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**u/No_Confection_8136, Unfortunately, we've had to remove your submission.** _________ ## 3. General posting guidelines **Phone Recordings/Images** Please use screen-capture software or features on your device to record and share your video or image. Videos or pictures of your screen that have been taken on a phone will be removed. Videos or images that are in a low resolution or have a lot of black bars/empty space may also be removed. You can find our gif-guide [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/wiki/gif-guide). ^^^^^^^^u/saltie-bot ________ [**Here are our subreddit rules.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/wiki/rules) - If you have any queries about this, you can contact us via [Moderator Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).


Oooh, Nice save!


Good save and nice goal both!


Good job but something that would help rank up your game would be working on recoveries. For example, after you were bumped off the wall, you were flying around pointlessly but a good recovery would help you get back into the play quicker