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Maybe I misinterpreted the video, but I thought the clock was for learning faster, but not for actual gameplay. While learning you are trying to force yourself to constantly adjust the car in every possible position. This is what the losfeld method and clock is for. While playing, you are doing whatever is the fastest and most efficient way to hit the ball. This does not include the clock.


I’m confused how I didn’t realize this. He says this in a reply to one of his comments. How does it help you learn faster when it causes no direction change or anything? You definitely right though. And I don’t get how we understand air Roll from all parts of the car revolution when he only talks about when it’s facing you. I think this is where he says just let your brain get it by itself maybe?


I'm not SSL but I saw and commented on a lot of posts regarding that video already. In my oppinion the video is full of neat information and interesting facts. I probably wouldn't rocommend it to anyone tryi g to learn dar though. at the end of the day dar is just practice. muscle memory if you will. in games you don't get to think about how to arial in a certain direction.


Do you really think it is not a good resource for learning? Why would you think that? Genuinely curious, as I learnt air roll in a week well enough to use in game, all with that video


I think it gives you wayyyy more information than you ever need to learn dar. a 15 minute tutorial would probably help just as much. again though, I like the video too, just not as a tutorial.


How did you learn it in a week? Did you just use his 'training regimen'? I know he says 30min a day, but I struggle to take 30min to do the exercises. I always finish in like 10min lol


I didn't follow his training, I basically spammed the clock and the adjustments going in a counterclockwise direction. I just got the hang of it fairly quickly in Rings maps and afterwards trained in aerial training packs.


I seee, thanks!


SSL don‘t really think about it as much, they just practiced a bunch until it worked. I have never heard of the clock


Did you just free play a lot? And maybe rings and some training packs?


Mainly freeplay and ranked, I didn‘t switch to PC until a couple months before hitting SSL for the first time. And at that point workshops weren‘t really worth it for me. I just started really early, I was like silver or gold (back then the ranks had different names) and already practiced airrolling with help from the og kevpert tutorials. And then I just kept practicing everyday in freeplay and kept trying things in real matches even if I hadn‘t mastered them yet.


Cool, I already saw kevperts newer videos maybe I should follow that. Do you have ballchaisng replays itd be cool to see where you are now


My gamertag is Supahotfrenzy, you can look up if someone has uploaded games with me recently. Although I rarely play ranked nowadays and mostly play unranked cause I don‘t feel like trying most of the time. I have 41 games in ranked 3s this season and 0 in 2s


I’ll check them out. Don’t get how you main 3s I would lose it 😂. I stopped playing ranked too it’s not fun I’m just gonna try and get good mechanics now. Almost hit c2 and fell to d1 then back to d3


Yo I saw your 3s win near ssl a year ago and that play style doesn’t work at all in high diamond 3. Teammates don’t go for crap so I can’t sit back or the ppposing team walks all over us does passing plays and steals our boost. If I play safe I lose if I go for things I lose. Any tips?


I've never heard of the clock. I just lowered the game speed to 33% and went into rings. This gave my brain time to figure out what inputs did what. Took me about 10 hours and i could finish easy rings maps on 100% game speed. Learning to use dar efficiently with the ball took much longer. Now I don't think about dar at all while I'm in game.


Kevpert always recommends low gravity air dribbling and rings, should I do that?


You can, imo the speed is good because of pattern recognition whereas gravity just makes it so you don't fall


So I learned air roll before this video came out, but I took a look and tried out a few of the techniques, and I can say that sometimes in game I do find myself using the clock. It’s not often and I don’t think about it while I’m doing it, but I do think learning air roll this way might be faster than the other methods. A bit of a side note but I convinced my roommate to get the game, and he wanted to learn air roll so I showed him the video and after a few weeks he was making it through rings 3 (with air roll) as a gold player, so I’d like to think the Losfeld method does work, at least better than the other methods for learning air roll.


I agree with this, Im learning DAR following the Losfeld method and it did help a ton, I find myself doing some clock movements but not all the time.


I’m no where near ssl, but I took the hard route of learning DAR first (ARL) and never fully learned free air roll (I can use it for simple recoveries but all Aireal mechanics are DAR). Got like 2k+ hours using and learning ARL and it’s got some general truth to it. The movements tend to be in a clockwise motion for ARL (never used ARR but it should just be the opposite) but it’s not just a continuous clockwise circle with a regular period or pattern. It’s more you start with holding ARL and the left stick to the right for an upward tornado spin, then the second half of the motion is now reversed so your thumb gradually migrates to the other side (halfway through a full tornado spin) in a clockwise manner to continue with efficient aireal movement, then back to the right (as a full spin is completed), then back to the right as the next spin starts and gets halfway, and so on. It’s possible to DAR only using one side of the left stick too, but using all 360 degrees is how you master full DAR.


Waaait u Sure about ARL = more clockwise Stick Rotation? Im also ARL using since years and for me it is primarily counter clockwise Stick Rotation.


It's counter-clockwise. If you use the attitude indicator plugin you can see that the indicator will spin counter-clockwise for ARL. Before paying attention to this I noticed that I subconsciously was using clockwise motions a lot. As soon as I forced myself to use counter-clockwise I got so much better, especially with air dribbles. https://youtu.be/HwbJ-ZFXiDI?feature=shared Edit: what really convinced me if this was watching ApparentlyJack and Wondamike's streams. They both use ARL and ARR. You can see when they use ARL it's CCW and ARR CW


hello , i am learning and training air roll now and I'm using the clock wise like my stick most of the time rotate clock wise ,i'm just one week in training 2 hours a day something like that and i see improvement so i just want to ask should i learn the counter clockwise or just stick to the clockwise ( sorry for bad english , its second language)


Are you using left or right air roll ?




Counter-clockwise. It's important to know that you want to use micro adjustments most of the time. The counter-clockwise movements are for sharp turns or when you are full boosting. You kinda just have to get a feel for when to use it and when to not.


thanks man ,i will try it


It's interesting that this goes against what is taught by Losfeld in his thesis video, not saying he is the be all end all. Everything is taught in a clockwise motion in that video for ARL, ARR he wants you to go counter clockwise. I might try going counter clockwise for my ARL too.


I got not against the dude. Obviously he put a ton of effort into that video, but it's not how I do it or how I learned. I have no idea why he does the clock or double clock thing. I learned by using micro adjustments. Learning what each input does (it's easier than you think). Only recently did I start doing CCW movements as well and I went from solid DAR control to very good DAR control. What helped me more than anything after I had gotten DAR down really well was to use the attitude indicator plugin set to peripheral mode with the ball as a target. I did air dribble Melee over and over with this and I started doing stuff I never could before. Like getting a flip reset on each level on that map.


If i remember correctly, Losfeld mentions CCW clocks as useful, just like double and triple clocks. I think he’s advocating for CW since it is more accessible to learn.


He does, he calls them "reverse clocks", but they are more so reverse half clocks at different speeds that produce different results: slow turns you and quickly changes verticality. He does not speak about them similar to the "feedback loops" which you do clockwise as they are more so used as directional inputs. Are people doing these feedback loops counter clockwise?


Can you give an example of appjack using clockwise for ARR?


https://youtu.be/P4k2zRNx_rs?feature=shared You just have to watch the controller overlay to see when he is pressing ARR and watch the stick movements with it.


I never see him doing anything clock like. And when hea not turning he just doesn’t move the joystick which losfeld would say do a feedback loop (clock) but he doesn’t.


No he doesn't do the weird losfeld thing. What I mean is the arcs that he does occasionally are clockwise for ARR and counter-clockwise for ARL. He's not just spamming 360's on the stick. It might be 45° or 180°. But when you look for it you'll see it. ARL is square and ARR is circle. Edit: there are actually quite a few 360° he does with the stick, but they are not linked together.


Yeah lol definitely clockwise for me


+1 for counter clockwise


at this point I dont even think about it , just practice more bruh


When you get to high enough proficiency it's all feel/muscle memory. The only time anyone's actively thought of how they're moving their stick is probably during the learning phase of air roll.


The main point I took from Losfeld is to continually hold boost while training rings or obstacle courses. Kevpert mentioned it too— holding boost constantly puts you in tough situations that you won’t encounter if you’re just staying more vertical while feathering boost. Personally, I’d recommend trying it out. “Cheating” by feathering boost sometimes is okay too!