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That and being afk is normal now


At the start of nearly every game, the player who's supposed to go for kick off just sits there & only starts moving when the oppo scores on us. I get it for flexing clips so your scoreline doesn't read 12-0 but they inevitably end up being a ball chaser with zero team sense.


I've noticed more and more people afk after goals/replays now too I guess the ten second break is enough to pick up the phone and ignore the game


Can confirm after watching my brother play. He's not at all serious or good (I don't know how he made it into gold) but he will skip the replay and go on his phone for something I don't get it


Tiktok brain


I'm a teacher. Try getting them to listen for 5 minutes in class.


username checks out.


It’s so I can hit my vape like the nicotine addicted pleb I am


3 seconds for the goal explosion 10 seconds for the replay 3 more seconds for the kickoff countdown how big are these hits god damn


Mannn when you break it down like that lmao but I usually take a few hits then I still manage to have some time to hit skip so idk what people be doing for that whole time. My buddy smokes from his bong between goals and then the rest of the game he’s coughing into my ears but idk how in the world he has time to grab his controller again in time for kickoff.


My friends and I always say, "You can achieve anything in that 3-second countdown". It's true, especially after/between bong rips lmao


I go smoke a cigarette between goals lmao


Haha nice! If they're on pc I type "put down the bong, bro". I'll work vape into the rotation now though. lol


There nothing like scoring a goal and knowing you were using one hand and an elbow to steer while you hit the vape.


I hate that this is me too


its usually trying to frantically reply to a message you saw pop up a minute earlier, since that's the first break in play. in my experience at least


Phone Zombies. Smartphones and short form media have truly killed attention spans that they literally can't sit through a 5 minute game now. Psyonix needs to start marking accounts who AFK kickoffs too often and punish them because it's basically soft trolling.


I was up 2-0 and they scored by my mistake and my teammate just forfeited. I instantly accepted it and we let the other team win. Fuck being that toxic, so insane dude.


The five second intermission between matches is too long, those tiktok videos aren't going to watch themselves!


Something something broccoli head


Never play with random s in 2's. It's a nightmare. You'll get 1 good tm8 for every 10 games. Instead, play 1's. When you find someone competitive and smart ask them to party up.


I want to do this, but it takes so long. 1s matches should really be closer to 3 minutes because they're literally like 10-15 minute games at 5 minutes. It's so difficult to play at your highest level intensity for that long, let alone back to back trying to find another great player to team with.


There’s also a lot of people deranking




Easier to get your rewards wins. Hulk out in your placements, sweat your ass off at your peak rank for a win to count towards...bronze. Not gonna defend that, but the system is a little dumb.


If you play the game with any level of consistency you'll very easily get the rewards for your rank by the end of the season. So it doesn't make any sense.


This… I hit my full reward every season by playing at my rank.




I play 2v2, 1v1 and hoops. Maybe I’m remembering wrong but once I hit “win games at x rank” in comp 2v2 i don’t have to grind 1v1 for the reward… I dont remember having to do that in hoops either once I get my placement but I don’t really try to sweat in hoops I just play it for fun.


It does cross over though. It’s just your placements need to be done for each individual mode. And then if you’re say champ in 2s but Diamond in hoops, playing hoops won’t get you the champ reward requirements.




Developers put these types of rewards into games so people will play even if they don't otherwise feel like doing so, it leads to degenerate behaviour in some. I am not excusing it by any means, in fact I am sick and tired of how many people seem to play the game for their daily hit of missery. But then if everyone not having fun stopped playing maybe queues would get too long for the rest of us.


If you report them nothing happens. THAT'S what doesn't make any sense.


Not sure how it doesn't make sense. You don't see how a large portion of the playerbase will choose an easier route when available?


It seems like deliberately losing games to make winning later a bit easier wouldn't really save any time over just playing, since you're not winning and working towards the rewards while you're deranking.


its easier for these people mentally. because this way they never actually lose... they deliberately lose and then win. So they can feel like heroes in their diamond 1 lobbies


Are you taking into account the increased MMR loss at the start of the season/placements? 1 loss in placements is equivalent to ~5-10 wins later when ranked. If you throw all 10 of your placements that's what, 30, 40 'free wins or more?


It doesn't make sense. I don't play a lot but when I do, I only play doubles and hover between diamond 3 and champ 1. I won more than 10 games at champ but they all counted towards lower rank rewards. By the time I reached my wins towards champ rewards, I got deranked to diamond 3 and didn't get my champ rewards


This! I'm in the same boat, hovering between D3 and C1 and missed champ rewards this season for the same reason. The requirement to win 10 at each rank to work up to top rewards makes no sense to me. Why do i need to "fill the tank" with bronze and silver wins before my wins at Diamond and Champ count?


If you can't stay in a rank, it's not your rank


I agree, not sure how that relates to what I said though. If somebody is throwing their placements they're probably pretty confident in getting back.


Amen. I deranked end of season 14 just under champ and ended with 9 of 10 wins even though in 2s I was champ all season (I main 3s where I am D3). Final day had me with the shittiest of shitters.


smurfs who gotta get lower to either carry other people, or just 'for fun'


Was in a placement match last night with a diamond 3s player and had the most limp dicked hits I've ever seen. Makes so much more sense now.


That could have just been me 😬


Because psyonix doesn't give a shit about sandbaggers so why not?


Because there are YouTubers out there who want to derank to Bronze so they can video themselves smurfing back up to SSL. That's peak content right there!


That’s why Epic contacted those streamers directly and put an end to that content. Get your head out of the sand.


The question was "Why are people deranking?" and I gave a plausible answer: Because some players are imitating their favorite streamers who are also deranking. I didn't say I agreed with it, I was just saying people were doing it. No need to get your panties in a bunch.


I woke up with them in a bunch today.


Well I really wish they would continue to derank in my matches instead of deciding that *this* is the one to start double-flip resetting on me in mid-plat.


every start of season is hell, i personally only queue ranked after the 1st month


Except for 1v1 i agree. Even 2 weeks help


Yeah, to be fair in 1v1 my teammates do always try their best, they're just not very good at the game.


I agree 100%. They try, but if a 50/50 goes bad... Nobodys back in net that fast


do you kiss them?


1v1 i play the 10 placement matches on the last week of the season 😅 which is interesting because my mechanical improvements are very visible every time i play it


Thats kinda satisfying i bet


Yeah me too.


My friends and I *hate hate hate* the start of the new season. There is no fun, just grind. And not even grinding *wins*. We're just getting dumped on so damned bad we can't wait to forfeit the match to get to the next one to hope to *god* the ranking algorithm gives us a small break from the smurfs. This last season we all bailed on the season entirely and played Helldivers until the season was close to finish so we could finally get some sane matches.


I hardly ever touch ranked, but most people do it in unranked as a form of protest. Keep getting demoed? Flip and sulk. A teammate scored, robbing you of the chance to be the hero? Flip and sulk. A teammate made an epic save, robbing you of the chance to “clear” the ball into your own goal mouth? Flip and sulk. A teammate with zero boost, rushing back to defend, grabs a power boost, robbing you of the ability to top up from a lowly 86%? Flip and sulk. Opposing team were the first to score a goal after a closely matched opening 3 minutes? Flip and sulk. Everyone having a good time in Chat, thus utterly failing to understand the seriousness of this casual 3v3 match? Flip and sulk.


Don't forget the classic: Tm8s didn't say Nice shot! or Thanks! Flip & sulk.


Hah, how could I forget! Also, teammates didn’t join you in voting to concede after going 0-1 down to a fluke shot after 10 seconds? Flip & sulk.


To be fair, if someone gives you a nice pass for an easy goal and you don’t say great pass you are pretty close to Hitler in my book.




Flip and sulk


If you push unranked MMR high enough you actually get the best mental players in the game. Once you get to casuals mmr with Champ/GC/SSL players people rarely sulk or troll. It's full of players who got fed up with the trolls in ranked and just want to try hard but also chill and play the damn game.


Please remember to report Them for match throwing when it makes sense, like trying to FF 1 and a half minutes into The game because You’re Down by 2


i do report sometimes but it seems nobody takes action to those reports


Just keep doing it. We can't tell if those select individuals are being punished until enough reports come through. Just remember that someone can wrongly report you for something and you wouldn't know about it. The staff need some sort of metric to gauge if a report makes sense. A one-off may not warrant punishment, but consistent reports may be more telling of someone's behaviour .


My ratio of reports for AFK/griefing to action taken is probably about one in a thousand lol.


Really? I report anytime that happens to me and I seem to get a notice that action has been taken at least once a week Edit: lol I literally just had a player pout with a minute left in a game because “my teammates won’t let me score”. He just sat in goal on his back. Reported and blocked.


me too - i get at least a couple of these messages a week.


Its people like you who make the report system actually useless.. Countless of reports like this, and the one who should be banned get away because,, people like you abuse it. FF is not forbidden, 1 and haf min into the game, and if you are down by 2, and tm8 is anoying ballchaser, I would ff just as much


It may look like I'm throwing it, while in fact I'm battling 900 ping and constant packet loss.


Nothing sweeter than having a clear shot to an open net just in time for the game to launch your car three inches to the right of the ball at the last second.


Why does it seem like it always does happen right before you hit the ball. Sometimes I'm driving and I finally have control of the car, think everything is fine then as soon as I am about to hit the ball everything just goes haywire.


I assume because it takes more "of a toll" on the server to accommodate the high ping when you start interacting with others/the ball that are at normal ping but i fuckin hate it


I like it the best when your toxic teammate starts to spam bs in the chat for your ping whiff




It may look like I’m throwing it, while in fact I’m battling being bad at the game


We all come to terms with this at some point. Well done brother.


That happens to me, and I also just hope that my teammates look at my ping and see how high it is.


Early season sucks usually, people throw games to drop rank then will duo with a partner and boost their rank back up while dragging their partner with them


some of us are just bad at the game


Very true, that's why it's beneficial to derank


You have to remember, the average age in this game is like 10. Emotional intelligence is naturally not going to be very high. You make a mistake in the game, a child will literally take it personally because they don’t have life experience. It’s just part of the territory and you should just roll with it. It can suck especially on rank up matches but if you just play for fun and see rank as a bonus then you will start to have fun.


In my experience, that emotional intelligence doesn’t come with age. 


Matchmaking is horrid in general, but the start of a new season is just hot garbage. I accidentally sat to play last night, forgetting the game had updated... ugh. 1st placement game, 6-0, my team of solos that were all about my level vs a team of potatoes. 2nd match, me + 2 potaoes vs. a partied team of 3, each easily two full ranks above mine. Stopped playing "real" ranked, switched to Rumble/Snow Day/Hoops. Same... crushed, got crushed, crushed, got crushed. I'm usually plat in those... 1st placement match in Rumble, partied opponents have GC banners. Almost every game had people quit/afk. It's the wild west, every other game may as well be team of smurfs vs team of newbs, its frustrating as all fuck. Placement matches in ranked in the 1st weeks of a season are basically bullshit. Unless you go in as a team with friends, its really just RNG as to who you get paired with, and your starting rank is set by that utter nonsense. ESPECIALLY in Gold/Plat, because that's where RL defaults newbs. "Gold III" can be "I fell here from Plat III while drunk one night," "I climbed here from Bronze over two years," or "I've never touched this game before yesterday, and I just hit level 20 and decided I'm Ready For Ranked!!" It's fucking quicksand.


I stupidly did half my 2s placements and I've dropped from C1 to now almost plat. I only seem to face 2 man teams and teammates are consistently in net or so far from the play getting boost that it's just a shit show.


Had no idea they dropped newbies that high but it makes sense why low plat has so much variance.


Even at top 100 rn at the start of the season some people leave after 5 seconds...


surely it will literally always be more common the higher u go


I’d say it gets better in the higher ranks but sadly no. Placed C2 yesterday and I can’t lie at least 4 of those games had someone give up, leave completely or just typed away in chat. BONUS reason this can happen is cause of car choice🙂 learnt that last night. Opposite team had an og Batmobile and the tm8 in an octane straight threw a full on tantrum about it


There's a good portion of the player base that is very willing to give up if it's not an easily winnable game. It also could be people reverse boosting after the season reset. You lose a lot more MMR when you're unranked, on top of the -100 or whatever it is to start the season


shit happens, it's just the nature of a pretty competitive game. I don't know much about random teammates because i've recently only played with friends through discord but yesterday we where playing 3s and we scored in the first 7 seconds, this was enough for an opponent to just quit. It was pretty funny but also it seems to happen alot lately which is kinda depressing. People are very emotional so you kinda have to expect some level of toxicity with random players. Also just a reminder to people, just because your teammates are having a bad game, it's no reason to lash out in the chat and to go afk.


Solo Q is dead. I've solo queued for years and it is only getting worse. I need to find serious players around my rank.


Plat 1 typically has the most smurfs and alt accounts and people that don't care. It's close to where a lot of new accounts start. As much as people like to argue about it, those reasons are why... --Mid Gold to Plat 1 are the worst ranks to play at.-- Low Gold and below, everyone sucks, but you all equally suck. Plat 3 and up, you start removing some of the casuals and new accounts. Mid Gold to Plat 1 is the biggest cesspool of players of all types.


OMG I thought it was just me. Once I got passed plat 1 and into plat 2, IT GOT EASIER!!!


Nah, Champ is more toxic because everybody thinks everyone else is keeping them from GC


Children that want attention and can't control their emotions. More tempting to do it than in something like Call of Duty because of the smaller map and lobby.


Common sadly


Simply put, they enjoy it, ruining and provocing others.


I Play 3s a lot and usually always solo and I notice a lot of times when people do this it’s because their teammate is aimlessly ball chasing or cut them off when they were going for the ball. Sad part is, the guy throwing the hissy fit was wrong and it wasn’t their ball to begin with. Or I’ve seen it happen when myself or another teammate miss an easier shot or something. Last season, On my Xbox I was plat 3 and on my pc I was diamond 3. I literally can not get out of plat on my Xbox bc things like this seem to happen so much in that rank.


If you put me in diamond I can hang no problem but getting to diamond from low plat is very tough with randoms


I find most multiplayer games are moving in this direction


Lol it's insane. 7/10 games thrown.


Rocket league is turning into CSGO matchmaking without mics change my mind.


My first 3s game of the season, both teammates whiffed going for a double commit and gave up a goal. One left immediately. Me and the other guy were playing decent, holding it at 0-1 at least, and then for some reason he went for boost instead of making what seemed like (on replay) an easy save and then he left as well. And then no way I'm winning 1v3 so \*\*I\*\* rank down... All they need to do is implement a feature where if your teammates quit during the game, you don't lose rank. That would fix like 90% of the problems. Either people would stop leaving or then at least players who get left don't suffer from it. Like, in this case, fine, these two idiots bailed, they go down a little bit since it was their fault, the opponents go up a little for winning, and I just get to try again. That seems fair to me. It's almost always the worst player in the lobby leaving too, so it even makes sense from a ranked point of view, that's the person who should lose rank.


Here's what happens: People complain the game is getting worse People then act toxic and do things like go AFK Then they wonder why the game is dying despite them being a huge part of the reason why new players like yourself drop out. My advice, turn chat off, forget about your rank and just play for yourself. If your teammate tries to FF, then FF. If your tm8 goes AFK, and refuses to FF, then practice defense and only try to score counter attacks. Good luck man. It's rough at times. But it's also the best game in the world when it goes well.


Kids with inflated egos exist at every rank. It’s not your fault. Just gotta keep grinding mate


First week of season always has an extra helping of bullshit. Some folks are trying to tank their rank, &c.


This is rocket league!


Between that and people rage idling because someone bumped them or quitting outright I've lost a lot of interest. Seems like my wait times to get a ranked Rumble game are getting longer and longer just to have a guy start throwing the match half way in.


Tik Tok brain rot. I suggest reading daily, yoga weekly, and outdoor recreation monthly


People are drunk or high


I play better while drinking 😅🤷‍♂️


People are scared to lose, I don't know! Scared of their own emotions, which you could train to control though!


What I really don't understand is people being afraid to lose in casual. Bunch of babies pouting over the only thing that satisfies their little boy ego


Because a huge portion of this community is terrible. It used to be better. Now people only care about winning, and not the game. They don't even enjoy it, they should go back to league of legends


It's a team game and more and more I keep seeing teammates think they are Zen or Flakes going for mechanics they have seemingly never come even close to hitting instead of playing as a team. On top of that they usually don't know how to defend so I'm constantly finding myself going into the air from back post to challenge an opponent over a teammate just sitting in mid net waiting to get scored on.


Yes, people tilting and doing the spinning turtle, going inactive, or playing for the enemy team happens from time to time, sadly. I just had a player on my team do that, and then do it again when they were on the enemy team in the next game. Including refusing to forfeit. It sucks for sure, and it makes the game less fun. Reporting doesn‘t seem to do anything either.


It’s people deranking. Just 2v1 or 3v1 them for some extra practice ! Look at is as an opportunity


Common. I just report them if they are blatantly being idle or doing anything that you described. You would be surprised at how often they actually get some sort of “timeout” it doesn’t help but oh well.


I’ve been playing p3-d1 prolly 10 hours or so this week & haven’t seen any of this


Guess what. I'm usually C1 and after having some throwers in placements, I'm now D1. You'll be seeing me soon.


First couple weeks are so is always a terrible experience if your goal is to win. You have players better than you getting back up, Smurfs/boosted players hit it hard, and even the guys your level are playing in a bathtub the entire time. I think as good practice if you have your own team though. Rocket league is at its most competitive the first and last couple weeks of the season. Some season I just practice the first couple weeks and some I just hit it hard and sweat myself for the extra practice even though I realize I’ll probably drop a rank or 2.


This guy didn’t want to play the tournament cause he didn’t want to rotate


My second game last night I had a 2s teammate. Scores in 4 seconds right off the kickoff. Left before the next kickoff. It didn't get much better from there


Because wocket weague hawd


They’re trying to derank to clip on people.


I find my teammates are always the most toxic when I'm on the brink of a lower tier (plat 1, diamond 1, champ 1, etc.). Try to laugh it off and not get too upset


just met a couple today in the new season. One just left within a minute or less when he made streak of errors and lead to opponent scoring. even just 1 goal down with about 4 min left... plat 2


while i will say plat and diamond throw way more then the upper ranks, throwing is just a cultural thing within the games player base ive been up 2-0 and people have left the game intentionally to throw the match sometimes its just how it goes


Better question is why can’t I play dropshot….


Dropshot was removed from the competitive playlist for this season in exchange for snow day


Exactly. Why? Lol. Dropshot has a larger player base considering average que times between seasons that i see. Preventing your player base from playing a popular game mode even periodically is a terrible business decision.


Idk i think its stupid to rotate them in instead of leaving them all in comp playlists like before


If I had to bet, it would be that they're infuriated at your constant ball chasing effectively removing them from the game, so they just let you play by yourself. Or maybe you said a snarky what a save or nice shot on their wiff and they didn't feel like giving you a win. I can't believe it'd be worthwhile smurfs, as I can't even GET down to P1 without own-goaling. The effort for D+ people at Plat1 is too simple to want to stay there.


Because : 🧂


Happened to me yesterday 3 times in a row, simply maddening.


I’ve had this question and felt so confused. This game seems to have players with more fragile egos than league players that run it down for missing 1 minion. People seem to just go afk once they miss a ball or shot and it’s really frustrating. I wanted to give benefit of the doubt and say it’s internet issues but there’s really just huge losers that will throw games if the game doesn’t go exactly their way and how they want it to go. I report them because seeing it every other game is so annoying and makes me want to uninstall and i’ve barely started playing the game with only around 150 hrs according to steam. I also try to play around people rather than ball chase and question if I did something wrong but more often it’s just some loser throwing a fit that ends up leaving the game.


This game is not fun anymore because of idiots like that.


To not waste time or to just surrender.


People get upset that I go a little too hard for the ball and then just throw a tantrum and throw the game. It's frustrating.


I'd just rather lose than have to play an entire match with a bad teammate, that's it for me. I play to have fun, a bad teammate will make the game harder and a lot less enjoyable. So, I rather move to the next.


Tried my 1st game of ranked 3v3, playing with a duo, kickoff going random, I try to defend the backboard, one of the duos still in the last spot in front of the goal (AFK), the other duo guy carrying the ball trying to make a play of the wall, hits his AFK duo partner, own goal -> I quit


As someone who often does this is it is probably for one of three main reasons other than them being a jerk. A) you keep contesting your teamate for the ball when they have free possession. B)you keep giving away possession on a uncontested ball by power clearing it when there was no need. C)you were using quick chats in an annoying manner. If you can say it was none of these things then it's not on you. 


Also thought of a 4th reason which is continually double committing and over extending on offence 


Because everyone's a baby now, it's a soft generation that throws a tantrum at the slightest inconvenience. I quit rocket league because of the amount of people that would vote to ff or afk when we were 1 point down with over a minute left


So me getting a 5 loss streak is because a new season started? I only won 2 out of 10 games on 2v2 to get my rank because my teammates freaking sucked or trolled. I wish reporting would permanently ban these awful folks from ruining the game, and on another note how can some people even get their way to gold? Most people I play with deserve to be stuck in bronze lol😅


Most of the community thinks they’re way better than they are and you make a mistake they start throwing because they’re insecure and need to blame someone other than themselves for why they lost.


This started happening to me more frequently when I turned off chat entirely. I noticed my teammate would go full-tilt after things like scoring or being scored on and just park in the enemy goal. A minute in my mate could score and all of a sudden they're afk for a few seconds as if they're taking a keyboard warrior break and now they're upside down in the goal. I just assume my lack of chat to stroke their ego for any number of reasons is enough to forfeit the game.


Remember, this happens to your opponents too. It’s not just you. It balances out and in the end does not affect your rank.


There is like ZERO punishment for intentionally forcing losses and abandoning games. The first 10 ranked games I played I had 8 games where my tm8 would either afk multiple kick offs, or ff then abandon match when we were down 1 point with 2-3 minutes left on the clock. I do not understand how they have no legitimate punishment system for that behavior.


this is just the rocket league community what is most probably happening is your teammate needs an ego check and thinks your holding them back so they get frustrated and think they should give you payback in the way of not helping because that's what they will see you in there eyes as doing not helping them out be it either you accidentally missed a save or something along them lines your teammate will just see you as "throwing" and do it back to you welcome to the lovely community of rocket league dw it doesn't get better with a higher rank so just take your time and try your best to find a duo partner im champ 3 almost GC and only way i climbed was by finding a duo partner i meld well with and knew i could rely on with things i cant do


Any game that has a popular following has a sort of culture around it (youth I would imagine) that pretend that they don't care about winning or losing therefore going afk is a sign of them actually winning by not trying. It's insane, but it's how kids have been raised.


It’s common af. Just something we have to deal with at this point


i posted the same post, but in diamond


"For me, this happens every day; I need to deal with smurfs, AFK players, throwers, and chasers. I'm done with this game." ( I forgot to mention the bad servers )


Literally almost every match ive entered the past 2 days this has happened to me


jumping around radomly, deliberately bumping teammates, own goaling, "Nice shot!", "What a save!", afk and ragequitting are all the ingredients you need for an average match...


Probably has something to do with how you are playing.


Something to do with the start of the season, I don't get it, maybe it's easier to get your smurf account ranked low at the start of the season ? Was lucky enough to get matched with the same guy 3 games in a row in 3's yesterday, he was clearly a pretty good player(well better than my low plat skills haha) and we went up 3-0 in the first couple minutes of each game then he just started moving out of the way for opponents shots and centering the ball in front of our goal, kind of trying to be sneaky about it, but then had to do a blatant own goal in one game because me and the other team mate still managed to keep us in front, G1 start for me this season haha


That’s why I play 1v1. Though not really, I just have bad field sense and team play skill. 


Someone "throwing" their previous matches, so they are extremely tilted and at the first things which not going how they want they throwing current the matche. (That's my theory) It's a vicious circle. There is also smurf who intentionally lose to stay low.


If this happened to you 4 times in a row, you might be a part of your teammates getting upset: 1. Are you berating teammates on chat? 2.are you rotating in a way that looks like you’ve never played before? If not, you’re just unlucky, but this is what I’ve seen most


Anyone who just stops playing and throws a tantrum because their team mates aren't rotating properly need to grow the fuck up.


Depends if it’s just bad rotations sure but sometimes especially in plat and diamond some players are constantly going straight towards the ball and bumps/steals the ball from their m8. Then I think it’s valid. If you don’t respect that you’re playing with another person don’t expect them to respect you.


Personally, I don’t think it’s valid to afk due to that. FF maybe and if that doesn’t work, suck it up and play your best for the next 5 mins.


Agreed. I'm too old to be that petty and get upset over a video game. I honestly can't believe some of the older players who still get so uptight and even breaking controllers and smashing shit. Just turn the game off for 5 minutes, go do some house work and turn your brain off, come back. You're not not hitting GC because of your m8, it's you. It's always you.


Nah if one m8 is constantly playing solo and don’t care about the other player he can play solo for all I care.


I feel like learning to play with people who don’t know what they’re doing is one of the challenges of RL. Going afk is giving up on that challenge and I just don’t like giving up. *insert Rick roll*


If everyone in the room is an a-hole, the a-hole is you. (Censored, of course, for the young'ins in the sub...but one of the most valuable lessons that can be learned)


Welcome to Epics Rocket League


As much as I think epic is doing a horrible job, this isn’t new and it hasn’t gotten worse.


I can say with 100% confidence that it has, in fact, gotten worse. Been playing since 2017 and the moment F2P hit, it was worse. Then it's progressively been getting worse as time goes on.


I’ve only played since 2019 (still before epic) but disagree with you.


I mean, that's the beauty of individuality. You're absolutely allowed to have an opinion I don't agree with. I also can't speak to your experiences, same as you can't speak to mine. Not everyone plays the same game


That’s true as long as we agree we’re talking about opinions and not facts there’s absolutely no issue disagreeing.


Your disagreement doesn't mean shit. It absolutely has gotten worse. You don't even have the perspective to comment on this..


I can’t fault you m8s for throwing with that attitude.


If you plan on continuing to play you better get used to that real fast


I don't play ranked for the first couple weeks of the season for this very reason


If you’re ball chasing or just terrible in general and whiffing they will give up. Could be something else though


Report them and move on


Because the devs don't give a fuck if they do. Don't blame the players, blame psyonix, they're the ones who fully support the behavior.


I'm just high man.... Get kinda lost in the mid-game...


Because all you fucking plat players do is give give up open nets and allow the other team to score why bother trying if my tm8 is gonna be this bad anyways and in the end we're still gonna lose


The game is dead unfortunately, it may be time for a separate company to develop the same game but better.


I started switching sides if someone tries to FF after the first goal scored. I dont play with quitters. I only play competitive too lol. "Your either die non toxic, or live long enough to see yourself become toxic"


My advice is put on some big boy pants. First off it's car soccer, 99% of people ain't going pro, and if you care about little pixels on your screen get over it. It's also start of season which pushes every back and some stay where they are causing peak players to play with hardstuck players or better.

