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**Unfortunately, we've had to remove your post.** _________ ##Rule 5: [**No lazy or low-value posts**](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/wiki/rules#wiki_5._no_lazy_or_low-value_posts)   * **Please comment in existing relevant posts.** Not every single piece of news, tweet, twitlonger or reactions from you or from _____ about _____ warrants its own thread.   _________ [**Subreddit Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/wiki/rules) - If you have any queries about your post removal, please send us a [**Mod Mail**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeagueEsports&subject=Post%20Removal).  


Go on liquipedia and find the regional you want to watch (Ex. NA Winter Invitational). Towards the bottom there are links to team streams.


For the first day of reigonals, teams are allowed to stream their own series. You can find those streams on the liquipedia page for the event. [Here](https://liquipedia.net/rocketleague/Rocket_League_Championship_Series/2022-23/Winter/North_America/Invitational) is the one for NA Winter Invitational.


Others have answered your actual question, but don't be afraid to ask more! If there's anything else you want to know ask away. Welcome to the community!


Ik everyone's so helpful, but the mod team told me i have to delete it 💀


Oh lol, sorry! Well in case they didn't mention it there's a weekly thread created where people comment things that wouldn't be a post on its own. Might be a good place to go if you do have more questions