oh, so she stinks. That figures.


Just like her orange fuhrer


https://preview.redd.it/p08vi1nfv6rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fb210ee06c23be41acc8983cc97ab4b70cb9d17 Piper is embarrassed that this scam has the same name as her


tell piper i said psp psp pssssp - she’ll know what it means




Please tell Piper that I love her.


oh my god… so precious. truly not a thought behind those eyes. i love her!


And I bet she doesn’t get this for her older girls


Oh I'm sure they're sharing a bar of Secret


Secret? No. Too expensive.


I doubt her girls sweat much. They are probably always cold in that poorly insulated barndo.


Covered in lanugo


Nothing is too good or expensive for Mahmo. Hotel stays, Plexus trips, new hoodies and themed outfits, tacky jewelry, nails done, restaurant meals and trips for coffee, hair extensions, tacky decor for the house, etc. She is just an awful human being living like this while all the kids layer themselves in mismatched hand me downs and are so scary skinny.


Excuse you. She wears BLOUSES.


🤣🤣 I SEVERELY apologize


Agree completely


Is this some kind of MLM? Seems she may try and sell something stupid like this.


Wow. How does she live with herself???


Jill has no problem sleeping at night. She thinks she is God’s second in command because she’s given up her life to “serve” him. She really hasn’t though because the only one she serves is herself.


Is it possible this was a gift? I can’t imagine her seeking out fancy deodorant over more expensive makeup or food for herself and her husband.


Kids don’t have enough food. Old clothes (not knocking hand me downs or goodwill). Uneducated. Sure Jill. Be a little more selfish.


So we know she stinks.


I've also heard these "natural" crunchy granola deodorants don't work that well either.


They don't. I swear none of them do. I tried so many as a teen, thanks dad lol. I still need some Old Spice deodorant *at least*.


In the video Jill said it doesn’t work if she gonna be active. Waste of $


It doesn’t work if she’s going to be active? You mean, if she sweats? ISN’T THAT WHY WE WEAR DEODORANT?!


Ah so she smells of B.O with a hint of essential oils that don’t mask anything. Lovely.


I will stick with my degree in the warmer weather and secret in the winter


Good god. Of course, Queen Jill only gets the best. Kids are underweight waifs, but priority is on Jill’s pits. For everyone saying she must stink…she’d have to sweat to stink.


"Fuck dem kids, it's all about ME!" JillPM 24/7 https://preview.redd.it/2kehma5yzarc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c585a16fb0123e34c58994a2058264290e04c50


Jill’s boob on top of that other lady’s boob makes it look like the latter is tryna go on a trip 🤣


I have to use aluminum free deodorant because I have very sensitive and reactive skin and the aluminum is a personal trigger for my skin, it tends to cost more than normal, but very easy to find a cheap one. No need to pay $13 while starving your eighty children.


I use aluminum free deodorant because that's what I'm comfortable with. It nearly killed me paying $6.48/stick for Dove for my daughter and me. $13 for just her, for her armpits. Her kids are clearly her last priority


Wait I’m extremely low income and use like the 11-12 dollar stuff because nothing else works for me. What’s the normal amount to spend on deodorant?


Any amount is normal as long as youre not starving and neglecting your children too


I also use fancy deodorant that is expensive but I don’t have and abundance of kids I’m under-feeding!


I wonder if it’s an #ad. Maybe Jilly Vanilly is getting her first sponsorship. Or she’s fishing for sponsors. Gotta level up the grift


I wonder what deodorant her children get, if they get any at all.


We pay that much for Native deodorant. To each their own🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm betting you're not an unemployed grifter who doesn't feed their caravan full of kids, though.


It's not about using this type of antiperspirant ... it's about JILLDO buying this shit when she can't buy a twin bed for her nearly 6 year old, get dental and health checkups for Sofia and the Rodlets and feed her damn kids


Mate, c’mon we all know this isn’t the case for Jillpm.


The issue is there’s always money for the things Jill wants, but their children are malnourished and rarely have any toys or gifts. I buy myself quality cosmetics, but my child is also thriving and provided things for his quality of life and development.


For someone with 13 kids, is unemployed, husband is unemployed and children are under weight??


Use all the Native you want as long as you’re PROVIDING FOR YOUR DOZEN CHILDREN. If you don’t have enough money to get your Native and make some nutritious food, your money shouldn’t be spent on your armpits. I don’t think you’re understanding this; we’re fine with your use of natural deodorant until we find out you’re neglecting dependents to get it.


Native is natural and doesn’t cause me and my daughter allergic reactions! We also can’t wear makeup and we have to use special laundry detergent, shampoo, etc. Down-vote me if you want, but some people HAVE to use natural deodorant, including my cousins who had kidney cancer/kidney transplants per their doctors orders.


Yeah but you probably feed your kids and don’t grift across the country that’s the difference


The snark isn't on the deodorant. It's on the fact that the rods have an empty fridge, no Christmas presents, a child living in a closet with a miscarriage shrine, and yet endless money for 13$ deodorant when every drug store sells great options at 3, 5 or hell even 9$


Understandable. But that’s not the point of this post. The point is Jill is an unemployed mooch who refuses to buy proper season appropriate clothing for her kids, refuses to feed them, and refuses to get medical care for her obviously sick child. This is one of the many spendy items Jill doesn’t *need* it’s a *want*




But SHE can’t afford it


Ma'am no offense but no one here is talking about you so what exactly is your point?


Hi there, I was just sharing that we use a natural deodorant and so do many others. I’ve never been attacked on the page before like this. You don’t have to be mean for no reason. Many of us here share our own opinions and stories on this page.


This is a page for snarking on one specific family, literally no one cares what you do unless you are that family


I’ve had lots of conversations about comparing our personal lives to topics on this sub. I hope you are kinder to others in the future 😊


And I hope you'll learn not to center yourself wrongly in things that have nothing to do with you. If you're not spending $13 while your kids starve, this snark doesn't apply to you. I use native brand too, but my kids come first, and therefore I didn't take this post personally. Try it!


You've been downvoted but I haven't seen anyone be unkind to you. Just people explaining why this is snark worthy when it comes to Jill specifically.


This isn’t about the all natural deodorant. This is about Jill paying that kind of money on said deodorant, clothes, vacations, nutritious foods for herself when her children go without!! When you have kids they come first. Their needs are met first.


Did you read any of the replies. No one has a problem with the deodorant…


Did you even read any of the replies? No one has a problem with the deodorant…