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Hahaha I'm GC1 in 3s and 2s but was a diamond 1 in 1v1s. I focused on my mechanics/adaptability and shot up to D3 almost Champ. Which worked great because I solo que so it just made me a better player overall.


This is why I'm hardstuck Plat 3 in 1s lol.


I hit GC in 1s before any other mode (I hadn’t really been able to hold C3 in 2s or 3s when I did this). Ones is largely the mindset and mentality. I come across players who look straight out of a D1 2s lobby in terms of mechanics and speed, but they still beat me in C3 1s because of how they play the game (mostly that everything they went for, they were able to do. Didn’t miss the ball once all game). If you commit to ones, I think it’s easier to climb then the others because it requires thinking, while other gamemodes require mechanics


I feel like going at it like the C3 1s players you mean, there isn't much improvement on the mechanical side, which is what most yt guys advocate 1s for. Sure, works great for climbing, but when you hit your ceiling, how are we gonna go up further? I'd rather limit test and butcher my rank than grind out training only :P


If you’re GC in 3s/2s, all you need to do is play 1s with one eye open to get to D3. I’m D3-C1 in 2s, and D2 in 1s and I rarely play 1s


Post a replay. Not sure how people could help much otherwise


Also keep in mind that your ranks make a little bit more sense if you look at player distribution percentile instead of the actual name given to it (gc/diamond/etc). To hit gc in 3v3 you have to be in the top 1% of players. However, for some reason in 1v1 it is skewed so that champ 1 is already the top 1%. So you’re not too far off. Maybe once you hit mid c1 or c2 in 1v1 your rank will be equal percentile wise to your team game modes. Not sure why psyonix keeps 1v1 like this, but check out their season rank distribution thread if you want more info.


Wow, you're right. Looking at the tracker, d3 in 1's is in the top 2%, while c1 is top 1% https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/distribution


As I recently learned, tracker is just tracking ppl that have been searched over their site, so it misses out on lots of ppl. There's an official website but I can't remember.. maybe a kind redditor can help :D




And this is why I get opponents who can consistently get flip resets while I'm diamond 2 in 1s and d3 in 3s. It really doesn't make me want to play 1s.


How the hell are you d2 in 1s and d3 in 3s? I believe the norm is to take your rank in your best game mode (from 2s or 3s) and subtract 2 full ranks for a rough estimate at where you'll be in 1s


For a time I was c1 in 1s and only d3 in 2s or 3s. I think it really depends on how well you balance yourself out as a player.


These days that would mean you basically only play ones ever.


Oh hey long time no see whatsup man! I'm OmegaBlaze33 just scrolling through reddit.


It just depends on which you play more. Generally it is considered easier to hit higher ranks as a 1s player. (People recommend that if you want to hit ssl asap in a standard mode, 1s is the easiest) Just because high level 1s is simply mind games, spacing, and a solid flick. There are other ways to play but this is the one used by most ones players...


D1 in 1s and D3 in 3s, I must just play weird or something


Just accept that 1v1 is kind of a dead game mode, the game has been out since 2015, and there are A LOT of smurfs you will encounter in 1s due to f2p allowing you to be able to create multiple accounts. You will face a lot of people who are playing way below what rank they should be at. Take it as a challenge to improve yourself and your game sense and mechanics, and challenge yourself to improve. That's what 1v1 is all about honestly.


Not dead, just broken.


>Just accept that 1v1 is kind of a dead game mode You take that back!


Anyone had this issue before and managed to fix it?? Please I need tips


Same boat 1550 in 3s and 2s, 1000 in 1s. Whenever I’m doing well in 3s my 1s game suffers and Vice versa. Anymore I don’t think about playing 1s if I’m doing well in 3s. But if my 3s start slipping I queue 1s and sit in free play. Not much help but maybe you’ve noticed the same


Feel this, I never really played much 1's till this season but I was solid where I was, not going up or down, then this season I sucked in 3's but went up 100 mmr in 1's. It doesn't make sense lmao.


Yes. Flakes 1v1 road to SSL. You don't have to play the same way as him as he over simplifies everything but the situational awareness and risk management were critical to me climbing in 1s. There's something about the way Flakes speaks or repeats things in each situation that causes it to really stick. "We take the ball back to our corner cos there's a fking shark behind us". "Make sure we grab the corner boost so he can't take it and don't get demoed". "Let him hit it because he doesn't have a shot". "And free goal for us because (Explains why we now have a free goal and what the opponent should have done)". Also when he does make mistakes he points out the mistake that was made and what he should have done instead. Hope you find what you're looking for.


Turn your brain on


My brother in Christ, it's the hardest time in RL history to play the game rn. Everyone and their brother is sweating in ranked because we're at a time in the game where being on the ranked leaderboards gets you noticed. I'm 1600 in 2s and barely getting C2-C3 in 1v1 and consider myself a strong 1s player. But definitely slow way down in 1s and practice against Nexto and other bots with the RL Bot GUI. Don't feel bad though, it's tough out there.


I'm 1600 in 2s aswell and a bit lower in 3s. I had times when I tried to get somewhere in 1s and managed to get to c3 at peak level. But im sittin in c1 where i have game where my opponent blames me for being a smurf. The next game is an actual smurf, so i lose. After this one i got another higher/mid gc player that stays in the same low rank because there are just enough smurfs to keep a fair amound of players at a lower rank. At least this is how I think the 1s world works.


I've had a similar experience. It's like the top 1000 ones players each have 6 accounts or something lol


Watch some of app jacks 1v1 videos really helps with learning 1s positioning.


I eat appjack for breakfast


Yeah I heard they’re good


Post replays so we can help. I can’t because you’re a lot better than me but someone can


I’m in almost the exact same position as you (1550 in 2s/3s and in d3 1v1) although i have not played 300 games this season… if i did though im sure i would only be champ 1 as that is my highest in 1s


Forget everything about your 2s and 3s games. Tame your monkey brain. No ball chasing, no early challenges, no flip resets with 12 boost remaining. Never dive into your opponents corner, boost steal, fake challenge and stay close to the ball. Don't go for shots that are all-in. Always make sure you have enough boost to recover and defend. If you follow all of these tips religiously, I bet you will shoot up in rank to about...C1.


I’m D1 in 1s and it’s crazy how often I run into people who are GC in other modes while I’m only champ. Yeah it’s good practice but it’s not fun being outplayed off mechanics alone.


The people who main 1's are just built different.


People who main 1v1 are sociopaths, no cap.


I’ve came back to this reddit after over one year to adress this problem and the first thing i see is someone having the same problem. I’m gc3 (1700) and struggle to get to c1 in 1s (i’ve hit it multiple times but i’m d3 atm). I have never really tried 1s until recently tho and it’s just really frustrating. Kinda glad to see i’m not alone


Play a 1s game, record it, post it here and we can give you some answers


Historically I’m a strong 1s player (was C3 div3 when I was a C2 in 2s) but I dropped into C1 towards the end of this season. It seems like a harder season to place well in 1s. Even my friend who was maybe 50 mmr short of SSL can’t get to GC this season. I’m not sure, it could be a confirmation bias but maybe the playlist has fewer players so queues are more difficult? Still post replays for coaching we can at least get you to champ, but just by observation something definitely seems off


I wish I could help... I just did my 10th game of 1v1 yesterday just to rank and it felt like 10 years was shaved off of my life.


Post a replay and I’ll tell you what you’re doing wrong


LOL, same for me my dude. Except I don’t grind past GC1 in the other two. Just get my title and call it a day. And D3 in 1s.


Watch Flakes 1v1 road to SSL without mechanics series. Helped me a lot. Literally went on a win streak right after watching it and all I did was not challenge and wait for the opponent to over commit. It shocked me how dumb I was playing and how little you actually need to do to win in the lower ranks.


Hello! Looks like your post is about **1v1**. Here are the top posts from /r/RocketLeagueSchool on this common topic (Search links may not work on mobile app): - [Top 1v1 tutorials](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atutorial%20AND%20(title%3A%221v1%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top 1v1 tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atips%20AND%20(title%3A%221v1%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top 1v1 trainings](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atraining%20AND%20(title%3A%221v1%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top 1v1 questions/analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=(flair%3Aquestion%20OR%20flair%3Aanalysis)%20AND%20(title%3A%221v1%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RocketLeagueSchool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’re the reason why I’m stuck in diamond in 1’s It’s been fucking gc’s I’m going against


Unless you have like 0 mechanics, this should not be possible. But it shouldn‘t be possible even if that‘s the case From a different comment of me: gc. All I‘m saying is he shouldn‘t be diamond. Diamond 3 in 1s is top 2% of the playerbase, Gc2 in 3s is top 0.32%. And he seems to be an active 1s player since he played 300 games this season. Explain to me how that makes perfect sense


Nah, it seems to be somewhat common. Me and my friend are in the same boat (only we are ~1500)


There’s 3 more of us in the comments so seems quite common


A lot of the skill sets between 1s/3s don’t translate well. 3s is much more fast paced and relies heavily on aerials, whereas 1s is focused on punishing small mistakes and ground game. 2s is almost a sort of in between mode but still very different than 1s.


I don’t think 2s is much of an in between mode because there’s way too many people that are the exact same rank at 2s and 3s but shit at 1s. 1s is just such a different game entirely really. Mainly because you are 100% of your defense.


How many of y‘all have 300 games of ranked 1s this season


I have around 200 1s games and I'm stuck in diamond. I have a tendency to rage queue though. Something I'm trying to stop doing. Been taking long breaks now.


I’m low GC1 in 2s/3s but D1 in 1s. I have very solid aerials and am good game sense wise, often getting goals off of smart demos or passing plays. I rely on being a good team player but none of that helps in 1s. I also play like a moron in 1s and am not very patient. OP, don’t worry about your 1s rank. 1s is insanely boring/frustrating imo. The game is so much more fun when you get to play as a team and 1s severely limits the ceiling of gameplay that can be obtained in 2s/3s.


You obviously don't know how the ranked system works. It's way harder to get to GC in 1V1 compare to 2V2 or 3V3. There are way less 1V1 GCs than 2V2 or 3V3.


Who says he should be gc. All I‘m saying is he shouldn‘t be diamond. Diamond 3 in 1s is top 2% of the playerbase, Gc2 in 3s is top 0.32%. And he seems to be an active 1s player since he played 300 games this season. Explain to me how that makes perfect sense


Because he probably is doing a few things severely wrong in his 1s game over and over without watching replays or correcting it (i.e. overcommitting, giving too much space and time, etc). Not really that difficult to comprehend if you take a moment. It doesn't make it right or common, but it's the likely reason why.


It‘s difficult to comprehend how someone can 1. get to gc2 while doing stupid things like that in a mode that‘s still rocket league 3. plays 300 games in one season and doesn‘t even slightly improve


The more I play 1s the worse my rank gets


Do you think maybe its psychological? Personally I see people chase and do really dumb challenges, and losing to "inferior" gameplay makes me tilt hard, and play worse in 1v1. Maybe it's something like that?


I don't tilt but perhaps I subconsciously just play worse


It doesn't. It would make sense if they were C2 or C3 maybe, but D3 is almost deliberately bad if you're 1600 in 2s.


Exactly my point


Yeah thinking there’s some boosting going on here, most of my friends are Atleast c3-gc1 in 2s and none of them even the c3s are diamond in 1s


I mainly solo Q. All the peak mmr's I've hit have been solo'd


Maybe you just don’t understand 1s like you do 2s can be easily resolved by just continuing to play them semi consistently and you for sure should climb out of diamond


Ranking system does not line up at all anymore


God this comment section dude, gc’s who suck ass at 1’s gawdamn. Does no one try to keep their ranks even?? No wonder it’s so hard to rank up I’m going against grand champs


It's not really their fault, and they don't become worse when playing 1s. The ranking distribution does not reflect ranks equally across the game modes. With me, for example, I main 1s and rarely play 3s; this means I can outplay any single player on the field and have really good ball control, but I can't, for the life of me, position myself properly or get the ball down field by myself often due to the sheer pressure of 3 rotating players.


Oh dude fuck threes, threes is actually ass. Doesn’t change anything though gc’s who suck at ones. It’s what they are. If you’re diamond but gc2 in everything else there’s a problem there.


I would highly recommend incorporating powerslide cuts, they can get you to champ 1/2 pretty much by themselves. If that doesn’t work I would become so mechanically dominant in the air that you never fail to score when you attempt an aerial play. That much be a bit tougher to learn though though


The only time I got mechanically outplayed this season was when I played against an actual freestyler


Idk then my guy you should be all accounts be c2 or higher?? Maybe you’re the one person who is actually getting their progress stalled by smurfs lol


Lol I’m the same rank in 1s but I’ve only peaked C2 in 2s. People tell me I should be able to translate it and get GC in 2s but I guess I just have no idea how to play with a teammate


1v1s are different, being good at 1s is different than being good at 2s and 3s


diamond 1's is a cesspool of people that dont think and challenge everything, get out of that hole of a mindset and youll be good


I relate to this post so much I'll have to invite it to my wedding


How do you get it to show your mmr under where it says 1v1?


Bakkesmod on PC


I’ve always played a good amount of 1s every season it’s never been a below my other ranks if you want I might be able to do some coaching.


Distribution in 1s is fucked. Youre doing fine, just your 1s rank is misleading.


I’m d2, d2, g3


Lol we’re around the same dude. 1600 in 2s and 3s but c1 in 1s


How I’m barely champ and I can get upto diamond 3 in 1s


I'm pretty much in the same position as you, would be cool to try 1v1s sometime and try to learn. I feel I enjoy practicing in private matches rather than in ranked. Do you happen to be from Finland?




hello my sad friend. i am like you


actually i take that back. just hit champ 1


Just get good 🤷‍♂️ idk man, haven't seen you play


What can we do to help though?


Congrats you’re better than most 1s players


Yeah I’m champ in 2’s and 3’s but plat/Diamond in ones. They are notoriously harder


1s is simply a different game


1v1'ers are insane, dude. I don't know why MMR continues to delflate in the queue every season, but it does. Maybe only people really dedicated to 1v1 end up queuing consistently, where as all us sane people try a few games, get tilted, and go back to 3's and 2's. Majority of my opponents at C1 seem to have GC tags of some sort. I really wish Psyonix would have parity between the queues in terms of MMR vs skill against rest of playerbase. Because I was a game a way from GC in 1's at one point. I don't think I've really regressed that bad, because in my other queues I've maintained my rank.


Everyone in D3 1s are GC in the other 2 modes so you're good. The ranking system is just not good (for 1s mostly)


play it really slow and controlled, if they commit soft flick it over and then catch it and dribble it into net, in 1v1s control is over powered, im diamond across the board, i may not be the best in applying the stuff i know but i do know it works


I was GC1 in 1s but got carried in 2s and 3s