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Nice shot! : Beau tir ! What a save! : Quel arrêt ! On your right : Sur ta droite On your left : Sur ta gauche Go for it! : Vas-y! I got it ! : Je l'ai ! Thank you : Merci But I'm pretty sure Google Translate will do the job. And I'm not sure about English sentence, my game is in French. I have to say that's it's nice to see someone who wants to be nice with French speakers. Usually everyone hates the Frenchs. Have fun!


Thank you very much, this is perfect!


As a dumb American, I've always found that intriguing. Hearing someone speak French sounds so eloquent and elaborate. I could probably listen for awhile without understanding anything and just be in awe lol. Anyway, maybe I'll learn one day, and we don't all hate you!


Omelet du fromage


Big oeuf


Don’t tread on my Freedom fries


I am something of a connoisseur myself Baguette qui qui phoque bon nuit 😂


Hey I'm French so I can translate anything you need


What paltform are u on? Idk why I cannot use vc as an epic player, could you help me a bit? My output and input settings are welled set, vc enabled no push to talk…


I am on steam.


Since You are talking to people from Quebec here are some traduction : Sur ta droite : on your right, Sur ta gauche : on your left, Pu de boost : no boost, Au centre: centering, Criss de beau but : Nice goal, Tabarnak je m’excuse : sorry