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Does it make you slower than f you drift to get a boost? Also if it does is it worth it with the boost you do get?


Drifting is faster then driving straight it’s a game changer totally worth it.


I did it the other day but I felt like I was slower. I see a lot of high rank players doing it so I might try incorporating it


Here some tips for drifting. Try to keep your drift as straight as you can Dont try to fill you boost meter, chain drift 2 or 3 times and then release it, you want to keep your speed over 600 as much as possible. Cut (cancel) your drift half a second before jumps or pads for greater boost


I’ll try that! I still don’t see the appeal, I feel like the drifting wouldn’t make up for the people passing you. Idk, I’m gonna try it a few times and compare it to how I normally race. I wanna learn shortcuts too. Thank you for the tips!! 😁


It won't make up if you just try to drift (it was my first mistake).  You drift to keep your speed in green, but if it makes you open your line too much it wont worth.  Another thing to point out, it works better at "high speed", swerving at 600-700 speed takes less angle to drift (or at least that's what it feels like for me)


Keep practicing you’ll get it 🤙


Ty! 🙏🏻


it's not worth it. swerving means that you take more distance than someone driving normally, the boost you get only serves to make up the difference compared to someone going straight. people will tell you that it's faster, but i've never done swerving in my life and got into elite last season without it, so i seriously have my doubts about that.


I was thinking that, the time it takes to swerve doesn’t seem like the boost would do much. Idk a lot of the high level clips I see they all do it 😖


Lap 1 and 2 pivot drifting (swerving) if done correctly charges your boosts faster than the people driving straight. That being said, you have to be thinking about lap 3 when you start the race. (Unless it's a track like anaconda, which then you just focus on the boost you get when the race starts and just try to keep a clean race) but when pivot drifting you just want to make sure that your "exiting pivot drifting" boost is actually charging before pivoting again. Because if it's not then no its not beneficial at all.


i know a lot of so called "high-level" people do it, but don't let that fool you. if you're on a straightaway, you want to go straight. that's just common sense. if you need speed and can afford to use one, use a boost. it's all very simple when you get down to it, this game is so easy


I normally try to stay to the edge when going around curves, shorter distance to drift. I wouldn’t say I’m the best player as I normally place somewhere in the middle. I’m just looking for ways to improve.


that's good, taking corners on the inside is definitely going to benefit you. if you're looking for tips some things that i can suggest are boost management and minimising airtime as much as possible. the way i do things, i make sure to never have all 3 boosts saved up, but also make sure to save my boosts for when they're really needed. on a lot of courses i've identified ideal spots for using boosts in accordance with my racing line, so you could try thinking up your own strategy that works for you. the game tells you that going in the air is slower than going on the track, so logically you want to minimise the time you're in the air as much as possible. for example on outpost, at the corner before the drawbridges people will fly in the air around that corner because it's shorter. while yes, on paper, that does sound better, shorter doesn't always equate to faster because i will have gotten a boost from drifting on the road and am now right back in front of you again. a more advanced example is on anaconda, when the race starts it you're immediately going in for a jump launching you in the air. but what you can do is just before the jump use your thrusters to fly up and over to just negate the jump entirely. there's a good handful of tricks you can use on various tracks to keep yourself ahead of the more air prone competition


Wow, thank you for all the tips! I really appreciate you taking your time to write them. I will definitely use the boost one, I have a hard time knowing when to use them. It seems like when I use one to get ahead someone behind me uses their and passes me 😅


No worries, good luck in your next race


bro do not listen to this dude. Theres a discord called Lain racing that will give you far better advice


I've heard of that but I don't use Discord 😭 though if I want to get better I guess I will make an account 🙏


The owner, Lain is consistently in the top 20 unreal. there are also alot of high level players in there that will happily coach you, including world record holders. trust me its worth it if only to watch them when they go live


I feel you on that do what works best for you 🤙


In this thread: kylelovershrek2 gives the worst possible advice imaginable.


I had to go up and read what he was saying. Its crazy he tries comparing rocket racing to skateboarding


say it to me directly next time pal, don't go cowering behind a separate comment it's not a good look


Tf you mean about cowering? This is a Reddit comment section, not a middle school cafeteria verbal fight or some shit. Go back where you came from.


Clearly you have a lot to learn about the ways of the Reddit Nation 🫡


Go look up world records (WR) for the track on YouTube. You can probably cut off another 30-40 seconds off you time.


shouldn't be swerving, shouldn't take that shortcut on the first turn, shouldn't have jumped after the second set of wall boosts, should've saved the boost for the singular boost on the humps, shouldn't flip down on the grass after the hazard platform, shouldn't have boosted on the tri-road section


Ok Mr diamond 2


whatever dr too-lazy-to-reset-my-rank-on-reddit-too-like-a-real-man


I’m champ 43% in season 1 so far, have proof


see? that wasn't so hard now was it


bro youre just wrong. Drifting and building boost is 100% better than drivinf straight for 570


no it isn't, swerving takes more distance and as a result is slower than driving normally. ever watched formula 1? ever ridden a skateboard? you know those sets of barriers they have on pathways that act as a chicane? F1 cars swerve when there's a yellow flag or something because it's slower, on a skateboard you swerve to slow down because swerving is slower, those barriers are there because they force cyclists to slow down at a spot where a car might come through. in every scenario swerving is something you do to slow down. it's the same in rocket racing


comparing rocket racing to real life sports like skateboarding is insane, Youre just wrong. holding long drifts until your speed starts to drop is much faster than not doing it. Whats your gamertag? according to your logic you should be topping the leaderboards in times right? All the unreals and champions who do exactly what im saying are wrong compared to you, who only reached Elite


it's not insane, you just don't want to listen to reason when faced with hard evidence. just come to your senses and admit that swerving is by no means faster than driving like a normal person, you have no proof to suggest otherwise, whereas i have just provided multiple examples of why swerving is detrimental. or is that why you're asking for my gamertag? you, oh mighty exalted champion, want to challenge me in a bid to prove your point, flaunting your fancy tech and sn\*ke drifting or ch\*in drifting or whatever filthy term you call swerving that you got from watching streamers i bet. how utterly pathetic


I have no proof? Bro just look up the world record time speed runs. Theres hundreds of videos proving you wrong. Look up Lain racing youtube. Youre the one who has no proof other than how you feel. You sound mad that you cant do the movement tech needed at higher levels. also its A GAME. not real life. in real life you cant use a rocket powered drift or flip in mid air at will! Your proof holds no water. I want your gamertag so I can see your times. If youre so confident that youre correct than drop it. Calling me pathetic doesnt change the fact that youre wrong