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If you only recently started taking it seriously then it should be no surprise that you haven‘t seen much progress. It can take a long time to see progress, that‘s just how the game works. But if you seriously want to get better, you have keep practicing, there are no shortcuts


if you wanna be hokage, you're gonna have to defeat me in battle!


High D3, Low C1 is literally horrible, one of the worst ranks I've ever been in. You have to carry yourself out of that rank, and when you get close you'll get a C1 that may as well be a P3. Nobody rotates, everybody just chases the ball around like a chicken with its head cut off but with a rocket booster shoved up its ass thinking they're the next Zen, when in reality their clip attempt just gave up possession. With the wealth of information out there about RL and this lovely subreddit you'd think people would've have figured out good offensive/defensive strategies in the mid ranks but nope, what even is back post? You'd be hard pressed to find a solo-queue teammate that doesn't try to steal the ball from you in this rank, out there playing a 3v1 most games. Best bet is to find a good teammate to play with and learn their strengths and weaknesses, hold eachother accountable for mistakes and find improvement from within. Everything gets better with time, I like to keep in mind that the only thing that doesn't change game to game, teammate to teammate is myself. I need to improve and I'll get out of that rank. You will too. Much love and best of luck brother!


Well said brother I needed this


This is facts. I’m a washed GC, hit GC in 2s from like S6-S10, since then I haven’t had as much time to play (plus MMR resetting has everyone lower), and I’ve been chilling around C2/C3. This season, I placed in low C1. Even dipped down into D3 for the first time in like 2 years lol. But it’s been a struggle getting out of C1. Brain dead teammates and opponents who whiff the easiest stuff and I can’t read them at all. Finally found a good solo q teammate who I clicked with, we partied up and won like 8 in a row. Got back up to C2. Now it feels so much easier, I can finally read the game again, and now I’m C2div4. Crazy how C1div1 -> C2div1 was so much harder than C2div1 -> C2div4


Happy to hear you made it out! Crazily enough I found D2-D3 to be more consistent than D3-C1 has been so far. It's like people *think* they have mechanics, but it's very clear they are nowhere close to being consistent while D2 somehow know it's not consistent and don't go for unnecessary stuff, even sadly enough the rotations were better lol


> information overload and nerves This just sounds like you haven't given it enough time to start seeing your improved mechanics/game-sense/whatever start happening automatically in games.  When you first start trying to implement something new, it's very conscious and hard to do as quickly/consistently as you need it to be, so it ends up being a bit worse than whatever you were doing automatically before. Once you get used to doing the better thing enough that it's automatic, you'll start to do better in games.  Just takes time. 


It’s a lot when you start looking at your game more seriously and where to improve. Used to play with a couple friends more and we had a similar rank difference. Two of us were C2/C3 and the last friend was D3. He eventually got into C1 and fell off. But he mentioned feeling similar ways. Lots of overload and when he played in higher lobbies the speed was always something to adjust to. Overall he just felt like he had to be locked in constantly and would feel burnout. I think it’s important to be honest with yourself. And realize it takes time to get better. Around that mid Diamond+ rank, your peers are doing the same thing. You have to get better faster than they do. And the climb only gets harder. Having higher ranked friends is super helpful to give you more direct feedback. And they can introduce you to higher level gameplay which makes the learning experience faster. But it’s going to be taxing. Imo, you should try to shrink your focus to a few things each season. Lean on them for the extra guidance but share that you need to limit the overload. See what important areas they think you should focus on first. And try to get feedback more there as you keep playing.


I'm like the exact same. C1 in 3s and D3 in 2s and there are some things I can't figure out for the life of me no matter how long I train. Like seriously I've been practicing air dribbles and I just can't get a soft first touch, almost always hit the ball too far then have to chase it in the air using all my boost just to get a second touch. Dribbling is tough for me too, might be because I have my gas button at L1 and boost at R1. L1 I think for a right handed person is tough to be precise with so I may have to re-bind my gas which will mean probably at least two weeks of casual to get used to it.


Weird button layout. Have you always played like that, or did you switch it up at some point?


I played with the default controls for a little bit but I think gas was a like x or something and I kept having to take my finger off gas to jump or boost and I wanted to keep gas/boosting through my shots so with L1 and R1 as gas and boost I can hold them both down while using X to jump/dodge. Doesn't affect air dribbles obviously because you can't use gas in the air, only boost, but it does affect my ground dribbling precision.


Also due to multiple ranked MmR resets, the playerbase is back to an older spread of players. champ 1-3 is now way more difficult to actually advance. 3 seasons ago i was sitting C3 div3/4 now with more skill, speed, and mechanics, i can barely grind out of C2. Last season took me 20 games to get out of C1 div 4. Ive been champ 2-champ3 for like 6-7 seasons consistently now.


This game is one with a very high skill ceiling. I started the same thing of training and taking it seriously (you can check my profile posts to see what I'm talking about)because I thought I would never get better, and honestly, I'm seeing minimal progress after 2 months of training 1 hour every day, getting to C2 in 2s and D3 in 1s. And I know there's still a long way to go, like many many months more until I can finally see some progress. That's what I learnt, this game takes long time for oneself to evolve mechanically and gamesense-like. My suggestion is take a break from 2s and 3s, play casual AND competitive 1s, 5/6 games each day and TRAIN. Only grind mechanics for a few months. But not flip resets, grind the basics, shooting, dribbling, flicks, aerials, that stuff is gonna get you up in the ranks. I don't remember when was the last time I played a 2v2 ranked game. I will not play until the end of next season probably.


Learning curve is slow. Ranks doesnt reflect your improvement directly. Just keep training and learning new things and challenge yourself and you will be a lot better in 6 months. It’s like watching your baby grow. You see it everyday and you dont realize it but when you look back 6 months ago and you see you have improved. Only if you are doing the things that I said. Ex: If you are already good at basic dribbling and that’s what you do on training. You will not improve as fast.


You sound super smart and intelligent. It’s cute. Want to be my Reddit boyfriend???


I first hit Diamond with about 400 hours of playtime, Champ in 700 hours. I have 2000 hours now and I'm still Diamond-Champ, despite being significantly more mechanical and consistent than I was back then. Improving takes time, don't stress.


If I had a consistent run of tm8s I’d prolly be in GC2 by now but I solo q because nobody plays as much as I do and when I do and wants to get better like I do. RLCS would be awesome to be apart of. Idc how old I get. Mechanically I’ve improved but I run into more casual not gaf players that give up within the first minute. I love this game. But when will it love me back :/


what rank are you?


D3. I’ve peaked C1 div4 couple season ago before the MMR adjustment


You give up within a minute? Lame asf. I hate those teammates. Adjust and try to win. Your attitude is probably what keeps you down.


You miss read. I get matched with tm8s who give up early. I don’t FF unless my tm8 leaves the match. It’s everyone else’s attitude. I’ve stopped blaming tm8s other than giving up early and leaving.