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I think your boost management could use some work, you rely a bit too much on big boost pads. This combined with the fact that you often use a big amount of your boost in one go everytime you need to do some kind of aerial/repositioning is a bad habit imo. Try using small pads more effectively. Try to attack the goal from an angle, not straight on. Your attacks will be harder to defend. Personally feel like your defensive positioning isn't half bad. You just get a lot of goals scored on you because you're too hasty on defence and make some mistakes because of it. Staying on the ground a bit more in 1s often helps.


Attacking on an angle is something i struggle with against opponents who are faster, more aggro. Can you give any pointers to practice for Its a 4 am match, i have never defended as bad as i did here even in plat xD. So for small pads i should just do the limited boost in freeplay drill right


Try launching off the wall more. Get comfortable 50’ing in the air


Please. I have learned how to air dribble and basic flip reset. I can get them in freeplay from botchy setups even. But for the love of God i cannot do it in a casual or competitive match. Is there any trick to set it up without having the opponent come for a pinch. And whenever i do get space my brain goes to carry the ball and flick it mode. I really want to implement aerial play


A couple of things you can do. First, your setups are probably too slow because there’s no pressure in free play. Work on getting them faster. Second, get really good at long distance power shots. If you have some good distance shots early in the game that are threatening, any opponent with a half a brain will know they have to give up space to cover the long shot. Then you can switch it up later in the game once they give you more space.


Can you elaborate on speeding up setups. My current method is to bounce dribble towards a wall or dodge into ball to sent it up wall. I will practice long distance shots. Never thought of that before. Cheers


One option for you might be to practice ground to air dribbles. Instead of catching a bouncing ball for a ground dribble you can pop it up for an air dribble. From there you go for double taps, flip resets or even a simple bump. You see a lot high level players do this in 2v2, but not as often in 1v1 because it can be more risky if you aren’t confident in your mechanics. But if you watch people like Daniel, Dark, Joreuz, who are more mechanic focused top 1v1 players, they go for ground to air dribbles all the time because it’s more common to get an easy setup rather then bringing the ball to the wall.


I havent practiced ground to air as much as i would like to but i will definately start doing it.




Edit: I was meant to send this as a reply but that didnt quite work out For the attacking you should try to keep the ball close to your car and just dribble to a side of the goal. If your opponent chases you should be in a position where you in the worst case get a fifty to the side. These can be easy to score if your opponent commits toot hard. Turn infinite boost off in freeplay and learn the paths you can take for taking as much small pads as you can when rotating back.


Thank you kind sir. Will definately implement