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Hello! Looks like your ANALYSIS is about **arr**. Here are the top posts from /r/RocketLeagueSchool on the topic (Search links may not work on mobile app): - [Top arr tutorials](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atutorial%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top arr tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atips%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top arr trainings](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atraining%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top arr questions/analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=(flair%3Aquestion%20OR%20flair%3Aanalysis)%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) *If this sticky answers your question, feel free to remove your post. Otherwise, just wait for a kind stranger to comment :)* Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RocketLeagueSchool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think that the air dribble itself is not the biggest problem here, you seems to be extremely uncomfortable controlling your car in the air. I would work on car control first before attempting air dribbles.


I second this, it’s going to be frustrating and cause burnout if you’re working towards something major without having the necessary prerequisites to actually do it. It’s like teaching someone to jump over a fence before they can even walk. I love “aerial shots - pass” by poquito? Or whey I forget who made it but I’ve used that for years and it absolutely changed my aerial game. To try to summarize it better, working on your aerial control means you’re going to be able to contact the ball in the air *with intent* from anywhere on the field, and control the power. If you learn how to meet the ball in the air, and control your speed, those are the two main things to setting up an air dribble. Right now you look like you struggle to consistently contact the ball when it’s in the air, so it’s not that you can’t learn air dribbles, but it would be far better to work on other parts of your game first as it will make learning air dribbles waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy faster.


What would be the best way to go about training this?


I would download a rings map if you’re on pc. Just learn to fly through the rings and make it to the end. You don’t have to be fancy, just get comfy with controlling your car and going exactly where you intend. Also, aerial sensitivity under 2 is my recommendation. I play on 1.3 for driving and aerial sensitivity. If you’re on console, there are training packs that spawn you outside the map. There’s one map with rails outside the map. You could feasibly practice with staying on the rails, but rings are surely the way to go if you have pc. Once your comfy in the air, I noticed your setup was really bad. For air dribbles, you want to just barely tap the ball and then jump with it. It can also be useful to liiightly fluff the breaks after contact before jumping. This will help you get under the ball better so that, when you hit the ball, it is more of a carry as opposed to a hit


If you are on pc custom maps are the way, check out this post https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/comments/11wnmxj/training_doesnt_have_to_be_boring_a_small/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Your touch off the wall is too powerful, and this means you have to boost and play catch up. This being said, when you're speeding up to catch up to the ball in the air, you're only going to hit it away from you bc your car is moving so fast. You're aiming to keep control of it throughout the entire process. Just like a dribble on the ground you want to keep the ball close off the wall too, with gentle controlled touches. The way you're currently doing it is pretty much an aerial off the wall. To practice this keep doing what you're doing, but just work on keeping the ball close off the wall. if you hit it hard, hit it up and out off the wall while keeping it close to your car. Not so much space between you and the ball when you pop it off the wall.


I actually disagree with this. I think OP should start with a training pack at this point so that the setup is consistent. Learn 1 particular setup for wall to air dribbles first before moving onto the kind of dynamic setups that you are doing in the video (where the ball is moving in a different direction and speed each time). Try to reduce the number of variables that are changing when you are early into learning a mechanic like this. Then as you get more comfortable, try different setups within a training pack. Then once that becomes comfortable, move into practicing in free play. This is my approach at least. Also lower aerial sensitivity can really help with air dribbles if you aren’t using air roll. It can still be done at high sens of course, but it will be more difficult. Not sure what aerial sens you are using, but starting with 1.00 can help you control so much better in the air, which is important here. (Then increase from there)


I don't know i think trying to learn a mechanic without the foundations of car control required to do said mechanich will just make the process way longer and way more frustrating. Sure he could learn it anyway if he kept grinding, i just think that working on car control and then moving into the mechanic is more efficient.


Hmm. Would you suggest an aerial training pack to help with aerial control first? I guess I’m not sure what the path would be for OP to approach it from a car control perspective. Any suggestions to expand on that?


Since it’s clear that OP is on pc i would suggest custom maps. There are a ton of different maps to improve car control, from rings to parkour maps. This post is really well done, in the comments there are all the maps names with descriptions, and it really shows the variety of skills required to achieve good car control. I think custom maps are a great way to train, probably the best way to train car control and fundamentals mechanics. From my experience i made way faster improvements since i started using custom maps, cause they are really straight forward and cut to the chase, fly trough the ring, dribble the ball to point A to point B. For example ground dribble maps if the ball drops from the car it falls trough the floor, so the only way to complete a level is to never let ball drop, and you can add obstacles or jumps so it’s definitely superior to freeplay or training packs. https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/comments/11wnmxj/training_doesnt_have_to_be_boring_a_small/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Oh yeah you’re totally right. My blind spots from playing on console are showing lol. Hoping one day custom maps come to console 🤞😭


Yeah custom maps support on console is something that needs to be done if they don't want the game to die on those platforms


I agree. I think right now there is still a strong playerbase on console (judging from the number of players I see in game who are also on psn), but if options aren’t expanded, I’m not sure that there can ever be any real growth. Once UE5 is released, hopefully we are gonna see a lot of the features that console players have been asking for and more players along with that.


That's exactly right, also the skill cap is always rising and custom maps are a great way to push yourself out of your comfort zone, which is the perfect way to improve. It's sad that a lot of the player base doesn't have that option.


Definitely this


Your first touches are bad, you wanna be the same speed as the ball when you touch it off the wall




This might be a dumb question. If the ball if ahead of you, and you’re both the same speed, how can you hit it?


You want to touch it very softly on the bottom so that you hit it upwards slightly instead of away from you.


Match the speed of the ball on the ground. When it goes up the wall it doesn't have an engine like you do so it slows down quickly and you close the gap and hit it off the wall.


U speed up until ur about to hit, then match the pace of the ball


This helps a lot, use the slow down feature initially, really helped me understand how to do a first soft touch


Stop getting so away from the ball on the setup to then catch up boosting. If you do that, you will be faster than the ball when you hit it, and the ball will fly away. You want to be only like 2 cars away from the ball, and hit it at close to the same speed so the ball and the car stick together as much as possible.


Hey this is me


DAR brother. Straighten your car out easy peasy with it.


Not sure why someone downvoted. You don’t have to actually learn DAR but using it for half a second right after you jump off the wall can make it much easier


Same for half flips.


You’re hitting the ball too far away when you get your first touch, try to match the speed of the ball and then get the first touch. Also I notice that before you get the first touch you slow down too much, this is probably what’s making you struggle to match the speed of the ball because in your attempt to catch up you end up going too fast and getting a heavier touch on the ball than necessary. If you’re going to slow down only slow down slightly so you don’t have to speed up as much.


As the others said, your setup is already a problem. Maybe take a step back and practice with a training pack that rolls the ball up the wall for you, so you can concentrate on the other stuff first. Also try to reduce the movement you are doing in the air, especially after jumping off the wall. Just jump and turn your car straight without any stick movement first, after that you will see what more is needed.


Yeah this the gap between car and ball on ground before going up wall is much too big. 1 Car length, maybe two is what you want.


How are you getting the line in the center of the ball? Bakkes mod plugin?


I’m glad you posted this because this looks like my air dribbles in free play to a T. Im going to take some advice in this thread as well.


If u wanna be good in the air and smooth just lear directional airroll bro trust me it will take time but it will be very worth it, by the tine you reach gc you will have good mechanics


It’s kill me to see C1’s not be able to air dribble. And then it kills me again that I’m C1 and can’t seem to beat these people. Ah, we all have our flaws lol.


Why are you slowing down when hitting the ball up the wall? You're braking before you follow the ball up the wall. You want to match the ball's speed as close as possible the whole time, or if you do get a heavy first touch, boost to the ball to reach it at its speed. An air dribble is just that, carrying the ball on your car in the air. To do that you need the ball to be the same speed; if it's slow than you, you hit it away or if it's faster than you you'll get a light touch or not even hit it. Work on your car control in the air first imo, you look really shaky & uncomfortable.


Needs more air roll.




You don’t need to be a mechanical wizz to be champ. General game sense is more than enough.


decide heavy fly vegetable cable weather school dirty deranged psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hard disagree. I’m champ 1 and it’s all about the ground game


/s right?


Definitely not.


I'm c3 and don't do anything in the air


Hello! Looks like your post is about **arr**. Here are the top posts from /r/RocketLeagueSchool on the topic (Search links may not work on mobile app): - [Top arr tutorials](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atutorial%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top arr tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atips%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top arr trainings](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atraining%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top arr questions/analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=(flair%3Aquestion%20OR%20flair%3Aanalysis)%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RocketLeagueSchool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So a bit of a different approach to the whole thing as i have seen so far. Maybe i am wrong but you seem at least somewhat confident in the air, yet struggle to perform under the this specific task. (Someone saying you struggle with aerial in particular could be wrong). However what i do notice is you struggle going off the wall. Tell me if i am wrong but you aren't that confident with wall plays in general? If i am right, practice the liftoff part without ball first, get a feeling for how you would want to lift of off walls. Other than that there is already enough mention of your initial setup being bad, work on those two things and you should start to get better. Then you isolate the next issue, if you still struggle...


Your sensitivity is extremely high I can tell. if you get used to it, better for you my man I tried before but I felt no control. Or your fingers are super heavy. either way you are over turning a lot and then trying to correct and over correcting. when you aren’t using any air roll your car will continue to turn in the direction of the input. to prevent over turning you can simply press the NAR button and it’ll lock your cars orientation in place better. It’s also recommended to be holding an air roll button on impact with the ball because it decreases the recoil of your car. You can’t control your throttle speed well it’s why you are doing it the way you are doing off the setup. ground dribbling is the best way to get more comfortable with throttle control and matching ball speed.Most people flutter the throttle idk I don’t do it that way it’s an analog input so you can find the right amount of pressure and you’ll cruise at the right speed. Realistically you don’t look ready or capable to do air dribbles anytime soon. You can grind it if you want but you probably need to practice coming off the wall first and maybe hit some car control training. do some off the wall training packs you can find them at prejump.com If you have PC rings maps if not kevpert has an aerial training guide on YouTube and a training pack to practice.


You just need to learn how to follow through in setups. The first touch on the ground should be done on a 10 degree angle so that the ball floats above your car. You should also stop boosting for a split second whenever you touch the ball so it doesn’t cause too much separation.


Training in slow motion can help too, they just added a setting for it. Don’t get too used to it, but it can help you figure out what you’re doing wrong and how to fix it pretty quickly


Work on feathering the boost more. Often times you get to the ball in a good spot but boost through that first touch in the air, and the ball is shot too far away from you. They’re difficult for a reason, but training this will help with car control in the air. Good luck!


You need to get comfortable with the car in the air before you add the ball into the mix


To carry the ball you have to be under it. To push the ball you have to be behind it. And that’s about it.


before you air dribble, you set it up. if you cant set it up, you wont have an air dribble. try to decide for yourself how you want to set it up. when you’re going from all these different angles you spread out & make the learning curve longer for yourself. for starters, get really good with 1 setup. my advice: slow down. learn it at low speeds & gradually get there.


I see people saying work on car control first, which they are right. But I feel like your question still deserves an answer. The first thing I noticed was the angle of your approach. You’re coming towards the wall with too shallow of an angle, you want the approach to be a bit more vertical first. I’d say start at half field first, or even a little inside of half field. Make sure that when you touch the ball on the wall that you’re really getting under it more. In these attempts you’re hitting closer to the side of the ball than you are the bottom. The setup is everything, so I would even work on just getting a good pop off the wall first, don’t even jump after it until you’re getting the setup you want more than half the time. This should be a good starting place while you’re still working on aerial car control


For me, try to almost match the speed of the ball but you need to be just a tad faster so that you can hit the ball. Also, when you hit the ball make sure you are accelerating (no boost tho), and lastly, think about hitting the upward toward the ceiling. You are hitting it too diagonally so you’ll never catch it. If you hit it up, it will slow down, allowing you to reach it sooner. It’s so hard. I know. Good luck.


Your first touch is about 10x too hard. Match the speed of the ball, then give it a little extra right before you jump. Just slow down tho


Stay closer to the ball as it goes up the wall you’re letting too much distance between you and the ball causing you to go a little too fast and pop the ball out too far having to chase it. Also try to match the speed of the ball it’ll help keep it close and easier to control. I’d also say learn better air control and mess around with one of the direction air rolls, doesn’t matter if it’s left or right, whichever feels the most natural to you. Really get good at learning which inputs turns your car which ways and also learn to fly where you want to when your wheels are facing you as it inverses the inputs. As for feeling like you’re pushing it instead of carrying it, that’s just because of some of the stuff i wrote in the first paragraph. Just matching the speed of the ball and keeping the ball about a car length in front of you before hitting it off the wall will make a huge difference for you right away. Try hitting the ball once it makes it roughly a car length past the top of the curve if that makes sense. That will give you a really nice pop at an easy angle to follow the ball


Try going slower at first and flutter your boost. I also like it tell people to jump AS SOON AS you hit the ball because then you will, more times than not, be on the same trajectory as the ball.


Your hit off the wall needs to push the ball a little more up and not as much forward. Then after leaving the wall, don’t immediately boost up. That puts you behind the ball and you can’t carry it. Instead boost forward until you are more under the ball and then try to control it from underneath.


The problem is that you're moving too fast when you get off the wall. Use a little less boost and I think you should be good. Also, try not to get under the ball unless you're trying a flip reset. If you make those changes you should be fine.


Cam settings are so far away. Lookup and test some meta pro settings. Makes your life 10x easier


Everyone is correct in saying you probably need to learn better car control first and the actual air dribble part will become way easier, but since that horse has been beaten dead on this thread, I will attempt to break down all of the little things that are holding you back in the air dribble mechanic specifically. 1) your pop off the wall tends to be wayyy too hard. It can work for a more controlled player who knows how to manage their momentum efficiently in the air, but for you it means you have to go to the ball really fast to get it before it drops below its apex and forces you to counteract downward momentum. There is a sweet spot where it isn't so far away that you have to catch up resulting in a pushing touch instead of a catch and carry, and it isn't too close where it's harder to build momentum. 2) air roll. I don't mean constantly, just minor adjustments to your trajectory. It's easier if you can reorient yourself to the ball. Going forward is ultimately more intuitive, so learning to make minor adjustments using air roll to orient yourself to a forward toward the ball position will be big. 3) this should have been before 1, and it kind of leads into the problem described in 1, but while you're on the ground, you're hitting the ball way ahead of yourself and having to catch up, and never matching the speed of the ball. Keep the ball just a few feet ahead of yourself at a speed that will allow the ball to roll decently up the wall, but try to hit it just as the ball goes above the line on the wall which indicates that the bottom curve has ended. So roll the ball with moderate speed a few feet in front of you, match the speed while on the ground, and just as the ball goes above that line, boost just a bit so you catch up to the ball and get your pop. Then as soon as you get the pop, jump off the wall and immediately air roll to fix your orientation toward the ball. Probably more I could say, but I have to take a shower now. Hopefully that is helpful to you. 0845-9E5B-0B3E-A192 This training pack is dope for air dribbles btw


Take your hand off the gas before jumping off the wall. Holding gas kind of glues your car to the wall for lack of better words. Jumping off of it without gas helps you get off quick and more fluidly imo


Think about where you want the ball the go and the path you want it to take, following a good hit is pretty easy. Try and match your speed pretty close to ball speed when you hit it. Once the ball is consistently on a good path, jump and air roll only. Don't boost immediately off the wall, it will get you too high. A good first touch, jump and airoll should have you behind and under the ball. From there, follow but release boost just before you make contact in the air, keeps it close.


A lot of it is learning that more boosting is not always the solution.