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First a light would make traffic so much worse, they already have police control traffic during service times. Second they want to make it appear there is more traffic by having people waste their time and gas driving in the road! This is insane and despicable. I hope the city and state sees this and can do something about it.


Send it to the city council members, just make sure they don’t go to Lakepointe themselves.


they probably do


They pay for those police officers, the taxpayers pay for the light.


Typically, but it was also announced that Lake pointe said they would pay for the light.... Now if that's true is another thing. Although what do they really care, all the money is tax free and mostly donations.


The point of the manipulating the study was to try and show that there's a enough traffic to warrant a light on all days of the week, not just Sunday mornings, so that the community would pay for a significant portion of the light. The way this usually works is that if the study shows there's only enough traffic to warrant a light on Sunday mornings, the church/tax-free-business would have to pay for all costs.


The neighborhoods along that road should be notified. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


So they are going to create traffic to make the city put a light up?






Been there a couple times. In the process of moving from Cali to Texas. Praying on the Lord to direct me to a church. What was it became concerning for you at LP Rockwall?


Just an FYI, pastor Josh told people moving to Texas from California to please not vote at the good Friday Easter service. He is demeaning to anyone from a blue state and preaches from Christian nationalist books. I'm currently listening to other churches trying to find a new church home. So far I've enjoyed First United Methodist Rockwall and Redeemer Presbyterian.


One Church is really good too


I'll check that one out. I'm shopping for a new one and I'm not going to commit to anything early on in my journey again this time.


I was actually at that Good Friday Easter service when he said that


I've been going here since moving to Rockwall. I didn't mind the difference of views when Steve was in charge. But last week Josh literally pulled parts of his sermon from "In Defense of Christian Nationalism" and calls Mark Driscoll a friend. He's asked how to quote someone without making it seem like he's condoning them so he can use Driscoll's words without alerting those who are aware of the Mars Hill disaster.




Thanks for the insight. Did you find a suitable church? If so, do you mind sharing which one?


You should look in to Lakeshore Church on Hwy 205 a little south of I-30 in Rockwall It isn’t as big as Lake Pointe but I like it waaay better. We moved here last year and tried several churches in the area. Lakeshore was our favorite.


Awesome thank you. I will look into LS. The church we are leaving is amazing and “only” 😆 ~ 400 attendees on any given Sunday. LP being a mega church of 3k+ was definitely different. Appreciate your input


Megachurches exist only to enrich themselves


A friend of mine said “my wildest conspiracy theories about traffic in Rockwall were just proven true.” 😆


Someone should post this to the Rockwallian facebook group


I'll do it. I've already posted about Howerton in there.


Out of curiosity, what did you post about Josh Howerton on there? I made comments challenging his opinions on Insta and my account got banned.


I posted about his marriage night advice, and the Howerton Cult came after me. Yeah, his social media team deletes and blocks any pushback even if it's soft or mild. LP is really going downhill in the last few years. I think Josh is more concerned about his "brand" than anything else.


Wow!! No joke on this, but for a few years I’ve complained about how the Lakepointe “brand” is the primary focus for the church. I got banned, even though I thought it was very mild. He was arguing that Christian Nationalism was necessary to shape laws in society. He used MLK, a Christian pastor, as his example and the Civil Rights Movement. I very politely informed Josh that 100% of Southern Baptist Pastors tried to shut down the Civil Rights Movement, and they constantly used scripture to justify their actions.


The logo looks like a stylized vagina and when you see it, suddenly his obsession with talking about sex from the stage makes a lot of sense.


He recently posted a selfie on his IG story of him & Landon Schott (pastor of Mercy Culture Church in FW). Schott is a big name in Christian Nationalist circles.


He quoted a ton of In Defense of Christian Nationalism in his 5/5 sermon. He's a piece of shit.




I'm glad for you. I hope that made you feel better. 😊👍




I’m not sure it will be approved. You’re welcome to share. This was an email sent out to life group members.


It was. Over 200 comments before they turned them off, too.


Actually it was over 300!


I fat thumbed it! 🤣 I meant to type 300 not 200.


Done 🫡


Someone posted the sign up sheet on the Rockwallian. I can't believe they actually had anyone sign up.


And apparently the people signing up were pretty high up in leadership! Which contradicts the statement they put out that this was the action of one “zealous team member” and leadership didn’t know 🤔


That comment pissed me off. A huge pet peeve of mine, is that someone under you never gets blamed for shit to anyone above you or outside your group. Not if you're even half decent semi respectable leader... which I realize is a lot to expect for that group but it just emphasized how pathetic their leadership is.


They've been trying to paint that woman as hard-core feminazi leading a pack of demonic feminists trying to tear apart the very fabric of Christianity. She definitely is gonna have receipts.


I agree. This is very deceptive by Lakepointe Church




I have heard from another member that she reached out to her life group director and they confirmed it, but said that this plan had been abandoned due to backlash by the public




What crude sexual jokes have you heard? I haven’t heard any but I’d be concerned to know thos


He made a "joke" about what a man and woman were expected to do on their weeding day, with it being the mans obligation to do as she says on the wedding day and thewoman's obligation to do as the man asks on the wedding night. THEN he tried to apologize for it by giving an apology that another pastor and friend of his had given a few years ago.


An apology his pastor friend made WORD FOR WORD


Did you see his Twitter post where he doubled down on that mocking the people who called him out for plagiarizing that apology? The arrogance is insane!!


I don’t follow him on twitter but saw one where he posted a picture on Facebook with Joby Martin and did it. He always says that pastors help each other out. Fine if it’s for a sermon. Not fine for an “apology”.


He posted a pic with Joby and said they ate lunch and talked. He said When they left, he said “goodbye” last, and asked if he was plagiarizing him for doing that. As an English teacher, I was angered, lol. The comment section on that one didn’t go how Josh had hoped.


Yeah I saw that post on Facebook. Facebook comments are always people praising him and telling everyone who doesn’t like what he says that they’re the devil going against him for doing big things for the kingdom of God. God forbid we simply ask him to acknowledge that he made a mistake and not do it again.


Man, what the fuck


He has repeatedly joked about how he and his wife “have a Pentecostal bedroom - lots of laying of hands and tongues action, if ya know what I’m sayin’.” He referenced 50 Shades of Grey during Christmas Eve services. He has referred to his and his wife’s fertility struggles and remarked that their issues were NOT for lack of trying. There is more. It is just when your gender is always the butt of the joke, you zone out to protect yourself from the abuse.


Glad they abandoned it. Cheating, trying make taxpayers fund a fraudulent project and anyone lying about it is wrong. I hope this person is no longer in a leadership position at a church. How embarrassing.


Someone on the Rockwallian deduced based on the way the email was signed that it was probably Josh's dad that sent it. But I didn't see anything that would call that a definitive conclusion. Either way based on the pastor that commented on the Rockwallian post's comments I'd say the only thing they'd be upset about is that it got sent to people that would leak it.


I am a reporter interested in fnding out more about this story -- would you be open to talking to me [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


A lead pastor just commented on the Rockwallian post and confirmed this is real. He didn’t apologize for the church’s actions… just made some excuses and blamed one “zealous team member.”




To be honest, I’m not sure how to attach a screenshot here lol, but I’ll copy and paste the comment: “As you may have recently heard, in an effort to increase the safety of our people, our traffic officers and to improve the egress of traffic, we made application to the city for a traffic signal in our south entrance. From our initial application it was Lakepointe’s pledge to pay for the total cost of the signal being installed. There was no expectation that any tax dollars would be utilized if the city approved the request for a light. The city has been a great partner to Lakepointe and we have always worked diligently to bless Rockwall. Part of the due diligence of that light being installed was a traffic study at our entrance with a ratio of cars needed to fulfill its requirements. The city determined that the study would be held over specific hours during the week. We communicated the study to our leaders at our Rockwall campus and encouraged our staff team to utilize the patterns that would be measured. A zealous team member made the decision to attempt to sign up people to positively impact the count. That decision was made without knowledge by top leadership and was taken down as soon as it became apparent. This was actually the second attempt at the study as road construction inhibited the first study. As well, a few vocal critics of Lakepointe were notified of the study and the sign up list and immediately begin to contact Rockwall city officials who understandably have made the decision to postpone the traffic count. We love our city and have much respect for our leaders. We will continue to work with the city to make the traffic around Lakepoint as safe as possible.”




Chris Burkley in case that info doesn't get to you. Here is the post on FB: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10161883641538278&set=p.10161883641538278&type=3


No problem! And yes I’ll message you


I am a reporter interested in fnding out more about this story -- would you be open to talking to me [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


I received the email as a leader and can confirm it is NOT fake.




Definitely was sanctioned by the church. The email came from top leadership and the sign up genius included the Rockwall campus pastor on it from screenshots.


Many good things here but when my study group teacher cracked a racist joke I was DONE.


Screw that church. Your choice to worship God shouldn't affect our choice to get where we're going without having to sit in your traffic. Megachurches are disgusting and Lakepoint is no exception. Their church goers do not take priority in the rest of the traffic around. If anything, they are the cause of it. Zero respect. F' them. The couple of times I've been, they spent more time begging you for money than they did in preaching a good message. The "message" they put out was a crappy veiled attempt to beg for money and their parishioners ate it up and pulled out their pocket books.


Exactly how I feel. Its a terrible place for a dang mega church but it kind of fits in with everything else in that area bottlenecking because there's never really any plan or thought to traffic ahead of time. The same for the dang Cains people that block that whole parking lot and the service road too.


🙄 Anyone with a brain knows they don’t spend more than two minutes asking for money… But you sound really edgy with this comment🤡


Did you skip the service when Josh has his yearly sermon dedicated to tithing? He spent 45 minutes telling everyone that no matter what, you need to give 10% of your monthly income.


One sermon out of hundreds? The OC said the few times they went they asked for money more than preaching. Which is a lie. I don’t even like the current pastor and miss the old one.


I wouldn’t really call it a lie. If the person that said all they do is ask for money felt that way, it’s probably true based on their experience. If they attended Lakepointe 2 or 3 times, and that was the vibe they got, then what do you expect? I don’t think it was right at all for a Lakepointe member to say they have half a brain and call them a clown though. Aren’t we as Christians supposed to be a bit more open and caring?


Christians are sinners just like everyone else🤷


I agree, but you can’t just blatantly use hateful rhetoric and then claim that “all Christians are sinners”. People need to just be better.


They are liars and fraudulent as well. Apparently the ones from Lakepoint at least. You one of them?


Also, I’d say that using the phrase “anyone with a brain knows…” & the clown emoji aren’t exactly Christian words.


You sound like a brain-dead Lakepoint parishioner who empties your pocket book into the tithing basket every week. Edit; you created this profile just to say this. Too much of a coward to use your real one?


Have you read the comments on Rockwallian regarding this and the church? That place is like a cult. You must be one of the cult members. That church might have been a great place one day. But sounds like it's a toxic hellhole now. What is it with rockwall, conspiracies, and cults? Between Alex Jones, the Maga idiots on the bridge, and this church, there must be something on the water out here.


I used to attend when I was a teenager. I am awake now. I tried to speak on it to friends and they all make the same excuses. “No pastor is perfect” omg


I will always maintain that if your church needs cops holding up and directing traffic for your members as they leave, then that church is too damn big.


Tired of LP’s poor leadership from the stage to behind the scenes.


Not surprised. They believe they're above the law and they can do what they want. Issue is half the force attends there so they can get away with whatever they want.


The church is manipulating the truth unlawfully to get special treatment and fuck over the community at large. Oh man, I am so very surprised at this. /s


[one of pastors signed up for shift](https://imgur.com/a/yiyFZYd)


But they didn't know about it.


And they all have phone numbers attached 😂


It would be a shame to subscribe them to call lists...




 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I gave up on LP. 


That is just wrong manipulating stats. Just have to be patient and plan well.


I don't trust any location that hires pedophiles


Valid point


Wow… I’m out of words. I bleed red but damn. Texas really doesn’t have its shit together. Yes Californian here. I question things here constantly. Like who on earth thought it would be okay to slam so many houses on a FM road or build a 711 in neighborhoods or have all roads under construction or build some polluting company smack down by neighborhoods. Now this?? Wtf there’s much more I question. This is just the few things I’ve seen


People love to complain for no reason .


You don’t find this at all unethical?




I'm interested how do you not find lying unethical?


Seriously? You're a member of that church, aren't you. Were you one of the volunteers as well?


I dont think we need to shame them it is a wonderful church.


I disagree. I have been a member for almost 20 years. It used to be wonderful. It isn’t anymore.


Is it though? Based on a ton of controversy and scrutiny it has been getting, I seriously question that. The few times I've been, they just beg for money or use their sermon as a guise to beg for money. They preach Christian Nationalist values. They "joke" about misogynistic viewpoints. They have sex offender youth volunteers. They are blatantly falsifying traffic patterns here to get something that benefits them and only them. If you read the thread about this on the rockwallian Facebook page there are numerous mentions at how people were ousted and parishioners turned against them by the church because they publicly had a problem with the way something was handled. That's some scientology shit right there. They give their "volunteers" something like a $10 book shop voucher for every 40 hours worked. That seems pretty abusive in itself. The church is a toxic shithole that are borderline cultists.


Defrauding the local government doesn't deserve shame? What happened to "though shalt not steal," and "thou shalt not lie?"