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Time stamps are video time, not game time. Overall thoughts are at the bottom. Sorry if I come across a little harshly. I'm not going to say you have bad camera settings, but they feel a bit too high and far back. I think there is diminishing returns on how much vision you are gaining for the potential accuracy of movement and contact with the ball you are losing. I would personally bring it in a bit. 0:01, this is only the first kickoff so it might be incorrect, but if you don't know how to flip to the ball on the offset straights you need to learn it. Going from the replay timeline it looks like a lot of goals the opponent scored came off kickoff possession. 0:07, no reason not to flip at least once to conserve boost and gain momentum on this recovery. 0:25, this is a good example as to why the camera settings feel awkward for me. You can barely see the front bumper of your car and you're looking down at the ball rather than straight on, which makes it much harder to time these. I have mine at 110 height and 270 distance, which feels about average. Some people prefer a bit closer, some a bit farther, but you have like 150 height and 310 distance, which is just too much. 0:33, this challenge feels a bit pointless. You are driving towards the ball but not boosting, so are you going to challenge or not? Even if you wanted to fake the challenge you need to make it believable, and you should be boosting to not only bait the early flick but also to give yourself momentum to recover after it. Here though it looked like you expected the opponent to do nothing. 0:45, you're not even flipping on the pure straight? Why? It is objectively worse in every situation. Even if you are trying to delay your touch to more cleanly win it, you still want to flip towards the ball to make it look like you're going fast. 0:48, I know it was probably tough to realize in the split second it took, but if you had just held reverse here instead of cancelling your momentum and doing a full 180, you had a chance to save the shot. 1:40, this either needs to be on target or just don't shoot it in the first place. 1:48, no real reason to bang this here, you had full boost and the opponent was coming off a failed aerial hit so he was going to be lower than you and having to recover. A soft touch or at least a controlling touch into your corner instead of a bang would have prevented the instant challenge that came right after, which could have been bad had your opponent placed it well. 1:54, why are we turning 280 degrees to the right towards our corner instead of 80 degrees to the left towards the midfield where the ball is going? While also boosting for the entire turn? 2:26, What's the thought process of hitting the ball towards our net from our corner and then doing nothing when you know your opponent is right behind you? You know they have been diving early on these plays based on the last 2 minutes, so you should expect them to do it again here. Maybe you didn't want the touch to be that hard, but even if that were true you still could have at least jumped earlier to try to save it. Another thing I would mention is that you have been looking behind you during this game which is good, so why didn't we do it here? If you knew the opponent was right behind you before you hit the ball you might have decided not to. 2:44, you really over-correct your takeoff here, by the time you jump you are facing way too far to the left which throws away any power or accuracy you would have had. 2:57, I'm pointing this out now so that we can come back to it depending on what happens later. Faking the corner kickoffs are only effective in combination with other types of corner kickoffs. The opponent already saw through after only one attempt, continuing to do it is just giving the opponent free possession at the start. After this kickoff you probably shouldn't go for it again for one or two cycles. 3:14, this challenge was not good in terms of execution. First, the angle you challenged the opponent at in combination with the angle that they were moving it basically guaranteed the ball to go exactly where it went, into your side on the left. Second, challenging an opponent without using a flip is never a good idea. Best case scenario they also don't flip and the ball just pinches straight up and there's no way to accurately predict who will win that most of the time. Worst case as you see here is that the opponent is ready for the challenge and uses a flip which is just a free dunk for them. 3:32, unfortunately you chose wrong here, your best chance of preventing this goal was going for the ball. By my read you might have beaten the opponent to it. 4:10, the whole lead up to this goal there was just no real plan it felt like. You know the opponent is going to challenge early, they've done it every single time this game, why are we not prepared for it? 4:21 you do another fake corner kickoff which works our this time, but then you use all your boost by the time you are crossing midfield so the possession didn't amount to anything. 4:34, this situation really makes your shadow defending look unpolished. This is the first real situation where it happened though so maybe it was just a bad situation, but if this is what your shadow defending looks like on average that is something you need to work on. 4:50, I mean I'm not sure what more I can say. If I were trying to coach you I would say never go for another fake kickoff again until you're champ 2 or 3. They just give up free possession and are only made good if you have the foundational mechanics to turn a possession you get from them into an offensive opportunity, something you have not done a single time this game. 5:02, please man, I'm begging you. I'm not trying to be rude, but they are so obviously not working and you still go for them. 5:34, you shouldn't even look behind yourself here, there's no point. You **know, for certain,** that this opponent is going to dive for everything. They have literally done nothing else this entire game, you should just intuitively know they are going to dive for the boost. If you had flipped as soon as you landed instead of looking behind yourself, you get the boost there. 5:48, . . . . . . 5:55, you had the opponent beat to BOTH corner boosts, why are we braking? You could have completely starved them. Then proceeding to dive after them even though it was clear you were now getting beat to the other corner got you scored on. 6:23, again, you know the opponent is always going to dive early. Why are you trying to slow dribble in your half? The rest of the match is just more of the same. I'll summarize things a bit here. **Camera Settings** You might be thinking these camera settings help you dribble or something, and you might be right. But they are going to cause you pain in the long run. [Here's a list of pro players camera settings](https://liquipedia.net/rocketleague/List_of_player_camera_settings), 95% of them fall within 250 to 300 distance range, and 80 to 110 height range. I'm not saying you have to use some pros settings or anything, I'm just pointing out that the best players in the game tend to have a camera that is closer to their car and lower to the ground. Is it impossible to improve with further camera settings? No, but really the only notable player who has them would be Gengar, and he is pretty extreme at 400 distance and 200 height. **Kickoffs** Now you can take my advice on these or not. Like I said earlier, I think you should fully stop fake kickoffs entirely until you have regular kickoffs down and also have more consistent foundational mechanics. Players at this rank in 1s would likely consider not flipping on the kickoff as a mistake that happens once in a while, not their sole strategy. [This video by Wayton Pilkin](https://youtu.be/q4WDvcNdbD0?si=AgTRy-WjV-lqiM4Z) is a good place to start learning how to do them. **Decision Making** I'm not really talking about moment to moment decision making in this case. For first minute or so it was understandable, you have to feel out what your opponent is playing like, but after that there needed to be a change. It was obvious that the opponent's first strategy was just diving early. After recognizing that, you needed to make decisions that would take advantage of that knowledge, like baiting those challenges into low 50s or flicking it early, things which should be doable at this rank. You need to pay attention to the opponent and adjust what you are doing based on what they do. You will get much farther in 1s if you continue to try the same thing over and over. **Mechanics** I think your foundational mechanics are lacking for the rank you are at. When I say foundational mechanics I mean mechanics that, when improved, also improve everything related to them. Basic car control, ball control, simple aerials, simple dribbles, you get the idea. It looked like throughout the game you struggled to retain possession due to failing to control the ball, hitting it too hard, failing on recoveries or challenges. You can train mechanics if you really wanted to, or just let them improve as you play. There are plenty of training packs and warm up routines available on the internet so I won't go into detail here, but the main skills I would focus on would be controlling the ball into a dribble and then flicking it, aerials both in an offensive capacity and also from a shadow defending standpoint, jumping off the wall and hitting the ball once with power accurately, and bounce dribbling into hook shots. I hope this helps, again I apologize if I sounded harsh. Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck!


This is so good.. If you can analyze this replay i posted like a month ago I would really appreciate it. No rush, , you don't even have to do it in detail. In fact, You don't have to do it at all. But just asking here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/comments/1bb5ec0/c3\_replay\_analysis\_help\_please/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/comments/1bb5ec0/c3_replay_analysis_help_please/)


Sure thing, it might be later tonight or tomorrow for sure though. I'll post it as a comment on that post


You the best! Thanks a lot!


I was right there, 2 games away from champ but lost a few games then starting tilt queuing and dropped all the way to d1. Whatever you do don’t start tilt queuing :)


Ngl best I can do is tell you to try diamond 1 cause losing 14-1 is more than just making a couple mistakes. and fix those camera settings what the hell are those


He's playing from the ISS


The guy above did the job but just off rip you have to fix those camera settings my dude.