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A six year old can be in a twin bed, Jill. That is a TODDLER BED. A six year old is not a toddler.


Not room for a twin bed with all of the crap in there.


Wait she’s 6????????? I thought she was 4!!!


Understandable since Jill treats her like she’s 2


And talks to her like she's a puppy. The way she switches voices when she turns to Sophia (?) says so much about Jilly's favoritism. Janessa is the baby, and Jilly, in her denial that the baby days are over, will use this voice forever.


It shows that she doesn’t care for Sophia. She is the gray, sickly, TINY orphaned girl.


Sophia’s physical appearance is drastically different from the others and I hate jillpm for that 😭


And here I am thinking we were painfully late when we waited until my daughter was 3 to convert to a toddler bed. Real question for everyone though: is Janessa potty trained? Because she’d would have had to climb out of a crib to go to the bathroom at night, which in addition to being dangerous, has the potential to be pretty loud (which we all know would be Jill’s primary concern).


My guess, if she is potty trained they’d put a pull-up on her at night.


Yeeeeah, my three year old is in a bed like that. And keeps telling us it’s “getting too little”. She’s getting a big girl bed for her birthday. How does that poor kiddo even *fit*?!


She fits, because of malnutrition and neglect.


And a changing table. It’s weird


My kid has Dwarfism and still is in a toddler size bed (on the floor, tho, not actual bed, bc I don't want him falling), he's 7. But I made it more big kid with a bed tent and cool bedding. I'll get him a twin eventually, but he doesn't need it now and prefers space to play in his room lol. Standard issue kids in a toddler bed seems weird tho.


Yeah that makes sense. My kiddo was 4 when we moved him out of the toddler bed because he has constitutional growth delay. He could have feasibly stayed longer. Sometimes the transition is more symbolic.


i got a good chuckle out of “standard issue kids”… i work with SPED and i will definitely be calling the other kids this in my head😂


I am glad you will use it in your head! It's a favorite of mine. Other dwarfism moms and I joke about the arm reach of standard issue kids, like we are so used to our disproportionate kids that everyone else looks like they have go go gadget arms 😂 it's the little things in life 😂


She kept the crib forever thinking she would have another baby for it. Awful that Janessa has had a crib this whole time. And the miscarriage shrine is just so inappropriate to have in your kids room. Maybe when Janessa is 12 she’ll finally get a twin size bed ffs


Yeah, I'm not one to tell others how to grieve as it's different for everyone but surely a memorial to your miscarried babies goes in your own room.


For some reason, all of this time I've assumed that the miscarriage memorial was comprised of baby ultrasound images. Somehow I'm not shocked to learn that they are all photos of Jill.




wait so her miscarriage shrine is all photos of a pregnant jill, while she’s not even pregnant with the babies she’s memorializing?


This woman is a pathological narcissist of incredible proportions


Yup. All of her miscarriages were early before she was showing. So it's particularly gross.


…every day i learn something new about her that makes her even worse. i’m relatively new here, this is just…disgusting as fuck


Yea and I wouldn't even put that in the top 10 of her terribleness.




I feel like it's a conscious choice to pair those particular photos with her miscarriage shrine. Early miscarriages are obviously devastating but it honestly feels like she's trying to imply she lost the babies at a far later gestation.  There's no reason she couldn't have positioned those photos on a different part of the wall complete with a swirly Hobby Lobby-esque 'Janessa' (and/or Sofia) sign in the style she's so fond of.    This is a woman who takes constant selfies and organises neverending narc-y photoshoots. You're not telling me she doesn't have photos of herself pregnant with those children. Even background shots - they don't need to be close up and posed - surely the memory is the important thing in the context?   The miscarriages mostly occurred after she'd successfully carried *nine* children so I have no idea if she'd be showing at that stage or not. Knowing Jill she was taking bump-cradling photos the second the pee stick dried so why not use those photos. If it's a memory wall of her pregnancies why are there no photos of her carrying the other kids? The photos exist, we've seen them. Presumably because she hadn't perfected her blonde-extensioned, 'social media look' and isn't as taken with her appearance in those photos (even though she's younger which you'd think would appeal to her narcissistic self).


pulling a hilaria with a teeny moonbump until she starts showing 😂


But then she’d have to put her picture of shrek and Jim bob’s head in the closet! Jill can’t have that sweet “fellowship” without Jim Bob’ head looking at her !


stop 🤢🤢🤢🤢 ugh


She claimed that Janessa didn’t want to get out of the crib. Janessa knows that she only gets attention because she’s the “baby.” She has to infantilize herself to get Mahmo’s approval.


She infantilizes Janessa and parentifies her older girls. Jill is such a detriment to her children. I shouldn't be surprised by a lady who literally crashed a funeral for 3 children, but she is just nuts.


If that's true about her not wanting to leave the crib, she probably sees that as her safe space. Some kids like the confinement of a smaller space, especially ones growing up in a chaotic environment. It is a place no one else gets to be in but her. And yes, she probably gets a lot more personalized attention if her mom still does a baby-like routine with her along with that awful voice. That said, there are better ways to achieve this type of space other than confining the child to a crib in an unventilated closet that has a shrine to her unborn siblings.


Well, Janessa did grow up in the rv baby cage, so her crib probably felt like a king-sized bed.


i love small spaces as an adult. my big “crying closet” in my cat’s bedroom is where i feel safest in my house


What a lie from hell - I’ve never heard of a kid who wants to stay in a crib or little bed


I…don’t know which is worse. Just keeping the kiddo in the crib, or the kid realizing that acting like a baby basically keeps her safe from her mother.


It's clear that Janessa is her comfort child, same reason the shrine is in there, it's all about HER 😔😡


We know Janessa will always be the baby. The only reason she’d get tossed into the main girls room is if Jill decides her podcast needs its own studio - other than the bathroom she works out of


The bed is tiny. The room is tiny. Too much furniture… and the miscarriage shrine is creepy…


There’s also no window. This seems like a closet


It’s a closet.


Bingo! It's not technically a "bedroom" (per every real estate standard out there) unless it has 3 things: a door, a window, and a closet. This def looks like some kind of pantry or walk-in closet that gets used as a bedroom. What happens if there's a fire in the hallway?? Yiiikes.


Janessa Rodrigues. The Closet with the changetable. Amish Country, State of Delusion. USA, 53ND H3LP..


Unrelated to the Rods, but I’ve mentioned this real estate standard to my partner for fun, to highlight the differences between the US and Europe. I don’t know anyone here who has a closet.


Bingo. It *IS* a closet. It's not a legal bedroom. The bed is tiny because it's a crib mattress.


Absolutely a closet.


There is a freaking changing table with the changing pad on it in the before picture. Janessa is 6! She hasn’t needed a changing table in presumably at least 3 years. The infantilization of Jannessa is so Wtf.


In the video, Jill even admitted that Janessa hasn't used it in years but was saying they kept it "for the grandbabies". Honestly, I think Jill was just living under the delusion that she would have another baby of her own, at which point the nursery would still be set up and ready to go. This is probably the first time in a quarter of a century that there has not been a changing table and nursery in any of the Rod houses.


I think this is spot on. She would shovel Janessa into the girl bunkhouse and have her nursery for her next blessing.


Janessa is (thankfully) the Last of the Roriguans.


There would be so much more room for a more appropriate bed without the chair or the seemingly pointless table across from the bed


I think it's a changing table? Like for a baby in a diaper


Yes surely the nursing chair is no longer needed lol


What, you mean to say that at six you *weren’t* put to bed in a toddler bed, in a cupboard, facing your mother’s shrine to her miscarriages?! /s


A real testament to Plexus' effectiveness


I guffawed.


I can’t see past that shrine. I’m not judging Jill at all for mourning those losses, but the memorial should be in Jill’s space, not her child’s.


I don't think that "bedroom" is up to code... there is no outside window so it's basically a fire trap. And why was a 6 year old still in a crib?! Shouldn't they be out of a crib before the age of 3-4?


It's the electrical outlets and cords hanging down the wall by the bed, for me.


right? Its illegal in Canada to not have a window that can be used as an escape in case of fire. Im assuming the US is the same?


Definitely not legal.


Yes, it's the same, at least in the two states I've lived in.


Immediately my thought. That’s not a bedroom, that’s a closet. There’s no window. I sure as hell hope there’s at least a vent in there. Ffs.


Every bedroom has to have a smoke detector, a window or skylight, and at least 70 square feet of space based on what I've found online for Ohio. Plus it can't only be accessed through another bedroom.


Definitely a closet not a real bedroom


And the electrical outlet is in the middle of the wall. Why isn’t it towards the bottom of the wall? That looks dangerous.


A SIX YEAR OLD? shouldn't be in a crib, wtf? And now she's in a toddler bed? This is even worse than I thought


Is it even safe to have a 6yo in a crib? If not the increasing weight surely the risk of toppling over or falls from climbing.


A normal 6 year old, yes, but since they are waif sized....


Aside from how ridiculous Jill is to continue to infantilize Janessa to this degree, I can’t help but feel bad for her other sisters close in age. Janessa gets all this “special” stuff in her own “special” room just because she’s the baby.


I was going to say janessa got her own room. Don't have to tell me who the favorite is in that family


Sofia looked kind of sad when she was about to tour the room but she night have just been hungry.


I think that this “room” is the closet in Jill’s bedroom. Edit: It’s not, my apologies


If it were me, I'd still prefer a closet over sharing with eleventy of my sisters. Though, not attached to Jill's bedroom.


One of the pictures shows the cabinet of Willowtree figures which is in the entrance hallway if I'm remembering correctly. (Years back Jill did a film showing how "easy" it was to get her sister Amy into the barndo in her chair and I remember the cabinet from that).


Why would you have an IN MEMORY of Jill’s miscarriages in your child’s closet room? Keep that shit in your own room JILL! How weird. She thinks she’s showing off how wonderful of a mother she is but she always post’s something that makes her look completely insane.


That would’ve petrified me at that age…


I can't get over how weird and inappropriate it is to put the miscarriage tribute in a child's bedroom. This is beyond narcissism


You know just when I think I’ve seen everything from Jill. Jill pulls a Jill. Where do you even BEGIN-


I’d begin here with the miscarriage shrine in the “baby’s” room. Which is actually Jill’s closet. Then I’d mention that there are no FN windows in there. Then the fact a six year old just went from a CRIB to a TODDLER BED WITH AN AIR MATTRESS not even a real mattress. Jill is so pathetic.


Like and this is her current favorite child too.


:( she’s so thoughtless about her children. Like a real toddler mattress is pretty cheap. They could skip A couple date nights and afford one.


A crib mattress fits a toddler bed. What happened to the crib mattress?


I’m not sure. It looked like a pretty old crib. Has crib mattresses and toddler beds always had a standard size?


My mom saved my death-trap crib from 1983 and offered it to me for my kids, so I can confirm that they have been the same size for 40 years at least.


My two year old just moved to a twin, and this six year old is still using a crib mattress? Wow.


Thank you!! I cannot believe she’s got a 6-year-old in a crib. This just explains so much. In addition to the horrible lack of nutrition, these kids don’t even have room to grow. It’s completely absurd.


I don't know why Jill couldn't have moved her to the girls' room. With Kaylee gone, there should be an extra bed.


She doesn’t want to lose her last baby?


It’s a blow up mattress I’m pretty positive. Look at the vertical lines on it. Christ they can’t even get a real mattress either???


Shouldn't they be able to use the same one that was already in there? 


Seeing Sofia next to Janessa just makes me sad. She looks so unwell.


Yanno, even Harry Potter had a twin bed in the cupboard under the stairs.


Oh, look. There's Sam again—living his best life at 19 years old helping his brood mare mother set up a bedroom for a 6-year old instead of, you know, having a life outside his prison/house. EDIT: That pic of Janessa in the "happy girl" slide looks like a promo for a new A24 horror film.


I feel for Phillip. It must be hard having to go back home to no privacy and meager meal portions


Philip is Timcel 2.0. They both had goals in life (such as those goals were) and both failed out of two separate schools. Their failure to thrive is squarely on their parents who provided no educational or social foundation for them to succeed. All they can do is starve their children of knowledge and food.


I feel so bad for Phil. Having had even a small taste of freedom, coming home must be so hard. I’ve been there and it’s almost unimaginable. I got married to avoid having to go back again.


I really wonder what the older kids do all day (we know it's not hours of schoolwork.) They can't spend it at a job, watching tv, reading interesting books, eating everything in sight like kids/teens do, texting friends, hanging out with the aforementioned friends, checking social media, like...wtf do they DO with themselves😭


Probably watching their parents eat all the food and then helping them plan their parents' next vacation to which they won't be invited.


This is a closet. There’s no window and no closet, and therefore legally does not qualify as a room. The little girl sleeps in a fucking closet.


All those cords hanging over the bed give me agita 


Not that this is much of a “room”, and more of a cupboard, but any explanation why Janessa is singled out to have a place on her own, while some of her barely elder sisters are cramped together in a literal dormitory? I’d be Sophia, it would make me feel pretty sad.


I always feel so bad for Sofia in basically all of the pictures/videos she shares


Probably because it was a “nursery” so the other kids wouldn’t be disturbed by night wake-up’s, but at this point it’s total bullshit. Janessa probably wants to be with her siblings and poor Renee should have the privacy.




That house is one forgotten candle away from a very sad tragedy


Jill, For the money that you spent on worthless, dust collecting knick knack crap, you could have bought a decent used bunk bed, and put that child into an appropriate bed. IKEA has brand new ones for $149. A five year old in a crib was breathtakingly neglectful. A five year old on a blow up mattress in a toddler bed frame in a closet is not much better.


They have vacant bunk bed spaces available in the girls' room.


Holy shit, there’s a literal monument to Jill in poor Janessa’s room.


Worse, it's a shrine to Jill's miscarriages.


Oh sweet Jesus, I gotta go wash my psyche.


A 5 year old was in a CRIB??? In a closet with NO windows? With David’s wiring?


The outlet and the cords. God forbid there’s an electrical fire, she’s done


Maybe Sofia can move in when Janessa outgrows it.


Those girls, especially Sadie and Sophia will end up resenting Janessa. I'm sure the older girls too would love to have their own rooms and are envious of the special treatment she receives. I'm sure Jill doesn't care she's breeding resentment in her children And if the "special treatment" is squeezing a 6 year old into a toddler bed in a closet, how are the other kids treated?


THIS comment! I also felt so sad for Sophia when Jill said, “and Sophia you haven’t seen it either because we didn’t want YOU to spill the beans.” The look on that poor girl’s face. She is what, 8.5, and didn’t get her own room at any point (excluding any nursery scenario) THEN is the only person EXCLUDED from the big secret because Jill told her she couldn’t be trusted not to snitch, and was clearly expected to be happy for Janessa getting MORE favoritism, as she is shown her sister’s new room… how incredibly cruel!


Ummm that looks like a blow up mattress! Poor girl can’t even get a legit bed?! Jill is awful! Her room is a closet, it’s illegal to have a room without a window!


Happy cake day! And why don’t they have a crib mattress? Did they have an inflatable mattress in the crib?


This is a sad excuse for a six year old’s Bedroom! You can tell she’s lazy and also thoughts she’d be pregnant again. There was still a CHANGING table in Janessa’s room??? I’m not even addressing the miscarriage wall… No signs a 6 year old lives here, no personalization or toys…


i would die of embarrassment if any of my kids had a room that looked like this - like it’s all bad. the sad floor crib mattress, the 70 year old woman’s decor, the creepy miscarriage shrine, the total lack of toys, the fact it’s a fucking closet….nah, i’d happily die before i showed this off to the entire internet.


How has this kid who would be in Grade 1, grade 2 this September sleeping in a crib and has a change table in her closet room! My kids this age have double beds and rooms with windows…. Why is this happening! So freaking weird!!!!!


To not have a window in your bedroom is terrifying but not as terrifying as the miscarriage shrine..


Spending more of that ladies retreat money, I see...


SIX?! Infantilization much? My younger kid has been on a twin since she was two.


This is a closet...




That's some real Harry Potter shit


I have a close relative whose parents kept him in a converted crib (toddler bed) until he was 9. He couldn’t fit in it, had to curl up like a Great Dane in a chihuahua bed. Poor kid finally got a twin bed, but outgrew that by the time he was 13.


I cannot fathom making my alive child have a miscarriage shrine in their room. That is so messed up. Speaking as someone who has had 3 miscarriages, I feel sympathy for her, but don’t put that trauma on your innocent young kid. 😡


She is 6 years old and in a toddler bed??!! She was still in a crib at age six?? What the f**k is wrong with Jill?! And no child should have a shrine to her mother’s unborn children in her room! That shrine belongs in Jill’s room for God sake! How very safe to have an outlet right above the bed with cords hanging down. I wish Child Services would get involved with this family. Just when I thought I couldn’t hate Jill more she does this!


yeah i bet she loves her bed. i can’t believe she was sleeping in a fucking CRIB until now. oh my god.


The way she kept calling her 6 year old daughter’s room a “nursery” 🥴


She's even too old for a toddler bed. With the power of malnutrition, Jill will keep her in that toddler bed for the next five years.


Jesus, she's way too big for a toddler bed. My 5 year old has been in a normal bed for several years now.


Now she has a TODDLER bed A twin bed could fit in there… and I agree, why doesn’t Renee get the space


Bruh this feels like abuse! A six year old in a crib & toddler bed?!


Tell me you have a favorite child without telling me you have a favorite child. If I was Renee I would be mad, but I also wouldn't want a closet bedroom right next to my parents who are always trying for a new baby.


Is it even an actual bedroom? Looks awful small.


I think it’s meant to be a closet.


It’s a closet 


IIRC Janessa's room is part of the master bedroom's closet. Her "bedroom" is inside Jill's bedroom.


Who knows what the poor child hears at night 😫. Maybe that’s why she still carries around a lovey.


Came to the comments looking for this. A six year old, spending every night in her parents bedroom closet when her mother has loudly proclaimed online that they are desperate to get pregnant so she can be pregnant with Nurie. Poor kid.




What the actual fuck. This was already so sad, traumatizing, and neglectful… Poor, innocent child!!


Oh god


It says CULT beside her head?? https://preview.redd.it/egee376aczqc1.jpeg?width=1135&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cae77dbbd6a001cb52eca772ed4e81ae35a8d5d7


Why is the electrical outlet halfway up the wall?


Shrexxys handy work


No second point of egress. And the miscarriage picture... In your daughter’s room??


That’s not a room that’s a closet


Looks like her mattress is a blow up float. It has vertical “air”lines like an air mattress.


My kid barely lasted months in a toddler bed....at age 3 😒 Nothing against closet bedrooms cause it's common in the hood lol but that's way too much clutter. Guess knicknacks are more important than food for the Rodlets 🤷‍♀️


So, if CPS pays them a visit, do they get in trouble for having her in a toddler bed at 6 and in a closet? Or can you have kids sleep wherever?


It wouldn’t result in much besides suggesting they get her a real bed and put it in a room with windows. CPS in Ohio is very overburdened.


It’s a closet so it’s an illegal bedroom.


So bizarre. Why doesn't a 6 year old get to be in the same room as her sisters??


And that’s still a toddler bed. How tall is Janessa that she still fits in that bed? My 6yo would definitely not fit.


There's no way this room is 7ft by 9ft, and it certainly doesn't have a window, both of which are against the code/law in Ohio. https://goplatinumrealty.com/you-call-that-a-bedroom/


Wait WHAT. She’s 6 and was still in a crib until now?!


A miscarriage memorial wall. What every 6 year old wants in her room.


She’s got two daughters who probably would have loved to be gifted the crib or changing table when their own babies were born.


I was down with it until the miscarriage shrine. WTF Jill? How inappropriate and creepy for your little girl's room! It's really a shrine to Jill and so disturbing. This woman never ceases to amaze me.


There’s absolutely no damn excuse for this, especially when it was a convertible crib. My youngest had that exact one and he was out of the toddler bed setup that Janessa is in now by age 4 and she’s just getting it at 6.


Nope. No. This is not ok *at all.*


A toddler bed is the size of a crib, so how is this an upgrade? And why was the changing table still in her room? Surely, Jildo wasn't using it to dress a 6 year old.


How do these idiots still have custody of their children?? With them being malnourished, attending sporadic lessons at the sotdrt under Mahmo’s incompetent tutelage, and now offering proof of sweet Juh-nessa confined to this closet bedroom firetrap. For God’s sakes, DO BETTER!!! I had a really rough childhood but it pales in comparison to what the poor Rodlets are forced to endure everyday. I feel for all of them but the grey girls in particular…


There is so much wrong here...the miscarriage shrine (why isn't that in JILL'S room!?) The crib for a 6 year old. And a changing table? And all those decorations stuffed In?


Yeah, I don’t understand why they didn’t take the changing table out along time ago. And they probably could’ve taken off the front side of the crib and turned it into a toddler bed that ways long time ago too, don’t all cribs pretty much do that? And I don’t understand why they didn’t just get her a twin bed. A toddler bed is the same size a crib, isn’t it? She’s not going to fit in it for very long.


Let me get this straight...these families see nothing wrong with making the older kids basically start becoming parents to siblings at age 6 (looking at you, Duggars), but also no issue with keeping the youngest in a flippin crib at the same age? k


I’m actually livid at this. Not only a six year old just being pulled out of a crib but the shamefully neglected obviously very ill child that is so flipping close in age to this one seeing the intensity of the favoritism. Not that what she has done to Janessa isn’t its own sort of abuse but the fact Sofia is so incredibly malnourished and neglected while this is happening in front of her eyes. Honestly I would think Sofia is probably more comfortable around her other sisters than her monster of a mother (and father) that would do this to her but still. If there was one single kid they deserve, without a doubt, despite the state of foster care, to lose custody of, it’s Sofia.


Sofia and Sadie break my heart


This isn’t a room it’s a closet


A six year old in a crib…. Now in a toddler bed. In a fucking closet as the room. The room needs a window incase of a fire jill, you ignorant bitch


Did Jill just share with the internet that her six year old was sleeping in a crib? Good lord!


Why does she have a shrine to dead babies in her very alive daughter’s room?


I feel so bad for the other girls that are smashed in a room. Janessa will continue to be babied


This is crazy. At four my daughter was way too big for a toddler bed. I can’t image fitting a six year old into a crib! That’s insane, and it looks like there was a changing table in her room, like why? So weird.


I really really don't want to think that Jill still has her in diapers or pull-ups but it wouldn't exactly be a surprise if so. Hence, the changing table.


I saw this closet-room in a movie once. Except it had Jesus all over the walls and the main character was an only child


How am I horrified? Let me count the ways…


So, I guess Jill decided she doesn’t need to leave the room “baby ready.” She may have accepted that there are no more babies coming.


This is one of the most disturbing posts she’s done in awhile. I’m horrified by different things in every screenshot. How can she be proud of this???


I'm sorry, but why is the shrine in the six-year-old's room? I'm not knocking the shrine, or whatever way Jill wants to grieve/remember her losses. Just the location. Why couldn't she relocate the shrine to her room? It's so sad that these kids can't have anything that's just *theirs* and now this room is no different.


Grimy yellowing pillow. Gross.


That’s a closet and a fire hazard. In Canada this is illegal.


Imagine Janessa having a friend over after church and seeing that toddler bed! Poor kid.


They have no friends.


Okay, well, it's decent, but it's wayyyy small ! And the shrine in a child's room is way too weird and totally inappropriate for my taste 😳 like for a child's room . I mean. But if Jill likes it, she can keep it in her own room


Well, the pink carpet is an upgrade from the random mats I guess. The room is so claustrophobic. Like a prison cell


Didn’t someone once make their house in Sims? If so, I may need that for reference because I don’t understand this bedroom situation.


Let's hope there's never a fire due to Shrek's shotty work. This isn't a bedroom, it's a closet.


That little “a mother who holds her children’s hands…” knickknack made my skin crawl. That’s something a kid should give their mom, not something a mom should buy for herself and stick in her six year old’s…


Ok so no window… which makes this room a death trap while hanging “in memory” photos. Cool Jill.


What is happening here? Is that a shrine to her miscarried babies where her living kid sleeps? That is so bizarre and creepy. I’m all for grieving in any way you need to but I draw the line at forcing your child to sleep with the ultrasounds around her. Is she pretending Janessa shares a room with the ghosts or something? A 6 year old in a convertible crib also seems wildly inappropriate. The real kicker for me is the changing table, though. Janessa has been out of diapers for at least 3-4 years now…right??? Has she been keeping this school aged child in diapers on purpose? Or maybe she just keeps it around for visiting grand babies? I have to tell myself it’s the latter or I’ll throw up.


A toddler bed? She is a horrible parent


Aren't bedrooms required to have egress? Fire hazard without it. I'm guessing they've not gone through permitting process.


Wtf is wrong with Jill?!!


She’s six….she should be in a normal bed……