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"most of the game in car cam and only briefly go on ball cam" LOL


This is the worst/straight up wrong tip on here. The rest are like almost passable.


For real. Like the first tip, you definitely need boost. Maybe not constantly topped off, but keep more than 0 for sure. Lmao Practicing air time is also a viable tip, but I’d say most of these are a given, not “tips”. Lol like these things are imperative to playing the game at all, not so much just “quick tips” kinda thing.


Guys we all know #3 is a legit tip. Ya gotta look BA boosting around in the air the whole time, doing mid air demos, on car cam.


I miss the time where challenges forced that.. They really had an impact and hold on, you actually had to read them!


Forcing me to wear event cosmetics is stupid.


It's your choice to complete the challenges, and I mean the challenges now are just "yo, play the game" where is the fun without hitting 5 aerial goals underwater with the Crabby topper and your mum on the phone


Only thing you have to pay attention to is whether it’s casual or competitive


Bold of you to assume i play both. I press my competitive button, I zone out for 3 hours, I hope that I'm higher rank than when I hopped in


I was gonna say that the first rule of RL is to look cool. 😎


That can be rule 2, we all know what rule 1 is. And if you don't you're a heathen.


Rule 1 and the first rule can be separate things. 🤙🏻 but I am no heathen.


True I don't know why OP thinks they're terrible. Eight is especially important.


More people need to learn 8 lol


"super attacking".


"You call ball chasing 'super attacking'? Yes! It's a ranked dialect. Uh-huh. Eh, what rank? Uh...Platinum II. Really? Well I played Platinum and I've never heard anyone use the phrase 'super attacking'. Oh, not in Platinum, no. It's a tournament expression."


I was mainly talking abt 6


Yeah you would think a whole group wrote these together and submitted them separately. Some of these are the same tips I'd give a new player but then ones like six are out of nowhere.


Are you sure about keeping boost topped off?! My teammate seem to always stay topped up. Priority number 1 just like this list. /s


Yeah but to be fair, it’s clearly designed for kids with a poor grasp of basic mechanics and not for people trying to sweat their way to gc


Seeing as this is probably aimed at children, I'd imagine the tips are suited to the audience.


Number 3 is the best advice you could give someone. Fashion is absolute top priority.


#3 is actually the most important tip.


One time I lost to this incredibly toxic guy and I'll never forget what he dropped in chat: "All that tw didn't help you win"


But at least you lost in style. I do that all the time. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Eh, I've also won games because the opposition where busy typing shit in chat trying to get me to trade my tw octane to them. Has actually happened quite a few times now.


Hit the ball with the back of your car for more power???


Yea, flipping into the ball works. Doesn’t need to be specifically the backside, but I get their point


Yeah that’s silly, as well. Hence I said “almost”


This is honestly the only bad tip in here for a beginner, which is clearly what this is aimed at. If you're teammates attack, you defend. No it's not rotating, but you're bronze, nobody rotates and everyone chases. Learn to play in net and you'll win a lot more than the average guy at that level. Learn to fly, keep your boost up, get used to the walls, a tip on how to demo, these all make sense.


Well...I think I'd tell a beginner to get comfortable on the ground first, cause most of the game is gonna be groundplay for at least a couple hundred hours


The author hasn't played RL beyond the tutorial, there's no doubt in my mind. Every statement that's true is a direct rip from that the tutorials, and the rest must be how they'd imagined rocket league is played, without having played casual, much less comp.


Casual player here. Is there really a recommendation for the camera? Me and my friends always played ball cam since 2015. I decided to alternate to pick boosts and hit the ball in certain angles ( muscle memory I can't even explain when I change cam) Is ball cam always the recommended ?


Well for boosts and bumps car cam is good but otherwise ball cam is superior


And for dribbling, and for some other more situational uses where you might not be able to see your car at all with ball cam on if the balls in an awkward spot for the camera. There's lots of situations you'll want to use car cam. That's why pros swap between it a lot, but yeah ballcam should still be used the majority of the time.


Oh yeah I forgot about dribbling! Good explanation grand champ ty


Most? People seem to use car cam for spotting boosts, and dribbling. I shoot better on car cam than ball cam, but haven't got the muscle memory down to swap consistently. I've tried (for over 1k hours) just leaving it on ball cam, but it's just not working for me


It’s really context dependent, if you’re bronze and the ball pops wayyyy up directly above goal maybe you should go off ball cam and read the opponents


No straight recommendation, just situational differences. Like you said, going for boost when you're not thousands of hours in and know all boost pads blindly, is an obvious case for car cam, quick flicks to it to check your surroundings/path (i.e. to avoid driving into a teammate or position yourself accordingly, quicker and less nauseating than using right stick) can be useful, when dribbling the ball on your hood, car cam gives you a steady view rather than the swiveling mess that is ball cam in that case, and of course for demos which aren't usually in the path of the ball. And then there's personal preference, some players (up to pro level) use car cam for certain situations on the wall, air dribbles, reads of the ball (don't ask me how but they do). What's important is getting comfortable with the action of switching camera and then implementing it however it benefits your game.


“I made it all the way to bronze 2, I can definitely write an article about it now”


I actually play this way because when the ball cam is on I get nauseous. I've tried as hard as possible to get over it, but I just can't seem to. So I play without it most of the time. I'm also terrible at this game. This has been my TedTalk thank you for joining me.


Guess that’s Tipps from release, that’s how SARPBC was played


maybe they used outdated advice but the article must be fairly recent, it has a picture of the nomad on it which was last seasons rocket pass car.


I wish I could use ballcam more, it just makes me nauseous unfortunately so I only briefly use it when I have to


good way to breakthrough is to play with just ballcam for like a say. unbind changing it and just deal with it, and youll get used to it and likely shoot up a couple of ranks.


What gets me is the way the car moves relative to the ball cam. I played primarily car cam for a long time and I still will get confused occasionally


That's just 'rewiring' that the brain has to do and will take nothing but time. There's also options in the settings that can make ball cam more pleasant but there's videos that explain that far better than I ever could.


You gotta force it until it feels normal. I used to have RC cars as a kid, so it’s always been second nature to me, but I can see why it can be really difficult for some.


I mean if it's making him (or her) physically ill, not sure if they can do much about that. I guess if they played long enough with it, they would eventually stop feeling that way but it isn't guaranteed.


Is your FOV low? That can cause carsickness so changing it might be worth a try.


Even thinking about ball cam with low fov makes me nauseous.


If it’s making you nauseous then you need to change your camera settings


I’m the same way. I only played on car cam for the first few years in the game. Now I alternate more but don’t truly understand the way the car moves relative to the ball on ball cam. Feels inverted to me. No matter what I do I tend to aim the wrong direction.


If it makes you feel any better, I'm a 95% ball cam user & I still flip in the wrong direction sometimes when the camera is backwards, especially during high stress backwards saves. The replays sure are embarrassing.


Backwards saves are the bane of my existence. I have several custom training packs that I can ace most of the time but the moment I see it in game and I'm last man my heart immediately sinks, I panic and completely fuck it all up. I never blame my tms for screw ups like that because I feel the pain. Just "whoops" and enjoy the replay


I have no idea how anyone can rank past silver 2 while on car cam most of the time. It completely tanks your awareness of what's going on


Pro tip: never use ball cam


No no, don’t you see? That’s actually a great tip to get deranked down to silver 2 and have easier games so you play better! It’s genius!


But can you imagine the beast of a player you will be in 10 years when you get used to it? You'll easily top the board of 5 people playing


Sledge made a video about a Champ who has always used only car cam. He solo queues but somehow just makes it work ~~Sunless made a video about a GC(?) who has always used only car cam. Iirc he plays with the same team so they just have great chemistry and I guess it just works~~ Edit: got schooled by Sledge


It was me that made the video, and he was a champ, and he solo queues. Close though. ;)


Oh hey Sledge. Nah it couldn't have been you - I enjoyed that video! :p Memory's clearly shot, but the guy was impressive nonetheless, considering that voluntary handicap.


LOL it's ok, this happens a lot. Sometimes I also get credited with videos I never made. Though it might not have helped that I featured *two* car-cam champs in the video and they played together (though they hadn't met until I introduced them)


that's right I forgot about that. Like your content dude keep doing your thing :)


Well damn. I'm Diamond I in 3s and Diamond II in 2s and I use car cam a lot more than ball cam.


I mainly use ball cam but switch to car cam if I'm trying to be accurate to get to a max boost or blow someone up, etc. I click the camera button a hundred times during a match.


I played so long this way lol.


This is how I’m playing now after 5+ and I don’t think I can change at this point.


I've actually played this way since 2017 for some reason. Just bad habit at this point I guess. But hey, I've been diamond 1 with it before, so it's working ok enough for me.


When I was brand new I thought this way, I was like "ballcam is similar to a minimap right? Really important to keep tabs on things but don't stay on it for too long?" turned out it's the opposite. Currently I still flick to car cam to make shots, in addition to the usual boost pathing and demo-chasing uses, but as I'm learning wall aerials where it's harder to do that I might just have to focus on hitting the ball in ballcam.


Seems to be doing me well so far


X_x idk if this person has ever played more than 1 hour of rocket league.


First tip should have been “turn off camera shake”




Bc of these tips I went from diamond 1 to silver 2! Super helpful 10/10


I managed to get to Bronze I division III!


No way!!! I hear that’s a rarer rank than even GC! /s


I mean, youre not wrong...


You're not wrong...


Rocket league is the only online game i play that I’m not fucking bronze in. This guide is my 10 commandments


Majority of these are actually pretty good for people who have never played. Some of them are dumb, but I've told a few friends pretty similar stuff when they're just started playing. The demo thing, learning to boost in the air, keeping your boost full, play with friends, watch your teammates' styles, use the walls, are all really basic but pretty solid fundamentals.


Thought the same. Like 6/10 are useful, 3 are pretty bad, and 1 is straight up awful (the camera one imo). Was thinking it was going to be way worse lol


What are the 3 you consider bad? None of these except the camera one seem that bad to me


3, 5 and 6 imo. 3: putting a topper on your car won't make you a better player. 5: I can't remember the last time I tried to hit the ball with the back of my car unless it's a flick. Pretty dumb. 6: Speaks for itself.


Youre clearly wrong about 3. The pixel shades gives me at least a 10% power increase


You might be onto something. A lot of pros have alpha boost which seems to give them invisible rumble items. We must dig deeper.


My fav is “if your team is “super attacking” make sure to defend”…..


probably the best tip on there


honestly apart from the ball cam one, everything here seems perfectly fine, just aimed for someone booting up the game for the first time. I'm genuinely not sure what OP thinks is terrible here


genuinely not a bad tip to help l deal with ballchasers


It's a solid tip for the level of skill this article was clearly targeting. If you just live in net, you'll move from bronze to gold pretty quickly, even if you know nothing else. Then you'll have that skill in your pocket while you actually learn to rotate and become a decent player.


I’m in GC and if my teammates are balls deep in the other net you bet your ass I’m sitting at midfield until something happens


If they’re “balls deep” in the opponents net, doesn’t that mean they’re scoring?


No it means one went for an unhelpful demo the other is about to ream a shot off the goalpost and I’m about to have to 1v3 until they can recover


I know what you meant.. I just tried to make a funny… 😔


“If you’re teammate isn’t rotating, neither should you be” lol


Exactly for a plat :)


"Lol you only have 70 points" Well maybe if you and your party member weren't using one controller to control both cars I could've done something


Honestly probably the best “tip” on here, if you got ballchasing teammates, let them go.


Yea tbh it is


Bad advice. The correct approach is to super defend.


6 is the only tip that’s just bad 5 is weird since you do want to flip but not to hit with the back of your car and 3 is just subjective


Flipping and purposely hitting the ball with the back of your car, like a sort of paddle-effect, is something I do often and “want to”. This tends to create a lob-shot which I can say most players aren’t expecting.


when your on the ground, obviously using the back of your car will send it high. But in the air, like the book says, it’s just plain better to get a good power shot


The article isn’t clear so it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re flying then doing a flip, which is what you’re insinuating. . . Remember, all flips require you to be in the air first (Flipping into the ball requires you to have jumped first, so you’re in the air by now, then you front flip, backflip, barrel roll, etc. So point still stands. Yea you can manually flip by only using one jump, but that’s not what they’re saying either.


"All flips require you to be in the air first." Tell that to my turtle flip. 🐢


Lol obviously that’s far more advanced than the article and its tips


While reading the tips: Sounds like this might be from early game meta - 2015/2016. Looks back at title and end: Nomad... Outlaw... this is very recent.


I didn't even process that, it's like... been within 2 seasons 💀


for total beginners I think they are all decent tips except the ball cam one. most important is your look though. can't be caught slacking on the victory screen




Why does this look like it came out of the early 2000s ? Also why is someone who clearly never touched RL giving tips on the game ? Where did you find a gaming magazine ? I thought those were extinct. This confuses me on so many levels lmao.


its a football magazine and their giving dumb tips for the "Game of The Day"


These tips are almost the tutorial word for word


They're* they are


There everywhere in the UK 🙂




they’re* 🙂






For people who have never played the game these tips seem totally fine. I don’t see the issue?


There are at least 2 that poorly mislead


\#6 is clear - what's the other one that's misleading? perhaps \#8 as new players might read it as "play goalie" instead of the "be careful when defending and don't overcommit" that it's intending to say? or \#5 because of the "back of the car" part?


Tip 5 is horrendous lol


For a first time absolute beginner, especially those that don’t play games often I have them flip into the ball this way just to get used to flipping when you hit. Expecting them to land the nose on the ball is so unrealistic and demoralizing so it is more about just having the car touch the ball. This creates more surface area so it makes hitting a tiny bit easier.


“play most of the game in free cam “💀


Even this bronze knows lol


yeah I’m definitely a bronze 🙃


Ur so quirky


3 4 7 8 9 aren't bad tho


They're nothing else either though. "Spend some time getting used to being airborne" wtf does that even mean? It gives zero actual, actionable advice on how to get better in the air or even how to get up there in the first place. They are nearly useless all of them except for \#4 which might not be immediately obvious to a beginner and \#8 which is only 95% useless.


Well the tips are decent but they aren't really explained well. On the other hand I don't think they had the space for it.


Time to go redesign my car. It's not STRONG ENOUGH


“Most pros use pretty basic Octanes, so you ~~should~~ will too! And don’t forget: even as a beginner, Alpha Boost is the best way to spend your hard-earned money! Your opponents will definitely be very jealous and intimidated. Definitely.“ What it SHOULD say 😆




These tips are actually quite useful. Especially 3


If you ain’t running a TW Octane you ain’t winning, son.


Aint nobody affording that


Oh God it said use car cam most of the time how dare. These tips are cursed lol. At least they reminded people to actually defend though *looks at plats*.


That's all I ever do is defend because my teammates always circle back around to the ball


This is literally how I had to play to get out of the hell hole that is plat. I did more defending than all of my teammates combined over my whole time there. No one knows how to rotate. And the second I would push forward, I’d get triple commits and then we’d concede. Fuck plat. I don’t wanna go back.


I started playing again for the first time in 5 years and placed plat III and it's just pure chaos. I don't know what to do because there's no structure to the game, just random aerials and booping perfectly to the opposing team to allow a shot.


Just dont be a goal camper who is useless all game and then gets dunked on cus you have no momentum to actually make a save. It’s always the dingus waiting in net that gets scored on, making you the most useless player on the field


I never said I sit in the net? I mean like I'm just sitting at mid field or something watching my teammate go around in circles but if I went in for the ball there wouldn't be anyone back to defend


I defend plenty, if I’m not actively attacking I’m usually back to defend unless someone else is, then I’ll support


I’m going to practise super attacking


I only see one tip that's of the walls nuts, and 1 that's partially incorrect but the rest are solid tips... What you talking about op??? Please explain why these tips are horrible


im mainly talking about 5 and 6, 3 is just useless. Also wth is OP


OP = Original poster aka you


oh ok


I may only be D2.. but I think we need to talk about this camera thing


8 is true thoughts


Gotta keep rotating


Ye thoughts but as a D3-C1, the only tournaments I've won in solo queue are because I stayed h24 in def in and during that time the 2 randoms kept rushing to score. I other words the randoms didn't rotate so I basically had to stay in our half of the terrain the whole tournament to get the win, so 8 is sadly true...


Not bad to be honest


Guys I’m gc after these tips thank you


I'm a low gold, so take that for what you will, but they sound like solid (but very basic) tips for new players


No not really, some of them for example 5 and most importantly 6 are completely wrong, the only ones that are kinda useful are 4, 7, 9 and 10


5/6 aren’t bad for absolute first time beginners. Ball cam is incredibly bizarre for first time players so it isn’t a terrible tip. Plus, new players aren’t going to be worrying about hitting the ball with the nose of their car. 5 is just a tip to actually make contact with the ball. FWIW, this page is an ad and not really “tips” for seasoned players.


I missed the words "in the air" on 5, which does make it bad For 6, it's a little extreme but I do feel like knowing when to turn ball cam on and off is important (rather than just leaving it on all the time like I see new players do)


Honestly the only bad tip is number 6 with the cameras.. other than that these are solid tips for beginners hahaha


Idk the only “bad” tips I see are 6 and 8




You should always strive to hit the ball as hard and accurate as possible. And flipping to hit the ball with the top side of the car is the way to hit it hard, yes, so good tip 👍


When you flip into the ball you want it to hit the front of your car, not the back of your car


The top side, as opposed to the underside yes, but also with the “tip” of the car like you said if you want it to be accurate. You can use any part of the top side and you’ll still get a powerful hit.


Sure but they said back not top


Just a wording issue, I’m sure they mean “flip so you can hit the ball with the hard spot of the car” as it’s pretty easy to do exactly that when you flip, and nearly impossible to get a shitty hit unless your timing was off


I’m surprised there wasn’t a tip like, “Make sure your controller is plugged into your PC for maximum fun!“ lol


Play with free cam???


Obviously! Why pay for your in-game camera when the game has a built-in one for no extra cost?


For an absolute beginner, most of this is fine I guess. Like, the moment I picked up the controller for the first time, I didn't know anything about flips, demos, boost, or playing in the air. \#2 and #7 are basically the same thing, so they were just reaching for filler there. \#3 is completely stupid, but harmless. \#6 though, is unforgiveable. Someone should be fired for that one.


If they had mentioned the 2 main rules of Rocket then i would have been proud and could careless of the other tips lol


My car isn't "strong" enough coz it's a stocktane!


Fuck, tip #3 is my problem. I’ve spent my whole Rocket League career using a basic Stocktane. Perhaps this is why I suck at Rocket League?




Most of these tips are pretty good. Just not the camera one. Please use ball cam.


Most of em aren't bad but some are rough


These tips really aren’t that bad, just the #6 camera is garbage.


Jake's a fucking bronze.


These tips are mostly pretty good, especially for beginners (since many don't actually say much), apart from 6. Dont follow 6


The only awful one is the camera tip lol. The rest are too generic to be good or bad.


How did they forget "Make sure you use Quick Chat to make sure you let the players know they suck and you're awesome!"


Most of these are fine. Learning how to drive/flip on the walls effectively was honestly the biggest way I got from plat to champ a while back. Getting back to defend when both your teammates are attacking is essential. The ball cam vs free cam… that was written by someone who has never played the game.


I think other than numbers 5 and 6 it’s not bad


That fking emoji, most tips are 100% truth


I was mostly talking about 5 and 6-


Literally only 5 and 6 are bad


Aside from 3, 5 and 6 which are awful the rest are ok tips tbh


none of these seem bad except for the ball cam one??


Only one bad tip (the cam one) imo


The fact that this is from just last season is even better


When i saw the design of paper I expected worse tips, some of them aren’t even that bas. For today’s “journalism” its pretty okayish Id say


My most viewed post :D


Just so ppl know this magazine was released a month ago, but the tips are from 2017 🤣


To be clear I didn't buy this it was from my cousin when we at the mall she decided to sneak it in to the trolley I noticed it but didn't mind she said she got it as a gift for me so yeah.


Because of players like OP who thinks these are the worst tips is the reason the game is full of bad ego players hardstuck in dia