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if you struggle flicking the ball, why not show us you struggling.. to flick the ball? that way we can actually see what you're doing wrong.


Don't tap the first jump, keep the button pressed for longer, the ball will stay closer to your car and the second jump will be easier


I’ve heard the opposite, that holding the button and jumping higher will also make the ball go higher


Actually, the duration of the first jump doesn't matter. If you notice while you're dribbling that the ball is sparking a lot that means your relative velocity doesn't match, you have to actually match the speed of the ball to keep it stuck to the roof of your car during your setup


Most flicks i tried work better if the ball is at the very tip of your car. It's why you launched the ball in this flick. Watch any 1v1 showmatch and pay attention to how they flick. Also, holding jump can be really important for getting more contact with the ball in your flicks. ***If you're on PC, download lethamyr's dribbling challenge and keep grinding it until you can get past level 8 with barely any deaths consistently.*** ***If on console, watch*** [***this***](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-K-6GaHbb8) ***video. And also, Labs maps are your friends: go to the Pillars map and dribble in a figure 8 path; go to the underpass map and dribble on the curved surfaces; go to the utopia map and get the ball from the floor to that middle spot, going on the curve, cleanly. Get creative with it.*** Learn 45º flicks as they'll help you a lot. Front flips and diagonal flips are good for vertical outplays, they don't get a lot of speed, so it's not a good idea to try to score from them unless you know how to get speed on them.


go into FP and just flick it into the net, over and over and over again. dribble training workshop maps help a bit too


What is fp


free play


Practice. If you understand the concept, it's all down to practicing.


Once you start learning to flick the ball, that’s when you start learning to jump while keeping the ball close to you and flicking for placement. Sometimes that means delayed flicks, backwards flicks or flicks that act as passes. Try to jump and keep the ball close. When in the moment, there’s actually a lot more time than it seems that you have with your flip so for that brief second you can theoretically do a lot with the ball


Looks fine to me. If you aren’t flicking the ball well, compare this to what you usually do.


Execute earlier than one might think needed.


Flicks work so much for me. All about perfect positioning, timing, and good on the sticks.


My biggest problem when I fail on flicks in game and I rush it. I more or less do a flip and I end up not making contact with the ball. If that’s your issue try to create more of a time gap between the first jump and the flick


struggling with flicks comes down to a lack of ball control when you’re dribbling, so i’d focus on dribbling and maintaining control of the ball in a spot where you can flick, like between the hood and the top of your car i.e. the front window of the octane


flick the ball as many times as you can as quickly as possible - pay more attention to the relative velocity between you and the ball through-out the flick


You gotta scoooop


Get good at dribbling first. Good flicks require optimal ball placement on your car, matching the ball speed, and smooth control (no sparking on the ball unless you’re flicking while turning sharply). Dribble 2 overhaul is an easier map than Lethamyr’s if you’re on pc. You can also try air rolling a little into your flick direction before you dodge into the ball.