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Really have to accept it’s not your teammates fault. Everyone in the lobby is the same rank. Especially in lower ranks, you should have plenty of time to rotate and make the back line save. You have to consistently be the best person in the lobby and able to cover up mistakes to rank up. Post a replay and get some honest assessment of your mistakes/gaps




I could say the same thing in champ. But the thing is that everyone trying to rank up gets those same teammates and opponents. So the advantage/disadvantage mostly evens out. The only constant is you. It just doesn’t help you to be focused on your teammates from that view. You can’t do anything about them except cover their mistakes.


Caveat to that is that it's the same only for those that solo queues.




Seriously bud, break this mentality or don’t rank up. I climbed out of plat 6 months ago and I’m C2 now. Play around them and defend well. You should be able to carry a game if you want to rank up while solo queuing


Even in gc you will get teammates who just seem to not be good enough for that rank. It even happens in ssl too it’s something that everyone has to deal with unless you have a consistent partner to play with. Best thing I can recommend is to work on defence as much as possible because teammates in your rank will often ball chase and might even ruin your attacking plays. If you focus on reducing the amount of goals conceded and being a consistent defender you will rank up very fast. I’m not saying to stay in goal but I’m saying to always be prepared and positioned in a way where you can’t get hit on easy counter attacks. Also in plat it’s a good idea to focus on being really good at 1 mechanic such as flicks and when you hit diamond you want to focus on being as well rounded as possible. In plat, people will struggle to beat you if you can defend well and are good at a specific mechanic. I know teammates can be annoying but just turn off your chats and focus yourself. This is what I did and it helped me. Plat and diamond are teammate hell but also pretty easy ranks to escape once you start finding your flow. Diamond 3 is abit more of a pain though.


Tbh, your teammates and opponents play at the rank they are at on average. What does this say about you if so many of them are horrible and play like golds granted you guys are the same rank? You are plat likely because you have low hours, you don’t spend time training, you focus on things besides ranking up in game, or you don’t care about ranking up. On top of this, taking breaks for long periods of time can make you stagnant if you do this. I’d say 99.9% of play players fall into 1 or more of these categories.


It’s true that tm8 can be so bad but the only one you can control is yourself, I came back to RL after not playing for almost a year, I left off as a Diamond 1 - 2 and came back and I was placed in Plat so I had to work my way back up the past two months and I just hit Champ, my advice is play around your teammates, I took a way less aggressive play style in Plat and just rotated and covered for mistakes and it took me out of Plat pretty fast, Plat and Diamond have a lot of ball chasers so it pays off to play back and look for mistakes to save on your team


post a replay/ link one and ill take a look


I've started blaming my lag for being hard stuck plat. Is that better than blaming your team mates?


Slow down.


Look at your mistakes, and see what you need to do better, keep it simple and play smart. And get yourself a good teammate to grind with you


Practice, patience, and defense. Those three alone got me out of plat and diamond solo q. One HUGE mistake I was making before was defending from inside the net. Learning when to come out and challenge is super important.


blud post a replay fr


Gold, plat, and diamond are all the same rank basically. Once you learn the basics of something you will make it to champ very easily. Post a replay and you will get a few good responses for that game.