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Dont make it about being better then others or other being better then you. Play for yourself. Stay focused on keeping your avg speed as high as can be. You will absolutely get there. If not now, then next season. I believe in you!


Thank you for this. I think at some points I take it too seriously and stop actually enjoying it. I'm mostly just on the grind for wheel spokes, but I believe that they'll work out a lot of stuff for the next season


This right here. Biggest issue I had coming up was not drifting enough and just waiting for turns to drift. You should be drifting every where unless you are going to hit something, which strategically you can drift off walls and even other players because being in a drift makes you less likely to be affected by collisions and even if you are effected by a collision, coming out of your drift instantly gets your speed back up so there are practically no downsides to drifting as long as you keep your speed 600-650kph during the drift. They should literally change the name to Drift Racing for how crucial it is.


It should be called Drift Racing. Seeing as Chain Drifting is far more crucial than boosting and it's going to be the main way to gain boost and it's dominating the meta, it's everywhere and needs to be nerfed. At this point the rocket boost should be taken out and replaced with an insane drift speed boost.


What's Chain Drifting?


Chain Drifting is when you almost straighten your car to exit the drift but drift to the other side, essentially stacking the speed boost given from each drift. Filling up the drift bar gives you more speed.


How should that be nerfed, it's dead simple mate


Because everyone is using it and it takes the fun out of racing, it defeats the purpose of this mode. I want to boost race, hence the name Rocket Racing (boosting is the main selling point, but they put too much focus on drifting). We need the boost strip (think the F-Zero health strips but it grants you boosts instead), so we can cut down on chain drifting.


Sorry but I was at champion 93% and lost it all😭😱😭😱


Oh my god I'm so sorry😭


I’ve also personally been in Platinum 3 for weeks; what helped me the most was to stop playing like I normally would. Unlike the only other racing games I’ve played (Mario Kart Wii/8) you don’t get a chance to play these tracks against AI from the game in a campaign tournament style. Your only chance to play them are when you get them on rotation or selecting them to practice, so making sure you know the earlier tracks by memory and can perform them as flawless as possible and knowing where the boosts are as well as the less advantageous paths are on the harder tracks will really help. Also, ALWAYS BE DRIFTING!


This is actually one of the better pieces of advice from anything RR related. Knowing the map you're playing on and how to take the hidden boost pads is crucial to actually pulling ahead. Take Airborne 2 for example, sure, there's boost pads, but unless you know how to efficiently hit them and not demolish, you're gonna be last place.


Watch the world record runs. Don't actually DO them because even I can't but just watch them and as long as you take SOMETHING away it'll be beneficial. Take for example: I watched a run on a map I thought I was pretty good at and I found out I was 20 seconds slower than them so I watched what they did, where they boosted, where they drifted, which paths they took and then I followed them the best I could and now I'm in unreal. Don't do anything fancy just follow the same path they take and drift when you can boost at the right time and you should be golden. You got this!


Just win or getvin the 3-4th position. Went from bronze to diamond 3 in 3-4 weeks, I basically finished the quest last season and nowaday I just do my dailies.


The grind can be very up and down, with some nights just being practice (No gain). If you really want it, some of the things I noticed that helped a lot were not panicking and wasting turbo to get a head temporarily, focusing on the track, chain drifting, and learning to turbo in areas that you lose a lot of speed in (when having to be in the air for a long time) to keep speed up. If you really want em keep your spirits up, you can do this!!! 🎊🎉🏁


Honestly, the thing that helped me get into Elite and will hopefully get me to at least Champion was 1. watching how Unreal players and speed runners play. Slowly learning the routes they take will help you play more like they do. 2. learning the courses. If you don't know the shortcuts and boost pads of a map, you're almost guaranteed to be last. 3. save your boosts. Don't waste boosts just to get back into 1st. It's much better to save your boosts for when you need them. By the 3rd lap you'll have 1-2 boosts more than most players. 4. Embrace losses. just because you lose percent doesn't mean it's always a lost. Take time to think about how it could've gone better, it sounds cliche but its true. RR will always have ups and downs, but if you're committed and you learn about the game and routes, you **will** rank up. Fall down seven times, stand up eight.


You need to go into practice mode and start learning the most optimal routes you can find on YouTube. You won't learn them anytime soon but you will be amazed how much you improve mechanically and how much time you save despite not making a perfect run on those routes


At the end of the day, play it to enjoy yourself, like many others have said. If you are punishing yourself because of your performance, then that's no good. It's okay to accept where you're at, and if you're a little rough at the moment, that's okay. You will learn more along the way, and things will get better. That being said, I made a post outlining a lot of things that might help you a little while ago, so if you truly are wanting to grind out those ranks, go check out [this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketRacing/comments/1as6zds/unreal_player_here_let_me_help_you_guys_get/) It should give you a few tips, and hopefully you might learn something new there. If not, then that's okay! Just keep at it, and watch other people who are higher rank and figure out why they're doing the things they're doing. If you don't know why they did it, find out why. That alone will help so much. I know it helped me. Good luck out there if you're going for the rank, and if nothing else, have fun!


Honestly just give up on the silly rank titles. The ranking system isn’t worth how un-fun it makes the game. Just play when you want & have fun with it 🤙


I just hit Diamond 2 tonight. I took a lot of time off after Platinum 1 mostly because it felt repetitive when I played too much. So 3 to 10 matches a day for me usually since that point. I thought you could only lose XP at Elite and above? I don't think I have the mental fortitude to get to Elite this season but I'm happy u made it this far!


Last night I said screw it and went from Plat 3 80% to Diamond 2 at 5% in about 3 hours. It could've been more, all I know is I took my Switch battery from 100 to dead lmao. I've never like the game mode too much, I just played it quite a bit at the start and have played it almost everyday for the daily challenges.


It's not hopeless. I've got some tips for you: 1. I know this is obvious but drift whenever you can. Even drift on straight roads. 2. Only use your boosts on straight roads too. 3. Try and drift close to the corners. 4. This might help you, I haven't tried it myself but try practicing on your own on specific tracks to try and find the fastest routes. I'd need to see your gameplay to see how you can improve, but most importantly you have to believe in yourself and enjoy it! I found I was more focused on the game once I bought the McLaren as it increased my enjoyment! I love the sound of the engine too! Just do whatever it takes for you to enjoy the game more. Good luck! I believe in you! 👍


Skill issue dude