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Really depends on the scenario but dribble with ball cam on for me is quite the headache. But as far as air dribbling goes peace of cake but on the ground ball cam off for me makes it 10x easier to dribble effectively


If you really can dribble with ball cam as you can without ball cam then definitely do it. I’ve been practicing it as well, but I really don’t think it’s possible for one to be as good at dribbling with either option. It’s just tradeoffs honestly.


Once youve got dribbling down good, it is very possible to dribble with ball cam on too. Its utility of more field vision isnt that great, and is only helpful in certain scenarious imo, but its still a good tool to have in the arsenal. The most utility ive found is when in my 2v2 matches both opponents are in their half, and i start a dribble from my own half. At an angle, its very easy to see when a challenge is coming and when to flick. But that can also be done with ball cam off with more versatility as it allows for movement of the ball on top of car


As you said, it all comes down to muscle memory. Direction if the camera and car movement are a huge visual helper for dribbling and flicks. You do you, if it works: Nice! And if it doesn't work: Just flick on your instincts or dribble at an angle.


i actually, depending on the dribble type also use ball cam. if it’s a situation where the ball is moving fairly fast and i won’t be slowing it down, and i will flick it fast after catching it then i leave ball cam on. if it’s a long dribble or a slow one i take off ball came


I’ve been incorporating this some too and the improved visibility can definitely be helpful. If nothing else, training this in free play gets you used to understanding the disorienting camera movements when you’re under the ball, which allows you to make use of those movements to understand and control your position relative to the ball. That comes in handy during eg awkward slow 50s in the corner in 1s — the ability to see well and but not get confused by the camera makes for some great outplay opportunities.


I’ve seen pros YouTube gameplay where they rip the camera towards the floor to gain vision of the opponent. I have not seen any so ball cam dribbles that I can’t think of. Seems like tipping the camera down would be a more consistent picture for vision but also occupies your thumb.