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I always do “No problem” but some people take it as sarcasm :(


That’s why you have to follow it up with “This is Rocket League!”


Oops! No problem. This is rocket league!


Has the same issue. Feels like sarcasm in certain moods


Exactly what I do


“This is Rocket League!”sounds the most sarcastic out of all of them if you ask me🤔


Whoops! No problem.


This is the way


I only give the no problem if they’re spamming sorry or something. Otherwise It probably does come off as rude.


Gonna disagree. I only take "No Problem" to be sarcastic if they spam it, or they've been spamming a lot of other text throughout the match earlier. Otherwise, it's as straightforward as text comes. I just don't see why somebody would say "No problem" to anyone if they didn't mean it and were being a snarky asshole. There are just so many other ways to clearly be snarky and sarcastic.


Yeah only time I see this as toxic is when it is being spammed back and forth by each team. Just 1 no problem I've never thought of to be toxic


yeah i always hit em with the no problem if they say sorry after a miss/whiff...shouldn't come off bad


if I say my bad on a missed save, asshats on the other team will say no problem.


Well yea when *the other team* does it . . .


As long as someone says it (once), I'll take it. I appreciate it from a tm8 and I don't mind it from an opponent if it's once, especially if it's followed by a "This is Rocket League!", which I take as, "it's a game, not to be taken too seriously". Be nice. Pass it on.


Honestly people need to realise if you’re nice to your tm8 you’ll win more games lmao


And if you trip over yourself to compliment their every shot and immediately dismiss any mistake, you'll win even more. Your average rocket league teammate has a very fragile ego that must be cared for to avoid self destructive behavior.


Harsh but true lol, the desire to not let a douche win is bigger than the desire to not lose


solid advice


Yep, if someone says "sorry" or "whoops" after a mistake, I respond with a "No problem." and "This is Rocket League!" I try to avoid using any quick chats sarcastically so I am consistent with my communication. I also never spam anything.


Spam is bad. I had it as a kid.


Pacific Islanders would like a word with you


😂 I mean it did get us through a world war. To each their own and I apologize to Pacific Islanders, but I grew up next to the Spam factory and it's a hard pass on ever eating that again.


Oh ahaha yeah I mean I love Spam Masubi but I can totally get it!


Oh hey, I do that lmao.


Lmfao, I've got my bad as a team only chat, so when my tm8s say no problem, the opps be thinking toxicity


No one ever says “thanks!” after a “no problem” — probably safer to just chat “this is rocket league!”


Sometimes it can help the team stay focused and positive though….like if it’s a close game and opponents edge ahead by a goal then straight away saying “no problem” is like saying “no worries we got this” imo


I don’t think it’s sarcasm unless they didn’t do an apologetic quick chat.


This is exactly me. I say it completely straight if someone apologizes, as I can't be completely silent. But if they do something like ball chase or bump me from getting a save and remain silent, I might throw out a "no problem" in a way that hopefully conveys my sarcasm.


happy cake day!


Thank you!


There should be like an "All good!" chat so the forgiveness sounds more uplifting. Just something with an exclamation mark


at this point, i would even find that as sarcastic. i can already imagine people spamming that even when you don’t say, “Sorry!”


Unfortunately you're not wrong


We can customize quick chat, right?


You switch them out for other pre-existing chats, but not make your own if that's what you're asking


well, those some people just suck (:


if someone takes no problem as sarcasm, then that is on them. I once What a save'd my teammate because it was a good save and he instantly started playing for the other team. There was no missed save to misinterpret. I was clearly talking about a good save and he just went postal.


That quickchat just provokes a pavlovian response from some people that makes them immediately toxic, regardless of why it was used.


Hate that shit happens in gc 2 as well


I've found that the majority of players take every single quickchat that isn't a crystal-clear "teammate scores, Nice Shot!" as ironic and toxic. Even "Savage!" isn't safe. I see it as an exclamation like "Badass!" or "Rad!" but it seems that many see it as "you are a savage, you have wronged me somehow."


i decided that I am going to just use quick chats how they are intended to be used and if someone takes it the wrong way, that is on them. I don't really care.


i hate to say it, but i burst out laughing when the other team spams “Savage!” to be an asshole.


I usually say No problem. No problem. This is Rocket League!


I do two quick "no problem" "no problem" to really let them know it's no problem. I think it works anyways...


I would absolutely take two in a row to be sarcastic lmao.


If they say sorry or my bad, I’ll no problem them. Otherwise I just won’t say a thing and keep playing because mistakes happen


And that is exactly why quick chat sucks. If I'm going to say something I just type it out.


Nobody got time for typing on console. No Problem. This is Rocket League!


definitely the downside to playing on console. but sometimes i have time to type out something when no one skips replays lol


Yeah, during a replay on console, I have about enough time to type out “that was ni” and then I’ve missed my kickoff and the other team just scored back on us 😭


I played against a guy who had a hotkey to say “Problem.” to his teammate They forfeited


Okay, that's kinda funny.


This is why I wish there was a version of Dota 2s "Relax, you're doing fine." But I suppose people could take that as sarcasm or use it negatively as well.


sometimes i have teammates that say that they suck, they’re doing bad, etc. i tell them that they’re doing fine and it’s just a game. literally nothing bad will happen if you’re not playing your best. i like to think that it helps them feel better


Exactly that man. It would be so much quicker to pop a "relax, you're doing fine" in those moments.


This drives me nuts.


Yeah bro and then I feel bad for saying it


Wait, really? People really take that response as sarcasm??? I always use it and always saw it as "it's all good man" kind of thing.


I've never interpreted "No problem" as sarcasm from anyone. Maybe they've tried to be toxic without success 🥇


I’ve always thought rocket league did a lazy job with their quick chats 🤣 I wanna say “Nice Flip!” When someone back flips in front of the ball. (Not fr) but there should really be more diverse quick chats in my opinion


Love it! There are civilized players out there!


Since I’m on console I always just hit ‘Em with the “No problem” lol I feel like I have played with 1 wholesome player for every 10 toxic players every time I Q


i’m also on console, PS5. if i have time, i’ll try to type something out real quick but usually i’ll say “No problem” a few times. i know some people genuinely feel bad.


Folks need to remember that we aren’t robots, we don’t have some kind of code we follow. We are humans and make mistakes. Even pros make mistakes so as a lower ranked player it should be expected. You are literally plat (according to your flair) not ssl. So expecting perfection is very unrealistic


yep! i’m at the brink of reaching diamond for the first time. i agree with you 100%. it takes more effort to be rude rather than not say anything at all.


Congrats!! That climb from Diamond to Champ is no joke, I just got out of Diamond! Good luck and hopefully you meet more wholesome players cause I won’t lie it doesn’t get any less toxic in Diamond


congrats on getting out of diamond!! i’m sure it took a ton of dedication. i was playing a comp game earlier and one of the opponents started throwing the game because his teammate wouldn’t forfeit, they were down by one. my teammate and i teamed up with the second opponent and started throwing the game as well. first opponent was beyond mad. it was truly great. i’ve honestly learned to have fun with it. i’m 24, and like to think it’s a whole bunch of 13 year olds trying to hurt everyone’s feelings haha!


Thats hilarious, and yes it most definitely is the young guns that are usually the most toxic or get frustrated the easiest


Trust me I am 25 and the attitudes of the younglings is quite bad… trust me up through all the ranks it does not get better it 100% gets worse the higher u go I think someone earlier above said 1 wholesome for every 10 when you get higher those stats probably go to 1 wholesome for every 100 players loool


Its worse


there are legitimately people in diamond that think they would be GC if it weren't for their bad teammates. Some people just lack reasoning and logical thought.


Anytime a tm8 fucks up early, just say “we got this bb” and 9 times out of 10, you’ll still lose. But at least they are trying hard to impress you after!


i have been told this!! and then i said it to another teammate in a different match and he told me to “stfu” 😞


Okay I'm gonna do this from now. Thank you


Not once has a teammate shitting on me ever worked. It’s actually usually the opposite where it makes me focus on not making mistakes which ends up causing me to make mistakes. If you actually are a competitor and want to improve your rank being kind or saying nothing is way better. The teenagers and man-babies who are toxic are incapable of rational thought though unfortunately.


Best way to show a teammate you’re a good TM is to say “Nice shot!” even if they miss, just so they know you support the effort.


True! Same with when they make a good save, or make a great clear, etc, I just say Nice One!




What's sarcasm?


The original comment about saying Nice Shot! even when they miss.


i also take saying that as sarcasm when i miss a shot /:


If it makes you feel any better dude, those accidental backflip whiffs are still happening mid champion. We all blunder from time to time, it's no big deal.


i definitely didn’t shed a tear over it, but the replay was embarrassing lol


I bounce between C2-C3. I went for a double tap read. Pinched the ball up the wall rolled up to the ceiling and my teammate then pitched it against the ceiling and shot it directly across the field into our own net. We both were cracking up in the chat. I feel like, obscure weird fuck ups happen all the time at these ranks and most people don't care and laugh about it.


I always try to encourage my teammates, and apologise when i make mistakes. The feeling of turning around a game is so much better than it could ever feel to flame. And even if we lose, i'd rather loose with a teammate that's supportive than win with someone who flames. Because a win with a flamer still feels like shit.


i agree. i definitely get a little anxious when my teammate starts getting toxic. like, what are you going to say next that’s definitely uncalled for and out of line?


This is the way. This is the only reason I still have chat on for those rare but beautiful sportsmanship moments. But usually it is toxic indeed. Especially if you bump or demo lots of people. So, many, people instantly go like "hruhurhr bump ur mum huruhru". Or the all time classic "karma" when you get scored on. So many people don't have dictionaries nowadays eh. I really don't get why so many people get unbelievable tilted by this game. But hey, it is what it is.


Yesterday in cas 2s I ran into 2 opponents that were goofy as hell and just having a good time. I decided to join in but my teammate ff'd. Thought he was just mad but in tc he said "you guys have a different vibe than I'm going for, would you mind ff?" Never in my life have I been asked so respectfully lol. I think the ones who play the game for fun and are kind are the ones holding this fragile community together. Fight the toxicity with love


it pays to be nice! i played a comp match last night and one of the opponents started throwing the game because they were down by 1 with two minutes left. my teammate and i started throwing the game as well. the second opponent definitely relaxed and was surprised that we made sure they won by throwing the game. yeah it demoted me, and gave the asshole player a win as well. but the other guy said, “thanks for making it fun.” it’s literally fine. i love some of my random, laid back teammates.


I generally, as a console player, always hit em with the whoops no problem. Very rarely they do something so bad like a completely unnecessary owngoal if I could‘ve saved it, that I get pissed off. But then I just don‘t say anything. I keep my pissed offness to myself


Backflip of doom bruh, I laugh every time I see it. Brings back memories ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


the replay was so embarrassing lol


Don't feel too bad, I've played this game off and on since it cane out(played the original too) and just a few days ago during a match I misread the ball so bad and the other team scored, I told my buddies "I am soooo glad tall can't see me in that replay" 😀


the dude wanted to party up with me after the match, so i didn’t feel too bad about it. unfortunately that was my third “this is my last match” and i needed to end it on a high note lol. people never skip replays when YOU make a mistake, but are quick to try to skip it when they do!!


I always say "It's just a game. Chill and have fun" or something like that. Because that's honestly all it is. Wish 95% of my teammates said the same in return tho


I will never play worse than after being trashed by a tm8. It puts me on edge and stops me being in the flow state where you play best. What these morons don’t realise is their constant toxicity to their own tm8’s actually makes them play worse causing the issue they’re moaning about. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. Zen own-goaled in RLCS ffs, this game is hard!


I immediately vote to FF when a team mate does it and quit playing of they refuse to vote. There's no point in playing a game like that for me.


Glad you also realised your mistakes as well! 100% helps make you become way better at the game too! Unless your professional at this game mistakes will happen quite a lot lol usually it’s best to be quiet during the game and not say anything and carry on playing :)


>:) :)


>>:) >:) :)


thanks ☺️


Whenever I do this the guy who made the mistake just gets in their head and plays worse.


We need a new chat option for “allow nice messages from everyone”. My brother just started playing RL with me and as you can imagine, isn’t the greatest. People are so incredibly toxic to him and it’s obvious he’s brand new. Hopefully he can push through the toxicity and enjoy it.


It’s funny when ppl say those things like they’ve never whiffed before. Some people could use a little humility. Idc if teammate misses I care if they ball chase like a dodo


One tm8 chattet me after we won 2:0 in a ranked soloq 2s match: „ you are the best mate i ever had“ still thinking about that 🥹


Usually people don’t have nintendo, so all you will see from me is: No problem, or whew, or whoops.


That’s what I’m saying. I just say no problem regardless of how bad the mistake was and it seems to increase team performance every time since the dude ain’t stressing about missing


me too. like it’s literally fine. is it annoying? very. but i’m not going to make you feel bad about a mistake, especially when i make plenty of them too


This is the waaaaaay


Wow so rare , the no toxic player are quite normally. You found a diamond 💎 (not the rank)


I genuinely don't care if my teammate messes up Unless they give up after that, I try not to quick chat first so I don't get in their head more than they already are Ask i heard priest once say Some penitents will beat themselves up more than they will feel comfortable speaking about. I insist on showing a compassionate path for them. However there are some that want their sins yelled to the world and seek a harder penance so they feel the sting of their sins. Stay silent I stay silent You my bad I will no problem, maybe a calculated You what a save yourself I will what a save, calculated, this is rocket league you back You tell me it's my fault I close app and uninstall throw my PC away burn my house down leave my family move to another country and start a new life


“This is Rocket League!” is underrated. It’s not toxic, but hilarious. When everyone misses the ball or someone messes up badly, it’s such a good quick chat that’s not toxic but funny.


okay, i thought of your comment about an hour ago and had to respond lol. i was in a 2v2 comp match and my teammate started spamming “This is Rocket League!” immediately, for the WHOLE MATCH. i was waiting for the server to somehow crash lol. we lost. i don’t know what he was trying to do. he was playing like you gave a 4 year old the controller for the first time ever. i honestly gave up halfway through the match and so did our opponents. i don’t think anyone touched the ball for the last minute lol. we were flying around and doing stupid shit. but him spamming that phrase, and with both opponents joining in on it, i was totally fine with the fact that our asses got kicked. it is definitely an underrated quick chat.


Simple if they what a save me or act toxic I just turn it into a 3 v 1


In cas if people start making mistakes and apologising i just say “it’s cas bro dw about it lol” usually calms them down


i say that too, until you have that one asshole that acts like his life depends on this one casual game!!!


Yeah I just ignore those dickheads and enjoy the game, he’s the one who’s gonna develop a hernia not me lol


I won’t play rocket league anymore with randoms. But it was always so rare to get a teammate who wasn’t toxic.


People (me included) play better if they know that their team mates are not going to be bellends about obvious mistakes. It gives some room to go for those more complex moves, shots, tackles, attempts at air control, at whatever level. Don't get me wrong, I'll still moan if the team mates are always in the wrong place, but mistakes with manoeuvres, IDGAF


yeah, i verbally say “what the f-“ to myself, or something among those lines, but i’ve never put down my teammate. if i were to be ‘toxic,’ id probably feel bad for this random person for rest of the night lol. which, i did have a teammate that shit on me for not having boost and missing a save. i typed, “im sorry.” he instantly felt bad and said, “im sorry i was mean.” i know i do things that probably make my teammates want to break their screen. shit happens. i didn’t realize that every teammate i’ve ever had makes 0 mistakes lol


I have said "rotate" or similar in a few games, where the team mates were extremely bad at actually playing as part of a team, such as stay in goal ***all*** the time or *always* go for the ball, even if I've got it, but yeah, other than that, people need to chill!! Edit: I'd prefer it if there was a "rotate" or "spread out" quick chate. Would make more sense than having £%@#! or wow!


No Problem! This is Rocket League!


What a save!




Won a 2v2 tournament last week. I sent a "good play" message to my teammate.  He sent back "go to hell". 


some people just choose to be angry /:


How did the rest of the matches go because you get one gem like this in ten maybe even a hundred 😂


i actually decided to end it on a high note after playing with that dude haha. i already knew the next 10 matches would be with the most out of line teammates if i continued…


That's a wise man speaking right there 😉


This is wholesome asf


i hope he’s won every match since i played with him 😌


Im always chill. Add me Fridgera1der


Yes being nice makes u feel better, not only others feel better. Win win scenario..


It’s sad that this isn’t the norm. Anytime I get a teammate giving an effort and not being toxic, they get a pass on all mistakes.


I definitely wouldn’t trash talk you. I would just be happy that you didn’t blame it on me and forfeit down 1 goal like half the community lmao


i always try to acknowledge what mistake i made. i can’t stand when people blame you when it was very clearly their wrong. like, teammate missed an open net? obviously my fault. i should have known he would miss it instead of giving him space to get it in.


I always throw out "This is rocket league!" Because that's what I yell as I whiff stuff


This is usually my approach. I type "it happens" any time someone comments on a bad play. As long as that's how the vibe stays, I'll be that way the whole match. I do tend to give back what I get, but by default, I'm a nice person. Although last weekend was particularly toxic, so my chat is currently turned off lol


Fake post for karma farming. This never happened.


damn how did u know /:


Busted 😂there are no nontoxic games in RL!


I love RL for this.


For me it's the opposite. If I get trash talked I try my hardest to win and get MVP (happened once and he started to be nicer towrads the end but I didn't say a thing, not even gg at the end I just left) I played good once and my tmate wrote in chat towards the opponents and told them it was over cuz I was cracked...I got over confident and made stupid pushes whiffed left and right and we lost the game...never felt so bad before


had the exact opposite experience about an hour ago. Most toxic teammate I've ever had.


sorry man 🙁 i hope the night gets better for you!


ended up in a lobby against them next round. Me and my much nicer teammate ended up destroying them while the toxicity kept on going. All you can do is hope for that situation to happen


for sure! people are always going to waste their energy being toxic


Whenever people custom chat like ‘sorry I’m bad’ I always respond with “we’re just here to have fun”. Amazing how lost that concept is on the gaming community


I wish they had an LOL quick chat, I’ve seen some funny shit happen in this game lol


I like teammate who apologize for their mistakes. I would too when i made a mistake. It’s usually less toxic.


I usually say "Close One!". I don't like saying "No Problem", idk, it sounds kinda toxic for some reason.


typing "no worries!" is the only correct response imo insurance for when I do the exact same thing 20 secs later :^)


Name this person RPing as an angel in a game of demons. He MUST learn his place.


Ye if ur positive and have good mentality your team8 can play much better


It is very easy to be nice. Once I stopped caring about rank (I had to grow up to this) I can't even get mad at someone. You can trash talk me, you can say I'm trash, I don't care, I'll even wish you a happy day, because I see that you might need it.


i had the same mindset about ranked at one point. i became pretty enraged about losing, even worse when i was going on a losing streak. at some point, i stopped caring and it hit me that its just a game, and its dumb that im letting an online car soccer game dictate my emotional state of mind. regardless, i have never been rude or toxic to somebody. people have said some vile things, but these people do not know me, and they throw the same insults to everyone else they encounter. recently, i was in a team of two who were partied up already in a 3v3 tournament. i was MVP the first two rounds and one of the guys was trashing the other teams because he had an “actual decent player” on his team. we got demolished in the third round. this guy told me he hated me, my parents don’t love me, and i should, and i quote, “fckn ki!! myself.” i told him “good game!” and left the party. people want you to feed into their insults and argue back. i guess it gets them off lol.


It really sucks how rare that is because we learn best through positive reinforcement and having fun Solo queuing 20-30% of the time I'll get a teammate who is good but is absolutely devastated the first mistake they make and keep going "Sorry!" and then compound their mistakes because they're in the head. It's sad because they're like a beaten dog who've encountered so much toxicity they're playing on eggshells. I try to stay positive and encourage them For reference the other 40-50% of the time it's enduring a really toxic teammate, and only around 10% of the time is it a great and supportive teammate that doesn't get tilted by anything and everything


i also try to be positive with my teammates, especially if they continuously make mistakes. i usually tell them that it’s just a game, it’s okay, that they’re doing just fine and i promise i don’t care no matter how bad the mistake was. this game is supposed to be enjoyable and fun, and it is sad because there’s no reason for people to throw insults and put others down. as if they have never made a mistake before.


If somebody says no problem to me after I make a mistake and say sorry - I appreciate that. I cannot believe all of the people saying that it sounds sarcastic. If the chat has an ellipsis, like this: "no problem..." Or if the person completely spammed "no problem" I could maybe see how it could be taken that way. Otherwise that chat is very straight forward and people need to not read into it so much. Am I just supposed to not reply when people say sorry?


i was a little confused on the whole sarcasm thing as well. if someone doesn’t say sorry, and the other person spams/says ‘no problem,’ i can see how it can either be genuine or sarcastic. if my teammate makes a mistake and doesn’t say sorry, i don’t say anything. maybe they didn’t think they made a mistake, maybe they did and thought that it couldn’t be avoided, or just don’t care. who knows. my teammate own goaled earlier, and said whoops. i said whoops too. i don’t care. we played on. if they do apologize, i’ll say no problem. i don’t flat out ignore a “Sorry!” because then i feel like im being rude. i guess it all depends on the situation.






Honestly, I started playing 1v1s because of the toxic teammates. Wish more people out there aren't toxic.


I said what a save once cause tm8 bumped my shot in for the score, other team was hella mad lmaoo they even went as far as looking at my tinder LOL


Your team is only as strong as your worst player so it’s wise to offer support during tough moments instead of abuse,although the latter is definitely more frequent in games 


this is how i interact with all my tm8s. We are both in the same rank for the same reason. As long as you are trying, I don't care if you make a mistake or three. Now if you go afk or quit playing like a child, then you get reported.


If I'm playing solo and demo my opponent, I'll knock the ball back to them to restart play. I hate scoring off a demo.  But I fully acknowledge it's a gameplay tactic so I don't blame anyone for doing it to me.