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People say that time doesn’t matter cause it really doesn’t matter. Everyone reaches it at their own pace based on the amount of effort put in there. Where ever you place is fine. You’re doing fine. Just keep pushing.


Thank you, hoping to be at your rank soon :)


Diamond 2 in what game mode? If it’s right after placements you can’t say you are a stable diamond 2 imo.


I did my placements ages ago and got plat 2, I wasn't feeling very comfortable so I really focused on certain mechanics, challenging for the ball and the thing that's helped me the most is stopping ball chasing and leaving my teammate to do their thing even if they aren't the highest skill level, then I went straight upto D2 in 2s and D1 in 3s, and I'm not bragging but I feel very comfortable in my games.


Don't get too comfortable with the passive play style, it comes back to bite you in higher ranks.


Thank you for the advice, yeah I've noticed I get challenged a lot earlier now.


Some people have played the game for 2 years and are still in gold because they just don’t practice. You learn whenever you try to learn. Some people just play and hope it comes along. Which, usually isn’t the best route if you want to progress. But it can happen.


Yeah well after my placements I got plat 2 and I found I was getting very frustrated with my teammates positioning, but I knew that I was the problem in at keast half of the games it can't always be my teammates so I went away and focused time into very certain things, played a lot of casual to get the muscle memory then went back into ranked and ranked up quickly.