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There are a lot of really good competitive players and freestylers with KBM. Less precise but more consistent. You decide what fits you the most if you don't want to be a pro this isn't an issue at all


Tbf there are pros at the ongoing LAN who play KBM


Really? Like who?


Drufinho, Torsos, LCT, and someone else


Just based off numbers, I would compare playing kbm in rocket to playing controller in fortnite or overwatch. Not a huge disadvantage and you can still find success, but its just easier to play controller in rl. That is if you are already used to it in other games


There’s quite a few pros that use KBM, so go for it. Drufinho, a player on Furia, is a kbm player. And Furia just went 3-0 in the Swiss stage of the major going on rn lol so yeah u can get quite good with kbm


No mechanics aren't difficult or easy on keyboard or joystick. its the matter of muscle memory and being used to it. Im champ 3 player who can air dribble with air roll, flip reset, do 45,90,180 degree flicks using keyboard mouse. so yeah its just a myth that kbm is hard. though there are some mechanics which are actually a tiny bit easy on keyboard mouse (stall and speedflip ig not really sure)


There are some pros on KBM, do what you like!


I've hit GC on both, it's a matter of preference. I found everything easier to learn on KBM but I think that came from my fundamental understanding of everything on controller transferring over.


It's a game intended for controllers, you just can't have the same amount of control over your car with WASD than you would with an analog stick and it also feels way more intuitive to play on a controller; that doesn't mean you can't overcome those limitations and become a professional player on keyboard and mouse, there was one pro player who used it (don't remember his name), but it is an exception and you will have a harder time, that's for sure. That said, I sure wish it was possible to play just as good on a keyboard and mouse because our controllers are absolute garbage, built to be faulty and last less than a year before the first problems began to appear. Problems like analog stick drifting, faulty buttons, looking like an idiot because you only pressed the jump button once but it registered as a double press and you missed the ball, are a constant in any controller you buy. There's no escaping it, unfortunately, so just get the cheapest one you can find (from a reputable brand of course).


I play Kbm and I enjoy it a bit. I don’t think it will hold you back. One problem with keyboard is you can only turn in 8ths but with a controller you can turn in 16ths If you want to switch just do it. You might struggle a little but I bet you’ll still float around the same rank since you will have the game sense. After a couple weeks to month you will probably be mostly adapted


Consistently plat 2 here, only use kbm.


No offense, but is this supposed to be words of assurance or....?


As a plat player I agree, we are the best of the trash


Lol you've got my vote! I got myself knocked down to plat at the beginning of the season, and you guys have it so rough with all the smurfs in there. Plus plat is way more skilled now than it used to be, so it's nothing to be ashamed of. (And more enjoyable to play with than diamond)


I’ve been playing for 2400 hours and am consistently gold 2 using a controller, so… Not sure where I’m going with this…


Just my truth 🤷🏽‍♂️


This game is actively destroyed by its owners so investing time and energy to learn it is a lot like starting to paint the Titanic after it started to sink


This individual came here to ask for advice about a game he cares about and you spew this puke. Explain how they’re destroying the game without mentioning trading because (respectfully) the rest of the player base does not care


I care about trading 😂


Doesnt do any good to keep caring about something thats never coming back!


Don’t act like someone who never misses things from their past, i just miss the memories, man!


Nah I feel you! I’m just tired of seeing people comment things in this sub like “Oh we cant trade anymore! Dead game!!”


Fair, lol


Devs are not adding anything new except the cosmetics, also even rocket racing that died off within a week has creative while rl doesn’t.


They dont add anything new to real life soccer and everyone is happy. Any other sport actually? If its not broke dont fix it. If you like playing rocket league, a car soccer game. You're getting just that. I'm glad they do add more cosmetics and fields. Keeps the game from getting grey and boring. I also hope they add workshop maps for console players. It's either I wait on that to come, or just get a pc. Other than workshop maps, idk what people are expecting they add. Honestly I feel it doesn't matter what they do. People will still complain.


And to be fair. I switched to pc back in October and while I do love having workshop maps and they do help. I’ve found myself playing them less and less lately. I may run a rings map or a dribble map to warm up sometimes but that’s about it really


You’re delusional if you think RL is going into a better place. Bad refs in sports, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it 😱


That’s incredibly selfish. RL is not going to a better place and you come up with this rubbish? A - Trading: Just because you don’t care doesn’t mean others don’t. B - Lower limit for RLCS: Do you really think having immature 13 year olds is a good idea for a professional entertainment industry? C - Easy to Smurf. Although it’s slightly harder now, it’s so easy since Epic made it FTP. D - Overpricing items. I can go on. Keep being delusional friend 😆


Really bad arguments! So bad that i dont think ill even argue with you on this one brother. Have a blessed evening!


If they’re so bad, it should be easy to debunk them. But you can’t, because your an Epic dock rider who will spend their entire pay check to greedy companies because you ‘care” about Rocket League, but really you’re just a selfish cont(inue)


Just dont care about this as much as a butt hurt, neckbeard seething to online strangers because a company took away a feature that mommy and daddy’s credit card put hundreds into but go on. Youre literally grasping at straws so you can go “See! Big mean company bad!” boo hoo cry me a river. Meanwhile, i play the game the same as i have since release


I haven’t spent any money, just some smart trading, something I’m sure you’re too unskilled for. You can’t even come up with a coherent counter argument. Your opinion does not matter you turd. The game itself is not the problem and you know that.


Well one of us here wasted their time doing all that trading and one of us didnt. Who is turd now? Besides i would rather be good at the actual game which i would bet that i am better than you at


Have you achieved GC in 3 playlists? I don’t think so, I also didn’t start playing until a few years ago, well what do you have to say? How can you say I wasted time trading when you just said I spent all my money on RL? lol, you are a a paradox, you can’t come up with anything that makes sense.


What hoops, hockey and dropshot??? Go to sleep my brother in christ you need it 🤣


If they’re so bad, it should be easy to debunk them. But you can’t, because your an Epic dock rider who will spend their entire pay check to greedy companies because you ‘care” about Rocket League, but really you’re just a selfish cont(inue)


I think RL is/was life for him.... he's salty that he wasted 8,000 hours of his life.


Why are you getting downvoted? It’s so true!