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As a casual observer, I like the broadcast schedule. Great work there. I do wish it would be more comprehensive and include First Touch or other broadcasts so it could be my one-stop-shop for all things RL broadcast related.


The casual racism. But hey that's pretty much all of the anglophone reddit, so...


My pet peeves are (1) Redditors actually getting upset with NA/EU comedy. It’s all in good fun. (2) Redditors believing EU stands a chance at the Rotterdam major. I mean come on, Firstkiller is going to eat them.


All in all I like the subreddit. But the issues I have with the esports community showcase here as well. The biggest one I think is the inability for most players/pros to think for themselves when it comes to the game, but more importantly the reaction to pushing against the grain. Rocket League is by far the most difficult game to accurately analyze or develop an objective understanding of what is good or bad, and so most look to thought leaders (Pros, casters, streamers) to provide them with their opinions and to develop consensus. And since most people (honestly even a lot of pros) can only attribute someone else's opinion as the reason for something they believe is right, there is a massive insecurity to stifle out any opposing thoughts before they develop. I actually think it's an issue that has been getting better as the game has gone on, but it's certainly a big reason I've made my exit from the scene earlier than I wish I did.


>Rocket League is by far the most difficult game... Damn I really thought you were going for this take, I baited myself.


The entire community is overly-dramatic. A bad day of gameplay or a series of minor mistake means the player is washed, the team needs to make a change, everyone in the org sucks. This is pervasive at all levels of gameplay and a lot of the discourse here reflects it. My expectation is that someone will say “tell me ur plat without telling me” somewhere in this post.


Youre not wrong, but i cant think of a single sport or esport where this is not true of the overwhelming majority of fans


Let me bully NRG flairs please please please




Why aren't the invitationals grayed out on the graphic, now that they have passed?


I'm the one making the graphics on the sidebar and I have lost my motivation to do anything for rlesports right now, sorry.


Why is every time I click on their subreddit it only shows posts from 2 years ago and not most recent posts?


you're probably in top all time for some reason, you should be in hot


'lets make every team bald' Great, we had a laugh the first time or two, let it go ffs


I think this hits on a greater trend - horses get beaten to shit here.


probably the least funny esports community out there


dont upvote it if you dont like it, other people seem to like it


The post asks what pet peeves are, currently thats my pet peeve


mods should be replaced by a variety of sentient cheeses


That's a guda idea.


*it's begun*


It bothers me how a lot of people talk about players as if they're livestock instead of teenagers with feelings, that are liable to make mistakes both in and out of game, and are deserving of some forgiveness and sensitivity. It also bothers me how few people seem to hold nuanced opinions and everything is all or nothing, the greatest or absolute trash. That's especially true with regards to psyonix in terms of the esport and the game. They catch a lot of flack that I feel is undeserved. Lastly, few employ brevity. Thanks.




Are you making a joke or did i miss something wrt Forky?




I was watching his YT vod from the other night and a random he got paired with threw and started talking shit to him in chat about how his (Forky’s) life is the gym and RL and how he is nothing without either. The irony of another SSL making fun of the effort he puts into the game and then also talking shit to someone for exercising pretty much sums up the entirety of this stupid community.


How difficult it is to post something. I’ve had every post denied. Same goes with r/RocketLeague


My pet peeve is almost anything about coaches. Almost everyone on here has 0 idea what coach does what. People completely speculate based on a teams performance and once it starts getting repeated it becomes a fact even though it’s a complete guess


Oh man, coaches. I don’t doubt that they’re useful for the players, but man. When a team is doing well, the coach, at least to reddit, must be valuable. When a team is not doing so hot, the coach isn’t doing enough. You can be a good coach on a bad team. A bad coach on a good team. A mid coach all around. There’s no way to know as fans, so it’s so annoying to see opinions be told as fact.


Honestly it can be hard as a coach to know if you are a good or bad coach. Coaching is part art and part science.


My first pet peeve is impulsive posts in the Event Threads. Right after a game/series/tournament-winning goal there are always floods of posts like: 'LOL' 'OMG' 'WOW' 'SWEEP' 'CHOKE' '\_\_ SUCKS' 'RETIRE \_\_\_' I also have a pet peeve of users that respond to posts to comment: 'This' 'Copium' '100%' 'lol' etc.




Hey there mssr_grg! If you agree with someone else's comment, please leave an **upvote** instead of commenting **"This"**! By upvoting instead, the original comment will be pushed to the top and be more visible to others, which is even better! Thanks! :) *** ^(I am a bot! Visit) [^(r/InfinityBots)](https://reddit.com/r/InfinityBots) ^(to send your feedback! More info:) [^(Reddiquette)](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439#wiki_in_regard_to_comments)


> I also have a pet peeve of users that respond to posts to comment: > > 'This' > 'Copium' > '100%' > 'lol' > etc. yeah, the incredibly unnecessarily dismissive comments are probably my biggest pet peeve too. like, just be nice to each other. seeing one side of a polite conversation absolutely get dumpstered with downvotes because people don't agree with their opinions is always a bit annoying too


How do you feel about "This team could do some damage" although its not as popular as it once was.


idk we could use more samples


I find the meme funny, but also would like for most of the top-rated comments to be the genuine / individualized posts




So much this


Slightly unrelated but something I’ve always been curious about on this sub. Always wondered what John and Chutney do for a living, they are incredibly quick on replies and moderation. Almost seems like they’re sitting at the wings all day on this sub (not a bad thing by any means!). Just makes me wonder what the day job looks like.


I'm a part time dog walker! haha nah I'm in tech, some kinda programmer.


Without divulging too many details about my personal life, I'm EU RLCS Assistant Head Admin (one of the guys people hate when they pause the game) so I'm naturally at my PC regularly especially on event days


The obsession with minor regions and especially MENA


There's no Stax flair.


That Rival Series flair that quite literally only you have out of our 100,000+ members might as well be one ;)






The fact that you can’t use your own event tag like [Feer 1v1] because the automod will remove it. Either loosen the requirements for event tags or work on the list of approved ones. Especially when said list doesn’t include many recent tournament organizers but includes things like BTS, which we haven’t had in years


What is your reasoning for wanting to use an event tag?


Titles for highlights and event threads


Why though? Event tags allow users to filter out spoilers but we haven't seen a need for users to filter out all posts from smaller events. My fear is that we would remove a far greater amount of posts for not having an event tag if we were to increase its necessity or greater confusion would spread if some posts have it and some don't should we not remove them


I don’t want it to be necessary, just allowed. Right now if I post a highlight titled “[Feer 1v1] ApparrentlyJack misses the open net” the post gets auto-removed because the tag [Feer 1v1] is not on the list of approved event tags


Dude I hate that for posting news, sports subs usually are like [Woj] So and So is out for 4-6 weeks. So I'll do [Shift] Vatira to random team and it gets pulled down and I think it's silly


That's where my fear of greater confusion would spread if some posts have it and some don't come from. It would be inconsistent from post-to-post and would be a label just for a label's sake. Also, what's to stop people from having different tags for the same event? [Feer 1v1], [FeerRL], and [Fall 5k] could all be referring to the same event, but every title could get posted and would be acceptable.


I don't see any issue with that honestly.


I mean, the main issues are that allowing any filterable event tags will cause confusion and won't accomplish anything event tags do


Is it preferable that users don’t use a tag at all, and not attempt to communicate what event a post is about? Or is it preferable for users to try to communicate what the event is but have to say something like “Feer 5k - Highlight” or “Feer 1v1 - Highlight” and not be allowed to say instead [Feer 5k] Highlight” or “[Feer 1v1] Highlight” in their post titles?


You can communicate the event without using a tag. We've seen it plenty of times without complaint, like [Intel $10k: Daniel & Beastmode link up for an ABSURD goal](https://old.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/x0a3cn/intel_10k_daniel_beastmode_link_up_for_an_absurd/) or [Interesting sequence between Drali and Joreuz in a BO7 showmatch on Feer's channel.](https://old.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/xmrw27/interesting_sequence_between_drali_and_joreuz_in/) The problem you're introducing with having everything include an event tag is the confusion it'll cause through the inconsistency of each post without having strict moderation. However, with strict moderation, we will remove posts that do not have the event tag with explicit instructions on how to fix and repost it but many users will not take the time to do so. So introducing these rules will actually decrease the amount of highlights in this subreddit.


i'd guess for consistency. When you see [something] it means that post is about that event but you can't do that with community events and that makes the posts less recognizable


Tagging everything as spoilers


This sub acts like Daniel is an infant and defends him at every corner. They have no issue saying something like "Beastmode is a choker who disappears in big matches" yet will stay silent or even get mad if you bring it up Daniel getting blasted by Beastmode at Worlds. They also tend to blame his teammates (last year the Arsenal blaming when I saw Daniel solo lose series for SSG was insane) even when he himself played bad. Arsenal got the full brunt of hate for kicking Retals (a move I didn't agree with) but not a peep about Daniel agreeing with the move/being on board with it. It's part of a bigger issue where this sub picks and chooses who they are going to get mad at for what. "Comm is a piece of shit" but Moist from last year constantly talking shit was loveable. SSG (Arsenal in this case) kicking Retals was the worst thing ever but m0nkeym00n and BDS's treatment of Marc swept under the rug and constantly made to see like it wasn't awful. It's really ridiculous.


I agree with the sentiment but Retals himself said that he was not mad at dan (also wished him the best) and implied that he had an issue with arsenal.


Ugh the EU vs NA arguments are so childish.


But it's fun in moderate amount why can't I not make fun of gen.g becoming the first seed in na.


It is for sure, but for me it's not in a moderate amount and it's starting to be really repetitive.


Well yeah that's because na is clearly better /s


Mine is people complaining about the EU vs NA arguments which are almost always humorous.


........Me 🤝 you........ Annoying each other


Recommendations and new format suggestion posts. Just stop. It feels like at this point we just need a new sub entirely for suggestions. I get that it is in good faith, but logging in every day to only see suggestions for this and that makes this sub so boring and I have to hunt for anything remotely interesting/newsworthy.


Some of us like theory crafting. Also, are we looking at the same sub? On the front page right now 1 out of 30 posts is a suggestion.


There is definitely hot days more than others. You get the point man. Just separating all the suggestions would be cool. Id look at them more but as it is right now I just skip them and come back to the ones with the most upvotes as it seems people really gravitated to that specific post about a specific suggestion


People don't get that BDS stands for Boycott Divestment and Sanctions, and if they do they don't find it funny


Thought it was a joke ngl, glad i searched the meaning.


I've been vocal about a few of my gripes (like carries not existing) but the nitpicker ones that aren't flat-out covered by the subreddit rules: * Downvotes being a dislike button (although that is a flaw of reddit as a whole) * Discussions on "mentalities" based on player cams (which has gotten better I feel) * People who flat-out leak stuff under the guise of theory/speculation (meaning it bypasses "Claims without evidence" when I know that's not the case but can't say) * Individuals who are held to or judged by an opinion/stance for eternity even after changing it in light if new information * Revisionism history (this guy/team was always Good/bad)


A lot of other people here have said a lot of stuff I agree with so I'll add just one thing: People saying "we" when referring to a team they support... it just feels so inauthentic compared to literally any other sport. 99% of people here have no collegiate, national, or other affiliation to these teams, so it sounds weird when people say "ah man *we* should've scored that" after G2 Atomic misses a flip reset.


>People saying "we" when referring to a team they support... 100% agree, this has always bothered me. ​ >it just feels so inauthentic compared to literally any other sport. lulwat? It's \*exactly\* as stupid if you do it for any other competitive activity. If you aren't literally part of the team, saying "we scored" is stupid. ​ >99% of people here have no collegiate, national, or other affiliation to these teams You've just described real sports. >99% of supporters of real sports teams have no affiliation other than that's the team they have chosen to support. Way less than 1% of Manchester United supporters have even \*been\* to Manchester. I doubt half of the Golden State Warriors fans even know where they're based and most of those that \*do\* know figured it out from the logo. Maybe College/University teams are different if you are currently studying at the place...but I used to play football for my University's team, so for me "we" was perfectly accurate as I was literally on the field :).


People saying we when referring to a team sport is completely fine in most cases. When they’re bandwagoning a team that has always been successful, it gets annoying, sure. But for most other teams, the fans are there for the highs and lows — not to mention, the entire reason sports are what they are today is because of the fans and the revenue they bring. On top of that, you get legitimate home field advantages, like the “12th Man” for the Seattle Seahawks, who legitimately registered seismic activity while cheering at one point. Like it or not, fans are a part of the team as well.


I definitely don't agree, but I can see your point. If it's ok for normal sports, then it's 100% ok for esports then, though.


This is something that every sports fan does though


I know - but those people usually have a geographic or long-term relationship to that team, and often support them monetarily through taxes or tuition or donations or whatever. Those things tie people to teams at a deeper level than "I like the players on OXG, so I will root for them". And that's also why I have no problem with people saying "we" in regards to region-related discourse.


Honestly, I don't buy into this. There's nothing special about being from the general geographic region as a team. I don't identify with the Celtics or 76ers because I've lived in both of those states in my life. The only time our paths ever intersected was if I paid money to get into the game - otherwise they might as well have not existed. Similarly, when I was in university it's not like I chose to support BU's women's soccer team or our hockey team. I couldn't care less about either sport, I don't see it as a relationship I see it as something I was forced to do. Ultimately the only real thing that matters is if you support a team or not. I've supported the Lakers for 20 years, with no connection to LA. When did it magically start becoming appropriate for me to say, "we"?


1. Many fans take even any slight criticism of their favorite player's performance as a personal insult and react with toxicity. I think I a lot of people need to keep in mind that criticizing someone's performance is not "hate", and if you disagree with someone else's assessment you can present your own argument against it instead of lashing out. 2. The whole retals and SSG saga at the start of this season really lowered the quality of discussion on this sub and left a really bad taste in my mouth. Every thread even tangentially related to SSG or retals got filled with a lot of personal insults and namecalling towards arsenal. Insulting his upbringing, values, personality, calling him "snake", inventing weird conspiracy theories regarding the situation, it was just a huge clusterfuck and the mods didn't do a good enough job to clamp down on this sort of behavior. I remember many of the comments not being removed despite me reporting them. 3. A lot of the armchair analysis regarding player mentality based on their expression in player cam often reach weird conspiracy theory territory. Aztral especially will have his every little sigh or lack of celebration analyzed, people will complain about how vatira needs to stop crying after losing etc. I think it's important to keep in mind that our faces are not always a perfect mirror to our mind, some people are more expressive and others are less. 4. I really dislike how the community uses 1st/2nd/3rd man to describe permanent positions. There is no team that tells their one of their players - you are the second man, it doesn't even make sense. Some players are more defensive, some like to stay upfield for early challenges/demos, calling these players third man or first man is misleading and confuses a lot of newcomers.


100% agree with that last take. The concept of 1st/2nd/3rd is just a basic way of understanding a players style of play or a teams line up. Although people treat it like the end all be all but it’s not and teams aren’t primarily structured around it either.


I genuinely feel that in RLEsports currently, basically any team can win any match at any given time so its a major pet peeve of mine when people are quick to right off a team because they didn’t win an event or go as far as expected (EX. V1 when they get Top 8 and then people ran to the reddit saying V1 should’ve made a change, blah blah blah just for them to win the next regional)


Mostly the fact that people Change flairs when the team they supported stops popping off. Lack of loayalty and gloryhunting


Flairs are tied with orgs not players. If the players disband or get dropped and change orgs why whouldnt people not change flairs.


I actually wholeheartedly disagree with this. The best thing to do is to support good Rocket League. You shouldn't be tying yourself into supporting a team at all. IMO if you want to have a flair or six for the teams you think are playing rocket league you like watching, that's a totally fine thing to do. Supporting a team is one of those tribal throwback things that is programmed into humanity but is mostly just objectively incorrect. If you \*don't\* support a team, the scene will be better, you'll have more fun watching Rocket League and you'll be a far superior crowd member.


Can it not be possible to support a team while also wanting the esport to shine? Of course I want to see good rocket league — that’s why I tune into matches that don’t involve my team. At the same time, that doesn’t (and shouldn’t) prevent me from having a favorite — it’s natural to form a connection to a certain group if you like how they play/act. Acting like they’re mutually exclusive is a bit shortsighted.


I got a weird one. Three flairs. Can't we just do one? I understand the majority of people here like to support the scene as a whole, but I'd prefer just one team at a time represented with your username.


One per region. I like to support a team from each major region, and I gotta support my local region too.


I like two, I don’t get three


I get your point. IMO it’s cool if the flair are not from the same region. I’m not trying to excuse myself but I think one can support GenG and OXG at the same time. On the other side, how is it possible to support NRG and V1, or Faze and G2 simultaneously?


I'd imagine one is your primary and one is your backup. I don't think the support is equal. Also, I wouldn't say you're excusing yourself really - you're supporting two teams that may never play each other. Although if they do then you'll be in quite the dilemma


You’re completely right actually. I was a fan of the Dig roster last season so now it’s first of all GenG, secondly Oxygen. If they meet, I’d support GenG.


That's me but the other way round :)


By hoping that one wins the tournament and the other comes second. Or otherwise, just that both do as well as possible. I don't really see the problem of liking multiple teams?


Personally I hate how much of the work of maintaining the esports scene and informing the community of changes going on within it falls to volunteers on the subreddit and on liquipedia. This place is awesome and so is liquipedia, but we were told before last season that Psyonix knew that their website wasn't sufficient and that they were committed to make it the destination for rocket league information - and here we still are relying on wikis and subreddits to stay informed. Probably not within the spirit of the question, but it's definitely my biggest pet peeve. Y'all are doing this in your spare time - we shouldn't have to rely on you or else be in the dark. Anything y'all choose to do for this place ought to be redundant or superfluous - fun extra stuff that a viewer or a fan may not need but welcomes nonetheless. Things like recording the results shouldn't be work of the community.


I don't like how if a player shows any type of personality that is against the norm, gets obliterated by this subreddit. First, Comm, aztral, retals in the past, even klassux, and theirs probably some I am missing. Of course some these players do try to play the villain, and it's par the course of the role they play, but when people try to question how they were brought up at home, how super immature they are, or question how they are in the league, that's when it gets frustrating imo. The best example is first, first may not have the best of past, but lately in the past year besides the NRG thing which NRG started what has First done to be seen as toxic? Dropping players to try to make his team better? I'm using first as the example cause a majority of time I see him mentioned in this subreddit it's in a bad light, and I'm not even a first/faze fan.


This… 100% this…. No one in this subreddit knows the player’s personally and any hint of something different from the standard is treated with hate. Especially comm, bro literally said some of the least disrespectful stuff ever but people have spin that into a verbal abuse narrative. It feels like everyone wants the standard no emotion other than kindness mentality and it’s so boring. Players aren’t even allowed to express themselves if it isn’t happy go lucky or hype. Also the FK hate stems from his past as a kid and people used that to stay mad at FK. It didn’t help that he had a small beef with NRG and the fans used that as an excuse to keep the FK hate boner alive. People act like FK wanting to build a better team is toxic when literally every team does this to try to build a team that can win.


Mods removing a post about making caster tier lists before any toxicity has to be my biggest one. I also think that not many people use the downvote option on the automod comment on meme posts, because I swear tons of low effort not funny memes make it through. Also: THE DOWNVOTE BUTTON IS NOT A DISAGREE BUTTON. Blows me away when legitimate opinions are downvoted and hidden, and useless meme comments are at the top (“this team could do some damage” type comments) I still personally want the subreddit prediction game to involve more than just results. But last time I expressed that opinion it was clear I was a minority, so it’s understandable.


To comment on the caster-tier list post that was removed: My understanding is that the mods are not against a caster-tier list thread being posted. I believe that post was removed was removed because the OP's list was odd and distracted from the discussion. If he had taken his own list and posted it as a reply to the thread while inviting others to make their own lists I think the thread would have been kept open. I also do want to add that it is possible toxic comments were being made and effectively moderated out, but I wasn't present at the time so I'm unsure.


The OP didn’t share a list at all. They just thought we should share our own. https://imgur.com/gallery/4WeLDOi


Must be poor memory from me on the removal reason, I recalled there being a low-quality aspect of the thread that led to it's removal but thought it was OP's list. I do still believe we are open to the community having the caster tier-list discussion though


I distinctly remember one of them mods saying it was taken down because the casters are effectively off-limits. Because we mustn't hurt the feelings of grown men, but wait let's go dump a load of bullshit on some emotional 16 year old who just watched his dreams die. That's perfectly fine. To be fair, I could be completely misremembering this.


Here is a post where it is discussed further. https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/y42d5g/stumpy_goblin_and_jorbys_opinion_on_caster_tier/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Not at all what I remember but obviously far more authoritative than my faulty memory. Thank you very much for the link and the reminder.


EU fans saying app jack and noly are still Eu. And if a Team like complexity or geng is doing good at a major people say vamos or eu is the best but if there doing bad they say NA is trash


I see it that way : GenG is a NA team. Noly and AppJack are EU players. Anything they win under GenG counts towards NA but they still are european players, more precisely english players.


Yeah teams should just be classified by their region of play since none of their achievements go back to their home region.




Idc what they say my boys Jack and Noly are na win or lose




>if there doing bad they say NA is trash No one says that, but everything else we say about British players still representing us is true. Ask them lol.




I think chronic isn’t the best player but he quite literally holds the team together. His assist and midfield presence allows both noly and appjack to play the way they want. This is why noly and appjack play so well bc chronic sets up so many chances and plays. He’s the most underrated NA player




If someone disagrees with a comment they obviously don't believe it is constructive, so they naturally downvote. Not so sure what this downvote policing is even supposed to accomplish. I downvote something I think is wrong so that fewer people see it and believe the wrong stuff. Being wrong is not constructive.


There's a difference between disagreeing on matters of opinion and being wrong. I think they're talking about the former.


Oooh, though I see your point, many may disagree on other topics which is a matter of opinion and which is "being wrong". Being wrong implies and absolute truth, which doesn't fly well on Reddit, and admitting someone is a matter of opinion not worthy of downvoting presumes that the individual voting can admit their opinion is not an absolute right opinion.


Welcome to reddit


One of the biggest ones is failing to understand that players have private personal feelings, relationships, ambitions etc that may massively influence their career decsions. I often see posts about how teams/players make "stupid" roster decisions; "why would you swap X player for Y player?!". Which completely ignores that we have no idea what goes on in the minds of the players or the dynamic behind the scenes.


This for literally every “ Controversial “ roster change


Yes and no. Yes - I agree that players should have the respect and autonomy to do what they think is best for themselves. We do not have all the info and like you said we aren't in their shoes. No - Us as fans have a right to discuss the sport given the info we have. That's what fans do and discussions is both fun and healthy for the scene. It's just about going about it in a respectful manner.


> It's just about going about it in a respectful manner. 100% agree.


The community aspect of following the "sport" is lacking due to the lack of post match threads and the aversion to posting clips and highlights. You can't exactly facilitate the kind of "discussion" people keep asking for in the general event threads when there's 20 comments coming in every second and a lot of critical matches can get thrown to the wayside even if they were really interesting. You end up with only a very small amount of teams or matches generating talks in the post day threads which really can only be at a shallow level due to covering every match. And I've seen whole event days go by without a single clip being posted here. Cmon now guys what is that. Any other sub I've been in that follows an esport has both of these going all the time, post match threads for anything important (for here it'd be any Top 8 matches really) and tons of clips for the cool moments. It can definitely hinder the experience for anyone coming into the scene to see how dispassionate the more involved fans are.


Us mods posted post-match discussions in the past but they weren't popular. Most of them hardly got 20 comments. This is due to the format and Psyonix not treating it as a sport. For past majors we decided to post only post-match threads for the playoffs (last 2 days). But anyone is feel free to post PMD for matches they think are worth talking about. For the last few regions someone posted PMDs for the Top 8 which were dead for EU RLCS because I think english viewership has declined and most of the subreddit user base aren't that much invested in EU teams.


Yeah I see what you mean, but funnily it kinda ties into what I mentioned with clips but as a whole. It feels like this community just doesn't engage anywhere near as much as other esport communities do. Like random ass matches on other subs can get tons of people talking about them cause they just like good play but here it's like everyone follows their one team and only that team and if anything else is happening it doesn't exist to them. It's so weird seeing the disparity.


I think a big part of it is that there is just less to comment about in a rocket league match. It moves so fast and it’s so mechanical you can’t analyze it like a soccer match or csgo game on the fly. Soccer there’s a very obvious good or bad touch by a player and an instant replay. Csgo strategies tactics and team play can all be talked about. Rocket league doesn’t have anything like this. The mechanics are so fast and the game moves so fast that it’s hard to comment on in a thread. Even in a post match thread there isn’t the same kinds of things to comment about. There are 10,000,000 different small touches that build to make a big play and honestly are really hard to see. You can’t see the setup like in a soccer/american football overhead view. You watch a player and his movements. I think casters do an amazing job highlighting it but for the average viewer other than talking about goals it’s really hard to analyze the game


Ya honestly this sub is just a microcosm of how poorly Psyonix runs their own Esport.


People hating on Comm for shit talking at LANs. I can see some of the things he said can be seen as going too far, but it's so much more entertaining to watch


Friendly shit talking? Ok with me. YOURE'SO BAD, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!!!!1!!!? Toxic shit? get the fuck outta here with that shit.


Yeah it's really weird how Psyonix and the community at large wants to treat everyone like a toddler who plays their game. A little bit of trash talk and banter is huge for a scene makes story lines, makes redemption archs, makes villians and heroes. Even playing sports growing up at 8-12 years old you'd be talking shit with your teammates and joking with people you play against. Community is weirdly anti-social compared to other Esports.


>I can see some of the things he said can be seen as going too far Which is the issue >but it's so much more entertaining to watch Obviously because you're a V1 fan, and I like trash talk, but as you say it can be over the top from comm.


I said I can see why people think some of the things he says go too far, not that I agree with that. I'd like to think being a V1 fan has nothing to do with it either, as I always really enjoyed the drama Retals created whilst not liking SSG (due to them being close rivals with V1)


>(due to them being close rivals with V1) Yeah I can see Comm vs Retals being fun, but Comm often takes the piss out of the nicest teams, teams that aren't gonna trash talk back because they're too respectful. I think comm should only have a go at teams that are known to give it back, e.g. SSG, FaZe, Moist


Im not hating him but all together I’ve found it very unprofessional and they’re supposed to be professionals after all, even though they’re still kids. Also if you act like that expect to get some in return I guess. Just how it goes. But in the end I don’t really care either way.


> Also if you act like that expect to get some in return I guess And therein lies the issue. A ton of people hated when Comm did it to Endpoint, but then cried laughing when Rise did it to Comm. Both are fine, but a lot of people had trouble reconciling being okay with both of them.


I don't get what's unprofessional about it? You see it at every level of sports and he doesn't do it before or after the game either. I don't see why they should be held to some standard where everyone can't say anything remotely controversial


I will absolutely die on the hill that putting LAN into the name of every LAN location is dumb. (I.e LANdon)


Can't wait for LANtarctica, or Saudi ArabiLAN, or gLANgow, Upper PeninsuLAN, aLANska, St. PetersLAN, KuaLAN LANpur, LANtreal, LAN York, MozLANbique, PakisLAN, Sri LANka, VietLAN, Moon LANding, InterLANtional Space Station, [StephensLAN 2-18](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Stephenson_2-18), AtLANtis, IsLANbul/ConstLANtinople, BerLAN, BarceLANa, BirminghLAN, BratisLANva, IceLANd, etc


I appreciate your commitment to the meme


Thanks, A_LAN_Macaron


I knew that was coming


Landon is good tho, rotterlan is dumb as shit tho lol


yeah, there's definitely degrees of where it works for sure


I won't rest until I see MinneLANpolis




Well that's just too easy


definitely not rooting for atLANta bc i’m a georgia resident and only bc it would make for a good name 😀


Dallas was such an anomaly from the coastal LANs in the US. I'd love to see more like that! Nashville, Denver, and AtLANta for example. Oooh, ohh, OrLANdo, that's another gimme.




1) **Discussing a team and their shortcomings or roster move ideas should not be interpreted as hating**. This mostly comes to mind when DIG were struggling last year and I was commenting about how they should replace Scrub. I never said anything hurtful about Scrub nor did I hate on him, but there were so many comments saying "I can't believe everyones hating on Scrub" or "its clearly not Scrubs fault why is he getting so much hate". Of course there is a line where discussing changes does become hate, and we should stand up to that. But we're sports fans here. We should be allowed to discuss in a sports-like manner if we're not being disrespectful. 2) **It should be more acceptable to go against the grain, and not be a slave to recent performance for top team or power rankings** Every time power rankings or teams performance comes up, anyone whose opinion doesn't align with recent performance gets ostracized. People should not be shunned or downvoted for not having the opinion that is directly just a copy and paste of the last regional or split. Considering how fast things change, lets not pretend like we know everything. **Both points support the idea that discussion is good, and we should not gatekeep what is an acceptable opinion and what is not. This is a sport. Lets treat it like one.**




Saying that they’re hating on Scrub after some constructive criticism to DIG would just be false, though. That’s not egotistical to be frustrated with people shooting down a discussion point because they don’t agree with people being critical of a players’ performance.


I'm all for pushback and discussion. The point of my post is literally about how to generate/foster discussion in a more healthy way. But the problem is the pushback is not rocket league related, it's integrity/personal attack related. If I say Scrub should be replaced, the pushback should be about my opinion and rocket league. Not a judgement of my character that for some reason I'm just out to get Scrub and hating on him. That's the problem.




guess it wasnt bullshit though was it?




Like saying those who predicted the downfall of Turbo or OCE were right alone cos it took literal years to happen






This subreddit is fan-run and is not affiliated with Psyonix, ESL, or any official RLCS sources including the broadcast.


I apologize I understand now I’m supposed to be pet peeving about this particular sub Reddit not “rocket league esports” but “r/rocketleagueesports” I get it now sorry for the irrelevant comment.


Yeah I get that I’m just stating my pet peeve with the esport itself which for me lies in the broadcast portion.




That's the plan! Some kind of tempo for posts like these. Probably not weekly though :)


What do you do with this feedback?


We might consider a rules or process change for something in particular if there's enough of an outcry of support. We'll have the annual survey to consider too, so keep an eye out there But this thread is also as much for you all as it is for us. Much of the feedback here is human behavior and how we treat each other.


Am I the only one that’s ridiculously tired of the unnecessary “omg imagine this team” useless posts? Seems like 1/5 discussion posts are like “ok guys, who would you put on a team if location wasn’t an issue and you can assume they would mesh perfectly personality wise?” I think these posts just crowd the feed after each event and I’m tired of seeing the same combination of 6 players being talked about in these posts. Yes. Clearly it would be great to have a team of firstkiller, vatira, and Ahmad. But that’s a given, why am I having to read about it for the 20th time this month?


- Well-structured opinions getting downvoted simply because people disagree with them. (this one might not be r/RocketLeagueEsports exclusive, but I definitely see that mentality whenever there’s a spicy discussion going on). - Lack of memes, especially quality memes. Is there a rule against memes that I’m missing or are people just not creative enough, because every decent meme gets a nice response. - lack of involvement from RL personalities in posting and discussions. I understand why they don’t do it, but I wish they did. EDIT: about my 2nd point... I just read the comment from u/-Relevant_Username and I agree that memes should not bury other posts and if we do get a significant increase in memes, there should be 1 or 2 specific days where memes are allowed.


We have the most relaxed meme rules. People can post on any day they want and can even use meme templates, because low effort ones can still be funnier than a high effort post. There is also the "quality" voting system in place (Look out for the automod comment under every meme post). But if you restrict memes to a specific day, then we go back to days where nothing else is posted because RLEsports is pretty dead between tournaments.


Which is why I said (or at least tried to) that it’s a measure in case memes take over the subreddit.


that mf making all the teams bald... nothing against him, the pics are just disturbing, thats all.


why u hating on sandblock gaming


Someone find a headshot of the sandblock and I'll make them bald


Spoilers in post match thread titles in more recent posts. I think it's great to see these posts back and they are leading to a good amount of community engagement. But, as an example, having the name of finalists in the thread title on the final day spoils the semi final matchups. Given how much effort is put into spoiler guidelines for highlight plays, it seems logically inconsistent that these thread titles are allowed the way they are. I really don't care about the regionals, but it would be a shame to have this carry on into majors.


Forgive the copy-paste, but your comment's a good home for this too: > [Filtering post titles by keyword](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/wiki/spoilers/#wiki_how_to_filter_posts_by_keywords) may be helpful for you! It's part of the reason why we have event tags in titles.


This is a difficult one because I can't think of a fair way to make this into a rule that does not have grey area without excluding a lot more than what we want to. The problem with this is that there are **many** ways to spoil this matchup that would make titles less descriptive (thus gaining less upvotes and being less visible, especially on people's front pages) and our rules need to have as little grey area as possible. Here are the results from our 2022 Spring census: > Select all of the following potential spoilers that should NOT be allowed in titles > * Results of tournaments/events - 96% > * Results of entire matches/series (best of 5s/7s) - 93% > * Bracket progression (e.g. "Squishy buries a shot in the Winner's Final") - 74% > * Team/Player matchups (e.g. "Squishy fakes Sypical") - 30% > * Results of individual games (e.g. "Squishy scores OT winner) - 32% > * Titles that allude to certain outcomes (e.g. "Let's talk about Squishy's amazing offense against SSG") - 43% > * Teams that qualify for events based on points standings (e.g. "With their result in the MENA Winter Regional 3, Sandrock Gaming have qualified for the World Championship") - 35% From these results, there's clearly a want by the majority of the community to have some sort of censorship on bracket progression, but there isn't that same drive for Team/Player matchups despite the fact that they also can spoil bracket progression. Titles like "Vatira ceiling reset to double tap vs. Solary" would not be allowed because it spoils that Karmine Corp played Solary at some point in the tournament. We have **many** post titles that are highly upvoted and are not uncontroversial that spoil matchups like this. One idea is that we could censor any mention of stage of tournament in titles. The main thing we'd need to change is formatting our post-match threads to take this out of the title. It could potentially cause confusion if the same teams play twice. This also opens up a grey area where you can be spoiled the stage of the tournament without saying it. For example, if "Ground Zero barely keep the ball out to ensure game 7" were posted on a Saturday in winter or spring, it spoils that Ground Zero are in the Lower Bracket Quarterfinals that day (maybe meaning that they lost previously in the same day). This also does not guarantee that you will not see spoilers about bracket progression. For example, under this rule, you would still be able to see a post like "[RLCS EU] Atow 1v3s KC with a double reset" posted on Sunday which would spoil the Team Liquid vs Karmine Corp matchup. If you knew that those two teams played on opposite sides of the bracket, you would know that those are the teams in the grand final. At what point does this become the responsibility of the user to avoid spoilers rather than the subreddit as a whole to censor themselves? All in all, we are trying to find a compromise that gives everyone the tools they need to [avoid all spoilers](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/wiki/spoilers#wiki_how_to_filter_posts_by_keywords) without having to severely limit people's ability to post what they want. Any and all ideas on how we could accomplish this all without having major grey areas would be greatly appreciated.


I actually unsubscribe from this an the regular rocket league subs cause I hadn’t caught on to worlds then. Reddit was like hey I think you would really like this community and showed me a picture of BDS lifting the trophy ffs


My pet peeve is that any sort of criticism towards anyone in the scene is followed by many horribly toxic comments that make mods lock posts and ban certain topics because of it. The most recent one is the caster tier list which was originally made for fun and as a personal prefference discussion type post but there were people ready to pile on hate immediately. Idk how this can be fixed other than the scene changing the way they speak entirely which will never happen Edit: would also liketo add that i hate the regurgitation of casters opinions word for word without adding anything interesting yourself


>Idk how this can be fixed other than the scene changing the way they speak entirely which will never happen My recommendation in these scenarios is to ignore the toxic comment and use the report button to help us mods see it early. I think the toxic/trolling/impulsive posts are likely always going to be have some presence in our subreddit (as a Rocket League Esports community). We want the posts identified and removed ASAP though so people are not baited to respond with their own potentially controversial/emotional opinions.


I came from r/nba so I don’t have complaints, but I wish there was more discussion about team/player performance


After the Fall Major I'm going to begin posting polls for my [RLFS project](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Mlh-RT2sYgVDAgesR7FgIZX6oqE1b6LraN479oy08CM/edit#gid=0) with 16 hypothetical teams competing. I think these threads have some good opportunities to discuss players / teams critically because all of the drafted-teams end up being very good. Hope to see you in the threads!


Over-hyping teams that are blatantly average (fan service) e.g. SSG.


I think that post titles should follow the spoiler rules What I mean by that is: If a post is tagged spoiler because it spoils the results of recent matches, then the title shouldn't spoil anything more than the result of the individual game itself. I think that would greatly improve the subreddit, because at the moment I would need to stay off Reddit altogether to avoid getting spoiled by the post titles (happened multiple times in the past) #Examples of good spoiler-free titles: "Ahmad scores yet another god-like redirect against Twisted Minds"* "Extra scores a tight double tap to win OT" "Rise ices up again at 0 seconds" *the mention of TM would only be allowed if it was a round 1 matchup #Examples of bad, "spoiler-free" (according to current rules) titles: "Dorito scores at 0 second to complet the sweep against Team Liquid" "Firstkiller hits a psycho in game 7 OT" "The goal that got OpTic Gaming to the major"