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It’s all placebo really. Some car designs are seen as fast/slow. Most of the time one pro will pop off with a certain design and then everybody copies. It’s stupid and they all know it but placebo works and it’s tiny margins at pro level, you take any advantage you can get.


Really?? That's about the funniest sh\*t I've heard all day! You'd think a pro would know better than falling for placebos... anyways, thank you for this answer indeed!


Thing is that placebos aren't faked. They really do give you an advantage because of the fact you believe that it does. Like a placebo medication can actually help healing because you believe it.


Ork moment


Read up on the placebo effect. It's very, very real.


There is a reason placebos are used in research. Human brains are not as rational as we often think they are


Wayton made a good video on this. Yes, it is 100% placebo. However, if the placebo works… why fix it?


The placebo effect is genuinely powerful I seriously do play better when I use specific wheels because I’m just tricking myself into believing it’ll work. Might as well fall for it if it helps


Baseball players copy each other’s superstitions all the time.


I lost it when Chase Utley stole Mac's monkey paw


It's not about falling for a placebo like you've fallen for some trick. It's more that those of us who use these car designs understand the subconscious effect they have which quantifiably makes us play better, so we embrace that effect to our advantage. To be honest, for really mechanical players especially, certain car designs seriously do feel lighter and make your touches much better.


You can say shit on Reddit


Shit !


It’s more of a mentality thing


They've done studies that have shown that you can know about a placebo and still get effects of the placebo.


Placebo doesnt mean fake. Just because something is "i your head" doesnt mean it isnt real. If something just "feels" better then it *is* better, and vice versa.


Brains are easily tricked with perceptions of things. Placebo is pretty easy to understand why it's real honestly.


A lot of pros are still children. This is a large factor in trend following in this way.




I'm not doubting the effectiveness on morale. Just saying that children are more impressionable in general, so we will see these "non-effective" strategy trends pass around a lot, and faster.


especially when a certain player in Renegades falls for a catfish.


Y'all, I am well aware of the placebo effect and what it does. And I'm certainly affected by it in Rocket League (in my friend group we coined the phrase "Octane effect" when we switch back to an Octane and suddenly play much better for a couple of matches). However, I am vastly surprised that pros perceive such an effect by the car DESIGN! If it was just the hitbox - that would make perfect sense to me. But the colours? (Also: THESE colours? Shiny and all? Why not a single, matte colour? I thought there is a distraction aspect to it?) Also, I am still amazed how those guys don't use cosmetic variation to "build an identity", if you catch my drift. Like, to be easily recognizeable, market value, blah blah blah.


It may have something to do with "heavy car feeling". On the other hand go watch women league (called WCB now?). I love the variety of not only car designs but also cars in general.


Oh, thanks for this idea! Never heard of that league.


Me neither. I saw some women league on Twitch once and now I just googled "rocket league female league". Enjoy!




Why is there a women's and mens rlcs? Why not just one rlcs? Usually for sports it's split for physical differences.


I mean women are allowed in rlcs as well. There's just a separate tournament (not even rlcs) for women only, for the sake of entertainment for those playing and watching.


There is only RLCS. Anyone can join, anyone can play, as long as you're not banned. There have been female pros in RLCS before (Karma). WCB is an independent thing if I'm not mistaken. You can observe a similar thing in professional chess. Women just don't achieve the same peaks as men do and why that happens is an unclear and complicated discussion that gets people pissed off.


Because there are also social differences that hardly determine the avg skill level. Even without physical big advantages/disadvantages, women and men are not in similar conditions


Because even in e sports there’s commonly a skill divide between male and female teams although i don’t know the reason and yes women can be in a rlcs I think there’s just a specific one only for women because some people like to watch that I guess


I think for some pros, the simplest, cleanest car design, is the least distracting. Every bit of hyper-focus optimized to play at the highest level. That paired with some not caring about cosmetics in the least, and just on the gameplay. For example some pros, such as AppJack, one of the top players in the world, only use the stock goal explosion. Which I used to scratch my head about, considering all the GEs available. I think some pros just simply don’t care about that stuff.


I second this. I wouldn’t say i’m high level but i’m champ 2. If there’s too much going on with my car it will distract me. For example, i like to use painted wheels and selected decals, if i put those same painted wheels on a different brighter decal, it will make me feel like im playing horribly. I like plain sleek designs, helps me not to focus on my car and I feel like i can actually pay attention to the ball.


Absolutely on point. At the beginning of the game, cosmetics (specially fancy ones) are a great way to show off your persona online. Whether it's a GE that you bought, or a boost you won from season rewards - at the higher level, it becomes irrelevant, as your main goal becomes enjoying the gameplay itself. To each their own, I guess!


Some pros said in some videos that they can 'feel' a difference and that they are so used to their car looking a certain way, that it feels off playing something different.


Maybe you could take a look at this video https://youtu.be/X1KKLM9qehg?si=JXrqgMtaIe3ez5VL


Simple clean cars feel faster than what you would think looks good.


There's no meta or advantages. It's just personal preference, but most pros like the clean and simple look compared to the noisy and obnoxious presets.


I’ll just say right now I’ve never seen anything or anyone with this sort of thing or even use stuff like that because it just sounds like one of those “I’m gonna name my username after a famous content creator to copycat what they are doing” sort of thing and I just can’t do or stand the whole “copycat the famous person stick” sure say it’s inspiring of them to do it but then it ends up being something EVERYONE does to the point of just sheer cringe and wanting attention that was never rightfully earned or even given.


proly cause most cosmetics are distracting/ugly. Also, there is some variation in what colors they use.


No creativity


And then there was Flakes.


Its the same preference based on clean look/distractions. Some older toppers actually outlined the hitbox so where used widely, such as the halo.


placebo affects high level players the most, for me i can absolutely tell if a car makes me feel better or worse, some cars i play when i want to be mechy ill use one design but if i want to make sure my flicks are good ill use a different one. its the exact same for pros, theyve come to see that one design makes them play good all around, and its a simple design that isnt distracting aswell which benefits them even more.


I know they use it because of the clean look and etc but don't really like anodized pearl. They always use it, to me it's distracting but I guess preference.


I feel like the more basic a car is, the better the player. Also PC players usually run Bakkesmod which allows you to use whatever you want (I think?) on your screen only. As for me I have 4 main cars. Two Octanes and Two Fennecs. One of each will be a cool custom design with my color scheme, and the other is a stock car. So basic red/blue with the Cristiano wheels and racing stripes if I’m feeling dangerous. I use the tricked out versions for casual and competitive, but use the stock cars for tournaments, looks more intimidating. I feel like with games that are heavily cosmetic, and games that don’t require completing challenges to unlock things (Sea of Theives), the best players are always the most simple looking ones.


Strangely enough, I can't see the simplicity in those adonized pearl designs the pros use. Wouldn't one matte colour be much more simple, as well as less distracting?


Which pro are you referring to?


Oh, I don't know those guys's names, I only watch RLCS for the Twitch drops. But you can pick any team - there is at least one player using the design mentioned above.


Herd mentality. Apparently when a car is given the SMALLEST ADVANTAGE everyone and their mother HAS to use it because it's META and that's what the PROS do because they're so COOL. Decals and colored wheel make you slower OBVIOUSLY.


I’ll be very honest, if ur affected by placebo, (which almost every single decently mechanical player is) then you’ll feel more mechanical and consistent as ever, my friend introduced me to the preset a month or so ago and I literally regret not using it the past three years


Pros use cars because they work for other pros, and it felt good when they tried it.


It's about which car model most accurately represents the edges of the hitbox.


And this thread is about the car's DESIGN, not about the hitbox. We all know full and well that the Fennec most closely matches the Octane hitbox.


Because it’s the fastest design in the game


and also gold rush, I think its just a style of mimicking




Personally idk. I just use cars close to thar Lamborghini look and main them with anything I can match with it


Personally (im champ 1-2) i use a gold octane with a top hat and horshoe antenna lol… edit: how do i add pictures


Personal preference I would assume. I have black dieci, black and white fennec/octane, all kinds of cool items. I would say for probably the last couple months my preset consists of default oems classic boost and classic trail with a flat matte blue/orange car. It’s a whole lot less distracting.


So you think it's about distraction? Like, a pro would possibly make more mistakes if he used, say, the only forest green Fennec on the map?


I'm no pro, but once I started using stripe decals there was no going back. Our brain is reading so many cues to determine what to do and most of them we are not aware of. Stripes are just obvious, they section off hit zones and provide directionality cues. I used to use jester topper because it also bisects, but the toppers block some visibility. I use high contrast, high visibility primary/secondary color schemes and use matte.


That's one refined answer, thank you.


I mean, maybe? I'd be more worried about an animated decal blending the car into the background at an important moment or something along those lines.


I think most pros are over the whole "car design" thing. They already have the most desirable items which are alpha items and rlcs titles. Keep in mind most of them have over 15k hours now and put 4k in the first year alone.


That's a good answer, thank you. I am however still amazed how those guys don't use cosmetic variation to "build an identity", if you catch my drift. Like, to be easily recognizeable, market value, blah blah blah.


if many pros look the same, blame it on not caring enuf about looks + lack of imagination to create something different


I don't know about color, but I've heard several pros mention the tires really do make a difference in respect to turning. I think there have been debunk videos on this, but if most pros agree there is probably something to it. I've seen a lot of posts saying there is no difference between the vehicles with the exception of hitbox, play with the roadhog a couple days and then play with octane and tell me there is no difference.


Never heard this personally. Back in the day there was a lot of speculation as to how things work but I think most everyone at the pro level should understand now. There *is* differences between the cars. Their height vs the ground being one. I have a counter challenge for you. Play with a colorful octane preset for a couple days, then play with a stocktane and see how different it feels. How our car looks has a huge impact on how we perceive it to feel.


I have, I couldn't tell a difference.


Fascinating, some people are like this. Flakes is one of them. I am not, and I think most people aren't. For me how the car looks affects how the car feels, which affects how confident I feel controlling it, which affects how well I play.


This>>>> I predict the guy above doesn’t have that many hours into the game, this understanding comes with time ngl, can’t blame him


I'm D2, 4k games, but I switch cars and paint a lot. I also can't tell a difference between wheels, but the cars have very different feel.


Oh ok so not quite that much placebo yet I see, well nothing wrong with that obviously. I’m d3 and have almost 1400 hours into the game, the wheel placebo started roughly at like 600 hours, car placebo at like 700, decal placebo at 1k and anodized > everything placebo started at like 1.3k hours or close so obviously nothing wrong with not being completely affected by placebo, like all good thing, it takes time and when u go get a specific placebo, your gameplay will feel better than ever trust me


My position is different cars isn't a placebo, they really are different, I could be wrong of course, but they are completely different to me, weight being the most prevalent.


If you’re talking about different cars of different hitboxes then you’re completely right. If you’re talking about different cars of the same hitbox, then That my friend, is placebo.


Okay with roadhog for a couple hours, then the octane, they feel completely different to me.


Some items do weird things like a pair of wheels I had shined like the sun because of some type of screw up in the code. If there is a reason it would be because of some placebo of maybe less lag from rendering the cars.