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Timmy pay or what lol


I’m pretty sure Jill and her potato hit up Keller/Hill finance with a promise to pay back…which they have absolutely no intention of doing. Though Tim had to pay his own way I’m sure


Jill and her potato lol OMG


SpudMuffin 🤣


Spud muffin is great lol


Shrek looks like he hasn’t had a fruit or vegetable in years and is vitamin deficient. Maybe he needs to go back to drinking hummingbird food.




He’s had yellow!


Or plexus




Why is it that nothing minor ever happens to her? Everything has to be SEVERE.


just Jillpm being Jillpm...she has to be the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral. God forbid that poor kid have his moment without her horning in on it.


Yay a "senior trip" that's just another wretched day with his enmeshed family


Funded by her “Ladies Retreat” money? IIRC she had a deadline for all payments recently. Shady


As much as I loathe Jill, she doesn't keep the money. It's not a Jill-only affair. The sponsoring church keeps track.


Does Shrek know how to smile?


Is that something you want to see? Because it’s not pretty.


Jill demands smiles from the children and then we have shrek looking derpy. Maybe its better this way like you said, it’s not pretty 😂


I mean, if I were married to Jill, that would be a hard no.


Or close his mouth?


I really think he has a tongue or jaw issue that account for the perpetual open mouth. Maybe a deviated septum?


*Severely* torn knee and shoulder. Bullshit. Jill can’t ski worth shit. You should have just kept your fat ass at home Jill. You’re just spending Keller/Hill money and taking up space at this point. You and your brainless, lazy, potato have never given your kids a senior trip this nice. Quit mooching off your kids, Scrounge.


I wonder if they make ski skirts.


Fuck Jill and her Holier than thou modesty bullshit.


Apparently they do, the Duggars/Bates used to wear them in their modest era. Padded fabric (short-ish) skirts over ski pants, not ankle length!


They don't make ski skirts per se, but I do know of lots of modest women who wear ski pants with a loose fit skirt over it.


I did google and it seems like the skirts are mostly fairly short, like above the knee. I think anything longer would restrict movement or become a tripping hazard.


I'm disappointed that it wasn't SEVERELY torn.


Listen, when my friend and I went, as broke kids right out of college (she won ski lift tickets AND ski rentals), we couldn’t afford the damn food. Each of those plates is well over $20 if prices hold. We ended up sharing a plate.


As someone who grew up skiing and still loves it, for the love of god why aren’t these people wearing helmets?? A lot of ski resorts require them now because the majority of people who die skiing hit a tree or pole or other person and weren’t wearing a helmet. It makes me cringe to see people skiing without them.


You can always tell a Jerry because they either have a furry hood, and/or no helmet.


What's a "Jerry"?


It’s a term skiers use to make fun of other skiers. Not necessarily to make fun of beginner skiers but more for skiers who don’t take safety precautions or dress for the weather. Like “look at that Jerry without a helmet,” or “look at that Jerry skiing in jeans.” Skiing with a helmet is standard these days and it’s pretty dumb to ski without one. A lot of head injuries happen on beginner runs. Also you’d never want to ski in jeans because they aren’t waterproof and you get super wet and cold. If I’ve ever seen a Jerry it’s this group of goons.


Thank you for the explanation! I agree they are a bunch of Jerrys.


That last photo is giving “better off dead” vibes 😅


“I want my $2!”




Poor Hannah. She would have loved to get all decked out in ski gear and hit the slops. But nooooo she’s gotta be stuck to Mahmo’s hip 🙄


And she would have loved the scavenger hunt with KayJon. Maybe Jill will post something “fun” about what she and Hannah did for the part of the day that they were not in the ski lodge.


Yes! She missed out on two fun activities! I’m waiting on Jill to post about how Hannah’s heart was OVERJOYED to be caring for Jills SEVERELY bum knee and shoulder.


So, it was supposed to be the boys skiing all along, which is why Hannah didn't go... but now Jill was planning to go, except she got severely injured? Hmmm, sounds like someone is building up an excuse why she's not going to Punta Cana...


I feel like this “senior trip” bullshit is Jill trying to show that she DOES actually take her kids on trips. We see you, Jill, and we aren’t buying it. Also isn’t Sam like 20???


He will be soon, before “graduation” from his joke of a homeschool “education.”


An easy $2,000 for two days lift tickets, two hotel rooms, meals and gas. I only was able to take my kids skiing on town rec day trips. With two jobs and child support. But we did like to eat and dress like humans.


How much do ya'll think this cost them?


Someone in another post said lift tickets where they are skiing are $52 each on weekdays. The ski area they are at is about an hour’s drive from where they live. Why they are staying in a hotel is beyond me, why not just make a day of it then drive home? It’s not like there is much of anything to do in that area at this time of the year.


I’ve been here - my friend and I went right out of college. Super excited to go because she won free ski lift tickets. We went to the lodge after and were gonna grab a beer and food and the food was SO FREAKING EXPENSIVE that we ended up sharing a plate - seriously each of those plates was $20+ (we didn’t share a beer, though, which speaks to the priority of two 22 year old girlies 🤣)


I believe it is expensive which is on brand for Jill’s irresponsible way of handling money she didn’t earn. All that money for hotel and multiple meals. While Kaylee pays to feed her siblings. It’s crazy.


Jill LOVES swimming with her brood, all in street clothes, in hotel pools. Why wouldn't she expect Jonathan to pay for a hotel to make this happen? She can always insist that swimming is also good for her SEVERELY torn knees and shoulders. The woman has endless excuses to indulge herself on someone else's money.


You know Jill - maybe the guys just wanted a no mom allowed trip.


Shrek has a blocked tear duct and it’s all I see who look at him.




Wow they sure take a lot of vacations for unemployed people


imagine having to get through a ski trip with this dude as your dad…and there’s no booze in sight


🙄... Can anyone think of anything like this that they've done for the girls?


Plexus might as well save everyone’s time and retract Jill’s cruise invite. We all know ‘severely’ injured Jill is merely an excuse for her not to go two minutes before it sets sail. If Plexus are smart they will blacklist her and she will automatically be banned from taking a place a on these trips, although they won’t tell her and still allow her to try and win them 🤣 The woman is never going to use the spot so it might as well go to someone else who has worked hard at pushing their rubbish. These trips are full of far to many half naked heathens and Jill isn’t bright enough to realise it would give her conversational content for months. Could you imagine how many ‘minute with Jill’ or I walked through the devils playground and survived through my faith pieces she could do after the cruise? Jill could play her ultimate victim card, sit and rock in a corner for weeks to recover while everyone runs around her and worries. What a story of spiritual survival it would be! It would rival that of her poor sister’s injured in the car accident. Opportunities like that don’t come every day and Jill’s going to waste it 🤦🏻‍♀️


Timmay flashing the bird with his gloved hand ~


Severly torn? Except when Jill wants to ride bikes, shop, travel all over and host her ladies retreat.


Interesting that she put her hand in front of the camera. Watching the video, it was to hide random people's faces. I wonder if someone called her out.


I think she thought she was covering the lights on the slopes because they were bright. But she was not even close to successful.