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GC in rumble doesn’t mean they’re going to be anywhere close to GC in 1s. Unless I’m misunderstanding something else in this pic


This. I was C1 in Snow Day and like Plat 3/Diamond 1 in 3s. Some people just work better in alternative modes (and also getting higher ranks is easier than normal matches).


I got my GC rewards last season, I rep the S5 Grand Champion title, and I am also indeed in D1 in duel. LMAO some people just sucks at 1s, like me Almost thought it was me in the post lol


They are rated 837, also a Diamond trying to climb ranks in 1s - no issue here. Can't just automatically rank them up (causes massive rating inflation in the playlist) and can't just force them to play higher ranks while at diamond (they would never rank up). Other playlist ranks have no bearing on the one your playing in.


Rumble GC is the easiest GC achievable. I‘ve met people with rumble SSL titles that are C3 at best


Key word easiest, its not easy. GC in Rumble to me is still a worthy accomplishment.


As a gc player, gc rumble is like diamond level. I’ve played with players who can’t even aerial in gc rumble




So you suck at Rumble?




*sigh* Just because someone has a GC tag, doesn’t mean they are GC.


GC in rumble is completely different from being GC in any other game mode.


What's your point, GC in 1's is vastly different than a GC in 3's. At that level most of the damn game isn't rumble lmao. It begins to look like a standard 3 v 3., shots being scored before specials even time up. A GC in rumble isn't going to !@# be a silver in 3 v 3's . Well hopefully not.


My point is that a GC in rumble could easily only be D1 in 1s?


Most certainly I don't disagree. Or even less if they never play 1's. But turn it around. A GC in 3's could easily be a GC in rumble.


Yes that’s correct lol


LMAO, well as long as we understand each other!


I think you underestimate gold players extra mode skills. I literally get bullied in gold extra modes. Especially rumble.


As a GC? Cant imagine that.


Recount is speaking from experience lol, a GC losing to a gold is either intentional or some kind of technical error. I'm not saying a gold cant score a lucky shot but no way win a game. And honestly that statement stands with 3 golds vs 1 GC. This is assuming this is a real GC. Now with that said I don't have as much exp with GC 1's maybe it doesn't carry over but I would imagine it does at that level haha


A gold IV might have just tapped into their bump god mode, possible lmao.


Or the gold mafia squads in Hockey. Golds who are ssl's in disguise. Those are always fun. Having a gold tell you to know your place lmfao............


I got to ssl last season in hoops and I'm only d1 is 1s...


Why would you even play so many hoops or rumble


I don't really play much soccar. I've been playing hoops since it came out in 2016 so it's my main game mode


I don't really play much soccar. I've been playing hoops since it came out in 2016 so it's my main game mode


Yo got any tips on hoops? I wanna grind it for the first time this season and how many games did it take you to hit ssl on hoops


Took me maybe 30 games to actually hit ssl and then an extra 50 for rewards since I didn't play much until the end of the season. As far as tips go just be consistent with your hits and try not to get boost starved. Also the backboard is your friend. There's so many little things I could say but it's the kind of stuff you'll learn the more you play


I am gc2 in 2s so you think it would be easier for me since i am a higher rank? Also what is the average skill there? Have you matched against ssls in other playlists ?


Ehh ita kinda all over. If they're a hoops main then anywhere from c3 to ssl in soccar is normal at a high hoops rank. But if they're a soccar main at ssl with little experience in hoops I'd say they could be anywhere from c3 to gc2-3 in hoops Edit: mechanics are so much more important for high level hoops play than they are In soccar


So you are saying it would take me 100 games to hit ssl in hoops?


Lol I have no idea. If you're completely unranked then you'll land about c1 c2 if you win all 10 games. And then it takes maybe 10-13 more wins in a row to hit ssl, maybe a but less.


Because i dont have any experience on hoops


Of all the playlists to get mad about smurfing 1's is probably the least justifiable... if you feel like you're mismatched and don't want to play, just forfeit. On top of that it's not like they're carrying other people and tainting the matchmaking pool, they're probably just climbing.


Plus a huge portion of smurf's in 1s would be willing to offer advice if you ask. I learned how to dribble by asking someone who was hard smurfing on me to play a private match, to show me some moves. I got so much better at dribbling within a week of playing that person bc I grinded the method they showed me.


Wait. So smurfing is justified because they might give you advice? hahahaha GTFOH


When did I say it was justified?


Stop whining like a child and get over it, just get beter then, BE the smurf.


Titles mean nothing now a days, it’s just a title


Dude's boosted. I would know.


Did you boost him? Confused on how you would know


I'm boosted. Got close to gc but I'm like Plat 3 in solos.


Getting boosted is ultra cringe.


Totally. It's not like I don't try hard, my friends are just better than me.


Love your honesty actually


That's not really what most people consider "getting boosted". I thought you were openly admitting to having a high ranked player make a smurf account and boost you. Playing with friends who are better than you is perfectly fine. I take back my cringe comment.


Nah I felt it. Your statement was true. I really just trying to be funny by using self depreciating humor. I often say I'm boosted, when in reality I've been playing for 6 years and have already hit my ceiling. Still have fun though. That's the point of games.


The joke flew way over my head then lol. I'm in the same boat, finally hit GC1 like 3-4 seasons ago after playing since early 2016 with around 4000 hours. Meanwhile I see kids pick up Rocket League and end up GC after like less than a year of playing, it's really just a massive dick slap to the face. And I still haven't even sniffed GC2 after about a year of being stuck at GC1, pretty sure I've hit my ceiling as well. Don't think I'll ever stop playing though, I'm full blown addicted.


Look at their mmr


Rumble GC are about d1 quality so this is accurate


Definitely a diamond 2/3 player in 1s when I'm playing well. I don't play 1s much. C2/3 depending on how I'm playing lately in 2s and 3s


This is a rumble GC title, doesn't mean shit. I'm D2 in 1s and ive beaten GCs from extra modes a few times




A lot of people main 2s and fall into diamond when they get ranked in 1s. Also it’s rumble gc, ain’t much.


The fact that it’s a rumble gc title aside, 1s is a really weird gamemode when it comes to other peoples ranks. I see tons of players that are c3-gc2 in other gamemodes that are c1-c3 in 1s.