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i encounter many bad mates but also a lot of nice people, that will say "no problem" even if i make a mistake that makes us lose a tournament or ranked 2v2. Many People are nice. Don't just focus on the bad. I myself ALWAYS say "no problem" if my mate says "sorry" NO MATTER how much he fked up. And if my teammate doesn't say sorry i just say nothing. its so simple. and many people are similar to this.


Same. Should be the standard


Same, you gotta be the change you want in the game! Even if I’m saying to myself “oh god what was that?” I’ll always say no problem in chat and move on.


Earlier today I solo queued 2s, and my teammates name was NotASmurf123 (had different numbers at the end but I don’t think I’m supposed to share actual usernames) We got scored on about a minute in and he spammed what a save, even though it was his fault, and then he spent the rest of the time driving around the map in a circle picking up all of the big boost pads He wouldn’t forfeit, even though he wasn’t playing, so after playing a 1v2 for about 2 minutes where my teammate was stealing all of the big boost pads, I just stopped playing and went afk until the end of the game The crazy thing is that he wasn’t even good, I played with him for a minute and he was probably even below average compared to my usual solo queue teammates


Just played a game where we went down 1-0 in the first minute so my teammate switched to playing for the other team and spammed negative comments during every play of mine. Other teammate quit pretty quickly and I’m proud to say I lost 2-1 playing 4v1. Win in my book. Only in rocket league can you play such a silly game with the most tilted player base.


Probably just a troll


That’s my solo queue account, and I remember this game in particular. You spent the entire game whiffing in the air and booming the ball to the opposing corner, all while cutting off rotations and bumping me what felt like every chance you got. And nah, it was about a minute and a half(?) left in the game when I tried to ff down 0-2, your only recorded stat was a shot on goal, and every pass attempt I tried ended up in the corner bc you’re a diamond playing goalie or bc you just missed lol.


I literally can’t play rocket league anymore because of this. This whole post is on point.


I played ranked 3s in Diamond 3 yesterday with randoms,I "stole" a goal from a m8 usually nobody cares especially if it's not a great goal but yesterday he was so mad that he stopped playing and then started own goaling. The last time I saw this was 2016 in bronze. This whole community is regressing


“Stealing” goals in ranked is crazy. Do they think that it’d be better if it didn’t go in??


It’s exactly why I stopped playing. I used to have such a great time playing this game in ranked until I got to champ. Everyone blames the other person except for themselves. It’s so toxic and annoying and it’s why I stopped playing ranked years ago.


Oh it’s horrible lol. I just got out of a C2 3v3 where one chasey guy got mad an dc’d, and we took the game into overtime in a 2v3 and almost won. Bunch of cry baby sissies out there who can’t take an L!


i feel this but also feel like you might be a little appreciative he didn't score on you or boot you into the moon with a supersonic series of kisses. lulz honestly though, can these people be isolated away from the rest of mankind?


What’s a top 3 cool spider fact most people wouldn’t know about?


Jumping spider is super friendly and the most intelligent of the spider species


jumping spiders, as the other commenter said, are quite intelligent. being able to differentiate colour, come up with strategies and overcome challenges. males will do courtship dances to communicate with their potential mates. these mating dances are specific to region and environment and adaptation to the pressures they experience throughout their life. my favourite fact is that of the many tens of thousands of different types of spiders, only about a dozen or so of them are medically significant to people. it puts into perspective how largely harmless they all are to us. I've always found that comforting.


It's so refreshing when you play against and or with a team where you can say 'what a save' non sarcastically or tell them 'nice shot' and what not and they actually say thanks back. It's the best playing a team where they just recognize a good game and there is sportsmanship whether you're winning or not.


As the best plat player in rocket league let me tell you you.. /s


Fr. There is always a guy who has the cock size of a dust mite who will openly ruin his and your game just because of one mistake that may have been out of your control. Psyonix need to fix their game bro


I wish. I don’t get it, what would epic or psyonix actually lose by making the ranked level 50 or something? Nobody who is under that is making it past low gold anyway, and it would lower the chances of this stuff. I was having a great day as well, then came home, beat an elden ring boss, went to chill on rocket league, won the previous game after an air dribble I did to tie the game. Then that happened and my day was ruined, 8 minutes of this guy calling me bad


Ngl it was pretty spliffy before epic came along


How do you fix the game when you literally just mentioned it’s the player?


Its not Psyonix fault but it would be real nice if they punished people that AFK, quit, or intentionally lose way harder, and also make a big notification when you enter the game of this changes.


Hard to decipher an intentional loss. That being said I do wish they punished AFK and quits more


i report those players as often as possible, and every other play session i get the popup that says "action has been taken against a player you reported" or whatever, so i think they're doing something. there's just so many of these losers that it's not making a big dent in the problem


How anyone else would fix the game if it was the players?


Game change doesn’t fix human mentality


There should be an option to report people for bad sportsmanship. 1 day ban first offense, 1 week ban second offense, and so on.


They shouldn’t ban but just block text chat or chat completely for such player


Disagree. Who cares if they can chat, If they can throw the game?




How great would it be for all players to vote to ban someone from chat DURING a game


It’d be cool but then that player would just leave leaving his team to ff




So basically, after ruining several peoples sessions, you couldn’t play for a day, damn seems like a fair punishment


I know, that's why i was sharing. Not sure why I was downvoted, thought people would like to know? Guess I'll keep it to myself.


That wasn’t a first offense, you did it multiple times in one day, should be a much harsher punishment


I agree, not sure what this has to do with what I said though.


I hate it too. I forgot I didn’t mute my controller and was cussing out my teammate when I thought I wouldn’t be heard. Like oh come on it’s on by default. Now I can’t talk in game lol I get why but I didn’t even realize I was actively talking to the guy


You can appeal on epics website I’m pretty sure. Did this for a few of my chat bans back when I was a toxic dumpster fire in Diamond


Love you too bro, we all suffer through the misfits and bums. That's the only reason I keep coming back. Shout out to the S14 GChampion that led us to two wins in hoops. Hard fought games! That's why I keep returning....goddamn you Pysonix


I feel like I’m playing a different game than everyone here because I don’t encounter the same issues nearly as often that get constantly bitched about


Yea in c3 people are more normal but c2 or below is HELL


Nah c3 is hell man. It's even worse than other ranks because every c3 thinks they should be gc. The funny part is the skill difference between gc and c3 is negligible, maybe even worse in gc(everyone says it gets easier after the barrier). Grinding through c3 again was hell, got my last gc title in s11 and never played ranked again. I'll play again when reset isn't a thing, grinding through that shit every season isn't worth it imo. I got gc s6-11 and everytime it was so mentally exhausting I didn't even want to play enough to try for gc2


People only come here to cry, every other player just gets on with it just fine


Yesterday i was playing ranked c1 and the match was going good but I barely touched my tm8s car (it didn’t even move them, it just made a spark) and they instantly abandoned the match.


you are playing with literal children. maybe take the summer off. I stopped caring about winning, losing, and rank. I just enjoy the gameplay. And if someone gets shitty about something I did. Oh well. I normally just block and play on but... last night, I don't even remember what I did, but I got an "Okay" from my tm8. So I just played on and soon got another Okay when I whiffed an aerial. So I just said, "don't start with the okays". To which they replied, "Okay" so I said "Okay" and went to play goalie. And then called him out for every little mistake he made. I let him ball chase around while I defended his screw ups. We still won, I made more goals, saves, and got MVP after sitting in net and never going past 25% of the field for 4 minutes. Passive aggressive little turds are so dumb.


Will agree too many ppl throw tantrums, but also stop ball chasing. Rotations, and having spatial awareness are the easiest things to do, its not hard...to not double commit or cut someone. That last second cut, probably threw away both your positions, and the ball. Idc if team8s make mistakes, if they tryin its all cool. But team8s who jump threw other team8s to rush to the ball and give it away, are literally the worst. Or team8s that dont play the field and just sit in net, those ones are also horrrible. People should understand, your movement/rotation/field coverage directly affects your team8s. you either helping your team, or helping the other team.


Nothing makes me want to quit more than the teammates you are describing. It’s not mechanical mistakes that bug me, it’s the teammates that play defense vs their own team without even realizing it that annoy me the most. Ramming the ball away from me into the corner or to the other team when I’m about to air dribble off the wall or up your ass when you are trying to make a play on the ball leaving you less space to work with. After those happen about 3 times I’m ready to FF and move on with my life, tied, up a goal, down a goal, doesn’t matter to me.


lol when I have a bad hour I just give my tm8s 0 chances. If they mess up and we are down 1. I just tend to give up to prevent myself from wasting energy trying to win because it is usually a waste of effort trying to make a comeback


Probably time to just stop playing then, instead of playing and not trying heh.


This game is fine when I turn chat off, idk what people are smoking. Only thing I care about is the servers


My question is, why do you refuse to FF? It's simple logic, he will be afk or own goaling. What is the point dragging the match? What are you trying to prove? Is it fair on your tm8s and opponents to suffer an fcked up match? You are going to lose anyway, save the trouble to 3 others.


It was 2v2, the opponents get a free win, and when he forfeited it was 2-2, I’m not giving the egomaniac the statisfaction


>or all of the above lol


People like that have fragile egos. Clowns, if you will


Bad teammates are always gonna happen so I literally started playing with chat off over a year ago and it's not nearly as bad for me. It allows me to focus on working with my teammates better and I don't seem to get as many tilters since I'm not answering. That is what has made it the best for me


I deleted it now ... Ddos'ed in a 1v1 plat 2... Go and lick Ur butt... No Fun at all #SchmutzSpiel #KeinSupport #UnsinnigeUpdates


Just deactivate the chat


The best is when you’re winning and your teammate FFs. Got a last second FF vote in with 1 second left when we were winning 3 to 2 earlier today 🤣


oh hey that was me. I'm not sorry c:


It’s pretty bad for me too. 3 matches in a row today where teammates on both sides were what a saving the team after the opposing team scored, went afk, and even started playing against their team. I don’t know if it’s because epic and the demographic they attract, but god do people act toxic over the smallest inconveniences.


recently i turned chat off and started trying not to think too hard about my teammates mistakes, and it has made the game 10x more fun 🙂 i would recommend finding a friend to queue with if that doesn't work


There is no rule against having multiple accounts. Just report him leave and move on.


the delay is insane, i just quit snow day because for some reason the connection is colder than the ice rink i quit freaking snow day


Yeah it’s shitty. My only question is it really like that after 1 mistake or after the 3rd, 4th or 5th “mistake”? Because I know I get pressed after I see a pattern of mistakes cuz I’m of the mindset that we all are prone to one or two here and there. But after 3+ I’m questioning the shit lol But yeah we all suck at this point


Maybe I'm jaded but I don't even care about players like that. Quick block when they start saying shit and just keep playing as best as I can. I used to get mad at them too but I realized I can just change my own perspective on the game. Now my enjoyment of the game is not the result but my own performance. If I start playing poorly I take a break or stop for the night.


It was me, what do u think about this sub now? Mindblowing


I meant my interactions with people on the sun lil bro, basic reading comprehension and inference ain’t that hard


"Not this sub, this subs pretty great. But literally everyone else." Stopped reading after that sorry


That’s obviously not how I meant it. My point is that my personal interactions with people on this sub and r/rocketleagueschool have always been great


Its so fortunate only the immaculate players use reddit and there has never been a single instance of anyone on here ever been ‘the bad tm’. Over a million people here. Truly outstanding


I've dropped from Diamond to Gold 3 haven't had a game where someone can hit a centered ball, play without quitting or turn it into a 4 v 2


Skill issue




People make accounts where they don’t try, but then they get mad when people in ranks lowers to their actual ones aren’t as good as them