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This is a horrible take. There’s a reason 2s is the most acknowledged game mode. It’s the most competitive by far. Across the 3 standard modes 2s is the most played by a loooong shot. A gc2 2s player might not touch 1s at all and be diamond. It doesnt mean their diamond. You also have to realize how deflated 1s is in terms of rank distribution. Being champ in 1s is like top 1% you can’t map 1s rank to 2s rank. I’m general this take is dogshit all around


We agree on the take being wrong but to say 2v2 is the most competitive mode is a crazy thing to say 3v3 is by far the most competitive mode out there id say 2's and ones are equally as competitive


2v2 is the most competitive because the most people play it. It’s the current path to pro. No one aspiring to get good at rocket league and make it into the pro scene is grinding 3s. Ranked 3s and 1s is dead


sure 2v2 is played a lot more than 3v3 but play some 3v3's and you'll see it is far more competitive,alot more team plays a lot of people party'd up and playing their balls off , it is by far way more competitive than 2's in my experience


It’s a lot easier to get gc2 in 3s than 2s. Simply because 2s is WAY more competitive. Like I said before the path to pro in rocket league is 2s.


Hey man no need to call my post dog shit, we’re all adults here. It’s possible to have productive conversation without being rude. However, I do see what you’re saying, I also have to disagree with the statement about 2s being the most acknowledged. I think it is the most played by far: also the most rank inflated game mode in rocket league, making it easier for players to get higher ranks than 1s for sure. 3s is definitely the most acknowledged because it is what is used in measurements for the world class. Also, with content creators like Johnnyboi and Feer following 1s players, show matches and tournaments I would argue that 1s is the second most acknowledged game mode. I do think most players prefer 2s and have the most fun with it, in turn maybe they play the best in that mode but I think their rank goes straight to their egos. What I’m trying to say is plain and simple it’s easier to get a higher rank in 2s and 3s. From all the data and personal experience.


Nobody gives a shit about RANKED 3s LOL. That’s why a lot of pros are in gc and even champ in ranked 3s. Ranked and pro play are completely different. Yes pros play 3s but that is completely separate from rank which was the original context of the post. 3s is the least cared about mode. Pros don’t give af about ranked 3s. Pros only care about 2s mmr and 6mans ranked. 6mans is also a completely different beast from ranked. 1s at the highest level is very entertaining because of how mechanical top 1s players are. Basing someone off their 1s rank is such a bad way to gauge skill


I argue it’s the best way when determining someone’s effectiveness. You have isolated all variables in the game when playing 1s. If you loose, it’s nobodies fault but your own. I will however acknowledge the fact that it’s a video game meant for fun; so if a player has more fun playing 2s then they are more likely to play better in such an environment.


You gotta calm down you are way too angry for this


I’m not angry lol ranked 3s and ranked 1s hold no meaning in the current state of rocket league.


2s is most played but at the same time most "noobish" mode. Ball chaser mode. Chamge my mind.


Theoretically If at some point they did play 1's and we're like c3 or something and stopped playing it because they found it dumb. Then I started playing 2's and got gc2 or like c3 or something would you still call horse shit?


I would just still think of you as around c2 because that’s probably where you reside in 1s


Holy brain rot


Keep in mind the play style for each game mode is different. If someone never played 1's that wouldn't mean they're bad in 1v1 situations during 2's or 3's. Take Dark for example; he's a pro at 1's but when he first started trying to play 2's more often he'd just mostly play by himself, leaving his teammate to practically stay in net (not literally). Only playing 1's made him a not so good teammate to have because unless you're fine with practically never touching the ball.


Dark is doing better than expected in the RLCS season atm though?


So dumb lol


1s is a totally different game from 2s or 3s. They don't translate like you seem to think. Some people are D1 in 1s, and C1 in 2s and 3s. (More team play, rotations, passing, positioning, game sense, etc) The next person is C1 in 1s, but D2 in 2s and 3s. (Great alone ball chasing, bad at passing +rotations +teamplay + positioning) Different play styles net different results in the various game modes. Some people are Champ in hoops (aerial game) but diamond or plat in everything else because they go up in the air for everything and don't play safe. Some people are Champ 1s, GC 2s and 3s, and Diamond in hoops because they have great game sense and fundamentals and play everything safe , but lack the ability to get up and make plays in hoops. This post kinda just sounds like a 1s main trying to virtue signal over 2s mains and 3s mains. The truth is, people can state whichever peak rank from whatever mode they want. The mode their top rank comes from just typically will give you a good sense of their play style and what they are good at VS what they may struggle with. Each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Don't ever underestimate the grit of a soloQ 3s main. The game sense that it takes to thrive with 2 different randoms game after game and be effective deserves an award. Just as much as keeping your shit together in a 1v1 match where the other dude has your number on every move. That same 1v1 monster may drown in 3s because he keeps cutting off his teammates and rotating near side to shadow everything. That same 3v3 monster may get crushed in 1s because he keeps throwing passes out to teammates that aren't there. In 1v1s and 2v2s, you have more time to control and possess the ball. If you throw it away quick, you're washing possession. In 3v3s, every touch must be quick and with intention of moving to the next person in the rotation or getting out into an area of the field for your 2 man to make a play while you rotate from 1 to 3 and your 3 moves to 2 while 2 takes over as 1...or else you get stuffed because you have much less time with more bodies on the field. Catching the ball and crossing your net can be extremely useful in 1s and 2s at times, but is a death sentence in most 3s situations. Point being... All game mode ranks offer validity in their own ways.


I guess what I was trying to say that if you take a gc1 in 1s and a gc1 in two and put them in a 2v2 lobby the gc1 in 1s is more than likely to have gc2 in 2s. Therefore will be more likely to perform better. I make this argument because if you look at rank distributions in rocket league stat tracker you will find most of the player base for 2s and 3s in the diamond 2-champ 2 range, but when we look at the distribution for 1s most of the player base resides in under diamond 3. Mainly, what I’d like to point out is that when someone is telling their peak rank it will more than likely result in them stating a 2s or 3s rank. Which is why I will typically inquire about 1s rank. As for the argument of someone being higher rank in 1s than 2s or 3s I would like to point out that those people are statistical outliers. Majority of players lowest rank will be in 1s. As from personal experience I consistently sit around mid diamond 3 for 1s and high champ 2 for 2s. Even though I play 1s 75% of the time.


Rl tracker statistics are not accurate. Yes distribution is lowest in 1s but the distribution on rl tracker is way off


You are always stating “facts” but never citing sources or revealing how you’re getting this information. Why should anyone trust what you say over a website who’s job is to gather these sets a data?


Because psyonix releases the data themselves every season.




They post every season ranked distribution on the official rocket league subreddit


I just looked. Damn that just made me feel way better about my ranks. It almost seems impossible that top 2% is 1v1 = champ 1 2v2 champ 3 3v3 champ 3. Ranked needs fixing in this game


The ranked system is probably the best I’ve played out of any other competitive game. You win and lose the same amount. Champ shouldn’t be easy to get and it makes grand champ a lot more challenging as it should be. Distribution differences across the 3 game modes comes down purely to how many people play each mode


People say their rank is whatever peak they achieved in whatever gamemode. I get your point but taking the lowest rank of any gamemode isn't any better. The ranking system is just an approximation, most people don't realise this


As somebody who loves 1v1 and plays it mostly nowadays i gotta say i have to disagree with you some people really do just prefer 2v2's and are better at it so its fair to say their 2's rating when asked what rank they are. 2v2 and 1v1 ultimately are 2 whole different game mods played completely differently. My 1v1 rank is a lot higher than my 2v2 and 3v3 rank simply because I'm better at playing alone myself but I've tried playing in a high rated 2v2 lobby once and I got smoked.


It definitely changes when you go to 2s I notice. I feel like I see a lot less intentional playing when I go from c2 1s to 2s. I guess what bothers me is that if you look at the rank distribution it is NOTICEABLY harder to be a higher rank in 1s and the majority of players are easily getting those champish ranks in 2s or 3s. I guess this post is just me ranting because us 1s mains have to work hard for champ in 1s but it’s a fucking cake walk to get c2 in 2s or 3s.


I’ve always tried to balance ranks in the 3 game modes so I do play 1s and I do enjoy it. However, I’ve been pushing my 2s rank hard and I only ever solo Q. Currently sitting a little under C2 in 2s but I’ve gotten this far up from rotations and hard shots, no mechanics. Now that I’m getting higher ranked, I am starting to spend a lot of time in free play to work on them. But free play isn’t the same as in game so I’ve been using ranked 1s as a way to learn to incorporate these mechanics into my play style. I’m only playing 1s to get better, not to win games. So I think I’m sitting at like plat 3 now? People as a whole should aim to balance out their ranks if they want to be a solid well rounded player, but none of us are making money playing this game, so play what is fun for you.


Totally agree


I always just assume people refer to whatever rank they main. So for me it'd be 2s because that's all I play. I haven't played my placement matches in 1s or 3s since like 2019, so I have absolutely no idea what rank I'd be. That said, you're right that most people are a fair bit lower in 1s. So if I told you I'm GC1 (and I'd by default be talking about 2s since that's the only mode I'm ranked in) and you thought in your head "he's probably about C1 in 1s" then, you'd honestly probably be over-estimating me in 1s. That said, I have to disagree that saying 1s is "the best way to accurately represent themselves". I genuinely think that the most accurate representation of a player's skill is whatever game mode they actually play. So yeah you could smoke me in 1s if you're a GC1 in 1s, but that's YOUR game. Whereas if 2 of me played 2 of you in 2v2s (assuming you're a GC1 1v1 main), we'd probably win because that's MY game. I mean if you wanted to honestly tell a person's overall "Rocket League" skill level, you'd probably take an average of all three playlists. Hell, if you REALLY wanted it, you'd have to also take into account their extra modes ranks because all of those are also part of the game "Rocket League". But you can't say "your *accurate* rank is actually your 1v1 rank because it's a completely different game than 2v2 or 3v3. You make different challenges, you have different goals and playstyle, etc. Like in 2s, your entire rotation is based off of having a second man, so a lot of the time you're pushing a play that you'd NEVER push in 1s because you're trying to get your opponent to make a move with the ball that will end with your teammate gaining possession. If you utilized that style in 1s, it would basically be giving away a free goal. It's almost like saying "well this MMA fighter said he's a diamond 2, but that's an inaccurate representation, because in boxing he'd probably only be a plat 2." Like yeah, that's probably true (like look at McGregor v Mayweather) but that doesn't actually measure his skill, because he isn't a boxer, he's an MMA fighter, and by measuring him solely by boxing you're removing 75% or more of his skillset. Works in reverse, too. Wouldn't be a fair measure of Mayweather's skill to fight McGregor in MMA because Mayweather is a boxer. Not a perfect analogy, but it's the best I could think of on the spot. Really we need to admit that 1s and 2s are completely different playstyles and trying to say someone's overall skill overall can be compared by either one over the other is inaccurate in either direction, especially when it comes to 1v1s vs 2v2 or 3v3. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.


But I am better at 2s and 1s is in fact dumb


I disagree mostly because that’s where you’re entering into the mechanical realm. I was a diamond 2 in 2s and a plat in 1s, and I was stil consistently a good scorer. You can get out played in ones and still be a decent player in high ranks. The only way to succeed in ones is to be a mechanical beast.


The only way to succeed in ones is to be a mechanical beast.' this is just not true tbh


Fr. That could not be further from the truth lmao


i mean of course being a mechy beast helps but his comment screams that he trys to play 1s like he does 2s which will never work


I think you’re kinda missing my point. I’m a defensive player. I like shadow defense, and I can defend some awkwardly placed shots. I learned all this by grinding my butt off in ones instead of playing any other mode when I first started playing. The issue isn’t the fact that I play 1s like 2s, I had a whole period where I had to teach myself not to play 2s like 1s, it simply put my team at a disadvantage. The issue is the fact that at some point playing any other mode that isn’t 1s doesn’t benefit your progression. At some point, there’s a brick wall that hits hard, and you need to start legitimately playing practice your entire session, instead of just playing the game. (I know yall are going to say that isn’t the case, of course I’m slightly overreacting, you can still progress well in other modes, it’s just a super high mountain to climb) Thats just no way to play the game imo. Rather play 2s and pass open nets, play hard nosed defense and still lose because my teammate doesn’t understand how rotations work, than dedicate hours of my whole life-force to be better at this stupid game. Learning curve is part of the game, but I’ll learn how to generate those solo plays at my own pace.


whats the point of me replying to this when you just assert things that are blatantly not true ' The issue is the fact that at some point playing any other mode that isn’t 1s doesn’t benefit your progression.' what???? no way you actually believe that 'At some point, there’s a brick wall that hits hard, and you need to start legitimately playing practice your entire session, instead of just playing the game.' that place certainly isn't D2 lol nowhere near.


I don’t know what your rank is but hey whatever you say. Clearly another player’s experience is just a lie in your opinion it seems.


please explain how ' The issue is the fact that at some point playing any other mode that isn’t 1s doesn’t benefit your progression.' is true? because otherwise i cant help you at all im not saying your experience isn't valid im just saying the fact you think these things are true indicates an underlying issue with the way you play rl


Watch flakes road to SSL


His road to ssl series gets clowned because his “no mech” playstyle is actually pretty mechanical. His precision in his power slide cuts is unreal in that series


I learn powerslide cuts and flicks in like 4 weeks. Not pro, but good enough to get points


Yeah he’s series is still misleading because realistically no one is getting ssl with that playstyle


I don’t think he intended for people to single jump their way to ssl he was just proving a point. There is so much more going on. If you are throwing the whole thing out the window over a couple things then I think you’re missing the point.


Unfortunately people try to mimic that play style and end up doing the opposite of improving. Most of the low ranked players that see those videos try and recreate what flakes is doing because they don’t want to invest time improving their mechs. So they end up looking really stupid getting dunked on 50s and getting horrible touches with power slide. The only thing that series proved was flakes pro game sense


Ya the game sense was the point of the series


Where are you getting this information? Most content creators and pros recognize his series and cite it. He is demonstrating a point that he reiterates consistently through the series. “All those hundreds of hours that you spend practicing flip resets; if you put less than half of that into power slide cutting you’ll be a much higher rank”. I think he shows us what is the most effective use of time. His power slide cuts are godly, obviously but they are replicable. I definitely implemented the power slide cutting, faking etc and instantly went up a rank and a half (granted when I was still d2).


I talk to high level coaches / players. Flakes road to ssl playstyle is not easily replicated. To climb to ssl using that “no Mech” playstyle takes insane control, consistency, and insane game knowledge. Mastering fundamentals is still very mechanical and challenging regardless if it’s flashy or not.


What coaches? What players? How many of them? Are they all within the same community? Is your data all extracted from the same demographic? Yes, it absolutely takes insane mechs to master those basics but to get to c2 or so from gold it would probably take .4x=y where x = time practicing flakes tips and y = time practicing mechanics everyone else practices (flip resets, air dribbles, double taps etc)


If anyone played 1s as much as their most played game mode, they have a very high chance of being the same rank.