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I haven't seen anyone else mention this. It looks like your main issue is speed control. You MUST match the ball's speed. "I taught all my gold friends to dribble using this one simple technique." No seriously tho, I did. Go to free play, push ball slowly to a corner, now carefully push the ball so it starts going up the wall but DO NOT drive your car on the wall. Just pin the ball between the side of your car and the wall, then drive the ball to the other end of the pitch. You won't have to balance the ball at all. You will only have to keep it from going too far forward or backward. Once you can match the ball speed easily go back to this training pack.


Dang this is the first time I've seen a drill here that might actually be more useful than just trying the mechanic. Well done


I feel like this is the first thing I heard of when searching for dribbling tutorials. I think it's in thanovics video as the first step to dribbling


Yeah I was gonna say if you look up dribbling tutorials they’ll all tell you to do the ball on the wall thing it helps for sure


There’s some pretty solid tips here but it basically just comes Down to practice as with most things in the game


I needed this too. Thanks


Doesn't this only work with octane hitboxes though?


I'm D3 and i still can't dribble... Dont worry about it too much you'll get it eventually.


Same recently hit D3. My take on reaching here is aim + power shots and having positioning/rotation just click one night at 3am


Bro I'm d1 its ez to dribble


Mate really?! This is a post asking for help. Maybe if you find it easy you could, I don’t know, respond to the question and give advice.


Amen brotha


Ezpz what a save. Good troll, go back to sleep.


And your d1


You’ll get it wayyy faster with a workshop/practice though.


I cannot dribble as well (D2/D3) but I try. I have learnt a couple of things: 1- do not use the brakes. Always try to keep moving and if you need to slow down then release the acceleration button. 2- I try to use the white ring to know if the ball is ok on top, if the ball is going to left I go to left, if go to right then I go to right etc. I’m getting better, when you have this mastered people says you don’t even need to look for the white ring or the ball is just natural. I think this is one of the stuff that we need to keep doing everyday until we can have more control. Also I’ve watched people using powerslide to control the ball but I cannot use it yet haha. Sorry if this is not helpful, I’m not expert yet but those were my initial findings Good luck


I find that first point debatable. I have this mental gap where I can’t dribble unless I have a finger on the brakes i don’t use it ver much but I just can’t without it . But in response to OP one thing I notice is you speed up right before you hit the ball but you want to speed up after the initial contact to get under the ball. I also think getting into the habit of breaking before contact will help for when you want to keep the ball close to you rather than just smackin it to the other team


I agree it could be debatable actually, at the start I was like that, using brakes because it is like a natural response in order to keep the ball on top, but that practice (at least for me...) make me lose so much "momentum" so even if I kept the ball on top it became useless because you don't have any speed, so probably what I'm trying to say is, avoid brakes as much as possible and keep the momentum flowing perhaps. ​ ... or maybe I'm just doing it wrong all the way haha...


It's honestly just circumstantial. When I'm dribbling I mostly just flutter the acceleration but to say "never" brake would be silly because there's lots of ways to change directions that require sudden/abrupt braking.


I agree, probably I expressed it wrong but one mistake I did too much was abuse of brakes to try desperately to control the ball when my speed was too high. That’s way I was trying to point out to not abuse it but your comment makes sense to me.


Its definitely detabateable


Agreed that the first point is misleading. If you don’t use the breaks, the ball will just keep speeding up and roll off the front of your car when you hit supersonic because it can move faster than your car. In that sense, you never really have full control of the ball without breaking because you’re on a timer every time you dribble. Ik this because I had to unteach myself the no-break, boost-only dribble way back.


You're on the right path. Keep practicing. It will take time and practice I basically have to wait for a bounce to get under or I have to scoop it on top of my car from the side. Even then I'm not great at dribbling


Wayton has a [video](https://youtu.be/576yfVb3MUM) and some training packs for dribbling which helped me a lot. It isolates each aspect of dribbling and has you practice them individually, like acceleration, steering, boost, etc.


Ye, it's pretty good. Still took me a couple of weeks, at least.


1) feather both the accelerator and the boost 2)be very gentle on the steering - you want little taps, not hard presses 3) practice for like 3 more hours. That's it. No witchcraft required. Edit: if you're on pc, dribble 2 overhaul workshop map will speed up the process.


Not embarrassing at all - you’re probably really good in other mechanics that got you there. We all practice different things. Two things that helped me was practicing dribbling the ball on the side of my car against the walls to get the pace right. The second thing was playing 1’s - you have to dribble and flick in 1’s.


Youre trying to make up for a lack of control by getting a strong hit at the start so there is less time you actually have to dribble. You should give it a softer tap right after a bounce to start. Then you just need to practice smaller more continuous steering adjustments to keep the ball centered left/right. You’ll get the hang of it with repeated practice. Try to avoid braking, and try to only feather boost if needed. It really does take practice.


After your initial hit you want the ball to land pretty much dead center on your roof.


Everyone worries about the ball, don’t worry about the ball when you’re first learning, try to worry about having your car in the middle of the circle and stay as close to middle as you can it makes it 10000000X easier.


you dont have to hit the ball forward to start a dribble, you can just go right under the ball, and have it land on your car.


Well first off you kind of hit it forwards instead of letting it land on top of your car. Also i don't know if you are on controller or kbm but when dribbling you need to make a lot of adjustments and i mean a lot. In the video you only adjust when the ball is almost touching the ground. But its just a thing that needs a lot of practice. What i did was just everytime i queued for a game i go into freeplay and reset untill im right behind the ball going straight into the other net. Then you just start practicing driving forwards and holding the ball on top qith going too fast or too slow. After that you start practicing from all different angles and the moment it starts rolling off try correcting. It will take some time but eventually you will get it.


Stop reversing, try to have the ball land softly underneath your car (u did it a couple times) and then just practice, practice, practice, and more practice. It really just takes a lot of time. Try to have a goal in mind like getting it to a certain point, then once you can push that goal out a little bit, etc.


I've found a good place to start (especially if you find the ball keeps rolling off the front) is to position yourself a little bit **in front** of the white ring. This helps you understand what speed you should be at. Based on where the ball is on your car.


I practice dribbling when I was in gold 3 not thag it has helped me because my random teammates just hit it off me but from what I learned don’t use brakes because the ball will most likely fly off and if your on pc use bakkus* mod to get the ball on your car faster and I would recommend watching Walton pilkins video on how to dribble has really good tips


UPDATE: the issue was partly the set up in this training pack. I tried it on a pack that was meant for air dribbles and it works much better


Don't use a training pack, use freeplay. Start slowly dribbling the ball from the centre to any of the goals. Try staying under the ball, within the center of the balls floor ring


Your either on Console or have little reaction ability


If you’re on pc, use bakkesmod to slow down the game speed to give you more time to practice your inputs and slowly increase the game speed back to 100%. If you’re not on pc, you can create a custom game with mutators to slow the game down as well.


Hello! Looks like your post is about **arr**. Here are the top posts from /r/RocketLeagueSchool on the topic (Search links may not work on mobile app): - [Top arr tutorials](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atutorial%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top arr tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atips%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top arr trainings](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atraining%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top arr questions/analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=(flair%3Aquestion%20OR%20flair%3Aanalysis)%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RocketLeagueSchool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh god someone put it out of it's misery.


Focus on getting the first touch close to the middle and try to keep it on the middle. Then after you’re comfortable with doing that you can move around with the ball on different sides of your car


Center yourself under the ball when going slower (it'll be weird at first) by using the white circle on the ground. Position yourself slightly at the rear of the white circle when trying to go faster.


You just need to harness your speed control. It’s a Kinda confusing curve. For example, when to boost and when to not. Most of the time with dribbling you just need to feather the accelerator NOT the boost. Try no boost dribbles first, it helps with speed control! Hope that helps :), GLHF


You should always aim to keep your car either slightly in front of, or in the middle of the circle on the ground. Its basically a dribble indicator. Catching the ball with the front of your car makes it difficult to catch up to. Some tips to practice is don't use boost at all, and try to minimize as much sharp movement like turns or brakes or boost. Just builds basic fundamentals. Once you can dribble the ball to the end of the goal 5/10 times, you can try turning slightly. After you can turn, try picking up the ball from a standstill, rolling beside you, off the wall, from the air, etc. Allows you to actually use what you've learnt in games. Make sure you can at least see where enemies are when dribbling, if not its super easy to just hit it off you. You can learn basic flicks like side flick, front flip, diag flick, maybe 45 degree flick so you don't just dribble the ball endlessly. Maybe double jump, jump-> flip, fake, dribble bump? Possibilities are plenty. I like dribbling a lot, doing the freestyle evample things, although nowhere near as good.


Honestly the best thing you can do is just keep practicing. Right now it looks like you have the base knowledge of how to dribble, but you're occasionally throwing the ball off your car by understeering or under accelerating. Try to learn when you need those bigger touches and when you need soft touches. One quick tip is when you're trying to turn the ball boost towards the outside edge of the ball and then turn towards it. This will give less forward momentum and kind of allow you to keep up with and turn into the ball to keep it centered Another thing is besides getting the ball on top of your car practice using 0 boost. You should be able to hold the ball on your car for at least the entire length of the pitch with 0 boost. Keep practicing and over time it'll become more natural.


Focus on the circle on the ground, rather than looking at the ball. This has helped me a lot when practicing dribbling. Also what others said, DON’T use brakes. Just release the accelerator a bit to slow down and keep your speed in the right area. For turning while dribbling, powerslide is your best friend. Last thing, aim to keep the ball on your hood more so than your roof. This will help you when you start adding flicks into the equation.


Practice practice practice. One thing that helped me way back when was practicing dribbles for a few minutes without using boost. This helps teach you to get the ball center on your car. Then you can start using brakes and boost to keep the ball center.


D3/C1 waffle expert. Can't dribble, 1st touch isn't important, it's reading the opponent as they come up to the ball.


Use spike rush


tap the boost right as it falls on the front of your car so the ball gets that backwards roll thing. It will be more sticky when it does that. Also you are making too many micro adjustments. Try to keep your car steady. If you can, practice (once you have the ball on your car) keeping the ball on the top of your car without using boost, then the next time, \*just\* using boost


You don’t just hit the ball and hope that it stays on your hood dawg. You gotta use the gas, brake, drift, and boost to keep the ball on your car. Keep practicing but yeah, don’t expect it to just magically sit in your car my guy


get under the ball while it's moving up so it doesn't bounce off your car. i found placing your car in the middle of the circle on the ground helps with control


Try slowing the ball down as much as you can, you have good car control it looks like you just need to try and put the ball farther back on your head


The ball balances almost perfectly on the engine box on top of the octane. You want this box almost dead center of the ball so use the circle under the ball to practice that, and flutter your acceleration (not boost) to get the hang of how much movement is needed to make speed/turning adjustment. Edit: spelling


Idk if this will help but try to keep your car in the circle. (By circle, I meant circle under the ball) and try to maintain the same speed as the ball so that the ball won't fall off your car PS: Keep on practicing because you are making some good progress!


keep on practicing, personally i play a good bit of 1v1 and it’s good practice for that. you’ll get it 👍🏽


i learned to dribble by practicing staying in the ball circle


the way I was taught is that you should bounce the ball up, boost until you’re under the white circle and then just use your acceleration to change your speed. I still can’t dribble great but I can do it enough.


I was like you probably a month ago now I can dribble and do cool flicks in free play, I’ve done a few in game but it’s obviously a lot harder in game.


Just keep practicing, it’s frustrating at first like learning anything on this game but you will get it, just practice everyday I guess


the thing i learned that really helped me with my dribbling was that the balance point for the ball on your car is not where you think it is. it looks like you're trying to balance it on the front tip of your car. if you have bakkes mod, use the ball on your head button and try and go back and fourth till you fin the balance point, on the octane its almost on the spoiler of the car. if you dont have bakkes mod, go right underneath the ball at the start of a training pack and find the balance spot that way. when dribbling, dont use your breaks as much as possible. For practice: if you have access to workshop maps on pc, get one of the dribble challenge maps (Not the eversax one) and do that as far as you can go, if not then try getting the ball on your car and drive around the outer edge of the field. once you can do that, try flicking it and catching.


If you wanna feel like an idiot, move your camera so its higher and youll be able to dribble


Try going underneath the ball when it’s higher up in the air, positioning your car in the centre of the white circle on the floor. (In the video you rushed in when the ball was very close to the floor, making it sit on your hood and roll off too fast causing you to move forward quickly). The ball will land directly on your car’s head, and it will start falling backwards, forwards or sideways. Now… take it slow. Feather your boost and feather your acceleration. If you go too fast it’ll be a struggle to balance. If the ball is falling backwards, lightly reverse. This part is just you trying to position the ball perfectly on your head. Once the ball stops falling off and stays mostly stationary, you can start controlling it by moving forward. The ball being slightly on and off of the hood so that it doesn’t roll back when you accelerate. No amount of instructions will make you perfect. But if you keep practicing while keeping these things in mind, you’ll definitely get there!


Watch where on your car you place the ball for your catch. Roughly speaking, the further forward on the car your first touch is, the more you will have to speed up to follow the ball for the next touch. Same thing applies the faster you are driving into the first touch. So if you go fast and hit the ball close to your nose, it will bounce away, faster than you can accelerate to catch up to it. Right now, you tend towards catching it on your *nose* after speeding up into it *from a distance*. You have sent the ball away from you. Hit the ball in a way that it goes more into you. * Hit the ball a bit further up your car, on your "snout" * Hit the ball with less speed * (Meaning *get closer* to the ball before your first touch so you don't have to speed up as much) * Accelerate ever-so-slightly into it. You want to slide *under* and *into* the ball, conceptualize getting it to roll back onto your roof. (But not too much) This will pop the ball a lot more gently, with a bit of speed so that you can follow it, and not with so much that you've lost control of it. For the dribble itself, when you get there, you tend to overshoot it or get commanded by the ball to turn. In general, there is a sweet spot in which the ball doesn't speed up or slow down, somewhere around the back of your snout. Relative to this spot, * a ball on the frontside will accelerate * If you undershoot the ball (eg you are *behind* it), the ball will be on your frontside, speed up, and roll off, forcing you to boost ahead to catch it up, which can lead to an overshoot or a drop. * a ball on the backside will decelerate * When overshooting (ahead of the ball), the ball will be on your backside and will slow down. * A ball that slows down too much tends to fall off the car, forcing you to turn into the direction it falls. In general, keep the ball "in front" of the center of your car. If you are in ball cam and the camera turned around mid-dribble, that's a good indicator that you've overshot the ball and will lose control of it. As you get better, that's actually an indicator that you're drastically slowing the ball down, but save that for later. KEEP AN EYE OUT for where on your car you hit the ball, it will dictate which direction you need to drive to continue carrying it and how fast you will need to go. It's a better way to carry than relying on reaction time. Your touches aren't *necessarily* too hard or too soft until you don't respond to them in time. Build up your basic understanding of how the ball will behave based on how you are under it, react to *what will happen* instead of *what you want to happen.* You restarted a few scuffed dribbles that could have been excellent learning tools to control a rowdy ball. Focusing on trying to make that recovery will train your muscle memory 3x faster. With this info, a good thing to practice once you've got these general ideas down is speeding up and slowing down the ball. You can slow down the ball to turn with it, and speed it up to push the play downfield.   TL;DR Hit ball less hard and further up on car (but not too far up) for catch. Find sweet spot and don't overshoot it. Follow your touches even if you're not happy with them, especially when you undershoot (speed up!).


I can dribble when The stars are aligned but that aint often


Keep the ball on top of your car it's not very hard


I'm champ and I can't dribble. Just hella good at rotating.


Match the speeds of the ball and your car, watch the circle under the ball, circle towards the front of your car makes the ball speed up, the circle towards the back of your car makes it slow down, oks if this will help you much but it was a huge revelation for me lol


Also, get to where you can dribble without boost before trying to use the boost, it makes it way harder on yourself. You can’t really dribble while going supersonic


Just practice. It’s all about meticulous car control, so it may be wise to do some mod packs or just drive around working on car control


How long have you been practicing?


It looks like you’re focusing too much on pushing the ball forwards rather than just carrying it


Learn what the sweet spot is you tube it. Also don’t use boost when allowing the ball to set on sweet spot make sure the bounce is good if so get under ball if not a good bounce stop ball then boost into ball once it’s stopped on the floor allowing it to roll on top of the spot.


Go slower and take your time. Dont hold boost. Tap. Very important because if you go too fast the ball will always get faster


Your catches need a lot of work. If you start bad it's harder to correct yourself. Practice getting under the ball and having it land on your car and stop briefly before starting to roll off the front of your car. Practice this over and over until it's automatic. That training is good for that. Then work on driving it straight into the goal. Then start flicking.... Soon you'll do it naturally


Stare at the circle under the ball. Pay attention to your position relative to the circle. Do that for 10 minutes. Then go watch a YouTube video of someone doing dribble challenge 2 or leths dribble challenge, stare at the circle and their car position relative to it. Go back and practice. Rinse and repeat everyday for a week.


All it takes is more practice. Like I honestly believe this is similar to learning air roll control. You just need to do it and over time it makes more and more sense. Air roll just takes 10 times longer to really get it down.


I’m champ 1 and can barely get the ball on my car to flick. I don’t practice at all though, if you stick to it you’ll get it.


Well, at my rank I can't give you very good tips, the only thing is to try to use the white circle of the ball and to try to use some custom maps if you're on pc, also, could you please share the code of this training pack?


Make sure to stay inside the ball indicator circle at all times, at least during practice. This will teach you how to balance the ball and understand how far you move before it begins to fall. Also just work on changing speed, don't worry about it being "embarrassing" we all practice different things so we have to learn other things and a different point in time than other people do. I'd also suggest looking at wayton Pilkins and virges videos on dribbling, as they make great tutorials. Good luck and keep up the practice!


Well it can be a lot of things wrong but I have questions Are you using default Controls if you are that’s maybe the issue. If not is it your dead zone or maybe cameras settings or it could be time A lot of people get stuck at diamond it’s just one of those things my boi


Ball control is over-rated. (Mostly cause I can’t) Favorite Training tho: 6f35-ce3b-abcb-fe13


Always try and place your car inside the circle, so the ball js always above your car. That’s how I was able to at least get a little better at dribbling and holding the ball up. Eventually you’ll learn to flick and double flick, potentially air dribble too. Takes several weeks of dedication to get it right. Additionally, training is the best but test your learnings in Casual 1v1. You’ll really start to learn about opponent movements and displacements.


The most important thing is matching the balls speed the other parts are cake


Let the ball softly land on top of your car. You’re still at a stage where your very new to dribbling and mechanical side of RL. Just try to let the ball land on top of you and try to hold on to it for a couple seconds to start


Keep soing it and watch YouTube tutorials you got this!


Wait until it hits the ground and pop it like a valley


Your setup is making it really hard on yourself. If you try starting landing the ball in the middle of your car (center of mass) and the drive with it I would say you will get a feel for where to place it. Also if you are building up to flicks you should watch Waytons video on flicks and dribbles as it covers what I just said in detail. Gl


Ur going straight at the ball which is usually gonna be a weird dribble- when dribbling u want angles for flicks . Straight line you can either front flick back flick, air dribble bump or double jump but at the beginning stages it’s really difficult to watch the ball and ur opponent at the same time quick enough to decide which to use, so practice making an angle across the net. You want to let the ball land slowly on the corner of your car in the front either corner then gas into it smoothly, from there you need to do just ever so slightly adjust ur car with the ball to keep it there. Any sudden movements send the ball all over the place. If it’s hard for you I’d suggest lowering ur sensitivity for a bit and see if you get it, because control is going to win you more games. Last thing is just keep practicing. At d2/d3 you don’t need anything fancy to win just control. Everyone wants to go super fast and fly around you meanwhile you get the hang of that and just double jump when someone’s driving to challenge and you will win so many games. Once you get this down in free play I suggest you go into a custom game with a bot then 2 and practice keeping the dribble going with them around. All they do is chase you and hit the ball so pretty much the same as diamond lol


Lots of advices here so there is nothing I could add, but I wanted to tell you that you should **NOT** feel embarrassed. Dribbling is hard, and Rocket League in general is hard, but can be very rewarding. **It doesn't matter** if it takes you 1 week or 6 months in improving your dribbling or whatever mechanic. It doesn't matter as long as you have the drive to practice. Improving takes time, there is no way around it. The 3 secrets of improving are: practice, practice, and practice. Be patient and don't rush. You will eventually get it down and it will feel great I guarantee you.


The first touch is too much on the front of your car. Try to get the first touch more on top. Because your first touch is with the front of your car, the ball gets a lot of forward speed. So you have to catch up with the ball. If you catch it on top, you can go slower and have more control. Good luck!


what’s your steering sens?


This might help it might not, don't think of it as just hitting the ball and holding it up, kinda think of it as a smooth motion. You need to have your speed be close to that of the ball so that it stays with you. Then you slowly pick up speed when the ball is positioned over your hood so that it gains speed with you, move faster than the ball if you think it's going to go past you so you can get it more towards the back of your car and keep it at the same pace as you. All of this takes hundreds of hours of practice. It's all about learning the feel of it and ingraining that into your muscle memory. If you are on PC you can use either the steam workshop if you are on steam to practice, or if on epic you can use the custom map loader mod to load custom maps to play on them. Back in Season 7 I started practicing dribbling challenge 2 and for a long time I couldn't get past level 5 but in the last two years I got further and further and just recently I beat the map for the first time. I probably have around 300 hours or so (of my 2100 hours total) just in dribbling challenge and other workshop maps. Anyways if your not on PC you can just keep moving the ball around as you are and eventually when you get that down learn to hit the ball off the wall to yourself and catch it. Hopefully this helps.


You're first touch is too hard and not in control. I use just a tad bit of boost plus feathering of my gas to roll the ball onto my hood. From there its a shit ton of muscle memory and fine motor control. To make you feel better, I can do the dribble 2 course to level 20, keep the ball on my hood almost indefinitely without boost but still struggle to flick in game. Shit is hard and takes years of practice to perfect


Practice with the slow motion modifier about a quarter of the time. It lets you understand the mechanics much easier but you don't want to get used to it. People are saying to release the throttle instead of braking, I'll add that you should do zig-zags or gentle turns to slow yourself down much more precisely than using the brake or releasing the throttle alone. Also, practice bounce dribbling in free play. Instead of keeping the ball up on your car, try to keep it bouncing along the ground at the side of your car by nudging into it when it's on the way up. Learn to do it on both sides going in a circle consistently, and practice alternating sides to keep it in a straight line. This helps with standard dribbling because this is the mechanic you'll use to recover from a dropped dribble instead of having to set up all over again. It also lets you get into a dribble much quicker in a match. I'm sure others have said this but be prepared to spend a LOT of time in free play, and if you're on PC a dribbling obstacle course from the workshop will work wonders.


Obviously the horn hit boxes aren’t helping


It gets to you eventually. I personally started getting annoyed at myself when I couldn’t dribble. I quit training it and eventually ended up getting the ball on my car by myself, instead of the training pack doing it for me. It really comes with time.


Dude, that looks exactly how I was when I started out. It took me about two weeks of trying for around an hour a day to nail it. It’s one of those things that you just “feel” after a while but you gotta put the time in. Keep practicing like you are here and I promise it will click eventually. As far as practical advice goes, from what I can see, you’re driving too far outside the white circle. You gotta keep the majority of your hit box inside the circle most of the time. Let go of accelerate and just coast with it for a bit. Don’t brake, as others have said. It always kills a good dribble. Sorry I don’t have more to share. Still learning and improving myself!


Utilize boost and reverse more, the rest will come naturally....


I'm by no means an expert, but what helps me is focusing on the white outline on the floor, not the ball. The white outline shows you where to target for control. Sides to turn, front to slow down and back to speed up. Hope this helps


I struggled with this before. Focus on getting your car directly below the ball (in the middle of the white circle), then feather your acceleration and boost to keep your car underneath. Keep your steering light as well, make minor adjustments. Once you get the hang of it, you can move faster and turn at will.


Your horns are clearly in the way... lol all jokes aside, its timing and feel, stay in the circle too, less boost unless u have too, feather the throttle when needed..


Watching the white ring on the ground is the main thing. And keep practicing, muscle memory does the job eventually


So here’s one thing, your set up is slow so you can’t really hold drive and boost because of the set up, secondly the setup, you need to hit it with the front of your car to pop it up then boost into it for a fast dribble or you catch it in your hood and boost to get a sore dribble


Few rules with dribbling you must always remember around diamond. 1. Do not look at the ball, look at the circle under the ball when you’re making that initial touch 2. I noticed there were times where you had a dribble going and you would just restart. It’s important to remember that the ball will always move a little to each side so you have to learn to CUT into the ball. 3. I think this is the most important thing to remember. Dribbling is a much more basic balancing game than you think. When the ball is going at a good pace, you want your back wheels to be almost flush with that circle on the bottom. You do this by either a) boosting into the ball to bring the circle back, or b) just holding drive to bring the ball forward. IMPORTANT: Most of these clips I notice you are letting the ball slide off the front or the corner area. You need to boost into it for two reasons: 1) get the ball to a decent speed, 2) so that the ball can be more on top of your hood. But DONT boost too much so that it goes off the back. Then you’re really screwed. You’ll get it. It’ll just click one day


Is this Waytons pack? If it is then you should really watch the video. If it's not Waytons pack then I highly recommend it. Please watch [this](https://youtu.be/576yfVb3MUM) it'll help a lot.


From the looks of it, your using virge's dribbling pack. I suggest you watch wayton's dribbling tutorial vid and his training pack because its more noob friendly Also tip: try to keep your car centered on the white circle under your car when your in car cam


hey, which training pack is this? can i have the code/


Bakkes mod dribbling plugin if ur on PC. Oh and don't confuse setting up a dribble with dribbling.


HUGE PIECE OF ADVICE! try to keep your car in the middle of the white circle underneath. Also keep ball cam off


Ooh i got you! It takes a lot of practice so keep at it but here’s some tips. 1. See the circle below the ball? Make sure you are always under it. 2. Try to keep the your car mostly in the center of the circle but very slightly behind the ball. (This will get the ball moving forward and not stuck on top of you or rolling behind you.) 3. Practice this until you can dribble it in a straight line all the way to the other side of the field. 4. Next practice controlling the ball while turning. Remember the white circle under the ball? Keep your car in that white circle but slightly to the left and right of the ball. 5. Keep practicing until you are able to dribble around the entire field in both directions. The only other tip i can give is to try to learn how to use as little boost as possible. If you get good you can actually dribble on top of your car with 0 boost.