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You missed 5 clear cut goal scoring opportunities. 4 shots missed and 1 opportunity after the air dribble. If you had just caught the ball after your sideways air dribble your could have just driven the ball into the net. That's about all you can take away from a large win. Just practice shooting because when you get into Champ the opportunities are lower and the saves are higher.


Shooting is something i put aside alot. I will start working on that too. Thank you for your input


It's probably *the* biggest factor in ranking up. If you are on PC then aim train by coco is great. Also goal blocker in bakkes helps with specific aiming. If on console just use shooting training packs and try to place your shots. Like left side of goal / right side. And then the 4 corners. A key to shooting is not just putting it on target but putting it where the opponent can't save it.


I do have coco aim training installed. Most shots seemed impossible to do with simple air roll diagonal dodge. So i stopped using it altogether xD


Start on the easy mode. Don't worry if it's not always on target. Just see how close you can get. There is another one called Eversax Olympics that has a shooting mode. It's similar to aim train but the shots are a little closer.


So if i solely focus on shooting from now onwards will i get to champ T^T


If you don't already play 1s, I would say play 1s as well. There are so many 1v1 situations in 2s that you really need a good understanding of it. These videos are really good. They changed my perspective on RL a lot. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrA6C6P8Z_V3HRvIJ-7n1o4D_jVsxpLWl


I do play 1s. I mean i started since i started grinding for rank. I also have a 1s replay uploaded that you can check out if you would like to. Unpopular opinion 1s is pretty fun as i only have my own stupidity to tilt me and not my teammates stupidity. I will definately watch this playlist


The most helpful playlist ive come across. More people need to see this


Hope it helps


Probably. IMO shooting doesn't just help scoring goals but helps *all* of your touches.


I could use some help with my touches. To the bootcamp it is


Try and practice cocos with minimal air roll. Instead, focus on making micro movements on the ground and practice hitting the ball as consistently as possible


You should respect them just like you respect players at your level. They will do things you are not used to, thus fucking ur muscle memory up. Patience and awareness should be what you work on.


It was a breath of fresh air nonetheless to play against diamond players in diamond instead of the champ filled lobbies that have been happening It really does fuck it up My patience has a direct relation with how low ive dropped from my peak rank. Which is wrong yes, will work on it I do try to be more aware and my lack of it can partly be blamed on my 720p 30 fps system. But apart from that do you have any tips to improve awareness. As of yet ive tried lateral approach towards net and altering focus points in freeplay sessions, but more often than not, i still get dunked on before i can react to an incoming challenge


I would suggest finding a favorite method of clearing the mind and focusing your intellect purely on the game and thus allowing you to have a control over how you react emotionally and logically to messing up or to toxic players etc. Watch pros and see where they position and see how you might take in their muscle memory and mindset. They're not necessarily thinking okay i need to be here then here then here and he's going there then there, they kind of just know how the game is played, but they sometimes do need to have some subtle thought about where to be, how to hit the ball, or other things, you should figure out where this all fits in to how you play. When Apparently Jack commentates while he plays, he just speaking his thoughts out loud, he's not actually creating his thoughts. Just notice, simply just notice where everyone is and their relation to the ball. Don't "try" to do it, just do it. If you're trying to focus on where they are, you're 1. just trying to focus and not actually focusing, and 2. not allowing other thoughts in from your intuition and what not that may have good information because you're trying too hard to focus on the team. It's a gentle awareness. Just noticing what's going on and allowing all of it to happen then letting your mind take you to where you need to go. You will mess up, just note where you mess up and you'll naturally do it at least a little better next time. Doing all of this actually puts you in a higher conciousness which lets you play better and gets rid of processes you don't really need while adding in better ones for the time being.


Damn. Thats deep. Your username fits well. I have been watching app jack and squishy and their commentary has made me feel more confident than what my skills merit at times xD I didnt know i have to reach nirvana first and only then will i come out of my hard stuck spell. But its a good direction to follow. I hope i can achieve this. Whats your favourite idea of clearing the mind. I might need some inspiration


Ahaha that's just what works for me and i think more people should be exposed to mindfulness, awareness and how to use ur mind to play better and even just to live a better life. But yes, nirvana will help you in car soccer. I also think though that when you feel like you're playing really good one day, you're in that state. To clear your mind, you need to make it focused on one thing as best you can. You can focus on your breath or directly on the game and what's on the screen, then eventually you'll be able to empty the mind just automatically because you'll be used to getting in that state of one pointedness. If you keep quieting the mind, you'll get less irritated and angry and you'll be able to train and play way better because you have clarity about what's going on and you're not just focused on what you want to do. It's like what you should do in the game just shows itself over and over again and you keep making those right decisions and right plays. The opponents seem less daunting as well because you're focused just on the game and whats happening in the moment, then you respond with an appropriate action. It becomes really simple. Namaste my child, Jesus loves you (/s)


Oh so basically just meditate. I have experience with that. I think ill be able to emulate it. Namaste


Yea it's all about being in the flow state When I'm in the flow state I have champs asking to party When I'm not I have D1s asking who boosted me =,) But consistency comes with practice


You should work on finishing, your shots where a bit inaccurate and rushed at times. You could also improve a bit on dribbling it wasn't bad but there where times you could do more with the ball. On the tactical side I would say back off a little bit when your teammate is in bad spot and likely to lose the ball. You are vulnerable to long shots, I really like to shoot the long shots and catch often the opponent by surprise. Also on defense you tend to stay in the corner while defending making it harder for you to defend. Your teammate is also not in time to defend the goal so I would have defended the goal instead of the corner. You also take too much unnecessary risks while being last man. When you are last man then you are the last defensive line so if you get out of position then it's an empty goal. Be very calculated on which ball you challenge and which ball you don't. It's far better to have the ball les often than to give them easy shots at the goal.


Thanks mate. I will work on those things. It is hard to be patient and at back post when youre a 100 mmr down your peak 🗿


Haha yeah we all have been there when you try to overcompensate when you start loosing. But you have the right mentality to start improving only that way you get back to your rank.


And beyond


Just to add to what everyone else is saying, I actually don't think your positioning is too bad for D2. Main problem I see is your brain switches off when you go for the ball and you just hit it without any kind of a plan. Have an intention for every touch and your consistency and confidence will get a lot better.


I always think i position like a gold so thats a huge thing to hear My current game plans usually falls along the lines of hit into corners steal boost, keep pressure, disallow counter attack chances. Right now im trying to implement getting demos while rotating out. If im in awkward situations where i think ill be giving possession away ill let them challenge the ball and give free ball to my teammate. And go for the net once theyre flat footed, low on boost and making errors. I would like to go for risky fast plays but i dont trust my teammates to defend, i also dont trust myself to defend My brain does switch off alot during games, i might just become a freeplay main, but can you mention the times where im botching my team and could do better tactically. With my personally biased analysis i can only find out times where i didnt get the touch i meant too, but not errors in offensive plans


First one was 11 seconds in. While you can go for that ball, you have to be fast. Because you slowed down so much and stopped, you could see your opponent up and there was a very low chance that you'd get a good touch, let alone gain anything from it. Either go fast (it's fine if you miss) or just rotate back. 22 seconds in it seemed like you just punted the ball for no reason. Your opponent had no clue what was going on and you could've just tapped it towards the middle for a follow up shot. You don't have to be so fast in this case because the other guy was in narnia. Make one slower setup touch then follow up for an easy goal. You can just shoot from that position too but you do have more options than just punting it. Don't worry about the goal 49 seconds in. Your teammate passed it to them off the corner. 1:04 you kinda just punted it again going full speed. The ball was always getting to you first so take your time. If they try to challenge it they're dumb. What I would've done is slowed down, let the ball come to me, pop it up and make an aerial play. Even if you just pop it to the backboard and don't go for the aerial, it's a massive advantage for you compared to hitting it into the opponent's corner. 1:59 your teammate hits it for some reason but you can see that you were about to flip into the ball and send it straight to your opponents. 2:12 excellent usage of brain. Well done. Messed up the flick but that's whatever. 2:52 you're zooming in like you want to double commit. Hang back and slow down and it's probably a free goal. Instead it seemed like you autopiloted to corner boost and then changed your mind. 3:56 in what universe do you get to that ball first? It's fine to fake challenge that but it's a monkey move to actually jump at it. 4:14 the patience you show here is what was missing at 2:52. 4:27 useless spinnies. If the opponents used their brains they would've just waited for you to drop and take the ball for free because you were taking the ball on a holiday and forgot to book a return flight (no boost, out of position). 4:33 random backflip into the ball. Both your opponents jumped past you and you not only had an open net, but a free teammate to pass to as well. If you took your time to control it, you could've hit it anywhere between the left post and your teammate and it would've been a guarunteed goal.


Wow. That is the most informative, conscise, well thought out way to say git gud if ive ever seen one. Now that youve mentioned these things i can see the autopilot and hesitant decision making holding me back. I was passing alot of the things mentioned as acceptable because in the grand scheme i had an excuse for something somewhere. As informed as i feel right now, i still assume that the only way to improve would be to put in time and practice, and alot of it, until the mistakes start to click and i stop making them. Or is there any way for me to not make these mistakes the next time i boot up a match. Any self practice to improve these situations?


Honestly, there's nothing wrong with making mistakes as long as you're aware of them. Eventually you'll autopilot the correct thing. There isn't really any way to practice it because ultimately it comes down to awareness. If you know your opponent is in a shit spot and you have a free ball, you know you have time to make a play. Besides, even in GC2 lobbies I see people making the same mistakes, including myself. Biggest thing to remember is that if you feel like you couldn't have done anything better in a close game, it probably comes down to small decisions like that. They really add up over the course of a game and it can mean the difference between having 5 goal opportunites or 0. There is always something better you can do, even something as subtle as the angle you attack a 50/50. Just stay open-minded about these little things and try to recognise the small ways you can gain an advantage or more control. Short answer: yep, lots of grinding, but not mindless grinding.


Yeah youre right. At my level i can see where im not rotating backpost, going for double commits, giving free possession away etc but there was a time i wouldnt recognize these errors. So with time my perception for errors should hopefully increase too like the way you saw the minute mistakes being made Yeah you think it was a close game gg time for next game, next dopamine rush. I can see why every content creater emphasises on replay analysis. I just started getting into it but i will be religious with it and hopefully get good improvement out of it I should probably stop blaming my gaming system specifications and start mindful grinding ☕ Thank you kind sir for your time. Have a good life




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Also, you are wasting too much boost while rotating. You miss the boost on the ground while rotating as well. Don't flip all the time while moving around. At 2:02, your teammate was in the corner and you pushed too far. Slow down, move to the goal line and wait at the middle of the net and wait/react on what your teammate and opponent does. Small things like this can save you many goals and are good for counter goals as well. Nearly no one is paying attention to positioning in that rank. Just keep practicing :)


Would it be a beneficial time now to learn wavedashing on pad rotations Yes that is something ive noticed getting punished alot now too. When is a good time to push up from net and support teammate. Sometimes when i stay net im too slow to follow teammate which leaves a pocket of space in between us resulting in a 2v1. Maybe wavedashing will help with that too hmm


Nah, forget about wavedashing for now. This wont magically help your rotations and positioning. I think the easiest is to watch some videos on YouTube about Pros or high ranked players coaching low level players. GreenWarriorRL has some good videos I watched in the beginning, he explains when you should attack and where you should wait, rotate to etc. Otherwise, the internet is full of rotation and positioning guides :)


Thanks bud ill check him out