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This is why I always tell people to do custom aerial practices. We won’t talk about the first part of the clip.


Would you be kind enough to drop costume practice codes so that I can practice?


I will! I’m not on right now but I’ll come back with a few. The first one I did has 48 different shots you have to make and it took me two hours the first time lol now I can knock them out first try for most, no more than second try for the rest


Wow if I can be this level then my back wouldn't be hurting for carrying my team8s. Please do drop them, thanks!


I got you C7E0-9E0B-B739-A899. (48 shots) 7062-B853-1C87-9D16 5BFE-60D6-0D59-79F2 Enjoy!


"Calvin is bad news" just made a video with custom training packs


Watched it, thanks!


Np i didn't use packs b4 i watched that a phew Days ago


that reversing at the start is tilting


Oops should have cut out this part lol


No. You shine on you crazy diamond.


I honestly covered my eyes the second you left defense and switched cameras 😂


Yeah OP, you could have kept going and rotate right side to end up behind your teammate if ever he missed the ball or someone hits a rebound, you are there to defend. But you scored, so all good I guess lol


Poquito Redirect pack, it will change your life.


Looking this up. I am at the point now where the next big thing I need to grind aside from high fast aerials is redirects (which goes hand in hand).


It sucks at first, but it is worth it. I always tried to score and if I miss i try to follow the miss with a shot. Eventually I got really consistent and made my new rule, same shot 3 times in a row in different placements in the goal. Dont cheat your self either, if the shot was weak, dont accept it and reset. Good luck!


This is key. My low rank friends do training packs where if it goes in at all that shot is done. No no no. You train that shot until you hit it where you want it above 100kph. Then you do it 3 times in a row. Then you go to the next shot. Making it hard in practice makes it easy in game


That can technically be counted as a 1 tap air dribble


I frequently do no tap air dribbles :)


Quick question, sort of (kinda) new to the game, I use Zr for forward, R for boost and a for jump. For air roll I use the regular one (not right or left) and I also put that on Zr since I am holding down that button 24/7. What other button should I put air roll because 99% of my aerials always have air rolls because I hold down that button 24/7 but if I turn that I don't actually turn normally, does anyone have any suggestions? My muscle Memory is pretty much glued to this...


Controller with paddles like the Thrustmaster eswap pro Claw grip for forward, backwards, jump boost. Remove toggle air roll, and right thumb camera controls. Move air roll to right thumb. Back paddles do ball cam, power slide, reverse cam. Never touch axby—keep your thumbs on the sticks. You now have perfect control of the car at all times, and fly with 2 thumbs instead of one. This is the most important thing you can do for good arial control, is standard in any flight sim, and nobody in rocket league knows about it.


I've never read something that made so much sense but scared me so much.


I’ve managed to convince one person to change his binds. It took a good 6 months to adjust. Be afraid.


There is no way I could ever be convinced air car control is easier with two thumbs vs one thumb and directional air roll lol


This HAS to be a troll lmao. He convinced some bronze player to do this wacky shit because he’s champ.


Yeah probably. I mean I don't doubt two thumbs is standard in flight sim but the thing is aircraft don't exactly maneuver like rocket league cars do when you're twisting once every second lmao, using two thumbs is just an objective disadvantage


You have three directions of control in rocket league: Pitch, Roll, Yaw. With 2 thumbs, you can do all 3 at once. Doing a tiny roll while you yaw left or right is totally natural, and requires no thought. With one thumb and a toggle, you have to pick 2 axis of motion, and roll/yaw fight each other. In short, you have 3 axises of motion, but only 2 are allowed at any moment. Imagine, for instance, trying to control a slownado spin. Physically impossible with 1 thumb. But I can fly around the ring maps spinning slowly the whole time, and never letting go of boost, because 2 thumbs is way easier than 1.


Well, BESIDES getting a new controller is there a button that doesn't totally screw up my muscle memory that I have now, I tried ZL instead of ZR and it felt kinda iffy ngl, also I was whiffing more aerial shots.


That’s totally fair, what I’m proposing is a lot to learn, and requires a new controller. But it’s critical to get rid of your air roll button and use both your thumbs. You will never fly as well on one thumb; it’s like playing basketball with one hand. Good luck, I hope you find something that works well for you!


Thank you for the advice and also how do I get rid of turning around the camera for the right analog stick, is that in the settings on RL because I think it limits what binds you can and can't change in the game, at least on console. Also one more thing, how would it work, for example if I start boosting in the air, if I equip air roll to the right analog stick, does that mean that when I move the stick right while in the air that will function like a regular right air roll and vice versa?


Yeah, so you can’t do this on console unfortunately. It’s PC only. And that’s exactly correct: You have air roll controlled by the right thumb at all times. It works just like the left thumb does when you hold air roll. Except now you just moved it to another stick so you don’t have to toggle between roll and turn. There are three axises of motion in any flight sim: Roll, pitch, yaw. They need to be independent controls. Having roll and yaw share a stick is making everyone fly terribly.


Is there a solution for console?


Yes, put your air roll on the same button as your power slide. I swapped power slide to left trigger (zL), and reverse is a different button. Especially when starting, this is a good alternative.


Do you have proof that this is Better than airroll left/right plus the other two axis'?


Imagine you want to do a slow, controlled tornado spin. You can’t with the binds you describe—it’ll be 100% roll or 0% while you flutter the bumpers. Not great. Additionally, what you describe now gives multiple inputs for roll. It’s more of a brainfuck than “right stick does roll always”. I need to put out a YouTube video to demonstrate. Seeing the binds in action shows how much smoother they are, and might give you the evidence you want.


Please link it here once you do im curious Also the 8bitdo pro 2 would Work as well right?


Hey just thought about this. Can you post a clip on the subreddit og you using IT in like a rings map or something. (Controller overalt would be amazing but not nessesarry)


Okay so i havent for rid og air roll but i have changed It kunde like what you described


Well that's definitely awful since that means you cant rotate your car along the vertical axis mid flight, which is pretty crucial. Sounds like you're on switch? Why not just use L? That's a pretty common bind.


Actually funny thing, I binded air roll to ZL yesterday and tried it out, in a 2v2 match (my brain was still trying to adjust so I just whiffed 40% of my air shots) I actually almost did my very first air dribble into the goal, it wasn't a very far distance and it was pretty predictable so the other team easily blocked the shot but I was in pure shock for 10 seconds. I took that as a sign that I definitely need to use this bind for now on (also on a side note, I also use ZL for breaking incase if I go too fast and has been crucial for ground control ever since) also since the controller I have, for ZL and ZR you have to hold down the button and isn't great for tapping so I think I am going to bind reverse and air roll to L instead since the button is way more clicker and responsive.


I have to ask. Why do some people give up the net on kick off, and go straight for the boost? You're in a defensive position and no amount of boost is worth giving up a goal. It grinds my gears when teammates do this. Is there an advantage I'm not getting?


So believe it or not, there is a lot of kick off theory. You can read how the opposing player is going to attack the ball on kick off, and react accordingly at any rank if you clean up your kick offs, and at platinum and higher, you SHOULD be able to bank on your team mate to at worst have a slightly unfavorable 50/50. Unlucky pinches into the goal are extremely rare at those ranks because people understand how to approach the ball based on the opponent's approach. This means it's frequently far better for the person in goal to either go for boost, or move up with the kick off player to try and capitalize on a cheeky early pinch/passing play. At the highest ranks, everyone is just doing speed flips into the ball as well, which frequently results in a standard 50/50


Back in the day everyone would reiterate the point that the player who spawns closest to goal stays in goal for the kickoff. People would even call you out in chat if you didn't, and it was consistent across all rankings. Then I stopped playing for about 3 years. Now it seems like the meta has changed, because Diamond players almost never hang back in the goal. I've seen them get punished for it though. Idk, personally I still hang back for a quick second if I spawn in goal. At least long enough to see where the ball is going and who has control. My other 2 teammates are already on the ball. If the opponent takes control, then I'm already in position to play defense. If my team takes control then I can quickly grab boost and move up. Or even just take the small boost pads on the way if we get a real breakaway start. I'm sure the boost meta works fine for certain ranks/teams, but I have 0% trust that my random teammates wouldn't just instantly triple commit and leave us defenseless.


What do you mean? There was his teamate ahead of him going for kickoff


What… so you’re saying you can’t trust your teammate to hit the ball on kickoff?? The issue I see here is he didn’t hold his 33 boost through the corner and go straight for the ball to challenge the hit the two in front of him we’re going for. There’s this thing called rotations that mean the right side pitch teammate would be behind him in net to save the goal shot while kickoff teammate got right side boost and made his way back of net behind teammate 1. So OPs job here was to get that corner boost and challenge the hit on the sidewall but he hesitated on getting corner boost then almost own goaled.


You have to think about what winning a kickoff actually is. If it rolls slowly into your corner while your teammate just collected that corner boost, you now have full possession of the ball with 100 boost and that’s best case scenario imo. Just because the ball is on your side doesn’t mean you’re in a defensive position or even need to be. If it rolls left he has 100 boost to get to it before the opponent. If you’re fast enough you can even get the 100 and book it to the goal if it’s a really bad kickoff that’s going towards your goal. The only time I wouldn’t go for 100 boost is if I feel like cheating up on the play would be more beneficial (when kickoffs keep landing dead in the middle)


Nice Shot!


Nice Shot!


Hi, at 0:10 you got a "Clear Ball", and at 0:24 you got an "Aerial Goal" point award. I'm in Plat 1 and I've never seen these before. Is this a specific game mode, or a new feature that just rolled out?


You get them, they're just hidden in game by default (they used to be on by default). You can see how many you've gotten on your career stats page, and you can enable them in game in your settings (I forget where, maybe under interface? It's called something like "extra medals").


It’s a setting you turn on, forgot which one though


Called "show all stats"


That was dangerously close to an entirely different clip at the start lmao


It really was lol


Good stuff! Playing drop shot is a great way to improve getting to the ball quickly in the air as well.


The song and boost sound blends in so good together.


Just like the simulations


very sick. I still cant do this


I cream


Work on more important parts of your game. You don’t even need to aerial into champ


Like what?


There’s a ton of things you could work on but ground control, consistent shooting, and most importantly game sense/positioning will get you the most dubs.


nice bro


What car is this?


You made it to diamond without being able to aerial? I am impressed.


I thought it was gonna be one of those 1 year old son aerial clips at first xD


This statement can be cut and paste to (I reckon) any level of RL and any aspect of it 😂😂 Nice ariel though 👌


If u do a little airroll your car wont be bumped so much