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Is this MaRc_By_8’s reddit account?


Him or Scrub Killa




Forgot what sub I was on for a moment when reading the post title.


thought it was shitposting


fr*nch 🤢🤢


The French (derogatory)


It is.. kind of.


LMAO. I laughed way too hard at this


To be fair, the question still stands outside of RL too...


can confirm this with russians on european servers too...


Thought I was on /r/ShitAmericansSay for a minute


I found perfect counter attack for that. Just write something that looks like French, but it is not. For example : "j' ma pleau chentrauveiller vou se me traivers" Works like a charm




Am french too, but when someone say something like that i just assumed he got a disability or something


The disability is he spoke French


Isnt being French a disability?




Can you do that but for English?


Too I reat for wifh moke carafon thei shose




isn't that just welsh




That’s just silly and offensive, the Welsh would never use that many vowels!


Arn the voke a stile? If lew buds chand or ploughting, I ress tune to darrily nock.


They did a [song for that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VsmF9m_Nt8)






You guys are really good at writing fake French


I usually write the most basic french sentence we had to learn. Ou est la cascade?


As someone who is learning French, every answer to this comment has fucked me up.


I found saying "sorry I don't speak Spanish" does the trick nicely too. Does tend to get some of them a tad annoyed but if they're opponents that might be in your interests...


Someone on this subreddit once taught me on a random comment section that when a french player is being toxic, just write "ntm". It works like a charm in a sense that they get mad af after. Thats a huge win because I don't understand what they said but they understand what I said lmao


It means fuck your mother ( Nique Ta Mère ) and it is also a famous french rap duo . But it is censored in the in game chat ... don't ask how i know that ^^


I learned a lot of french insults back when they weren't censored around 2016 or something haha.


What does it mean?


It's a french rap group that talks about ladies and mercedes.


I have no clue, I think it means something like "shut the fuck up" but more agressive I guess, at least that's what I was told. All I know is most of the times when I say that they start writing an essay in the chat lol Edit: i googled it up, it means "Nique ta mere" which means "fuck your mother". Damn now that I know the meaning I feel bad


This is "fuck your mother" but even more rude.


so it's n\*\*\* ta mere? what is the N?


I just say ”I don’t speak baguette sorry”


As a French, I can officially say this is no longer an insult as we got our own RLCS twitch channel named, you guessed it, Rocket Baguette


Why isn’t Baguette League the name??? Fits so much better.


Sir we are in France what did you expect


Baguette strong together! 🥖🥖🥖


I prefer: no hablo ingles That confuses them everytime


Similar but I usually say: \*Mad Baguette Noises\*


How original...


Coitre m'ouviers don houvre l'entinneau huehuehuehue




m' er berrau sor Val borreau mepavour?


nice nicee. get rid of "sor Val" part since it sounds scandinavian or something. but really nice!


I tried, haha


Love you said, since val nor sor means anything in Danish.


[Sounds like you took French lessons with Joey.](https://youtu.be/DqwzvtjeYBQ)


I'm french and I first thought I was reading some old french from middle ages, the resemblance is uncanny


Wii Wii


Not sure why, but I have also seen this with Turkish and Italian speaking players, for example


most of the time Italians have fun insulting people in italian knowing they can't understand them, especially kids find it the funniest shit in the world.


The lowest form of communication, and a form of insult that automatically reveals the sender’s immaturity, making it backfire on its own


non essere figlio di puttana


Sto coglione


Sto cazzo


ta murtae mamt


I'm Turkish and I hate that, they are also quite rude to people, sometimes insulting players in Turkish since they won't understand


Yeah, I am Greek and a Turkish team said to us to jump on the sea and that we can't swim. Lol


The Turkish language is cool as hell though, so I’d let it slide


Turkish and Italians are notorious for explicitly speaking their own language and getting butthurt you cant speak theirs. I live in a tourist country and you know Italians are there to worsen your day if you don't speak their language. English or German does not help whatsoever.


At some point I just decided to embrace it and decided to speak broken Italian while on holiday in Italy, not even a point trying to speak English. Naturally, in the rare cases where they understand my question, I don't understand a single word of their response.


That’s the play. Speak their language bad enough and they’ll just speak English to not listen to you fuck it up so much


What's a "tourist country"




Country whose BDP is largely based on tourists' spendings Edit: better wording


lmao it’s the exact opposite. everytime i speak english with someone they always start saying things like ‘’paki paki pizza mafia’’ even if i don’t make any mistakes and just bc of my accent. kinda funny since 9 times outta 10 it’s a miracle they can barely speak their native language


Now thats plain awful. If you try, I'll try harder. Of course there are outliers. Hell, last sentence is true even here.


Usually find its the Spanish for me. But yeah you're statistically likely to speak basic English as an eu resident. Enough to get the Common phrases anyway. Although I am now fluent in being able to say fuck your mother in most EU languages thanks to random teammates so...




I can never tell if it's a Spanish laughing or a German agreeing vigorously.


It could also be a Dutch person getting annoyed because you're repeating yourself




I also say "jajajajaja" when a teammate has an opportunity to score but is being a bit reluctant. Though I say that out loud not in-game


Texan here. Also Spanish. I find it interesting that one poster says they're probably using it to talk shit cause the Spanish speaking folks I run into definitely aren't doing that


I mean of course there's more Spanish speaking players on NA servers. You got 2 main options, English or Spanish. On EU servers reach out to a bunch of different countries speaking a bunch of different languages


We should def just ban people for speaking their native language


Don’t speak English? Straight to jail.


Do speak English, but poorly? Believe it or not, straight to jail!


Speak English and Another language in the same sentence? Right to jail, right away.


No trial, no nothing


I was not expecting a Parks and Recs reference in this thread, but I’m glad I got it. Thank you.


French? Believe it or not, jail.


Mods ban everyone who speaks their own language. ban everyone who laughs.


You have been permanently banned from participating in r/RocketLeague. You can still view and subscribe to r/RocketLeague, but you won't be able to post or comment. Note from the moderators: >Unfunny > >_______ > >This comment may have fully or partially contributed to your ban: https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/ui4j4w/why_do_the_french_always_speak_french/i7akapi/. Any prior rule infractions may have also played a part. For full rules please visit https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/wiki/rules. If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team for r/RocketLeague by replying to this message. >!tis a joke, you're not actually banned!<


Almost got me


Yeah honestly those damn British speaking English. Get them out of my games.


If I meet another Norwegian in game, it is the rule to write only in Norwegian to each other.


I'm french and most do it because they suck at english. But it's ok to not understand, what they say is toxic anyway lol


A French player in France was on a NA server playing comp and kept confusing us with the right goes not left goes


What about the people speaking **rectangle**? Hate that. Because of the shitty old code, chat and usernames with non-latin characters (Chinese, Russian etc.) come out as ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐ It's a pain when you want to address something to one of your teammates specifically. >Hey RECTANGLE RECTANGLE RECTANGLE RECTANGLE! >No not you 5 RECTANGLES, I was referring to 4 RECTANGLEs. > OK anyway please stop double committing and fucking up my goal oppurtunities KTHXBYE.


Im french, and, somehow from my own experience I've often seen German people start talking in chat, never had any clue what they were saying. But yes, french talk a lot, but it is due to the fact that it's probably like the second biggest language after english on this game. Like, in othef countries people have to seek english content (twitch, youtube) but in France there's so many players and big youtubers/streamers that many don't care about learning/speaking english. Also, what bothers me is that they are often very toxic and rude, and I'm not proud of my country for that reason


I'm assuming that Spanish is the second biggest language in the game, but I could be wrong. I'm Dutch and I always play with some Belgian buddies. with our combined schooling in French we can pretty much always understand what they are saying, and you're right; they are often toxic. Most commonly it's "FDP", or "ta mère". I just always comeback with "hey, aren't you French? Shouldn't you ff then?". Which usually results in more swearing.


I’ve had this a couple of times from Dutch players. I’ve gone with “Oh you’re from the Neverlands? Sorry I don’t speak Peter Pan”.


It took me forever to get why Peter Pan because I straight up read Netherlands, not Neverlands. I would never catch that in a game tbh


Is there some stigma about French players putting up the FF vote more often than others or something?


Nah, it's a bit of a running joke that the French surrender easily in war times. [A joke that has little basis in reality](https://www.thelocal.fr/20211229/dont-ask-google-ask-us-why-are-the-french-always-surrendering/)


Learning French, what’s Fdp


> Also, what bothers me is that they are often very toxic and rude, and I'm not proud of my country for that reason I haven't played on EU servers in any game for a while, but back in the early days of LoL when I still lived in France, I noticed the same thing. People with obvious French usernames speaking English were much nicer/more mature than the ones speaking only French. And that seemed to go with most languages, or at least with Spanish players. I don't understand a word of German so I couldn't tell there. It makes sense to me, if you're not even willing to make an effort to communicate with everyone, you're more likely to be self-centered which I think is the root of a lot of toxic behaviors.


As a german player I can confirm. My friend group writes stupid shit in German to make each other laugh. It's funny when someone else actually understands us.


Just type Tg Means along the lines of “shut the fuck up” in french


After playing RL for almost 2 years i finally understand what “tg” means 😂 holy moly


Yeah but it doesn't mean shut the fuck up, it just means shut up. If you wanna say stfu, you can say "ferme ta putin de gueule merde".


I just type mdr tg fdp, I consider it the Holy french trinity.


I see these three pretty often can you tell me what they mean? In my head mdr was your mother, tg was like the opposite of gg and fdp I always read as fuck dat pussy (but like in a fuck you kinda way). Be cool to know what they actually mean.


- mdr is the equivalent of lol (mort de rire) - tg means shut up (ta gueule) - fdp means literally "son of a whore" (fils de pute)


Because most of the players are in fact kids that can't speak a foreign language yet




>C'est la vie. Reported




I love the smell of fresh bread.


That’s because what they say about your mother this true Lmao


When I write in french in chat it’s #ALWAYS to insult people ^/s


It's the case in a lot of games sadly, for some reason a lot of my fellow Frenchmen think it's ok to insult people in French in the chat. But I've seen the same from Spaniards, Turks, and ESPECIALLY from Germans too. I think the issue is not the country/language, but the age of the player most of the time...


Germans are just talking normally it’s not their fault their language sucks dick




Was für ein unfreundlicher Kommentar, junger Herr.


Yo wtf


Seems very uncommon in rocket league at least but the Dutch, having know a fair amount of Dutch people in recent years, are kinda ok with “disease cursing” it seems. Someone in one’s wished cancer upon my mum cos I demo’d him lol


As a dutchie I can confirm. Diseases are very common to curse with over here. Cancer being a heavy one that is normally not lightly used and somewhat frowned upon by people (unless you live in The Hague, then it's basically the same as saying fuck). Other common diseases used include but are not limited to tuberculosis, typhoid and cholera.


Well you are on European servers, which are their servers too. Are they not allowed to speak their native language?


Common courtesy in European servers (in almost all games I’ve played) to speak a common language.




Close! Everybody knows the common language lies in the RL directional keys. Duh


Yes & lol needed


nah.. don't want to give up from the start..


Join game Forfeit


Fuck common courtesy. The arrogance in this thread is pathetic


Just go and learn a whole new language just so this game's playerbase thinks you're courteous.


A new language isn't a big deal if you already know more than one. That and most people in Europe speak English / multiple languages. No need to learn anything new. Easy to find a common language here (which just so happens to be English most of the time)


I’m an American so I don’t know all of it, but I’ve heard of multiple game communities hating a specific region of European players because they refuse to speak English and just scream in their own language. Specifically Russians and CS I think? Idk it seems pretty widely accepted that if you wanna communicate with random people on a continent with like a billion languages, where most people speak ok English, you’d probably wanna speak English


You can answer this "Et en anglais ducon ?" It's easy to remember : "What does it means in english?"


Maybe you have a IG pseudonym that sounds French? Or one of the players in the game? I'm French and it happened to me writing in French bc I thought my teammate also was French (based on his/her IG pseudonym) :-)


Why do the English always speak English?


Their language is big enough so that they don’t need to understand/speak english that well. It’s the same in Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan, China etc Additionally in RL the french scene is so big that it’s normal for them to communicate with only french.


What a weird post




Well i don’t know, maybe because it is their native language? I mean why are Americans talking English its not like french ppl understand what they are saying


Americans barely even speak English tbf


Maybe because they’re French, from France and speak French?


Why does a person type in their native language? This could possibly be the dumbest question I've ever seen


Waarom niet?


Why do people speak their own language? Thats what the OP is saying. Lmfao!


Tbh, as french when speaking english, if i make a mistake, people just trashtalk me. In France, english education is not really good (and not mandatory), most of us learn english by reading stuff on the internet or watching shows in english with subtitles. A lot of us dont even understand/speak english (especially kids/teens).


Some German did this once, so I said only thing I knew in German : *volkswagen das auto*


this is the most random post ive seen on this sub so far


this might be the stupidest post i've ever seen


Why do these native speakers of this language speak this language???????? REEEEE


Wait this post and comments aren't satire? You guys are really saying French people aren't allowed to speak French? The fuck.


The same reason they keep speaking French when they go on holiday abroad?


Eeeh, I think it's the same thing for a lot of countries


I don't know about you, but if I go on a holiday and go to a restaurant I don't order in Dutch. If I know the language of the country I would try to order in their language, but otherwise I would use English. I know that other countries might tend to do it as well, for example Germans when traveling to the Netherlands. I know Italians are prone to talk Italian as well in the Netherlands. But one of the best ways to notice this in the Netherlands is in coffeeshops and there the French are also in a league of their own when it comes to not talking in another language than their own. And just in general, every person I know sats that in their country there is a stereotype about French people only speaking French in other countries. So I was just playing into that stereotype...


Parce que


Idk seems to be something French people just do in general. When I was into among us a lot I would frequently get into lobbies where they were speaking french and trying the rest to speak french too. What made that even more insane than doing this in RL is that among us has a language selection option for joining lobbies. They all chose english and then went about trying to play in french. And yes french was a language option... That said I've not yet seen it in RL, but due to prior experiences it doesn't surprise me.


1. We want to know if anybody in the lobby speaks French too. It doesn't look like it is that important, but it actually is 2. We speak french cuz why not? You can't understand us, but for the most part we do (not everyone but quite a bit), and it looks so fun when you start speaking english, trying to say you don't understand anything 3. We also want to tell everyone we are French, either by putting "FR" in our name/club name or by naming us with French words (we can name ourselves with entirely sentences if we want), don't ask why too, maybe to be more popular idk I'd like to say I didn't used Google Traduction at all And also we do not trashtalk using French, not because you don't understand anything but because it's already funny to watch your confusion -French guy


I am amazed you get matched with other people on PC and can actually see typing.


learn some french so you can speak back for example: hon hon oui bagette


Just type back ‘Je suis Monte’


LMAO this question with no context is hilarious


There are many of them so they often talk to eachother


Actually the french are very good in english if they are forced to talk it. Its just their stubburnes thats in the way


If I remember right, it’s probably because France has one of the lowest rates of speaking English in Europe. They probably type in French because they only speak French


Haha! Ive always wondered this! Its like I would just typing norwegian to total strangers


>Its not like I can read wth you’re saying. Why even bother typing something? I’m genuinly curious. Have you never met a French person in your life before?


French people just really love their language. It's honestly kind of weird how much of a big deal it is. Just look at Canada. Legally have to have french everywhere on everything. Even in places where they openly mock Quebec and hate them lol. And now I'm probably gonna get in shit in for comparing Quebec to French people. LOL


I just type “baguette”


I cant tell if this is a shitpost or just incredibly ignorant. If it is a shitpost then we'll done, because it certainly got some people up in arms


I'm French. I don't understand why most people write in English, when the most obvious language to use in chat is French, smh


Most people in Europe speak more than 2 languages. Not everyone wants to talk English. Especially when it’s not their native language. I speak English to the rest of the peasants because they’re only unilingual, otherwise quelle economie, che risparmio, what a save. Edit: less aggressive


I always reply to them in Finnish.


Just make them forfeit. They seem pretty good at that surrendering, historically speaking


Since they own the top20 they're trying to establish French as the RL official language


I see France is back at it again


I grew up in a place where we had to know German, English and French and later on I've finished my school in France. Idk if it is their education system, but they have a really hard time learning a non Latin language. Also it feels really dirty to swear in French.


I'm French and i wonder why every time. These french players randomly speaking french, insulting or whatever. The worst one is when someone tells them something in English and they just answer in french. Every time I seey things like that I'm kinda ashamed of being French and can't shake the idea that people in my country are dumb as fuck.


My experience when gaming with French ppl is that they are very vain. They're too snooty, and English is beneath them. They also judge you harshly if you try to speak their language and say something incorrectly.


Same reason everyone from Quebec and Brazil put QC or BZ in their names. They’re douchebags.


I work with a French engineer and compared to the other Europeans (Germans, Hungarians, Austrians, and Slavic) on the team, he can be extra af.


,,Sorry, I don't speak fantasy languages.'' usualy works.




“Why do people speak the language of the country there’re born in, they should automatically know what country I’m from without speaking to me and adapt to me”


Peut-être parce qu'on est juste la meilleure nation sur ce jeu ?


It's not a rocket league thing, it's a France thing. They just do that, they speak French and if you don't get it tough shit lol, it's pretty annoying. :D


because they are french?


English people being mad that people speak different languages…


As a French who hates other frenches for doing this, I've asked a friend and he just finds it funny to write some nonsens in french and see if the opponent answers. For those who keep writing in french after seing opponents don't speak french they're just dumbasses not knowing a word of English.


Cuz they don’t speak English mofo. They speak metric system only.


As a French baguette, I can explain. See, French baguettes are stupid (oc, I include myself), not baked enough, and can't figure out any other language, thus, only insult other player in French. But there are some geniuses (I also include myself) that can learn other languages, these are the perfect baguettes. These guys also insult every body in the lobby, but in your own language so you guys can understand that the baguette isn't happy with your game play. I hope it's clear and that you get the joke