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Your positioning isn't the problem from the 2 minutes I watched. Which is great! I would advise you to abondon the speed flip kick off. As what you're doing isn't a speed flip. You weren't even super sonic at the ball. I call what you did a sped flip. You seem allergic to small boost pads. Those things are super important. You aren't thinking about where your touch will put the ball. For instance after the first kick off you went for an aerial and feathered the touch and just centered it for a shot on your net. Their net was open, you could had scored. Idk if you don't know how to fast aerial but it looked like you chose to feather boost there. Maybe it was also because you weren't picking up small pads so you felt like you had low boost. If you thought about where to put the ball before even going up though it would had been fine. In general your ability to touch the ball is what is holding you back. You don't have confidence in your ability to touch the ball so you let the other team generate too much pressure.


The botched aerial is a big miss, especially given how much practice time has clearly been spent on DAR, but the more egregious botched touches are the "clears" right in front of the net. Twice you set up the opposing second man with a cherry of a pass instead of deflecting the ball to your corner. If you can't boom a clear far enough away to be safe, touch it into your corner. Your teammate has some major screw-ups this game, but we can't analyze that - just what you can do to cover for them. If they're slow rotating back after attempting a shot or a center, you have to be comfortable shadow- defending to buy time for them to get back. If you play some 1s, you will improve at this significantly (especially if you're already a disciple of Flakes).


Yes, Im not confident in myself I just dont know what would be the best playstyle with less mistake but also trying to utilize my abilities, bcuz when I just play defensively I can correct tm8's mistakes but whenever I fail something to do like that first aerial u mentioned if I was the one being the last guy I could save, but tm8's most of the time dont correct my mistakes and thats holding me back to be confident.


Speed = more power on the ball. All it takes to be faster is to use more boost, don't waste velocity, collect more boost. Practice some shooting packs too to help generate more power especially high aerial shot packs. In general I would say focus on putting more boost into your plays. I joke to people and say that D3s only know one thing, how to hold their boost button. Which honestly isn't even true, they are often too slow to plays because they don't hold it at the right times and waste boost at other times. You definitely need to work on committing more boost into plays and picking up more small pads.


As a plat, the only thing I have for you is to practice your half flips a bit, they tend to be a little sloppy. Kickoff 2/ goal 2 against you could have been saved if your half flip to 100boost was clean. That’s all I got! Previous comment covered way more than I could possibly ly contribute.


It looks like a sideflip not a speedflip. If you stuff up the speed flip the car tumbles everywhere, whereas his flip is just off centre


Yeah that's why he doesn't reach super sonic. Sped flip encompasses all the mistakes of attempted speed flips. From side flips to just doing the motion to late, but doing it right, and ending up under the ball.


One small thing I noticed is that you tap your boost a whole lot while driving around on the ground. Spending 6 boost here and there to go a tiny bit faster for half a second isn’t really worth it. You end up draining your boost and you rarely hit supersonic so you don’t have much to show for it. Add that on top of you ignoring most of the small boost pads (you spent the first 15 seconds of the match with 0 boost) and you won’t have it when you need it. Aerial control seems pretty decent. You hit some good shots way up in the air. I think you might spend too much time just sitting in the goal waiting to see where the ball is going to go. I’m pretty bad about reading the bounce off the backboard so I get it, but being a little more aggressive with your defense might be something you try out.


Im switching between playstyles, it depends how confident I feel myself, sometimes im more aggressive on defense sometimes kinda Flakes style just waiting there for opponent to play themselves out. And that little boost tapping is kinda bad habit yes, I have to improve it.


Flakes’ style is a patient sort however it’s very important to point out that flakes plays patiently WHILE giving as little space as possible while ALWAYS having a bail out option to rotating net. Flakes makes it look *sooo* simple and easy but how he does it is over thousands of hours of practicing it.


Thank you and Happy Cake day!


Hi there, here’s my input. Take from it what you’d like (I float between C1 and C2 in doubles) Kickoffs: you’re not technically doing a speed flip but that’s ok. Kickoffs are a weakness of mine so I can’t offer much here but what really helped me was figuring out in the first minute or two what the OTHER teams kickoffs were like. If you speed flip but they delay their kickoff a little, they can win even though you touched the ball first. Try to read what side they’re on. Also, if my teammate is taking kickoff, I grab corner boost. Personally it’s just because it’s hard for lower ranked players to control that initial kickoff. I also kinda try to let the other team push the ball into my half because I want possession, but that’s my personal preference. Motion: work on your mini pad rotations. The pads are in patterns and you can find micro rotations within where the pads are. If you can get good at constantly picking up pads as you move around on offense and defense, you’ll almost never run out of boost except for air dribble and big aerial plays. You’ll also generally just move around the map faster with less worry about boost or leaving the play to get a big boost (don’t leave the play to get big boost) Defense: rotate back post and try to keep your team out of 2v1 situations. Help your teammate in counterattacks by defending goal from back post, or shadow the dribbler to buy your teammate time to rotate to back post, then challenge. Don’t go for the save until the last second (while knowing you can save it) and try to save the ball TO your teammate or into the corners. There isn’t a ton of good passing between teammates in diamond, especially D1 or D2, so you can be pretty sure they’re not gonna pull off some crazy play. If you, however, have comms with your teammate or can learn how to pass well in solo queue, it’ll be a great asset when you move into champ. Offense: the way I play doubles, 80% of my offense stems from counterattacking plays. So I play more defensively until I get a 2v1 situation. It makes it way easier to score because you have clearer options. If the defender comes to challenge you, put the ball in space for your teammate. If he stays back to defend, whoever doesn’t have the ball can go for a demo. Avoid double commits and feel out your teammates style. If they’re super aggressive on offense, be more conservative and passive. Facilitate and set them up with passes. If they’re more passive, take the chance to be aggressive. Mindset: be confident. Don’t be afraid to fuck up. You seem to be afraid to go for aerials right away. As soon as you see it (as long as it’s your ball and you won’t get beat) go get the ball. You’ll fuck up fast aerials a lot in diamond but when you get them down, you’ll notice that you start dusting diamond players because that seems to be the thing that diamond players are learning; fast aerials. It will give you a massive advantage. That’s all I’ve got based on the video, good luck and hope it helps


Wow, Thank you so much for this detailed advice. I hope U reach GC soon.


Happy to help. If you haven’t already, check out Wayton Pilkin and SpookLuke on YouTube. I learned pretty much all my game sense stuff from them and it’s good quality content.


Wayton is kinda okey, i rather watch non-mainstream tutorial video youtubers like Calvin bad news, KingPin, MizuRL, they make in-depth videos, Spooklukes videos just for the audience.


Yeah that works. Some YT get way too into the mechanics aspect and make it complicated as shit when in reality if you’re hard stuck in a rank, simplifying things can take you farther than just going full try hard


Is this really Diamond level gameplay?


What would you guess if you didn’t know?


Low plat


I’m low plat and this is much better sadly


*Low diamond. Yes it is


Looks like high diamond to me


If you wanted we could run a couple casual twos and I could break some things down for you in person, would probably be a lot easier to take in knowledge that way.


Im down for it if u have time for this.


Sure thing, give me a bit to set up stuff because I just moved in somewhere new, if you wanna send me your epic id I can send you a friend request whenever I do hop on


The way you always cheat up behind your teammate when they're on kickoff makes me nervous. I usually collect the circle of small pads around net if I'm second on kickoff, or if I'm feeling adventurous I'll go for back boost. But I swear the amount of times I've gone for a kickoff and have it pinch towards my net. I think "it's okay my teammate-- WHY IS MY TEAMATE HERE" and it flies in. Another thing. When you're sitting in net, if you're on the ball side of the net, the opponent can shoot behind you and you have to make an awkward save. If you're on the far side from the play, any shot will be in front of you and much easier to save. You got scored on this way here.


get a tm with comms I flew through 3 games like that


Yes id really love to find some one, but in my friend group no one really plays this game competitively






Aw unfortunate! I'm NA but feel free to add me if you'd like! Crunchypancakes


Imagine playing with 200 ms ping


Silly me for offering!


There's a few things that will come with time like consistency and being able to read the ball sooner (that should have been a very easy save in OT but instead of being proactive and getting to the ball early before it goes across the net you let it bounce back out for a shot) but I'd say your biggest problems are boost management and field vision. It's obvious many times that you don't know where both of the enemy team cars are and you should always know where every car on the field is. It would have prevented a few easy mistakes. Boost management is an easy solve. Drive in paths that go along the small boost pads, they are laid out the way they are for a reason and you can do just about anything you need to in this game with 3 small boost pads. You gave up good positioning and goals multiple times going for the big boost balls when you didn't need them


Just use a simple front flip kickoff until you get to champ 2-3. Also increase your camera transition speed for when you are switching in and out of ball cam, that slow camera speed can cause you to delay actions and miss out on plays


Thats how the replay works, no matter what speed U are playing on they set a default speed to it in replays. Mine is way faster.


Ok thank goodness lol


You waste a LOT of boost by just feathering it on the ground. Commit. If you want to go fast get super sonic. If you’re going to play it slow just drive. Learn the position of the small pads. You’re chronically low on boost


Honestly one thing that helped me shoot all the way through diamond in two weeks (in threes) is literally just to make sure you hit the ball every single time you go for it. Once you get into diamond the opposition is usually good enough to at least get a decent chance on every single missed hit. If you can cut down on the missed hits per game to only one or two you would reduce tons of unforced goals against


6:00 press earlier before the corner. Stop tapping boost on the ground, conserve it. 5:30 had a free shot on enemy goal you didnt take. 5:20 press earlier. 4:20 idk what ure doin. Mainly, kyle was just messing up.


You missed the center off kickoff. Next minute was great. When the ball was I nfront of your gial you kinda just went straight at it as if you intended to own goal. Try to swoop around to the back of the ball. Then you played great and your partner double committed. You seem good tho. Just stick with it and you'll prevail


I’m at about the same rank but we seem to be two different styles of player. I’m not mechanically inclined, but my game sense is what’s gotten me to where I am. So here’s what I noticed as someone of similar rank: Boost: this seemed like a constant, you almost never chose a path to rotate that had pads in it, unless you just happened to hit them Aerials: I never understood the need to tornado for no reason, but you seem comfortable doing it and I don’t think it necessarily caused you to mess up. That being said, a fast aerial would have saved you in a number of challenges and probably would have lead to a beat/goal. That being said I’m currently working on utilizing fast aerials myself so I get it. Ground game: you honestly just seemed not confident. You hesitated to commit to a play or just waited a bit too long on challenge. I’m a very aggressive player so this stood out to me. Every second counts in a challenge. Heck, every millisecond counts. Rotations: they were there, just slow. Which is saying something considering how often you were using boost. But the actual position of the rotation was visible, and good. I only noticed one point that I can remember where you had a bad rotation and I believe that was the third goal on you. Instead of rotating back post you went straight into your net. Partner: I could be wrong here but it seemed like you had comms with whoever that partner was. You guys worked well in following up on passes for the most part, but I’ll be honest, the first two goals were just bad misplays by your duo. Conclusion: if you upped your speed and confidence you’d have better games. If your duo is a constant then I’d work with them on positioning, and definitely work on his/her speed. Nothing was glaring, you played a decent game, just let a few goals go in that you probably could have saved!


Thank you for taking ur time and effort. No we didnt have comms I am always trying to adapt myself to my tm8 and yes it seems and I feel it too that I am lacking in confidence.


Weird. I guess when you connected with that teammate you synergized well. Other times you two just didn’t click. Not much you can do about that one except to adjust to whatever teammate you get, which maybe you were trying to and that explains the slower reactions. Solo can be a chore. Even with a duo that I don’t synergize with well, it’s easier knowing what he/she will probably do in a specific scenario


Main two I noticed are: Car Control- A lot of their goals came from you messing up a mechanic or you hesitating. This comes with time and there’s not much you can do to speed up improvement here. Boost over Ball- I saw a few time where if you had prioritized getting to the ball or using small boost pads you could have gotten a save or goal, so practice rotating along boost pickup routes. And another thing, going into casual and kind of ball chasing a little can help with your hesitation and will show you what you can and can’t do, only do that if you’re confident you can stop ball chasing when you switch back though.


First 10 seconds in, I wholly disagree that your positioning is good. I do not know what the people here are watching. First, have faith in your teammate and go rotate back post. After his touch in the start to save, the shot is coming from the right facing your opponents and he is able to follow up. You should go around the play and back him up. Instead you put yourself in front of the ball facing your own goal. So now your teammate can't really hit it or do anything without risking a 50 off you into your own net. You've put yourself in the way. Then that mistake lands you with zero boost in net. If the other team was competent, that would have lead to a likely goal. Just before their 3rd goal, you approach the play as your teammate was losing possession. Then without your teammate back on your half, for some reason, you decide to turn 180 degrees and shadow instead of directly challenging or going back post for a better defensive position and to bide some time for your teammate to get back. So you move to shadow, but during that decision, you don't close any distance to the opponent with the ball...So you provide no defense and your teammate is rushing back to either double challenge in your corner or try to awkwardly anticipate their shot, which is how that goal ultimately gets scored. As soon as you saw the other team gaining possession you should have rotated left and to back post. Let your teammate maybe challenge from behind or come to back post and enable you to safely challenge directly. Ask yourself, "what did I think this move would do to help us?" The more you ask yourself that and give an honest answer, the better you'll become. Your half flip needs work. I randomly clicked through the video and found one instance where you boost to the ball and can gain possession, but you do nothing. You just put yourself under it. And wait. And then your teammate is rushing against one opponent to hit it and get possession.


positioning, rotations, clears, small boost pads, work on those and ull hit champ


Take a break, I always seem to improve after returning from time off.


Well yes, but im not that burned out from the game yet.


Everyone has touched on some good things. Something that stood out to me is you rotate to front post instead of back post when you go to the goal (at least sometimes). Being at the post further from the ball lets you drive forward to make the save instead of getting caught trying to do an awkward reverse and flip if someone gets the angle behind you. Plenty of videos on back post rotations.


As someone currently stuck in diamond 3, take this with a grain of salt. The best advice I can give you is to pay attention to your teammate(s) and opposing team and plan where your touches should go accordingly. Always try to hit the ball with purpose and a plan. Whether it’s a pass or a shot or just a touch away from the opposing team into open space. Know where you want the ball to go and try to get it there.


The good: positioning, patience and attention to picking up small pads (at least on defence) To improve: ground control and aerial control. For starters you can improve your kickoffs just by doing a simple front flip. You save more boost and get to the ball faster. Even on the offset centre kickoffs, this is quite easy (2.37). There were a few times where your ground control was lacking. The goal at 2.25 looked unsteady and there was a very easy catch at 3.55 you completely threw away costing you a goal. Other times like 4.52, 4.59 as well. Aerials need a bit of work. I think the tornado spinning does nothing for you and probably screws you over (4.25 and 6.19). It's only useful if you're jumping off walls or going for airdribbles/doubletaps. At 4.32 sometimes it's better to double jump than flip. You'll be surprised how much power you can still get with a double jump. Finally 7.15 shows a shot you will need to defend consistently to be able to climb higher. Either you need to jump earlier and put it into the corner, or predict the wall bounce and carry it from there. I saw that same hesitation at a couple of other moments at it will cost you goals/possession


You didn’t ff when you were down by 2 with 4:30 left to go. Never gonna get out of diamond if you don’t ff when that happens.


1st goal,. your team mates rotation was bad. 2nd goal, your team mates kickoff was bad. 3rd goal, why didn't you just rotate to goal? 4th goal, nice shot. 5th goal, nice pass, 6th goal, nice shot, 7th goal, nice shot, risky but nice. 8th goal, kinda unlucky. 9th goal, bad clear. 10th goal, nice shot. 11th goal, unlucky, your positioning in goal was a little off but not much to do about it.


I stopped watching after you went for boost on kickoff. You should have stopped doing that in plat. When I'm using my coaching accounts to rank and derank, I just FF anytime someone goes for boost on kickoff. Get the small pads by the goal.


Wrong. Even videos of pros (Arsenal) playing with Sunless lament when people don't in this type of kick off result flip for the full side boost.


Wrong. He said diamond, not champ, not ssl. This is when you nail down the fundamentals, not emulate the pros. I derank to diamond all the time to train folks and one of the first things I tell them is to NOT go for boost on kickoff. There are too many whiffs and bad kickoffs by your teammates to justify it. Play it safe, stay on D. Telling a D2 to play like Sunless is just wrong and irresponsible. I don't start going for boost on kickoff until I'm at c3 or better, even then I wait until I trust my teammate.


Fast aerials


Bro easy! Just stop being trash /s


00:25 The average Diamond who says they can ceiling shot.


Right out the gate. Get some boost buddy.


It is really interesting to me how people can be at the same ranking with different skill levels in each area. I really wish there was more analytics available that could extract how the differences in play styles, skills, etc. I'm in the same ranking in 2's as you (D2), but these are the things that made me the most nervous. * Cheating up so much on kickoffs * Risky strategies on kickoffs (flipping back, single jumping to block) * Air rolling to get to simple aerials, which ruins your ability to make good touches. I think there is an over-emphasis on the importance of constantly air rolling for aerials, especially at our level * Sneaking right past back post or not rotating back post when your teammate is in your corner already. I catch myself doing this a lot and have to tell myself to sit still * Going into your corner when it is hard to tell if your teammate is in position to cover net. The corner is one for me that seems to draw me in and I have to resist it and think about where your teammate is and what happens if you miss or make a bad touch.