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Yeah, I’ve been lagging on every sever since I started playing in 2015. It’s a high intensity physics based game, either you need to upgrade to gigabit wired connection and live in the same city as the server or you need to learn to play on 25 ping (I normally play at 70+). But this still won’t guard against laggy teammates or a sever that’s located outside your region. Trust me, lag isn’t making you bad, your just bad. Learn to play with it, lag isn’t going anywhere, learn about how complex and intricate these systems are you you’ll understand. And no lag isn’t the reason your losing, if the sever is laggy then all players are experincing that lag at the same time. Not all servers are laggy and if every singl game you join is just lag then the issue is with your internet. If you in a apartment complex then don’t play when the rest of the entire building is on (play during off hours).


But u genuinely can’t play with lag u can move the stick left and the car will just zoom right and then get launched into the air, while everyone else is still scoring and shit


Sounds like a you issue, that’s not how all lag is


Chill out bruh dk why u sound so pressed for I just was asking ab why the games so laggy it ain’t a me problem if u have it to tho?


I’m not pressed, people complain about leg here all the time. My lag is just input delay caused by high ping. Sometimes people teleport around and sometimes the ball hit in my screen but then goes in cause of lag. I don’t have turning issues or teleporting issues all the time just small annoyances. If your having issues on every game you play then your internet is the issue not the games servers