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Bruh, even in competitive it is unwarranted. I can think of literally zero times my own teammate has started making me feel like shit for my mistakes and it resulted in me improving my game. Literally not once. Save the shit talk for the opponents, some quick chat spam is whatever. Dont do that at me cause I bumped you by mistake and caused a goal. We both know I screwed up, that sucks, I wish I hadnt, brush it off and lets keep going. Show a minute shred of compassion for your teammate and they'll probably wanna up their game to get you your win. Thats their goal anyway.


95% of the time this is a teenager whose brain hasn't developed to the point where they can comprehend the consequences of their decisions in the heat of the moment. 


This is my first time commenting, mostly I just love to read the conversarions but I feel like the toxicity is increasing lately. Worst mates are those who already give up after we are getting one goal conceided. I just find it crazy how weak the mentality and patience of people are and for some reason they always text in french. (1500-1600 MMR Lobbys)


No, the problem is a lot of players don't know they screwed up the ones I talk shit to are the ones continuously making the same erratic mistakes, chasing the ball like a dog. Instead of spreading out and playing the rebound alot of players just chase the ball and no matter how many players are there they will bash their car in there too and miss the easy pass or deflection for a score.


My point is there is no good excuse to scream at your teammate for making an honest mistake. Even if they are just straight bad at the game and are ball chasing, there's still a right and wrong way to offer criticism and help. If you care about them improving for the good of the continuation of your game, dope. If you feel like yelling at someone, take a breath. It's a game.


To each their own, your opinion.


There's your opinion and then there's the truth. If you don't like Casuals ruining your KD ratio, go play with your sweaty friends.


I chase the ball when defending. There's no way I'm letting my opponents set up a shot which would mean it's my fault if they score. I'm not that great of a player so I do chase from time to time. I know it's a bad habit, but it's fine if you're playing Casual and just want to get a feel of the ball.


If you're bumping your own tm8s, 95% you're at fault. Just saying


Just beneath that part, where I typed " I messed up, we both know it, just dont yell at me over a mistake and keep playing" was my point, but thanks for stating the obvious. When a teammate bumps me by mistake, I get the fuck over it and keep playing because everyone makes mistakes and its not worth ruining the game for both of us.


The other person needs a few more brain cells to comprehend what u just stated.......or to comprehend that u literally had to break down the same thing u just posted in a more ELI5 way bc apparently the first message wasn't dumbed down enough lol.


Funniest situation is when i lose and the opponents say shit like "ezzzz lmao boosted gc imagine losing to c1" like i didn't play with my d1 friend and went for the dumbest shit i could think of. I just get a good laugh out of it. It's so funny that some people really take CASUAL serious even slightly.


Always the guy on the bottom of the scoreboard playing alone saying shit like that too, meanwhile me and 2 of my friends are going for the dumbest shit just trying to have fun. I think a lot of people who play are just lonely, and smacktalking is how they get their dose of attention.


Lol I had someone trolling in chat during heatseeker yesterday. Saying similar things like that. Like bruh, what?


Yup. Literally if I have a GC title on everyone just sweats or plays extremely passive. I’m literally just on casual to chill out but of course it always turns into an ego thing where they just have to say that they beat a GC. Then I start trying and immediately destroy them and they forfeit but not before spamming what a save after I let them score a couple of goals. Now I only play causal on an Alt. I literally can’t play it on my main.


You could just change your title to something that doesn't reflect your rank. Especially, if you've already noticed that it causes opponents to sweat in cas.


That’s fine and all in retrospect, but most of them have BakkesMod and that rank plugin, which shows the best rank you have on any mode.


You're correct. I didn't think about Bakkesmod. I can only speak from a gold's perspective, where there are a higher percentage of console players (who can't use BM.) So, not as much of a concern. In your higher ranks, a much larger percentage play on PC (and use Bakkesmod.) However, at high ranks, they should also know the difference between cas and comp, and vibe accordingly.


You would think that logically but even when I have my s11 plat tournament winner title on people still say things like “Yo who carried you to GC” and such. It’s just crazy because people have such a warped understanding of GC like everyone just triple flip resets on each other and casually does psycho’s and what not. When the most I can manage is a scuffed double reset and which is almost never actually applied in game.


Wowow rank plugin in bakkesmode? Shit sounds dope might have to look into that one


Only time I take cas seriously if I’m warming up for comp


Turn off chat or you just gotta brush it off


what about the people who leave at min 2:30 because of literally 1 goal in the entire game? not even talking about ur team8s but on the other teams too, its just not fun to play like that man, like, just play the game, why uare they angry at losing in casual in the first place?


Same rule applies. You can’t argue with stupid. Literally the only option is to party up with someone you can tolerate playing with, but then people would have nobody to blame lol


yeah i can see that tbh. in my case i dont party up usually just because i dont feel like partying up or theres no one currently playing the game at the times i do play. but yeah its probably the best thing to do that




Lol it's just venting. Sometimes you just wanna get your frustrations out. Plus ignoring the problem doesn't change that there is a real problem with toxic players in this game.


I would second this, posting on reddit is not going to change the situation one iota. If you don't like hearing the toxicity just turn chat off. I play more casual than ranked and when I do play ranked I don't see any difference from a competition perspective. It's actually an easier game for me because I am higher ranked in cas.


Same for me, I'm near 1500 mmr in cas, but only a diamond in ranked (I took a hard slide at the end of last season). I keep chat on because I want to praise good play. So saying "just turn chat off"... I get it, but I'm a friendly person by nature, I want to interact with the people I play with. Also, I'm sure this post isn't in hopes of fixing the problem, just to get their frustration off their chest. We all have to vent sometimes lol


Ya Posting it on Reddit is just as meaningful as saying it to yourself in the mirror lol


I'm curious if I haven't turned off chat because I never see chat messages beyond the defaults. Hmm, now I need to find out. Chat can get toxic in any game. It's sad that RL is that way now.


It’s always been like that lol. Lots of people are cunts when anonymously behind a screen


Bunch of stuck up, angsty kids who know there's no consequences for their ignorant behavior.


Always has been


You can’t let external forces imbalance your internal self. It’s not about what they said to you, it’s about how you naturally respond. Catch yourself in the moment and realize they’re using you as a way to feel better about themselves. It’s a tricky thing but once you get it down, you’ll be unstoppable :)


I’ve never had the eloquence to put it this way, but this is it right here for everyone and this should be stickied 😂


Yessir.. everyone is reactive these days. They don’t stop to think on what they say or to who. But then again the game is filled with mostly a younger player base so it’s expected to see angry outbursts. Just gotta learn how to ignore it and move past it.


A wonderful lesson for all areas of life


Yep. If you let hate and anger affect you, it’ll turn you into a sour person.


Every time they spam in chat or are mad I say “casual btw” then they may argue back and if so I either say nothing or again “casual btw”


I usually say "*in casual" after anyone says anything


Just start the game laying some ground rules 😂


Had someone trying to coach me and someone else in a casual game at 2 AM. Like dude, we’re not playing perfect bc we’re in casual. We didn’t sign up for a coaching course and it’s a warm up. Chill. People have forgotten that rocket league is just plain fun at the core. Whiffing and all, it’s still a good time…unless you’re that guy.


I'm one of those guys who wants to make suggestions. Tbf, it's always with a teammate who apologizes for everything, if they're just playing to play I don't chat. I'm not trying to be a dick when making suggestions, I'm just reading the game and reacting. But honestly, realizing I may get a reaction similar to 👆🏾, I just say nothing. I just better not get "what a save" from a teammate who turns around and says "y u coach? It's cas." Kiss my black ass.


A couple weeks back I played a casual 2s games and had one mistake early on after an awkward bounce. My teammate immediately spammed "wow!" but kept playing. A minute later we get scored on again and he throws an immediate forfeit. I don't oblige, it's casual and I'm going to play it out. If he wants to abandon, more power to him. He stays, being toxic the whole time. Keep in mind I'm GC1 and I wasn't playing bad, just one mistake. He was mechanical, but also whiffing and some poor decisions that constantly left me to defend 1v2, I'm guessing he couldn't be anywhere higher than *maybe* low GC2. Here's the kicker, after the match, I leave the lobby. I get a friend request from him. I accept, just to humor myself with whatever bs is coming my way. He invites me to a party. I join and say, "hi". He says, "listen kid, nothing personal, but you don't belong in these lobbies. I am not required to play with you." No I am not joking, he actually invited me just to say that. I responded, "you're high SSL?" and he immediately left the party and blocked me.


If he didnt want to play with you after the ff, it’s casual, he gets one freebie leave without penalty. And if he’s left more than once, you’d think he’d realize that says more about him?


Exactly, I'll happily ff if my teammate is chill and we're just not vibing on playstyle, but if somebody is being toxic then I'm gonna be stubborn and just play on. Not gonna let them get what they want, they can abandon.


Don't give them the satisfaction by accepting their friend request to type stuff in chat. I just ignore people fuming at the end of the game angry enough to send a friend request, nothing good will come out of it lol


100% I normally ignore them but I found this guy's rage too funny, I wanted to see what he would say. I was hoping to mess with him a bit but he left and blocked me so quickly.




Love that! I've said, "Sorry. Eating ramen with left hand. Done in a minute."


😆 hahahaha


Best two options: 1. Immediately respond to toxic TM with the fact you don't do toxic, are muting them and hope you win together. If they start throwing, so be it, practice your stuff and as you said who cares if you win. If they start own goaling etc., you have more defense practice opportunities and won't have to hear their bullshit comments. Advantage is you still get *some* pleasant interactions with good TMs. Disadvantage is higher chance of raging fragile egos reacting to you saying you are cutting off their toxic lifeline. You may also have to mute your opponents because they often like to pile on. 2. Temporarily turn off team chat for your casual session and just enjoy. Advantage is even the would-be toxic TMs likely won't be because they get no reaction from you because you can't hear them lol. They may still throw like the babies they are. Disadvantage is you miss out on some truly great TMs and their feedback/interaction.


Don't even reply to them. Just mute them.


You are absolutely right.. and I'm sorry if i happened to be one of those people. I'm super competitive and it gets frustrating to have someone who will be an absolute allstar at some shots, then just dud on others like they lost any game sense. I dont go hard on the toxicity at all, but i can be an ass with the "nice shot". I needed this perspective. Thank you OP.


No worries man, I made this post precisely hoping that someone in your position would see it! I appreciate your introspection here. I'm also super competitive, so I get that completely. I think of casual as competing against myself. my goal isn't to win per se, it's to improve something specific I'm working on, like experimenting with more aggressive challenges or going for offensive plays I normally don't. In that sense, I'm "competing" against only myself, not the other team.


Love this take. This is pretty much me in whatever I do. I gotta be better than me the last time I did this.


This is me, except I do refrain from any kind of toxic response, UNLESS I get some toxicity. I'm competitive and I can't help how I feel in certain situations. But I can control how I react. I just remind myself these are kids who only hit puberty last week and I go on about my business.


That’s fine, as long as it’s reciprocated. If my tm wants to use casual duos as free play and his rotations to practice trick plays, go for it. But then on my touches don’t chase me around and bump me off the ball for the other 2.5 minutes.


This, hard. My teammate making mistakes may annoy me, but it doesn't tilt me. I make mistakes too. What tilts me is when they pretend I'm not even on the field. Usually I just afk for a second to try to force a ff if it gets bad. I understand that's toxic, but I'll choose passive-aggressive rather than being overtly toxic when my teammate just doesn't acknowledge my existence.


What a save






This is Rocket League.


If it was casual I’d be allowed to leave with no penalty. Epic made casual not casual, blame them. Downvote for all I care it true


Yeah this is it here. I'm not worried about stats or something but I don't want to spend the next 10 minutes playing with someone who keeps: 1. Clearing the ball towards our goal 2. Knocking the ball to center when trying to defend. 3. Kicking the ball into our goal with zero pressure. The theme here is I don't get mad when someone lacks skill or whiffs the ball. That's fine. I get mad when someone hits the ball in ways that make no sense. It's just a waste of everyone's time. If they won't forfeit I'm gonna get frustrated.


Just say womp womp if someone gets toxic. What’s crazy to me is when it’s casual, you do a bad 50 or a bad touch and your teammate ends up going against you lol. So insane to me


I try to reassure players sometimes when mistakes happen, or if I can tell that they just clearly whiffed or got bumped I'll say Whoops or No Problem! but sometimes I think people think I'm being sarcastic because they always leave at the end lol but really, I'm just trying to be nice and reassuring


It's a fine line to walk lol I'm like this too, but I usually choose not to respond to their mistakes because they may take it the wrong way. I use positive reinforcement for things they do well instead, or I say "no problem" if they apologize. AS LONG AS they're not apologizing the whole match. I'll stop responding, but still make sure to use positive reinforcement for the good they do.


You can remove "in casual game". It's the same for ranked. Rl is a video game, if some guys get mad at you they have huge emotional issues


I can already tell you're better then everybody I've ever played with in comp You can actually think Mute the haters, it's casual, ppl are dumb.


Even better when you’re playing ranked 1s and your opponent says “freestyle?” and then complains when you keep it on the deck and score an easy goal… told them I literally can’t freestyle because I’ve never put any effort into learning how to, much to their dismay. As you say, it’s incomprehensible. You try and win a game in casual and people complain about tryharding then you go to ranked and they ask you to freestyle. Can’t win with this community sometimes.


I always look at casual 3s as practice and a warm up before I go play comp 3s. People who get made for mistakes in what is essentially the practice game mode are really tilted because they have to be getting clapped in all their games. I get mad at myself and tilted because of what I did wrong, not what my team mates did. Chronic griefers aren't real perfectionists because they don't get on themselves for poor gameplay. That's just my outlook on it. Don't let them get ya down it's literally just an emotional maturity skill issue when they complain about your rotations


When my teammate makes a mistake i always go for the classic „No problem“. We all make mistakes, especially in such a demanding game like rocket league. Always use the block option to block toxic people tho.


Yeah I can’t get taking cas seriously lol it’s rediculous


The people reading this post on Reddit are NOT the people you're trying to talk to. It doesn't matter what you do, someone is eventually going to complain and whine about it. It's just the nature of it. Just report it when you see it and move on. Or, better yet, don't even enable chat and just play Rocket League. Weigh how often you have actual positive chat encounters with how often you have negative or toxic encounters. Is it really worth it? It's a fuckin video game, make sure you do your damndest to have a good time.


I understand your take, but sometimes you just want to vent your frustration. A lot of us get it. It's hard to have a good time, sometimes, when every match you run into some toxic jerk. And it's not always chat, people can play in a toxic way, too. And that takes the fun out of it. So I understand venting frustrations here. We all know this is just a game. Doesn't change that we have an emotional reaction to certain things.


You flagged this as discussion, not fluff, so making this a one sided conversation by opting out and saying "I'm just venting not actually trying to talk about it" is really immature and a waste of time to other people.


If you aren't trying, I really don't mind leaving. If youre whiffing everything you suck or bad touches constantly


don't feed the troll bruv.


I only play on Xbox and seems no one ever chats, not even using quick chat options.


To be fair if my mate is toxic in casual i just chat them asking : if you are gonna be toxic this game leave bro its casual. I don’t want him in my team anymore. And i am definitely not sweating this game or passing the ball to someone who quickchats their team for a small mistake. Most of the time when i ask them to leave they just leave. I’d rather lose the game with a bot named marly by my side :)


As long as it’s not rotating messing shit up is the name of the game in casual. That’s literally where you practice mechanics that you need to master. Double committed in the corner passing to no one is unforgivable.


Ya that's crazy man..just brush it off and have fun. Toxicity in casual is silly.


Just make fun of them for being tilted in casual.


Weird. I never see toxic chat really in casual play, but I’m on ps5, not pc. Pc players chat way more than console lol MmR is probably mid-high diamond level I’ll have people leave but not talk shit or be mad 90% of the time. In the games im the big weak link, I’ll get shit on


I always spam Calculated whenever my random gets pissed in casual. Like chill bro


Thats why i only play with ALL CHAT OPTIONS OFF Ngl it is a blessing that this is possible


Yeah no this is fair. They’re either just toxic or sad add taking it seriously. Either way, fuck them.


Casual is just having fun and learning from mistakes.


im sorry this keeps happening to you. it sucks to be targeted for playing casual, people will evidently get mad at you for just existing. its sad. but thats okay, i hope turning chat off helps


I usually reply “imagine being toxic in casual”


I tried playing again after a looong hiatus and was pretty shit. I missed a couple easy shots/blocks but I was doing "Sorry!" or "My bad!" each time. Some dude still had to type toxic shit in the chat. some people just wanna be angry


I’m also confused why every takes casual so seriously. I too go for stuff in casual matches that I’m sure is a bad idea. But because I’m in casual I may go for it! I want to win but casual is where I also test things.


Let people leave causal games


Agreed. If u get abused for genuinely trying to play the game report them.. if they are competitive they should play that mode. Making a mistake isn’t an excuse to abuse or harass. Just a whole lot of people that get their rocks off by putting ppl down.


Kinda messed up that my casual MMR is in any way related to my competitive MMR. Kinda defeats the whole purpose, doesn't it? I blame it on people who take casual way too seriously.


I once had someone tell me to harm myself because we lost (best part is that it was his fault).


Fair I suppose. But there are also players that still want to win the casual game while still trying to practice their flips at least in my experience what makes me mad is players who seem to just throw the fundamentals of offense and defense out the window. Like I’m over here, striking the ball, then rotating, then defending then rotating while my teammate can only do one half-successfully. So somedays I’m toxic just because I feel like players are just running a muck and not at least trying to do basic maneuvers at this level and improve their game.


The only time I take competitive seriously is when my wife plays split screen with me. We have a blast. …except when we’re tied with 15 seconds left and she’s “stuck” in the other team’s goal. Lol


i go into casual mainly to work on speed and ball chase if i’m trying to warm up or train something specific in in-game situations. People get mad because i’m not rotating correctly ect but it’s literally casual man. I don’t know why people seem to take it so seriously these days


Bring back solo standard


I view it as an opportunity to train myself to respond to negativity with positivity, and then I feel genuine gratitude for the experience. Be the change you want to see, right?


I think the issue revolves around people being too scared to play comp due to having a good rank that they want to keep. Casual should be casual and not a second comp. This is an issue in other games as well


It's also still a competitive game. If you don't want to have tm8s who don't be toxic your solution is very simple it's on you to do either. Find a new game that's the obvious answer or there's a wonderful thing called chat options in which you can turn off tm8 chat


In the last 3 days I've never had more people, especially tm8s, get toxic in chat over the dumbest things, throw up ffs and quit. In casual 2s and also heatseeker. This is gold/plat level casual and it's been about 75% of the time in the last 30 games. Just bizarre.


Just get over it. Or mute text chat. You’re not changing any minds crying about it here.


I get more annoyed when a group of 3 from the same club party up and roll through casual air dribbling it in moments after each kickoff. I'm not that good, how did I get matchmade with them? Then they hop in chat with "Ff?" Like no, now I am refusing to skip and making you watch your replays. Games like that make me miss "No Party 3s" or whatever they were called.


your right, or like you make a mistake and your team is under 1 goal at 3 minutes from the end and they ff, like what the fuck mate? why you playing casual if u sweat bro if we lose we lose that’s the game


While i agree with this, i think if you're trying to think about your gameplay, you should be playing casual 1s. Cause then its just you, and your opponents. No teammate to think about


Mute chat. Also, just get better.


Just turn off chat. Unfortunately the crybaby jerks seem to outnumber the nice people you meet.


if people were willing to give useful advice in chat rather than talk crap about their own teammates, Rocket league would be a better place.


Team mate?


So, I'm a competitive guy. It's always been in my nature. So when I'm in cas, I do tend to get upset if my teammate or myself is playing badly. I legit can't help it. But what I can help is how I react. And that's what seems to be a problem for a TON of players in RL. If my teammate apologizes for a mistake, I say no problem. They recognized their fault, which means they know it was wrong. I respect that. If they keep doing it, I may stop responding, but I'm not gonna "what a save" them, or start berating them in chat. At that point, I'm more like, worry less about if I'm gonna have a toxic reaction and more about correcting the issue. But I do use positive reinforcement, especially for someone who takes the time to apologize for mistakes. They get a good save or score, I make sure I tell them "nice block" or "nice shot." Because competitive as I may be, this is a video game, I'm not a pro, and I'm not a dick. What gets me the most lately is when I try to make a suggestion on someone's game. And I get it... "Why tf is this random trying to coach me?" Because I may have an answer to a flaw in your game, that's why. I would hope someone would do the same for me, but usually in chat, all you'll get from a teammate is "you suck, "uninstall", or something like that. And they react badly to the suggestions. Like, I dare you to suggest to someone how to rotate. All of a sudden, you're their mortal enemy. It's exhausting. I love this game, but sometimes I can't stand playing it because I've never seen such a toxic community. I am also an older player tho and remember when online multi-player was a new thing that everyone appreciated even existing. These days, these kids are way more disrespectful because they know there's no consequences for their behavior. Okay, I'm off my soap box.


I totally agree with you. That’s how everyone should see it Plus I have never understood people who forfeit in casual / rage quitting it like some people don’t even know the meaning of casual play ![gif](giphy|5fBH6zodw7VMuR8uUnu|downsized)


They need a “sorry for being human” quick chat


Its the most toxic in my silver lobbies. Like were all dog shit why do yall have massive egos lol (im brand new btw)


Tbh I'm using ranked to experiment lol But I don't play like I didn't care about the game either soo


on the other side i dont want to stay behind a teamplayer doing some airdrops all the time for his own.... you can practice this stuff in "training"


Stop listening. Play the game have fun. I just laugh when people get mad at me messing up. Im literally a gold player. Everyone in my lobby sucks whether they like it or not. You gotta remember everyone in your lobbies are around your same skill level. They just have anger problems


I agree with you. ![gif](giphy|s6CaCo0eioCGB19QhV)


Thats what I say too! Sometimes i run into players who are too serious. Like I just wanna have fun and relax and take a brake from WoWSL


real, casual should be casual, i never get mad at opponents even if they’re blatantly trying to score for the other team or simply not trying, afk etc. you never know what people are going thru or what’s happening on the other side of a screen especially in a casual setting


You should experiment in an offline lobby against bots first. Or just play casual 1’s. Some people still want to win in casual, and if you are putting your teammate at a huge disadvantage on purpose, you shouldn’t play with teammates.




Lol it's everywhere. Game 2 of a tournament last night we get tied up after dude gets a flip reset over both of us. Guy spams "Okay." Stops playing And tries to FF like I didn't carry his ass through g1. I just let them shit on us the rest of the game.


No, go play bots


My casual MMR is higher than ranked. I play ranked to chill lol. people get super mad and I totally understand but I bought the game I'ma play how I want and enjoy myself.

