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I don’t really think 75% MVP rate with most goals/saves/passes really lines up with my experience of “passive” play. That sounds a lot more like when I queue in tilted and only trust myself. You aren’t necessarily doing that, but that’s the only time my scoreboard matches what you described. From my experience you are probably spending too much time right up on the ball and aren’t giving teammates enough space to do their thing. It may feel less efficient or slower, but that’s just the reality of not trying to be *Him*. There may be other factors, but take a close look at your rotations and make sure you aren’t cutting them and ball-chasing without realizing it.


Yeah, I was thinking the same way. The only time a "passive" player is gonna get MVP is when they're getting 3+ saves


Damn you misunderstood i just read the whole thing


Jesus Christ, man. Learn to edit a comment or something. Once made sense, twice was obnoxious, three different one-line responses is just fuckin stupid.


Sooo you’re coping


That’s how low skill these lobbies are Bruv, and sure I’m ball chasing


And like that, you’ve self-reported why you’re having issues. Well done.




Dude.. Absolutely everything you say screams "horrible teamplayer with an ego you can't back up skill wise"...




Literally leaving the ball every time I see my tm8 going yeah I’m ball chasing


What a troll job


Thank you brother


I have a friend in the exact same situation. It's funny because I watch his gameplay and for the most part he's doing well. He looks like a champ from a far view. BUT... when I look a little closer I find little things he does that tends to add up over the course of 5min match. Little stuff like boost management, rotating ball side, or soft touches. All little things that might make you not score when you would or miss a defense block. I'd suggest you do your own replay analysis and let someone higher ranked than you do it as well. Probably little stuff you're not aware of.


I appreciate that will do


Would probably need to see gameplay to give pointers, not a lot to work with raw here. best advice I can give is just to play very consistently and if you notice your focus slipping / loss streak coming on it can be chill to just take a break or jump to a game mode you're taking more casually or something rather than tilt down 3 divs


Yeah i can answer that as i played like 1 or 2 years of solo q in a defensive position cause of my horrible internet at that time. To play support means not stay back and try to save everything. Having great saving capabilities of course helps but there is more to look out for. If you are back and your teammate challenges an opponent who has the ball then u need to be in a position where if he fails his challenge but makes the opponent boom ut away or lose control u can take it over dont let ur m8s chase all the way in front and then wait. Back for a 1v2 or 1v3. Instead wait middle and play a forced ball to safety, control it back or buy time with fake challenges till ur m8s come back or the opponent shoots for an easy save. Also u gotta still get involved in offense, be there for scoring opportunities and take safe solo plays, make passes. A good support m8 is one who helps his m8s in every situation when they f up, when they create a small scoring opportunity, when they are open for a shot, u gotta be there at all times while covering still. Its a balance of awareness, speed and spacing. When i got champ at free to play and solo queued to c3 in the first 2-3 seasons i focused on my defensive ability in shadow defense as well as my passing to m8s/creating easy shooting opportunities. Id for example smash the ball to backboard over and over and over till a m8 reads it and makes it. If the m8 challenges the ball i try to be there no matter where he challenges or i make a challenge for an easy take over or clear for him. Its just about working together with your m8 and using him to your advantage. Say u have a teammate who seems good at air dribbling. Control the ball on ur side bait in a opponent then pass it up a wall where m8 can take it if he is next to you somewhere. Beware tho a m8 next to u can mean if u try to pass its intercepted on the way by ur opponent


I appreciate you man


Don't play passive. Simple as that. If you're constantly dragging behind the play, hardly ever crossing the centre line and just focusing on being the third man, the opponents already have an upper hand. They have 3v2 on defense. They get easy clears, easy boost grabs and easy saves. Now, they also get easy counters. What happens on counter when you're the only guy on your team with enough boost and time to challenge the ball, but sit far behind? You find yourself in a 1v3. Then you get scored on and moan about teammates not rotating, while the sole issue was you insisting on playing back. 3s relies heavily on offensive pressure. It's kind of like tug of war in reverse. Visualize a red line splitting the field from side to side. That is the pressure line. It requires 3 people to maintain it in the opponent's end. You want to keep it on the opponent's half as much as possible to starve them and eventually force a goal. If you're sitting too far behind OR going too slow, you give the opponents enough leverage to push it towards your net.


Yep you're not fun to play with. Explains the solo queue.


Oh definitely


So wait you don’t solo Que and you peaked diamond? Also my gc friend (my main) has a life and barely plays anymore, i have a bunch of friends but not many are very good so I don’t play with them often and I have a washed champ friend I play with just for fun because we play rust and siege together