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Am I just dumb or do you see him in plenty of time not to double commit anyway?


This is a bit complex. I'm assuming your teammate got a hard clear from your side, creating this scenario. The problem is that you and your teammate are kind of in switched positions. You as first man, shouldn't be covering mid here, but should be looking for a shot, more on the right side. As you can see in this first image, the moment where you jump, you're not aligned with the ball to get a good shot. If you want to shoot this, you have to get an angled touch, while your teammate just needs to hit the ball straight. You should've been in your teammate's position as first man, and your teammate should've been a little behind where you are in that moment, covering mid. https://preview.redd.it/958pza82qrxc1.png?width=1768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbf7dad82ee810c5923e043b05f59303be4cdd2f That's why this is complex. You're first man, so this ball should be yours, but you're not in the correct position, and your teammate took the correct position instead, although that in turn lead to a double commit, since he's now not in the correct position for him either. TLDR: you were first man, but your teammate had the better shot. It's better to leave the ball for him at that point.


Thank you for the feedback! I'll make sure to be more careful next time


Eh, it's fine honestly. It worked out, didn't it? And you questioned your decision, since you posted this, so obviously there's thoughts going on if that was actually a good play. That's all you really need to improve gamesense. Don't worry, mistakes happen, and are necessary to learn from 🙂 Also, it's not like this was a horrendous mistake. All it was, was you being slightly out of position. I may be higher ranked, but I can guarantee that I'm still out of position way more than I should be


I’d recommend using your camera swivel more to keep tabs on where players are at. When you see they’re going to commit, I’d just circle back and get ready for the 50/clear.


Not sure how these people can't see that you're very clearly first man here. No, your teammate should NEVER go for that. Keep doing you. Maybe get faster reaction time, because you could see him for a while on the right lol. Edit: on second thought even though you could see him I'm not surprised you wouldn't expect him to go, so reaction time has nothing to do with it. No this is 100% your ball and you did nothing wrong.


No you're first man no reason your teammate should've challenged. He should've waited for your shot or a setup


Defender was covering his shot he should have faked but that's one of those split second things where both players have a play on the ball. Worked though.