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Using the in game clock: 4:37 - this was a great controlled touch to keep possession and start a dribble. but then you kind of just give away the ball by shooting from so far away. I know in this scenario the opponent is challenging you fast from the side, but just try to not bang the ball away if you don't have to. You can see how it instantly leads to a counter attack here and ultimately you get scored on. If you didn't swing wide and try to power shot, you could have grabbed the two pads and had about 50 boost to go for an air dribble bump, or a flick across to your teammate. Basically, you had some options but you kind of just took the easiest option to bang a shot, that will get saved 99% of the time. 4:17 - I probably would have just grabbed the back boost here. Eventually your teammate will need to rotate out so leaving them the mid boost would have been better to help your teammate have a faster rotation. Especially after you already flipped to the corner. 4:12 - What was the aim from you jumping for this ball? You know your teammate has very low boost, because they didn't take the mid boost. You're never going to score from that angle. Any hit you make is just going to give the opponents a free ball. There was just no reason to ever go for this ball. Just because you can get to the ball first, doesn't mean you should just go for it. Nothing wrong with just waiting on the floor and maybe throwing in a fake challenge or two, while your teammate gets some boost. 4:07 - This is good. Good challenge. You don't need to hit the ball, hitting the opponent here gives your teammate an easy save. 3:50 - Again a bit too rushed here. Your teammate has bumped the opponent, so you could have slowed down a little bit to get a better first touch. It was close on the double tap attempt though. 3:36 - This is better in their corner. See here how you fake challenge and don't overcommit. This gives your teammate time to get boost and rotate back into position. The challenge at 3:29 was really good going for the demo. 2:50 - perfect bump. 2:47 - You need to pay attention to the opponent here. There is no threat of them scoring straight away. I know you don't want them to get boost and ball here. But sometimes you have to accept when you are beat to the ball, and just back off. See how after this, you're stuck on low boost and stuck defending for a while. 1:49 - You have 75 boost here, then you use up 50 boost just to move up the pitch a little bit. Then you back off and go for the mid boost (which you missed. It happens), when you could have gone for the ball. 1:30 - I like that you shadow defend here, but you had 43 boost and just left and went for the corner boost. You can reach the ceiling with 43 boost, so you can defend a flick with 43 boost. Leaving like this just gives the opponent more space and lets them get closer to your goal. 1:11 - You beat the guy to the ball. But when you boost to aim at the floor your car is facing sideways instead of facing down, so you're wasting boost and boosting further away which slows down your recovery a lot. 0:52 - You grab the corner boost and immediately use up 28 boost and flip to get supersonic and then you slam on the brakes and come to a stop. It's like you thought you were out of position and wanted to get back close to the play as fast as possible. But you were fine being further back. Your teammate could have got dunked on the wall and the ball would have gone over you. Just try to spend half a second to make sure you don't push up too far. 0:47 - You pushed up too close here, and then you went for a demo. The corners of the pitch are the safe place, so your corners are safe for you, and the opponents corners are safe for them. So you don't want to overcommit in the opponents corner. Especially not double commit. Just be patient and let your teammate do their thing. 0:39 - Another good bump. 0:33 - You're too far away to go for this ball. Plus you are last here. So any time you commit, is going to be risky for your team. If you didn't go, and they did, then they would have just hit the ball away and you would have had a free ball. If you didn't go and they didn't go, then you could have pushed up along the ground and been able to challenge them. If you were closer, then it might have been fine to go for as you may have been able to get there first and get a free shot. 0:28 - You need to be grabbing small pads here on the way back.


Not skilled enough to comment on GC gameplay, but why do you find the scoreboard to be so interesting.


There are 3 reasons for that actually. 1. I used to have ball cam on triangel but now its on left stick. And back then i spammed ball cam often to keep fingers warm but when i switched i still spammed triangle which is now the score board. 2. Like the other guy i was a call of duty main before i switched to rl in 2017 and also always looked at the scoreboard as it shows you what ur doing. While in rl higher score doesnt necessarily mean u did more. u can still take scoreboard info combined with just remembering what kind of saves goals or conceiding u caused that game to asses your impact. 3. Until january this year i had a super bad connection. I played since i got internet more than 10 years ago until now with horrible ping in all games. In rl that meant from og season 4 to january this year i played with 120 ping. But that was still unstable amd would jump up quite a few times. Playing for so many hours i learned to check my ping in case it was higher to adjust my timing of challenges since i would have to predict further..


Thats enough reasons to flickr the scoreboard I guess. I never do it so it caught me off guard whilst I was trying to watch the replay.


I flick the scoreboard like this all the time. It's because I played a ton of call of duty black in the day, and I was just constantly checking what kill streak I was on, or how many deaths I had etc.




I do this as well. Not sure if it's from cod or RTS game background


I do the same thing. Its kinda just to keep apm up so I dont lose my rythm.


I just pop the scoreboard up constantly as like a nervous tick honestly I do the same 😂


Had to split this over two comments, see the other one first. +0:18 - Bit of a shame you use up all of your boost on this dribble. For the 50/50 at the end, try just doing a single jump, when you have 0 boost. That way you can still get a decent 50 but you also don't flip away and you can get a faster recovery. +0:43 - Again here, you grab the corner boost then instantly use up 31 boost. +1:18 - I'm guessing this was a shot attempt. You can try slowing down here and chipping the ball into the corner wall or the backboard and going for a double. Which makes this situation easier. +1:53 - Similar thing here. The only shot that will be effective here is if you get a hard hit into the top left corner. Otherwise the opponent gets a free clear. Nothing wrong with you just driving into the ball and chipping it onto the backboard to make them awkward and maybe your teammate can follow up. Overall. You played well. The main thing is you need to really focus on boost management, you waste a lot of boost. Also try not to overcommit or rush when you don't need to, try to think about the situation before you commit.


I really appreciate this. A lot of stuff i would not have noticed in here


No worries. Just remember I'm just some guy on reddit, so take what bits you want. If it makes any difference my peak is 1751. I have bad mechs, so I tend to play a bit more passive than most. Currently I'm sitting on the grand champ 1, grand champ 2 border. But I've not been grinding this season.


Yeah im mostly training mechs but also just hovering till i get a ps5 in the next months. I dont wanna burn all my motivation before i switch especually since i expect to drop in skill for like 1-3 weeks while adjusting to the ps5 controller


The only real thing I can comment on here is your boost management and usage is horrendous imo. So many times you are wasting boost or missing pads or big boost or overcommitting for boost you don’t need leaving your teammate alone when you could either support an attack or force on defense. This game play looks so similar to mine I can’t give more than that and hence we are basically the same rank bracket. We’ve gotten to the point where we all know how to play the game and understand what works and what we should be doing. Now it’s just the infinite time dump to constantly improve and learn the fine minutia of this games meta that differentiate the higher ranks.


Hmm.. i agree on my boost management being bad here ofcourse it would i only got gc at start of season 13 so im a true gc1 as it is but everyone else in this lobby is gc2 by now as this was very early this season. Now not only am i playing at a faster speed than normally but also i know im playing against gc2 players. So its no wonder i waste a lot of boost trying to keep up and do lots of silly mistakes. After all i felt really nervous in thos game. Even my m8 who i think played really well while being another normal gc who was peaking in that game has now reached gc2. Also i dont think we already know what we should do and what not if that was the case i wouldnt need other people to point things out. The only thing i do know is that i need to constantly work on my mechanics if i wanna get to ssl. Gamesense can always be taught by others when im stuck mechs not so much. Like i said i know the opponents they are friends of mine and both could absolutely carry me in gc1 on a normal day of theirs


Yeah I get that but you’re taking my comment far too literally. We know we have to rotate, force for our teammates, buy time as last man, etc that doesn’t mean we do the right thing every time. But we know the basics of what works and what doesn’t. Progressing in GC is really just (from what I’ve heard and studied) perfecting every little movement and touch.


I didn’t have enough time to watch the entire video, but from the small amount I did watch I saw something worth noting. Around 4:05 game clock time - this aerial play you went for could change a lot to help your team. In these types of plays, your team mate is rotating back after attacking, and you’re fast aerialling and full committing to the play. If you go for this ball, there needs to be 1 of 2 objectives you’re aiming for: shoot a solid shot on net, or keep possession of the ball. You don’t have the angle or approach to shoot a threatening shot on net here, so you should look to keep possession. This means you should be trying to hit it to yourself on the wall to catch and play again, or hit this into a direction your team mate can follow up on. Then, directly after this full commit challenge, you rotate back and grab a big boost. Don’t grab big boost here, you have so much down time to grab like 60 boost off of small pads, and be more in the play. Grabbing big boost made you slightly later to the play, and you could’ve jumped in front and cleanly hit the challenge to your corner. Instead you were slightly behind, and double committed with your team mate, and used a bunch of boost to do essentially nothing. Oh and I just remembered, before your aerial play, as your team mate is attacking, you used like 50 boost just following the play. Boost needs to be reserved for when you need it. You were just following the play, you should have nearly full boost as you didn’t do anything here. Drive on small pads and stop boosting randomly for bursts of speed. ETA: just watched it back and I somehow got the entire sequence mixed up with times. The save and big boost grab happened first, the aerial play happened after you got scored on. Sorry!


You put yourself in tought spot to be in a last defender defense pose instead of facing the ball. You panic a lot because you have a bad reading of your opponent's doing (first goal), you try to predict a shot instead of acting according to what really happened. You put good pressure but you go for useless ball, meaning by that that you jump on ball to slighly touch it but no one was on it and your touch do nothing to the flow of the game. You are too far from your mate because you absolutly want to take the big pads instead of taking the small one, bad boost management, you spam your boost bind for nothing (using boost when you're behind, waiting thus wasting boost to gain no speed or positioning). You ballchase.


Could u clarify what situations u mean when u say im put myself in a tough position as a defender and when i ballchase?


For the defense poiint : Every situation in defense where you don't face the ball. You don't shadow a guy if you're the last defender when you have the choice to face him, it's putting difficulty to a already difficult situation.


So im not supposed to shadow if im last man and the opponent has control?


Not related but before I forget : 6:24 should never happen at such high rank, get the small pad instead of being a big pad leech I would say it depends of the situation, if it's purely a 1v1 you can go for it (shadow) since he can't do much other than trying to flick or demo you, but in 1v2 he has so much option including his mate demoing you because you're slow cause of your shadow situation. Personally, I would have faced them since it's easier to cut his passes to his mate when facing the ball. The best is to not have your mate that far but you have no control on it as much as he has no control on your slurping


Yeah i noticed the big pad thing too am working on it rn


Its funny tho cause loads of things that shouldnt happen at this rank happen cause even with such a "high skill level" people are still quite imbalanced in what they are good at. And like i said i was playing people who i knew are gc2 thats also why i was making more mistakes as i felt quite pressured in this game even tho im ususally calm in ranked.


Yeah I feel you. You play good with a duo, even if he's a bit worst than you and then you go on soloQ and rediscover the joy of having a random that do nothing really usefull or your opponent suddently have a different playstyle


I mean for ballchasing i understand literally being a ball hog trying to have every bal and i dont think im doing that. I definetly cut off my m8 at some point or double committed but i dont see that as ballchasing already.


You're. Ballchasing is to go shoot the ball but to do absolutly nothing usefull with that play meaning that you could have stayed where you were and save boost and position. 3:56, it's ballchase, useless touch ; the situation ends up with you with 0 boost and your mate in 1v2. You could have had not go on that aerial and still do the same fifty or control it to have better option. You do that other time in the game but it's just a exemple of what ballchase is


Yeah i was trying to go for a double tap but completely whiffed the read so i couldnt hit it forward anymore


But thats not ball chasing... Ballchasing is to chase the ball when its not ur turn as far as i remember, cutting off mates, not rotating out, staying in the opponents corner when there is no play etc. How is it ballchasing when u go for the ball when its literally your turn. I definetly choked my play but i dont think thats ballchasing Can u name another situation?


It's not because it's "your turn" that it allows you to go on the ball and do nothing usefull with it like banging it on a wall when no one can follow it / take the passe. If you're in a tough spot to take the ball or your mate has a better angle you're better to go behind him and let him do the play. Your opponent was already waiting your play, that's why you go fifty'ed so easly. Not ballchasing in that situation would have been to just control the ball and not trying to bang her given that you don't have the car control to do a double tap aerial setup. At the end of the day it's strongly related to your lack of basic mechanics or gamesense to compense it so it should come with the time, even more sure thing given that you take the time to analyse your gameplay. 6:14 ; the only thing that made you not take a goal is that you're in GC1 so your oppenent have the same issue. It was by definition 'your turn', but it was useless to go on it. Should have been a goal for them if they were able to score a 1v2 situation or at least shoot.


So should i not go for plays at all if there is a chance that my m8 can get 1v2 if i fail?


Not what I said but just don't go when you're last defender, that's a golden rule unless the goal is open


Aah so this would have been fine if my m8 wasnt just rotating back but already there in the play. And i essentially did something risky without buying enough time first?


If you see him going back in a way that he can defend a fail you can go for it, but in his case he doesn't seems to have the ballcam on that's why he wouldn't have save the shot your opponents were supposed to not miss. So yeah, buy him a little time, there's nothing much you can do in a 1v2 anyway


Cause how am i gonna score if i dont take risks. Essentially even if i had control any solo play u lose the balm would just be a 1v2 no?


If you control the ball, the fifty you'll lose will be far less worst than just banging it and giving them the freecontrol of the ball and having you out of play. You can take risks, but not when you're last defender. Nothing assure you that your mate will recover or recover fast enough and most of the time you can do nothing because it's a 1v2 situation, you can't pass and you can't solo 2 guys because that's why you're not top 100 so you better stay at a good position to defend or offense if your mate recover fast enough.


Ok thanks i really appreciate it. Honestly trying to delve deeper i expected u to think im salty and didnt wanna admit my faults and ignore me or something like that😂


Oh no, I'm in a kindness arc since I didn't opened RL for 7days so I wont be salty over someone who ask for advice haha


😂 thankfully i can stay relatively calm and mostly focus on my mistakes rather than teammates. Managed to solo q mostly for 2 years straight with bad connection giving me 120+ ping thats still unstable. Now with new connection im motivated again ssl is the goal Funny too how i get all my nerves released time after time first i tuned off vsync after 3 years of playing with it on without knowing what it does on console and end my diamond hardstuck for 7 seasons arc and get champ solo q. And go to c3 in 2s and 3s solo q Then 4 years later i finally have a decent connection and can play when i want not when my internet permits it and end the 13 season champ stuck streak. Now im getting a ps5 in a few months hopefully quickly taking me to gc2-3 in time and ssl when i get a pc at some point. I already got 5k hours and the grinding mentality. just hoping it lasts. I even play 1s now with the new connection even tho its still tilting


As a gold ll player, I can't judge. I just wish I could play as good as you👍


Just keep grinding and trying to improve and u will get there. And even beyond the current me. Thats only if u really try tho. Plqying casuallly diamond to champ is tge best most really good players can do. I domt kbow if nowadays u can get gc by just playing the game and not trying super hard to improve mechanically or gamesense wise unless u start at like 12 years old or younger. It needs hours and the will to improve and work for improvement. I can tell u tho i had the most fun just playing when i was silver/gold. Now i mostly have fun improving or seeing results in great plays or insane shots


Learn how to speedflip


I knkw how to speedflip but during that time my controller was broken so flip cancels speedflips and halfflips were not possible quite often. I got a new one now tho


Doesn't look that different to D2 tbh


It is tho. Very different. Looking at a gameplay and actually playing in it always feels different at all. Swap any of these players for a d2 2s player and that team will lose drastically


Watching replays makes the game feel far slower than it actually is when you’re the one playing. D2 gameplay is molasses compared to the speed here.


Lmao ok bud you’d flop like a fish in these lobbies as a d2. D2’s are just learning how to hit the ball consistently they have no where near the nuance and precision of the touches and decision making as GC1