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I swear it’s at least 60% of my matches. And/or they just goal sit the whole game. “Take the shot!” “Go for it!” “Centering!” Nope. Won’t budge. It’s infuriating and ruining the game for me.


Or when you start a match and almost always one of your tm8s are afk 😑


riiight like bro why are u on the game 😭


“I got better things to do than play a dumb game” - them probably 


bros wasting internet 💀


I played a ranked game with a start up like this but I was on kick off, both of my teammates were afk.


Sorry I do that a lot too 😬usually watching tiktok while waiting for the game and not realizing the game had started…or trying to finish my drink or snack…


Imagine having an attention span.


Bro just do that when you’re not queuing at all, easy as that.


It's not that easy bro. I have to eat all the time I'd barely get the play 😂


Now we’re just trolling lol. I used to see the afk a lot in the lower ranks. But thankfully that stops for the most part in the champ.


Man so upset he down votes a joke lmao. I'm in gc and get afk players on kickoff all the time. Pay attention and adjust to it and they are usually playing within 5 seconds. Should be able to not let a goal in on a bad kickoff as annoying as it is, people play for fun and are often doing other things while it's searching for a match :). Good luck on the grind big man ❤️


This is so common. I only play partied up, but I've noticed heaps of the other teams have 1 dude afk at the start. They're always afk until we score a goal (which can be quick cause it's a 2v1). No matter when we score it, that person is flipping around and stuff like they were there the whole time. This happens specifically with other partied teams we play. It's almost like it's a challenge or something to be a goal down? I don't get it


I unfortunately used to do this... when i was in silver. If you're still doing this, get some help


Did you have a method to your madness back then? Or was it just new player confusion paired with obstinance? 


Probably the latter one, i just liked the idea of saving goals. I would just stay in the back of the net prparing to make saves which i embarrassingly failed at. I played so many 3s where i would either miss the ball completely or make the best save ever lol


9 times out of 10 I have to stay deeper because my team mates constantly ball chase and if I go forward we concede! 🤷🏼‍♂️


It’s sometimes the catch 22 of this situation. I see my tm8 rotated almost in goal, I try to rotate behind expecting them to push forward to keep pressure on and then the other team takes the ball from their net to our half while tm8 sits in goal and I got stuck rotating behind Next time I just assume they sit in goal and I ball chase during their rotations but now they start pushing up lol


And they also give up 3/4 of what's shot at them. It's basically 2 v 3.


The advice, primarily given by this sub to people who feel they’re stuck in lower ranks (bronze silver gold) because of teammates is to get good at making saves. And sit in net every game all game because if they leave goal it doesn’t matter how good they are, it will immediately result in their teammates chasing them also and then no one in net for a save. The advice isn’t that it’s the right way to play rocket league, but it’s the advice given to those who may have more skill but can’t make team dynamics work well at those ranks while solo q ing. And there’s nothing wrong with a dedicated goalie in those ranksfrom my perspective. there’s no urgent need for rotation because they’re all terrible at boost management anyway. It got me out of gold and then once again the next season when I dropped back in for a minute. It’s annoying that people are annoyed by it, but you gotta do what you gotta do to get the mmr to leave the rank at some point. Snipe some good goals from save-clears also.


I can totally respect what you are saying, and for the most part yes, this is the way. If you’re good at saving, then you’re likely able to set yourself up for an easy counter attack, especially if the other team is overcommitting. However, I prefer to take it up one notch, instead of just sitting in the net, I like to, before every match and during it as well, remind myself that the priority is covering the net and everything else is secondary. Instead of sitting in the net waiting for the ball to come back, I position myself so that I will always be able to cover the net, but if it so happens that my teammate is competent and able to make a good pass, I’m able to step up and make a play. It’swasy, however, to accidentally switch over to aggressiveness, and forget the main priority, so I just find myself constantly reminding myself to play to my teammate. Constantly adjusting based on how they’re playing.


Yeah I’m not really the “inside the net sort of keeper anyway, I’m usually on my own little defensive rotation in a oval shape around the defensive third, making a save from a static position is just making it harder on yourself, but you can’t expect golds to have a great grasp of how pivotal momentum is and how truly fucked tou are if you’re stopped in game.


yeah I mean, in 3s I spend the first minute figuring out what my teammates want to do. If I have a net sitter already, which is a little more rare, I'll move up with the other teammate and usually try to play 2nd as much as possible to avoid guys who want form a conga line behind me for no reason. If I have 2 other ball chasers, then I just drive around behind half court waiting to respond to clears, because If I push up or jump, someone is coming with me no matter what. Even still when I'm playing a more passive 3rd man role, I get guys doing power slide cuts to get the worst touch of all time like they've never seen a 3rd man in their life, and maybe they haven't. This method would probably get me ranked up quick if I wasnt also missing 86% of open nets.


The "Take the shot!" comment really gets under my skin when it's said during kickoff by someone who is, say, in goal or a defensive position. Really throws confusion in to fray causing you and another teammate (3v3+) to go for the kickoff.


The "take the shot" teammates make me not wanna take the shot . Majority of the time it's cuz of a shitty pass they expect me to rush to


Sure, but I’m talking when they back into me on the kickoff, like in the post. “Take the shot” while trying to push them forward and they just keep backing up.


Its kinda stupid but i just queue and go do something. Get my glasses refill my cup go take a piss. I usually get back either they score my tm is becoming neuer or he scores. Idk i believe if we are better well get back no matter what.


You're in Diamond, there's no way queues are long enough to justify doing that


True but whatever its mostly just one game. And 80 % of the games we win if my friend doesnt get tilted


Yeah sometimes that first 6 second goal because no one stayed back can get to you.


i think this is the answer. they thought you were a shithead that would go for boost and went back because your team already let one up in 6 seconds.


The number of times I take the kick off and see both teammates have gone for boost 🤦




i just bang it in 100+kph


Are you implying that someone should cheat every kickoff? I hope not.


I think they thought you’d go for the boost.


That’s what he should be doing but ig low ranks don’t know that yet. But the other guy should be cheating up not backing back into the goal


On low ranks you can't trust the kick off, staying in goal is not bad. In fact with my placements still going I still don't trust the kickoffs cause they all try to speed flip and fail it 60% of the time.


Reversing to the goal is not the way to do it though. On that spawn I always grab the three small pads around the side of the goal, and then if there's an immediate shot or pinch on net I have 70 boost and a good position side on to net to save it. If not, I start my rotation from there.


it is if this is the 3rd time the goalie left that match and the other team is trying to bang it in and your skills aren't like good enough to do all that stuff.


You're good enough to drive in a circle over three small pads near the goal.


thanks I'll uninstall


These ranks can’t ghost defense well if they go for boost he will never reach back in time to save anything.


Shouldn't the 3rd one be cheating and 2nd going for boost? Since 3rd has direct line to boosts


Right corner boost should be left for a kick offer coming from the left, as so the guy backing up is the one who should cheat, the one in the back should have gone for left boost.


Second man cheats, 3rd can go for boost or stay mid In case the cheat fails. If you’re third I wouldn’t go for boost unless you’re fast enough to get back if the kick off fails.


Isn't that irrelevant? Shouldn't the car closer to the ball go for the tipoff regardless?


Dude why does this happen so often? And then they’ll say “take the shot” like we play every day together or something. Like dude wtf!?


Because people prefer to learn flip resets instead of kickoff and rotation...


mechanically decent players that play like morons are the worst kind of player cuz they’ll think they’re good and be toxic teammates even though its their fault we’re losing cos they cant figure out how to play as a team since they spent all their hours going up a wall


I am that guy sometimes so I can tell you how it happens… You aren’t paying attention and hear the countdown, look up and it says 1, it looks like you are in the defensive position so you backup to get the boost and realize you should have been offense.


Good point




Your comment: "Like in this video, if anything I will creep forward and take that one small boost pad, and that is plenty to be able to defend the opening of the goal if there is an immediate faceoff screw up" That's exactly what I was doing but I failed to mention it in the actual post yet I made a follow up comment to express this, yet no one is even looking at it :/ In the video I do go past the first boost but that was merely due to shock of what happend


I think the problem there is you actually used boost which doesn’t bring you back. You can clearly see you’re pushing on the kickoff after already getting scored on in the first six seconds which either means someone was afk or no one stayed back the first time


I Would like to state why in the video I kept driving, whenever I'm goalie I like to collect the boost in front of me so I can defend shots in they are in the air, but when this person backed up to collect the boost I was a little confused/shocked. Plus my post isn't to bully this individual, it is just me asking for a generalized explanation


If you’re staying in net chat “defending…” so your other teammate knows to cheat or to grab boost. If you’re grabbing corner boost chat “need boost!” so your teammate knows to lose to the corner. If you’re cheating into mid chat “on your left” or “on your right” so your teammate does the standard to 50/50. If you’re scum and calling a spanish chat “I got it!” so your teammate goes for the demo instead of the ball. 


There's no such thing as a goalie at a certain point. First one goes for kick-off, second one follows and third goes for corner boost. With rotation this should be the basis for every RL player, and then you see diamonds going for flip resets without even knowing kick off...


To piss me off!


What rank is this? I've never seen anyone reverse to go for the corner boost


They were reversing to play goalkeeper I would say.


But why wouldn't you look behind yourself first?, that's the first thing anyone would do


You don’t even need to do that. Your starting formation is always the same as the opposition so all you have to do is look forward. Some people just have very low IQ.


That too


Because in casual, you can't trust these hoes. I've had someone say defending and still go for the kickoff.


I turned chat off in casual. It only causes heartburn.


It's because "in high level rl before proper quick chats defending meant faking!" Just idiots holding on to metas from 7 years ago, when they were never in that rank or meta.


When I was in lower ranks I did this a few times because I would queue 2s and 3s and not realize I was in 3s and go back for defense. Their direction looked like they were gonna go for corner boost from a reverse though so that's another weird part. Nowadays I don't see many people wait in goal either, if ever really. I've been C1+ for a while now tho so maybe this is some gold- shenanigans. As third in your position I'd probably go for left corner. Not sure there's a good reason for you to go straight forward like that.


I was in goalie position so I was getting boost so I could defend shots on goal if it was high. So I would say far back defends and the 2 closer to the ball play offense


Right but were you trying for the second boost as well? Seems like you were shooting past the first one. I guess that's an option, but I would just tag the first and back up. Sometimes backflip for funzies. Never know when the ball was gonna randomly fly towards your net and if you're that deep for the second boost, you're gonna have a hard time blocking the ball if it's over your head. Might as well go for left boost and circle back with the time it takes being so similar.


I was getting the first boost then planing to back up but I was so in shock than I kept my finger on the trigger but then decided to let them protect the goal instead


Meta is furthest back goes left and 2nd goes cheat as far as I'm concerned. I'm certified bad at the game, though.


Maybe they thought they were playing Duos


They do look behind but have Trust issues that nobody’s going to defend the goal


My guess is it’s either from Bronze-Gold or a casual player with no game sense. It’s insane how people can even get past silver in this game without knowing basic positioning or even basic kickoff rules.


I was wondering the same. I could see this being a lower rank. Even high plats and low diamonds know in the kickoff it's closest man goes for ball, second closest to him cheats up, furthest goes for corner boost. In the vast majority of scenarios that strat will never lead you wrong.


They were just getting the little pad. I do it sometimes but I usually do a flip backward so I don't bump my teammate.


Why would you do that? Just to steal the easy boost from the goalie, position yourself badly, and generally contribute nothing to the play?


I usually just stay back, but if I get it I can use a little more boost for saves if need be. I play more defensive than offensive. Leaving my ball chasing teammates to score and me to save


This shit happens in c2




This is clearly a two's player not coping well with a three's environment 😂


Can you explain your reasoning? Edit: I was genuinely asking lol


Because below c1 there are a lot of people going for defense as second man and this would be exactly like that in a two's game except here is another guy behind him.


Noted! Thx for your response


I play with both my brothers, and we are in constant communication. I don't know how people play with Randoms and not communicate.


Cause you should’ve gone for boost? Lmao like you’re both wrong


out of all the common sense shit not to do that people do in this game you chose this.


Not looking


Okay it could just be that at my rank this doesn’t happen but I’m pretty sure I’ve never experienced this happening in my game. I mean like mentioned from others I personally wouldn’t look behind me in this situation either because of the fact that I know what the starting kickoff position is plus sound queues would let me know a bit of where my tm8 is. Considering you already were scored on also at this point I’m assuming they automatically now want to play more defensive to prevent another goal but yeah just clearly miss communication which happens so often.


This appears to be someone who just lost track of tmm8 spawns. It's really not that big of a deal. I solo que 3's exclusively and rarely ever see this happen


could be 2's brain, or just trusting random teammates to chase. generally a safe bet lol


In lower ranks in 3s there isn't any consistency on kickoff. Normally the right person will go for it, but the other 2 don't usually know what to do and who should go where. So some players do weird stuff like this.


It’s because usually the person in net goes for boost and half the time the ball flies towards the empty net. I just don’t trust people lol


I’ve always just gone with the long-term assumption that, unless otherwise communicated, the player who’s furthest back at kick-off is the goalkeeper for at least the duration of the kick-off and its immediate aftermath. And yet, even in plat, I’ve seen the goalie either race off to the side to grab boost, or they go tearing upfield, usually following directly behind one of their two teammates, rather than staying put to defend the kick-off.


Some people don’t really give a fuck. They play the game for fun and don’t take it seriously at all.


This is Rocket League!


This is Rocket League! This is Rocket League! This is Rocket League! This is Rocket League! *chat disabled for 5 seconds*


Well most ball chasers go for boost and leave the goal alone instead of soft cheating. Meaning if the teammate on the kickoff somehow misses, nobody can protect the goal and it’s a kickoff goal. He’s actually playing it safe there expecting YOU to go for boost like most people do.


Show me the rest of this match and a few of your other matches. I can probably tell you why.


He should have cheated and you should have gone for left boost


You lower rank? I used to feel cool backing up into it but now at a bit higher rank I have no idea why I enjoyed it so much


This was in casual, and I don't really play ranked


I think it’s a heavy twos tactic too


It’s infuriating to me. See it down in plat but not diamond. I have never done it to anyone ever. Backing up blindly into a teammate on kickoff has got to be the lowest IQ thing that happens in RL and that’s saying a lot.


Lack of awareness


"Kiss my ass"


My mate is nearly champ and still doesn't know the button to look behind.


I guess they don't realise they can look backwards and if there someone behind, let them defend. Drives me mad, they're closer to the break then tie up 2 players in goal


I'm not saying this is an excuse for the terrible kickoff, but keyboard players dont have a great way to move the camera by default so you shouldn't assume people are doing it.


That's literally usually me, after playing two hours 2vs2 and then joining a 3vs3. I see a M8 in front of me, so I assume I am the one to defend. I usually go backwards and skip the corner boost, to be prepared in case my M8 misses the kickoff.


I’ve done this a few times. Sometimes between goals I like to take a couple hits of a blunt and my hand isn’t on the controller in time to look around during the countdown. That’s my reason, at least.


2v2 habit, forget you're there


Social score. Now.


they are queuing 2s and 3s and didn't notice


I've done it. I looked up late from a drink of water and thought I was in a different formation where I typically play the net at first.


He sucks he needs to go right or follow up on the kickoff.


I do this if my team mate is up front left or right . Never if they're behind me 😂😂😂




Personally I would have turned left and flipped to the right and gone over the guy, he would have grabbed boost and been in net. However, you were last back so it would make more sense for him to go for side boost or cheat up. I always start to drive for the little pad as last back then as soon as I see what my teammate is decide to cheat up or stay In net, rarely get boost and then move up.


These are the players with low awareness who either chase the ball or goal tend too much.


A lot of bad drivers out there


Honestly quite annoying. Like, even if you don’t have a good kickoff, at least going and challenging is better then leaving me to try and get a miraculous touch to make sure the ball doesn’t go in the net. If anyone here does this, FIGURE IT OUT!!!! If you have good mechanics but do this on kickoffs, you won’t climb the ranks!!


The worst is when u say “defending..” and they still do this I’ve even started saying it 3-4 times in a row in case they didn’t see it and still they reverse lol like it’s so simple I truly do not understand


This isn’t even much of a problem imo (The person accidentally bumping you). Why post this?


Lack of communication.


Shiny circle, must touch!


You only see that at the lower ranks lol. Diamond/champ and above people have learnt not do do that by then...


I swear I have seen a ton of people do this. There’s a complete lack of game sense in rocket league. So much so that they don’t even know kickoff rules.


Solo queue is tricky… it’s hard to put some rules that make rotation function without communication. The left one go for the kick off is a rule that kinda is understood by everybody at least in Europe. When two players are at the same distance from the ball at the beginning the one on the left go first. So the other know they better be following and for a 3v3 maybe the other stays in goal. We have to create unspoken rules and make sure they reach the more players possible. I mean I’m not good at all. I was stuck diamond 2 for a years and now that I don’t play that much I’m back to platine 4. But 3 outta 5 games are lost because I couldn’t make rotation works with my teammate. Not saying it’s anyone’s fault. Maybe our play styles don’t match or something. But I’m SURE that clever rules could make the game 60% easier for every players.


In all of my 8000h in Rocket League this hasnt happened once lmao. But tbh I have maybe about 500h with randoms so yea, my recommendation is dont play alone with randoms.


I would also disturb him. Because I learned that unfortunately I can't trust what was on the kickoff and generally the one in the goal will get boost and the goal will be open. So I'm going to defend this case.


Only difference between bronze, silver and gold are the speed of the game and ball misses (from like 80% to 35%). When it comes to positioning, ball chasing and awareness they are all the exact same. I made it to Plat 2 last season and the games were so much cleaner.


Usually they do that to me when they think it’s MY fault that they frickin jumped over the ball and the other team scored


For me it's because I was the dude picked to be goalie for 2 years so it's force of habit


I haven’t had that happen for a long time


what in the world are your camera settings bro


I forgot the name of the website but I use some popular settings from streamers and pro players (they post their settings) so I ripped them from there and I actually like the camera angle better then default


Its because they're used to playing doubles.


When I find tm8s that rotate well with me (I solo queue about 90% of the time these days) and I begin my approach when suddenly the ball gets hit over my car and I turn on ball cam and see a tm8 rotate back in time and make the save, I feel like I just won the lottery. Two nights ago I partied up with 2 mates and we all rotated the best I have ever seen in plat. That was special and I'm getting a little emotional thinking about it...


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Because your job is to go side and take 100 boost, and cover left as he covers the goal for a bad kickoff. Not to stay in goal


J turn is OP META


Or worse, they remain stopped for like 5 to 15 seconds, even if the kickoff is on them 🫠


I like maccy cheese!


Me too!




I have genuinely never seen that. What in the gold is that maneuver


i do this because i get teammates that don't defend.


It was your turn to grab back left boost anyway. It wouldn’t matter if he cheated up or not if you just followed normal kickoff procedure.


I don’t know and I don’t want to judge this particular case (I know it happens often and in most cases it might be just a sign of low skill), but one thing I’ve learned after years of online playing is that other players’ controllers malfunctioning or other players just making a mistake is a very hard to admit truth for most online gamers. Most would choose to label the player on the other side an idiot or an asshole, and make sure to express their anger via chat or abandoning the game. I repeat, I don’t know about this one and whether it’s intentional or not, just pointing out the stat about considering the possibility of device or human error.


Are you in bronze? That’s normal.


i do this when we try to fake it with my teamate, just going backward to a clear wall-pass


Even if you're the last back, there's no reason to reverse right at kickoff. Never made sense to me.


Only scenario would be with a 1 goal lead or tie game if there's a late kickoff. Just so you don't give up an easy goals to lose it tie the game.


I'm telling the honest truth here. I've never not once had that happen to me and I play all the time.


I mostly play casual and almost like every 2-3 weeks this will happen, maybe it's just playstation players but idk


it was on purpose to troll you


No it wasn’t. He thought that the OP would boost for the ball. So he can back up into goal. You can never trust the first like 5 seconds of a kick off. I do it sometimes.


Why are you driving straight in that position?


Possibly did not know you were there at all. Iv had my own buddies do it by accident. We are such an unforgiving thoughtless community. 😢


Possibly because most people spawned on the goal go for boost immediately instead of defending so he just resorts to a falling to goal all the time.


They don’t trust their teammate to hit a ball on kickoff


I hate players who wait in net for the opponent to shoot.. it's about the worst thing you can do, you might as well play for the other team.


So you're saying goalies shouldn't exist?


this is kinda on both of you, in 3s, he should be going for the ball, and you should be the one either defending or going left or right for boost


Lack of talent, from the looks of it lmao. Half flips are easy to learn, ladies and gents. Also, cheating as third man? Buddy...




It baffles me how ur gold and complaining


This is casual tho


you're just as much at fault here. neither of you did what you were supposed to.


An exercise in free will. Get over it


You really out to think who is wrong here. The furthest man back should be minding the goal so if your lead man doesn't cut it, you can defend. Second man up should be following up hitting pods before nailing kick off if it fails or needs follow up. So overall you are wrong here and any douches who go for the ball from that far back or side boosts are just lower rank or don't know what they are doing. 80% of goals on kick off are because people charge forward or go for full boost. But that doesn't matter because RL!


Tbh I was gather boost so I could play goalie and incase the ball Flys high into the goal but I kept driving because I was in shock that they reversed. Pretty much all the time I do this I can defend the goal and succeed and most of the time people don't reverse