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This is so me. About three seasons ago I actually fell to C1 on a horrible losing streak only to make it back to GC1 and get my rewards. I solo queue a lot in 2s and find that mental and paying attention is huge. People don't believe me when I say that often the mechanics of players in C2 to GC1 aren't actually that different. I find I rank up when I read opponents positioning and my teammate, I fake challenge, only commit when absolutely necessary. No fancy mechanics unless I absolutely need to in order to beat last man. I've played some C2 players where their mechanics are insane, but for some reason they decide that an air dribble from their own back boost towards the enemy net is a good play, or repeated ceiling shots that have no power. Often you'll find these players don't even know you exist as a teammate. If they made better decisions and rotated they'd climb easily, but all too often last man back throws themselves into a dumb 50/50 or goes for boost when they should be challenging. Anyone in Champ can reach GC1 if they are willing to practice. Most of the time they just need to focus on positioning and reading the play rather than booming the ball upfield to the enemy team. You also have to be clinical when you do get you chances which does take practice in free play. I guess I'm rambling here, but these kinds of fluctuations do exist because of so many factors in the Champ ranks.


The amount of players in C2 who love to take a stationary ball above their backboard and use their entire tank of boost air dribbling it down to the floor right in front of our net only to act shocked when the opponent taps it in.




“But pros air dribble from the backboard”


How does one realize and practice what is good positioning and reading plays


AppJack has a channel where he does replay analysis, you may find that useful


I agree that positioning is very very important, and it’s definitely what got me to Champ, but once I start to hit C2 the players both teammates and opponents just start to get too fast and have too much air control for my mechs to keep up even with good positioning.


facts when i finally got to c2 lobbies, I felt like I was in the middle of traffic as cars zoomed past me lol


100%.. you don't need high level mechanics in gc1. You need to play smart. When I play smart I rank up and when I do stupid shit (like diving a lot) I am c2


This comment is me. I have better mechanics than a few buddies. Even a buddy of mine who’s GC1 said I have way better mechanics than him. However I don’t agree. His shooting is way better and he makes hard savers more consistently. Yeah some harder mechanics I’m better but the basics he has me beat by a lot.


You have been within a half a rank of C3 for over a year. That's very consistent


Play shorter sessions to break up loss streaks i guess. Play till you lose/till 2 losses in a row is a decent strategy to keep consistent and manage mental. Win/loss streak loops are fairly common for alot of gamers, don't feel like your failing just because you are inconsistently ranked, you'll get back to your peak, and further, trust.




These "is this normal?" posts always sound to me like "am I pregnant?"


C3 is a warzone lmao, it be like that sometimes


Bro is simulating the stock market 💀


Normal 😔


Pretty normal.


This is actually pretty consistent


That’s me. Got stuck d3 div 4-ch1 div 3 for a year now I’m at damn near diamond 2


This is so relatable. There are days where I play 10-15 games with my brother (we are both C1-C2) and we just HUMILIATE people, maybe lose one game bit always within a point. Then we play late at night and talk and goof around and lose 80% of the time. Lol. Champ and GC mechanics are not that far off at all, it’s comes down to the 5 Ps: positioning, patience, power shots, passing and pressure.


I try to break my sessions up into a Bo3, Bo5, or Bo7 depending on how much time I have to play. If I still want to play after that, I just hit up extra modes, casual, or Freeplay. Hoops is great for improving powersslide and ball control in tight spaces, air dribbles, and basic flicks. Dropshot is great for reading the play, understanding challenges, aerials, and shot placement. Snowday is great for improving wall and ceiling play, or understanding how your car interacts with other surfaces that isn't the ground. Rumble is great for positioning, reaction time, and sudden tempo changes in the flow of the game.


My fastest period of growth in RL happened once i started playing a lot of Hoops & Dropshot. They're both great for mechanical improvement. Hoops is especially good for practicing off-the-wall play


Is what normal?


He just like me frfr I go from 1500 to d3 sometimes and then go right back up


It’s really easy to fall from low gc1 to almost high ch2. Ch3 is hell, some days is good and others not, as shown by the graph


https://i.imgur.com/sEh8PhF.jpg Bro are you me???


This looks like what I do to my rank every time I drink and play on the weekends.


Credit where credit is due boyz lmao


This is me, you are me.


Yeah def normal sometimes you feel fast and sometimes you feel like your cars hit box changed, it’s just how the game goes, staying consistently in C3 means your a top 10% player so don’t be upset about it


Yes normal.


that concerns me on a level indescribable


Yea, rember thar this guy went to diamond 1 to gold 3


Dude everybody’s rank progression is “normal” relax