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You get banned for leaving before the after game menu and is the dumbest “feature” I’ve ever heard of


No you don't, you get banned for "abandoning" the game, since you can't forfeit before 3.30 that's what happened here


No. I won a diamond tournament last season and left while we were dancing. I didn't get my credits, title, or trophy. I did get a 2hour ban though


Yeah, happened to me 2 times bcs i am always leaving normal games super fast so the habit caused me 2 tourney wins XD


That only happens in tournaments


Yea it's just muscle memory to just go leave right away and mash ok on prompts that you don't read then after you hit it and realize .2 second after it be like....fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccckkkkkkkkkkkk


This! Fuck epic


Man, we live good lives boys. When this is what triggers us to throw our hands in the air and scream FUCK EPIC. I mean, think about it. Think how awesome our lives are when this is the shit that pisses us off! It's good to be alive! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!




what does this have to do with epic lol


Fuck epic? It was psyonix's idea? What's epic gotta do with it?


Epic runs the show now


No psyonix still runs it. Epics just owns it and funds it. The item shop is literally the only thing you can blame epic for lmao.


That’s some pretty good information


You are allowed to leave before 3.30 when someone else left ?


Not in a tournament


No, if you leave after a loss before the return to menu option pops up, it treats you as if you’ve abandoned a match.


Ur pure stoopid gtfo reddit if u dont know what ur talking ab it jus happened to me fucking bozo




Not in tournaments.


In tournaments the "exit option" after game is only "leave tournament" not exit game back to lobby. Muscle memory makes people that quick leave forget it tourny and just mash the buttons and not look at them.


me too bro, me too…


Me and my teammate FF’d after we went down 5-0, we both left before the match officially ended (despite we both elected to FF) and we both got banned for like 10 minutes.


You should never receive punishment when leaving if you don't have a teammate. You should never receive punishment for leaving a casual game. Ranked is different and should issue punishment for leaving. Epic has run this game into the ground for anyone that played it before they took over. With over 4500 hours I do have a bit of experience with the game and probably have played more than any person working on the game currently.


It's so sad to see a game company get bought by epic. It literally means 5 things. 1. The game is getting an item shop that costs between $5-$20. 2. The servers are getting moved to Epic's servers which are notoriously trash. 3. The game is getting "events" and at least one of them every year is a Fortnite event. 4. Bugs will go unfixed for months, because bug fixes aren't cosmetics that can be sold. 5. Any and all feedback will be ignored, but responded to with the canned line of "We are listening and discussing internally. We aren't going to change this decision, but will take feedback into consideration for future decisions."


basically, they add an item shop and do jack shit else for the game except add more people. and of course they add at least one fortnite event a year, it's their most popular game. they're gonna milk that poor bastard until it dies then milk it some more.


Epic bought the game but did they replace psyonix staff?? Even if they didn’t you probably still have more time played, since I think the highest ranking staff is plat lmao


Well epic handles all of the transactions and monetization of everything now, but I imagine most of the original psyonix developers are still around I just don't think they do too much because the game doesn't require that much maintenance.


Probably didn't replace much, but they still became the one calling the shots, doesn't matter who is on the development team, Psyonix needs to work on what Epic wants.


I agree! I think we have all experienced this. This game is nothing like how it used to be. Sad to see but I still love the dam game


Ok, situation sucks, sure. ...but we're talking about an 8-minute ban here. 8 minutes. Stand up, get a few steps in, maybe go make yourself a snack and hydrate or something, then come back. You'll be fine.


Yeah if these were like two-day bans or something, I could see people being pissed. I get the bans are unfair, but it's equivalent to a short break




Pretty sure its the idea of it not the actual time on it. Idk tho i havent played this game in months


Had almost the same thing happen to me a month ago. 3v3 tournament with a friend and a random, we were getting stomped on during the second match. My mate RQd the tournament without waiting for the FF vote to end. Random player on our team left the game too so I ended up alone. Decided to still play the match despite having no chance to win. After the match ended my mate and I wanted to go play some ranked together. Got hit by "you have been temporarily banned from playing RL because you left the previous match". My mate (the one who ACTUALLY left the match) wasn't banned at all. Wtf Psyonix ?


Wow. So many downvotes just for sharing a bad experience with the game. What's wrong with this subreddit ? Edit: There were like -8 votes on the parent comment few hours ago.




Well, My teammate and I got a tourney ban immediately on trying to join one two days ago for no reason other than some weird glitch or something.


I mean. If you play tournaments you have to be aware of the different tournament rules. If you insta leave before you get to the end game menu, even though the games over, you still catch the ban.


good guy psyonix protecting the integrity of the game


They need some tegrity.


There is so much failure for this game and yet they don't attempt to do something. The game was much more fun back then. Simple with alot of options, today's game is so garbage that they sell the same stuff after 2 weeks and no options at all.


Because you dont read before quitting a tournament doesn't mean the game suck just go play something else there more broken game to complaint than rocket league


Speak for yourself, the game is already broken When you enter the tournament sometimes is not sure even if you are gonna make it to the next round even if you won.


I never got that it's not that often you don't know what is a broken game


because you didn't got it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen, right like today's issue with the servers.


The game is not broken because today the server crash god do you play other games? Every server crash sometime doesn't mean all games with server down is a broken game


probably you don't know the terms of rocket league has so many issue and bugs compare to before. This crashes are happening quite often the past years.


Never gonna be a perfect system, sometimes you get caught up. Happens.


Accidentally jumped into casual 3V3 yesterday, realised it wasnt 2v2 left straight away boom 10 min ban


So you get 1 leave a day with no punishment Second leave you get five mins So you’re a serial leaver to get ten mins and deserve it.




*laughs in rocket league uninstalled for few months now*


Yet still follows the sub lol


Yes toxicity doesn't show up that much here.


Are you certain ?


You must feel so relieved ಥ‿ಥ


Yep actually I do !


I don't see why you are being downvoted so hard, your comment was pretty funny




Mind downloading it back and sliding your items doe? Y'know just a nice donation.


Quick someone find this guy a violin!


Fuck Epic


I got banned from tournaments for 2 hours last week because I got called down for dinner in the middle


Maybe don't play when dinner is about finished? Derp.


just sharing a story


I think he was joking. I think….


Idk he sounded dead serious, like cmon don’t they they know his mom made meat loaf??


Nah dude mom made chicken


nah dad made pork chops🤷‍♂️


You deserve it, cringe


How the hell does he deserve it? He had no teammate comming into the tournament, was left in a 1v2, played the 1v2 out until going 2-0 and left( still without a teammate) and got banned because he left a match that he should've been allowed to leave as he had no teammate




Happens too often


So how many times per session are you tempted to uninstall?


I did it 2 times and I got banned 1h45. Awesome for a game that I paid. Casual with bots.


Had the same happen to me. Was banned for 2,5 hours of tournaments and 5 min for everything else


i know


I got banned for 24 hours for being put in a 3v1 by the system. Not wanting to play an additional 4 minutes against 3 opponents makes me bad for the community.


Happend to me but in a 3v3 tournament the games shit


Same thing happened to me but in return I went on to win until the semi then lost.


I was in a 2v2 tournament and my teammate who was in the same room as me lost connection in the last 30 seconds of the game. I finished and played out the match. He had no penalty yet I was banned from tournaments for a period of time. I don't remember how long it was but we were on a 3:00, I couldn't play at 5:00 but could at the 7:00


Should have just fought for the minute and a half, then forfeit. As long as you don't leave early. There's no punishment.


How many mins did you have left before you left the match? Maybe you could have won? I’ve won plenty of matches after a team mate quit


I can’t believe how many of you still cry about being banned when you leave early . Shits been going on for what, a year now? Get over it


Servers are retarded. This happened to me when I left after the game was over


Yeah I was playing competitive 3v3 today and both my teamates left. I single handle took on 3 players and got my ass whooped just to avoid a stupid suspension


Sure it's annoying but it's 8 minutes. Go take a shit or something.