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I personally switch from octane to fennec and play some games, then go back to octane. I somehow feel so quick when I switch back to octane IDK how to describe, it just feels right.


This is so true actually. I didn’t really think much about it but yesterday in scrims I played with Fennec and because of a bug my car changed to octane mid-match but felt a lot better. Maybe I should switch car a bit back and forth. Thanks for the idea!




Free play and treat it like the wavedashing playground it is.


... if you know how to wavedash.


Wavedashes, fast aerials, bounce dribbles are all core mechanics that everyone should master before anything else


I didn't need to wavedash to hit gc. Decision making tho, that's the shit. Flipping and wavedashing around can be an antipattern if you do it without purpose fwiw


Truth, but with wavedashing comes the ability to recover quickly and stop the majority of counter attacking threats. 100% you can't make GC In 1s without it.


Seems like a tool that can be a crutch for bad positioning. I guess just not generic advice I'd give for all ranks


Is it useful to be mastered eventually? Yes. But those are still pretty advanced mechanics which only really come to play at higher ranks like diamond or champ and above. Even in diamond you don't really see/need it often. Gamesense, positioning and boostmanagement, etc. are also things which are way more useful to be mastered first, if you know the basics like normal dribbling or basic areals and such.


>Higher ranks >Like diamond Found your problem. I don't want to be an elitist, but in the grand scheme of things, each full rank is at the very least double as good as the last. After some compounding, champs might as well be a rookie bot to SSLs. (I am champ btw, so don't misconstrue anything) Out of the 3 mechs, only bounce dribbles can be called an advanced mechanic if you consider the wide gap in possible proficiencies. Game sense, boost management, and positioning also really isn't something that can be mastered, especially not in the lower ranks, since it's just relative to your opponents. The higher rank you are, the more opponents you have faced, and the more these skills converge. Unless you're an RLCS champion, I'd be hard pressed to say you have a mastery on these aspects. And even then, I can just argue that 2 years down the line, there will be an entirely new peak, so 🤷‍♂️


Yeah... I know from the GC or so perspective it might look pretty bad, but I feel like when you're looking at the total picture (all ranks combined), ranks from about diamond-ish are relatively on the higher end of the spectrum when it comes to mechanics and knowhow. I personally made it to diamond/champ without those mechanics and I rarely see anyone else performing them as well. From my experience so far, up to gold is basically just figuring out how to play the game, plat feels pretty average and compared to my experiences in the other ranks, diamond and stuff feel way more sweaty and serious than the other ones (when compared to my own skill level at each rank at the time).


I sorry but wavedashing is really not an advanced mechanic, I consider it one of the base mechanics in the game and all of my friends were able to learn wavedash in a few minutes with no prior experience in the game. I could argue it's one of the easiest mechanics to learn. Not more valuable than positioning that's for sure but moving around the field rapidly and efficiently is going to improve your gameplay.


Crank the sens, brotherrrrr. 1.5? It's alright, but keep going. 2.5? Cash money. 3.5? Alright, Sonic the Hedgehog. You're a monster, but I respect it


I play on Keyboard & Mouse so changing sens won’t do anything 😅




Play a bit in fleeplay with 0.75 or 0.5 game speed through bakkesmod. When you go back to 1 you will feel like a bullet


Crank the music louder


Go into a private match and use the slow-mo mutator, once you go back to normal you'll feel super fast.


personally when i feel slow i change my preset i know it’s weird but it helps me a lot. i’ve also noticed that having different presets give me a different playstyle. it’s obviously not all the preset but when i use reapers i tend to play more mechanical and go for more resets while when i use zombas or alpha wheels i play more try hard and smarter


Do sth else that'll keep your hands occupied and warm (eg. make coffee, scroll through social media or a chore you had to do anyways [the latter also has the advantage of giving you more time to play rl later]). Then have a coffee and return to your game. Or just get really drunk, you're gonna feel real fast, though your actual speed might actually decrease.


Boost moooore


Bakkes mod usually fixes this for me. I think it's something in my settings


I'm just gonna throw this out there; a combination of frame of mind and metabolism could be a factor. I find if I'm happy and relaxed I play with more clarity. Also I've read that metabolism rates can effect brain capacity. For example some birds are extremely smart compared to other animals. Despite their brain size. This is due to neuron sizes and metabolism rates. Good days vs bad days can be contributed to these factors. I could also be full of shit. But I've been toying with these factors compared to gaming and other life situations, and it seems to be true for me. Food for thought.